THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND TRADE OF ENGLAND. O. P. Hopkins. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1921, 13 (3), pp 189–197. DOI: 10.1021/ie50135a007. Publication ...
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Mar., 1921




By 0. P. Hopkins 1824 BELMONT ROAD, WASHINGTON, D. C.

England’s predicament when t h e outbreak of hostilities cut off t h e German supply of fine chemicals resembled t h a t of practically all other countries not associated with Germany in t h e war, and her efforts t o free herself from future dependence on t h a t source of supply differ in no important respect from those p u t forth by other nations. W h a t t h e ultimate result of these efforts will be no one can say, but t h e recent very favorable action of t h e government in placing t h e imports of dyes under a license control for 10 yrs. is looked upon in England with intense satisfaction by chemical manufacturers, a n d optimism as t o t h e future has replaced t h e pessimism t h a t has been so noticeable since t h e armistice was signed. England is a n industrial nation, t h e birthplace of the modern factory system. Her prosperity is t h e result of her ability t o manufacture in excess of her own needs a n d t o sell t h e surplus i n foreign markets in competition with able rivals. In t h e chemical industry this has held good in t h e past for only one branch-heavy chemicals. There are no recent statistics t o show t h e extent t o which t h e various commodities included under this heading are produced, but as a basis €or arriving a t some idea of t h e situation a t t h e time t h e war began, t h e following figures from t h e 1907 census will be useful. The first table shows t h e gross value of production for t h e principal subdivisions of t h e chemical industry. PRODUCTION IN 1907 TRADES VALUE Chemicals , d r u m and nerfumerv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 16.917.663 Oil-seed crushing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ;074; 707 seed crushing., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,133,500 Oil andI tnlloxv. ...... , excluding . . . . . -n-din . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? _ 8 , 5 2 2 , 5_5 7. . Fertilizer, glue, shec, -.=, and _--disinfectants., Soap and candles.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JY,*J0,097 41,666.973 Paints, colors, and varnishes. Explosives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,208,076 4,160,858 Matches .................... ~




The t,able t h a t follows shows t h e gross value of t h e products included under t h e first group in t h e foregoing table : PRODUCTS Acids, except carbolic.. ....................... Aluminous sulfates, incl m...................... Bleaching materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coal-tar products, except dyes. ... Coal-tar dyes, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Essential oils. ............... Extracts for t a rinters, and dyers Fine and pharmaceutical chemicals.. .................... Finishing materials for textile trades., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patent medicines., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perfumed spirits, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perfumery and toilet preparations, except spirits and soap, Photographic plates, paper, and films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prepared food for infants and invalids.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soda compounds.. ....................................

VALUE $ 6,837,433 1 ,OS 1,164 2,564,646 16,964,619 1,815,205 12,526,371 569,381 1,567,013 8,735,368 1,844,404 7 , 5 13,876 1 ,469,683 2,978,298 4,423,649 3,046,429 16,497,435

I t is impossible t o estimate accurately the effect of t h e war on most of t h e chemical industries, but a census of manufactures is now being taken, and as our own census will shortly be completed, a comparative study will soon be possible. HEAVY C H E X I C A L S

Britain’s pre-war position in t h e heavy chemical trade was preeminent. Her leadership in t h a t line

was almost as evident as t h a t of Germany in fine chemicals. There are no recent official statistics t o show what t h e actual production was or is in t h e various lines, but t h e export returns show t h a t t h e largest business abroad was done in sodas, bleaching powder, cyanides, aluminium sulfate, glycerol, sulfate of ammonia, creosote and other heavy coal-tar products, copper sulfate and other agricultural poisons, and superphosphates. The latest figures (1919) show t h a t t h e shipments of a number o€ these commodities are much below t h e pre-war averages, and i t would be a difficult matter t o present all t h e factors t h a t have contributed t o this result for each article. Some markets have been affected by t h e growth of domestic production, in some cases there is a n inability t o buy, while in still others t h e English market itself is strong enough t o absorb t h e output for t h e time being. The exports of soda bicarbonate, ash, chromate, and bichromate were larger in 1919 t h a n in 1913, whereas t h e sales of caustic soda and salt cake decreased (see t h e table of exports a t end of article). The foreign sales of bleaching powder and of copper sulfate were cut in two, while t h e cyanides and aluminium sulfate held up fairly well. British manufacturers are naturally much concerned for t h e future of t h e trade in these important staples, but there is no way of forecasting t h e final outcome. The consensus of opinion in England seems t o be t h a t as soon as t h e present general business depression passes there will be a recovery in most of the heavy chemicals and t h a t England will regain much or most of t h e trade t h a t has been lost. S U L F U R I C ACID

I n t h e absence of recent statistics of production for t h e various chemical industries, some interest attaches t o figures on t h e sulfuric acid industry contained in a report made during t h e war by a committee appointed “ t o consider and report on t h e position of the sulfuric acid and fertilizer trades as affected by the new acid plants which have been erected during t h e war by t h e The Ministry of Munitions for t h e government.” production of sulfuric acid before the war was about 1,000,000 tons, expressed in terms of 100 per cent acid (equal t o 1,500,000 tons chamber acid). The principal consuming industries were: INDUSTRIES 100 Per cent Acid Tons Superphosphates.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 Sulfate of ammonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280,000 Bleaching powder, h alkali, and alum. . . . . 186,000 Iron pickling. ......................................... 70,000 Explosives. 30,000 25,000 Copper sulfate. ......................... Dyeing and bleaching 25,000 Oil refining .................................... 20,000 Grease recovery, textile trade.. 20,000



T h e committee estimated t h a t , owing t o t h e great expansion of plant capacity t o meet war needs, t h e post-war production would be about 653,000 tons of



100 per cent acid in excess of t h e pre-war output, not including t h e additional production t h a t would result from t h e roasting a n d smelting of Australian zinc concentrates, which was formerly done on t h e Continent. There was naturally a desire t o save as much of t h e newly created plant as possible, but seemingly t h e only definite recommendation of t h e committee was t h a t a n effort be made t o increase t h e consumption of superphosphate in agriculture. The acid as such is not much handled in foreign trade, a n d t h e sale of superphosphate t o many of the pre-war consumers is more likely t o decrease t h a n expand. T h e committee called attention t o t h e possibility of increased sales of superphosphate in Australia, South Africa, India, Russia, and Rumania Before t h e war t h e principal raw materials used in t h e manufacture of t h e acid were Spanish and Norwegian pyrites and spent oxide. During t h e war considerable sulfur was also used. Should t h e effort t o divert t h e handling of colonial zinc concentrates t o England be successful, t h e demand for pyrites will probably be lessened. FERTILIZERS

England is not nearly self-sufficient in t h e matter of artificial fertilizers; in fact, except for large quantities of sulfate of ammonia and some basic slag, there is no important domestic supply. There was t h e usual search for domestic sources of potash during t h e war, and considerable effort is still directed at t h e production of air nitrates, but assertions t h a t results in either direction are more t h a n promising are not well founded. The manufacture of superphosphates from t h e imported raw material is a n industry of some size. For potash, dependence has in t h e past been placed on Germany, t h e soda nitrate came from Chile, and the phosphates from Africa and t h e United States. Since t h e war t h e imports have remained much below those of pre-war days, although phosphates have been purchased on a large scale from Africa rather t h a n from t h e United States. In the export trade England has always been a heavy shipper of sulfate of ammonia, which is manufactured extensively in connection with t h e coke industry and the distillation of shale. The average prewar production may be placed a t about 360,000 tons, of which 300,000 tons were exported. The industry was unsettled during t h e war by t h e demand for ammonia in t h e manufacture of munitions, and since t h e war a tendency t o use t h e fertilizer a t home as a substitute for Chile nitrate, together with unsettled market conditions abroad, have almost wiped out t h e export trade (judging from 1919 statistics). The exports of superphosphates are also much below t h e pre-war figures, a fact attributed in part t o t h e growing manufacture of this fertilizer in a number of countries t h a t formerly depended upon imports. VEGETABLE OILS

Although dependent upon outside sources for oilbearing materials, England has come t o be one of t h e principal producers of vegetable oils, t h e industry being centered a t Hull, now said t o lead all other European

Vol. 13, No. 3

cities in this field. The bulk of oil produced is consumed at home, and a favorable factor in maintaining t h e industry is t h e domestic demand for t h e cake as cattle feed, created by a long-sustained campaign of education among t h e cattle growers. Much of t h e oilbearing material formerly going t o Hamburg has been diverted t o Hull. The industry was under rigid government control during t h e war and was not freed from restrictions until March 1919, after which there was a rapid recovery, as t h e following figures indicate: 1918



Seeds, nuts, kernels.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $155,000,000 Oils.. 56,000,000 RE%XPORTS: Seeds, nuts, kernels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,000 Oils. ............................... 948,000


$269,000,000 105,000,000

3,500,000 12,000,000


Oils. ...............................

8,000, 000


Oil cake is also imported in considerable quantity, t h e value of such imports for 1919 reaching $28,000,000, of which $20,000,000 went for cottonseed cake and $8,000,000 for linseed cake. During t h e last year of t h e war these imports amounted t o only a million dollars. A soap-manufacturing industry of great proportions has grown up in connection with t h e oil business, and English soap finds its way into almost all countries. Nevertheless, American soap, especially a hard soap for wool scouring, together with some toilet soap, finds a market in England. T h e paint and varnish industry, also related t o t h e oil business, is another t h a t finds it possible t o market a large surplus abroad. Linseed oil was exported in 1919 t o t h e extent of $32,000,000, although this trade was practically nonexistent in 1918. F I N E CHEMICALS

Second t o none in t h e manufacture of heavy chemicals before t h e war, England was dependent upon Germany for fine chemicals, as were all other countries, and for similar reasons. Although t h e names of Englishmen are identified with the discovery of many of t h e chemicals so commonly used to-day, the commercial development was usually left t o t h e Germans, a fact t h a t was bitterly realized after hostilities began. T h e efforts t o recover t h e lost ground parallel in a general way those made in other countries, and i t is impossible t o estimate just what has been accomplished and what future developments will be. England was not handicapped, as was France, by t h e actual loss of chemical plants a t t h e outbreak of t h e war, but, on t h e other hand, she was obliged t o make a s t a r t in t h e face of mobilization a n d t h e other disturbing factors of a state of war, in which respect both England and France were a t a disadvantage a s compared with t h e United States. Definite information as t o actual results is lacking, but i t seems safe t o assume t h a t much has been accomplished in t h e manufacture of dyes, medicinals, photographic chemicals, research chemicals, analytical reagents, a n d other fine chemicals, and t h a t , given suitable backing by t h e government, England will eventually become selfsufficient and even a factor in t h e foreign trade in such specialties.


Mar., 1921

The support asked from t h e government has not been readily granted, b u t t h e Dyestuffs Act is now a n accomplished fact a n d there is some reason t o suppose t h a t i t will serve, as its opponents charged, as t h e entering wedge i n opening t h e way t o protection in some form for other “key’) industries. I n particular, t h e chemical manufacturers seem t o be on solid ground in urging t h a t if t h e dye industry is t o be saved, i t will be necessary t o support also t h e closely allied branches engaged in t h e manufacture of by-products which will insure profits from t h e dyes themselves. T h e indust r y is hopeful t h a t t h e anti-dumping bill promised in t h e near future will provide for t h e cantrol desired for certain other fine chemicals. It is a n interesting fact t h a t English manufacturers are not asking for protection in t h e shape of duties, b u t are united in their demand for license control. THE D Y E S T U F F I N D U S T R Y

Before t h e war England imported from Germany about 80 per cent of t h e dyes she used, and when this supply was cut off her experiences in establishing a domestic industry were similar t o those of many other countries not allied with Germany. T h e government considered many plans for supporting t h e industry, a n d i n 1915 supplied capital for a company known as British Dyes, Ltd., which was expanded upon a small company already in operation. Many users of dyes also supported this company. Levinstein, Ltd., a purely private concern, also began t o expand about this time, and these two companies continued a rapid, and, under t h e circumstances, a rather satisfactory, development until 1919, when a holding company was organized for their amalgamation. This is a ~ 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0organization, known as t h e British Dyestuffs Corporation, Ltd., in which t h e government is interested t o t h e extent of S1,700,000, and i t is upon this company t h a t t h e country is placing its chief reliance for a n independent industry. There are in addition a half dozen or so small companies with a limited outp u t of specialties. Particular emphasis has a t all times been placed upon t h e necessity for research facilities. It is not possible t o give a n estimate of dye production, b u t t h e following figures from a dyestuff census patterned after our own Norton census show t h e extent t o which dyes were imported in 1913: COLORS

Direct cotton colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union colors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acid wool colors.. ..................................... Chrome and mordant colors. ........................... Alizarin . . . ....................................... Basic colors.. ......................................... Sulfide colors ......................................... Synthetic indigo. .... Vat colors.. .................





Intermediate products.. Unclassified., .........................................


6,976,435 115,794 5,223,101 6,477,065 2,467,489 1,599,074 3,923,483 3,830,483 588,445 42,253 1,082,079 7,467.795 277,872

Since t h e armistice there have been considerable imports of dyes from Germany, reparation and other, and rather heavy purchases have been made in Switzerland and t h e United States. A rough estimate based upon official British figures for t h e first nine months of t h e year places t h e total imports of finished dyes for t h e whole calendar year 1920 at 17,000,000 Ibs., valued at $24,000,000. Of this value, Switzerland sup-


plied about 35 per cent, Germany 27 per cent, t h e Netherlands 20 per cent, t h e United States 10 per cent, and Belgium 6 per cent. As it is reasonable t o suppose, however, t h a t t h e dyes credited t o t h e Netherlands and Belgium had their origin in Germany, t h e German share of t h e total may safely be p u t a t more t h a n 50 per cent. The importation of intermediates can be estimated at approximately 4,500,000 Ibs., valued at somewhat less t h a n $3,000,000, t h e United States supplying almost t h e entire amount. During t h e war, a n d for some time after, t h e imports of dyes were controlled under a loose construction of a n act of 1876, and i t was with something like dismay t h a t t h e supporters of t h e industry received t h e decision of Justice Sankey in December 1919, t h a t this act did not apply and t h a t t h e control of imports under it was illegal. Following this decision, German agents began t o t a k e orders a t prices t h e English manufacturer could not meet. Although t h e actual importations of dyes based on these orders were not extraordinarily heavy, i t soon became evident t h a t German manufacturers could undermine t h e English industry unless t h e government took steps t o protect it. The consequent agitation finally led t o t h e passage of t h e Dyestuffs Import Regulation Act of 1920 which provided for licensing imports without t h e imposition of a duty. Exports of dyes in 1920 amounted t o 34,000,000 lbs., valued a t $17,000,000-an increase over 1913 of 45 per cent in quantity and 1000 per cent in value The increase was entirely in coal-tar dyes, which represented two-thirds of t h e quantity and nine-tenths of t h e value of t h e dyes exported last year. T H E DYESTUFFS ACT

Thanks t o this act t h e British dyestuff industry is now protected by a license control of imports t h a t will continue for 10 yrs. T h e passage of such a n act in England has a significance t h a t should be appreciated by all Americans who are in any way concerned with or responsible for t h e future of t h e industry in this country. England is by tradition a free-trade country and t h e bill aroused much more opposition on t h a t basis t h a n could be expected in similar circumstances in this country. England is also a leading factor in t h e textile trade of t h e world and her textile manufacturers were deeply concerned a t t h e possibility of being denied access t o any important source of colors. T h a t there are grounds for such apprehension may as well be conceded, for t h e British textile industry has been built u p on t h e basis of a n infinite variety of patterns. It specializes on small lots made u p t o suit t h e tastes of a great variety of consumers, and requires a corresponding variety of colors. This is in contrast with t h e usual American plan of producing a smaller number of patterns on a quantity basis, a n d would seem t o give t h e English dye user a stronger argument against dyestuff control by licensing. I n spite of t h e strength of t h e opposition, however, t h e government decided t h a t a synthetic dyestuff industry is an absolute necessity in any modern scheme of national defense, and accordingly, in keeping with promises made some two years earlier, introduced t h e



bill t h a t was subsequently passed by both branches of Parliament by decisive majorities. The argument i n favor of the bill as a military measure carried everything before it. It is t h e acknowledged intention of the supporters of the industry t o develop i t t o the point where i t will not only supply the needs of the Empire but eventually become a factor in foreign markets. This is of special interest t o France, which a t present has a license control over German products only, and t o t h e United States, where sole reliance a t this writing is placed upon a war-time power t h a t will become ineffective when peace is formally declared. Not t h a t there is a n immediate prospect of extensive imports of English-made dyes (it being generally admitted t h a t greater progress has been made t o date in this country), but t h e fact should be borne in mind t h a t the English manufacturer has a splendid market upon which t o build a t home and in the colonies. Practically all of t h e colonies have already taken steps t o exclude non-British dyes, although in some cases, notably India, t h e exclusion acts have been suspended, presumably until English manufacturers can actually supply t h e dyes needed. Eventually, with such support from t h e government and such a n assured market, t h e English dye manufacturer must become a formidable opponent in t h e struggle t h a t is now pending. T H E I M P O R T TRADE




1913 Pounds

1916 Pounds

1919 Pounds

11 ,153,184 6,980,84-8 3,045,392 5,197,584 1,523,200 876,960 1,783,488

7,631,008 511,616 6,225,520 5 , 748,~ 8

6,789,440 4,422,768 2,235,856 8,354,080


188,832 86,016 6,069,056 6,399,120

2,921,072 5,430,544 6,926,640

1,842;iiz 1,123,696 3,125,920 640,864

2,iiO:i84 1 ,.714,832 1,276,912 112

5,144: Si2 2,830,688 1,980,384 837,648 108,976 666 848 8,064

3,794: a i 6 896 3 , s 14,448 87,584

1i 2 1,908,816 10,976 1,712,256 5,712


565,600 521,584 8,960

........ .................



.......... ........ ..................



2, ii8ii44 9,249,968 3 921 232 1 :681:456

........... .............


2,596:608 5 756,576

8,414,336 2,066,960 3,583,888

Sulfuric. Belgium.. United States. ......... Tartaric.. .. Germany. I t a l y . . ................ Ammonium chloride. . . . . . . . Belgium. Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United S t a t e s . . Bleaching materials: Bleaching powder,. ...... United States., Other.


504,336 5,243,952


15,8541446 15,489,264




IMPORTS OF CHEMICALS A N D ALLIED PRODUCTS (Continued) 1913 1916 1919 Pounds Pounds Pounds

(Continued): Calcium: Borate.. Chile. United S t a t e s . . Carbide. Italy. Norway.. Sweden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemicals n. e. s Belgium’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chile. France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Italy Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United S t a t e s , . . , , . , , ,

................ ................ ........ ................ .................

............. ........... ..................


. .. .. . . . . . . . . ......

Chloral hydrate.. Germany. ......... Switzerland.. ... . . . . . . . . . United States.. , . . . . . . . . . Chloroform ........ . . . . . . . . United States, ,



Cocaine and cocaine salts.. Peru. ................... United S t a t e s . . Coal-tar products: Dyes: Alizarin and anthracene Germany. ........... Aniline and naphthalene Germany. ........... Switzerland. United States.. Indigo, synthetic. Germany. Switzerland. Other dyes, n. e. s,. Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . Other products, n. e. s.. France. Germany. United States.. British Possessions.. ... Saccharin and mixtures containing saccharin.. France. Germany. Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . Switzerland. United States.. Ether: Acetic.



...... ...... ...........

......... .... .. ............... ............. ........

The following table, based upon official British returns, will make possible a study of the effect of t h e war on the importation of chemicals (the latest detailed statistics available are those for 1919). A striking feature is t h e increased reliance upon t h e United States for many products. For the large class of chemicals designated “not elsewhere specified,” t h e imports from America increased from a negligible share of the total of $7,000,000 in 1913 t o nearly half of t h e $15,000,000 worth imported in 1919. (Trade with “Russia” in 19\19 is probably trade with Finland. Some of the trade with t h e Netherlands in 1919 should be considered as trade with Germany.) CHEMICA. k -. *. Acetat e of calcium. . . . . . . . . . Canada United States.. .......... Acetone., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austria-Hunaary.. - . ....... Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. Acids: Acetic (other than for table use) Belgium.. Netherlan Canada.. United States.. Stearic. Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



..... .....





..... ..... .....




............... ............. ........... ........ ................. ............... ............... ...............

Butyric.. Sulfuric.. E t h y l halides: Bromide.

Chloride.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iodide.. Glycerol : Crude. Belgium. France Germany. Australia. United States.. ........ Distilled.. Germany. Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . United States.. . . . . . . . . Lactarine. ................. Magnesite powder.. . . . . . . . .

................ .................. .............. ................ ............. ............. .............. ............. ................. ............... ..........

Methanol Germany. Canada.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. Morphine and its salts. . . . . . Potassium : Nitrate Belgium.. Germany.. ............ British I n d i a . . Salts,n. e. s ............. France.. Germany.. ............ Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States..



......... ..............


umine and its s a l t s . . . . . . . . Netherlands., Germany.. ........... Java .................... United States.. . . . . . . . . . . Sodium: Bicarbonate.


Vol. 13, No. 3



40,566,064 37,233,392 2,658,768 57,545,264 16,507,456 29,552,992 10,781,456

38,&92,352 27,664,112 18,914,336 22,285,872 5,433,008 12,439,840 55,394,528 54,855,920 1,830,192 32,6;4: 048 38,571,904 22 725 15,008 136 5,079,648 9 145 248 ~ , 2 4 i : i i 7 ,$36:498:862 $14:907 :734 3,155,482 40,625 485,205 962,165 25,$50;ji8 538,342 677,675 687,724 1,454,388 97,125 2,989,840 5,158 1,712,395 454,444 191,540 374,862 446,443 ’ 3 14,444 144,589 3,802,3 310,916 13 6 565,239 221,573 Pounds Pounds Pounds 17,683 23,501 60,550 ..... ..... 19.994 224 2,295 7,932 17,140 52,614 ..... 1,447 1,048 1,366 1,408 1,048 712 Ounces Ounces Ounces 55,346 55,914 23,388 19.277 28,890 22,080 300 11,314 ..... Pounds Pounds Pounds ~

6,755,280 6,811,056



31,699,024 28,966,448 2,479,792

6,8;2: ?io 2,576 5,445,440 150,864 517,216

6,5;9 :392 11,872 5,200,832 515,312 276,192

456,176 12,432

276,192 58,128

3,s i 3:4i8 25,312 88,480 2,203,600 1,151,360 Ounces 356,354 9,561

4,38i);3iO 57,680 4,480 755,328 2,614,864 Ounces 1,143,872 72,327

30,632 263,695 7,003 Pounds 166 Gallons 286 2 Pounds

i,oii;Oi9 Pounds 100 Gallons 844 19 Pounds

2.6;; 1568 2,675,456 .





17,360 16,484 13,429,808 1,166,256 6,087,872 440,832 3,740,016 Ounces 1,242,213 i,i26:ij6 79,415 35,680 113 Pounds 3,769 Gallons 265 616 Pounds 59 Gallons 114 64 4 9,845,696 Pounds 1,474,704 2,860,032 955,472 836,976 2 , 4 ? i J i2 794,528 1,166,032 $409:925 120,918 Gallons 741,848 112,230 195,209 357,338 Ounces 52 Pounds 26,642,560 2,852,528 16,797,200 6,720,672 $3,067,034 277,950 2,148,248 284,685 14,337 Ounces 2,422,944 908,986 1,009,970 390,400 110,000 Pounds 83,888





..... .....


Gallons 143 119

Gallons 10

Pounds 3,628,016 3,104: 080

Pounds 4,565,008 24,640 1.229.3 12

157,584 171,920








2,324; 2 i 4 117,376

36,512 22,400

$794,339 370,010 Gallons 752,951

$1,694,953 1,047,986 Gallons 689,360

266,892 486,059 Ounces 48,158 Pounds 49,197,456

429,124 260,236 Ounces 4,384 Pounds 15,646,736



12,768 49,184,688 $3,090,373 206,233 1,129 1,276,123 789,444 Ounces 3,727,022 3.561 1683





15 fi46’?36 $3:085:171 266,163 608,809 515,971 328,099 Ounces 5,764.943 ..... 236,040 5,496,705


Pounds 7,504

26,104 Pounds



M a r . , 1921



CHEMICALS (Concluded! : Sodium (Concluded) : Carbonate : Crystals ............... Belgium Germany Soda a s h . , Belgium Caustic soda Germany United States Tetraborate. or borax France Germany United States Salts. n e . s Belgium France Germany Norway United States Tartar cream of Fran’ce Germany Italy United States Spain DRUQSAND MEDICINES: Drugs 11 . e s . containing n6 duti’abld ingredient (including medicinal preparations) France Germany Norway ................. British India Japan United States DYEING A N D TANNINQMATE-


............ ............ .............

............. .............. ..........

..... ................ ..............

.......... . ............... ............. ................ .............. ............... .......... ........... .................. ................ .................... ............ ...................



................ ............. ................... ............


Dyeing materials. n . e . s .... France Italy Spaip British India United States Extracts for dyeing France. British West Indies ....... United States Extracts for tanning., Argentina Austria-Hungary France 1 Germany Italy. United States

.................. .................... ................... ............. ............ ......... .................

............ ...... ............... ......... ......-.. ......... ................

................... ............

............. .............

Indigo. natural British India Java Salvador United States Tanning materials, n . e s British India Germany

.................... ................ ............ . ... .............


ALLIED PRODUCTS(Continued) 1913 1916 1919 Pounds Pounds Pounds

3.672. 368 3.418. 912 239. 008 418. 768 193. 760 805. 504 94. 080 397. 376 1 .897.. 280 1. 641 248 201. 936 336 15.157. 184 1.982. 064 1.886. 976 9.816. 240 550. 368 361. 760 8.926. 400 3.489. 248 4.025. 728 564. 480 ~


2. 464

..... ..... .....

............ ................. ............ ..............

................. ................ ................ ................. ................


............. ................... ............ Tunis., ................. United States ............ Slag. basic ................. Belgium. ................ Other (except bones a n d guano) ................ Nitrate of soda Chile Phosphate rock

................ .............

Germany Netherlands Norway Argentina 011s . VEOETABLF: Fiied: Castor Belgium France British India Coconut : Unrefined Germany Rritish India Ceylon United States Refined France Germany Netherlands United States

................. ...............

.................. ............... ................ ...........

............. ............ ......... .............. ........ ............... .............. ............ ......... ........


884. 912

42. 000

5. 335 io08

228. 368

5.139:680 2.030. 112 1.126. 608

205. 632 3.809. 344

8.9; ;904 10.951. 808 10. 080 1.261. 680 66. 304 1.528. 464 6.974. 240 4.113. 984 2.339. 456

3 . 804 1864 4.510. 464 601. 216 743. 456 20. 832 441. 952 2.014. 208 2.675. 344 1.348. 704

1. 104 1096 43. 008 306. 992

351. 008 60. 928 750. 176





$6.340. 368 $14.041. 025 1.271. 032 444. 633 8.239 1.617. 936 436 243 429;420 221. 606 1 .774. 764 942. 729 412. 139 1.356. 152 4.887. 796

$17.515.307 1.170. 987 24. 770 618. 561 2.407. 054 1.040. 604 5.440. 470

Pounds 23.111. 872 3.894. 912 1.721. 328 7.390. 768 4.492. 768 169 456 $3. 265 :709 453. 465 1.923. 752 794. 456 $16.106. 460 10.115. 750

Pounds 23.202. 704 5.921. 664 .3.373. 776 4.237. 184 3.483. 760 81. 424 &3.341. 164 282. 909 2.437. 766 543. 476 $14.021. 170 6.340. 7 19


Pounds 15.243. 088 3.247. 216 4.034. 128 4.822. 272 1.453. 312 $6i5 1039 253. 515 53. 789 256 086 $4. 489.833 813. 659 283. 522 2.092. 039 125 298 428 :481 223.995 Pounds 467. 488 408. 352 6. 608 35. 728 3 . 688. j i 0 893. 200 557. 312

1 . 7i9.?49


3. Sij.j80 Pounds 3.419. 024 3 279. 472 104. 048 9 . 856 672 6 966. 624 570. 304 I




Cordite and other smokeless propellants Canada United States Dynamite and other high explosives. Belgium Germany Grinpowder Belgium Germany

..... .....

2. 912

15. 456


..... .... ..... ..... ..... .....

1.541. 680 30. 128 1.51 1. 552 535. 696 392. 448 141. 120 Tons 140. 926 136. 340 539. 016 44. 996 189. 555 177. 330 51. 133 47. 077

Tons 20. 896 20. 807 333. 421 81. 876 174. 640 61. 828

. ..... :i6o

1 6ii


21.679. 168 9.826. 320 11,850.384

..... i6;6is ..... ..... Tons 24. 485 24. 452 355. 758 48. 496 243. 883 47. 807 1. 697


16. 605

8. 883 6. 838 Pounds

9 . 726 2. 855 Pounds

25. 627 5.394 11. 600 250 296 Pounds

3.133. 760 1.057. 280 761. 600 743. 680

12.770. 240

792. 960

..... 242


61. 2%. io4 21.790. 272 23.587. 648

..... .....

..... .....

11.784. 640

566. 720

47.312. 720

117.862. 192

9 s i 3 1 ii z 28.680,736

37. 066; 84s 43,666.672 9.018. 128 52.987. 088 379. 680


17. 353 16i6 7.804. 832 1. 944.384


............. ........

............... ........

............. .........

........ ............... ............. ................ ............... ............... ..............

.............. ............... ............. ............. .............. ............ ... .... ............... .......... ............... ............... ........... ................. ............... ................. .............. .......... ........ ............

................. ................. ..........

China Japan United States Volatile: Natural France Germany Italy

................. ................ .............. ..................

................. .......... s .......... Artificial ................ Japan


172. 877 143. 506



OILS. VEGETABLE (Concluded): Fixed (Concluded): Cottonseed : Unrefined China United States Refined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netherlands . . . . . . . . . United States Linseed: Pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium Netherlands United States Not pure Olive: Unrefined Italy Spain Refined France Italy., Spain Palm: Unrefined Nigeria Refined’. Germany Netherlands . . . . . . Palm kernel. unrefined Nigeria United States Rapeseed. Belgium Netherlands Japan Soy-bean2 China Japan United States Other seed oils Belgium

594. 458 3.281.223 . . Pounds 414. 5 12 3 19. 984 49. 840 6 384 3.429. 440 615. 776

19. 792 14i6 29.856. 960




.... .......... ................... .................

1913 Pounds

1.594. 880 741. 440 224. 000 22.619. 520

26.579. 840 5.333. 440 6.820. 800 11.928. 000 49. 280 Gallons 871. 749 119. 480 221. 416 1.864. 187 420. 146 620.993 467. 332 Pounds 174.966. 736 148.507. 968 6.521. 760 6.254. 976

13. 440

2.105. 600 1.126. 528. 720 640

6. 720 Gallons 1.625. 531 48. 698 1.560. 498 1.566. 850 242. 589 290. 079 1.027. 829 Pounds 139.278. 272 116.184. 432

107. 520 80. 640 Gallons 673.724 86. 509 562. 617 1.218. 996 293. 104 68. 058 833. 334 Pounds 208.499. 200 175.162. 176 9.565. 472

.................... .............. ........... .......... ........ J3 ........ Germany .............. Netherlands ...........

.......... ............... ............... ............

United States Nirkel oxide Canada United States

...... ..................

Varnishes . nonalcoholic France Germany ................ United States


............... ................. .................. ................ ............. ............ ................ .................

Zinc oxide., Belgium France Germany Netherlands United States All o t h e r . , Belgium France .................. Germany ................ Netherlands Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States



22. 1i3 :iSo

..... ..... 6.720

..... ..... ..... ..... .....

..... ..... .....

3.468. 8. 84;: 080 440 1.977. 1.337. 360 280

17. 895 :360

45.65i:ii)o 9.728. 320 7.723. 520 10.942. 400 1.225. 280 7.663. 040 468. 160

109. 645 040 6. l j 3 1580 14.327. 040 73.512. 320 1.267. 840

952. 000 4.032. 000 1.314. 880 1.749. 440

2.323. 348 241. 225 193. 043 303. 063 177. 260 140. 710 761. 459 168. 634 9 . 809 102. 612 260. 638 38. 387 191. 610 20. 918 4. 057

2.549. 339 297. 843

3.027. 285 283. 423

267. 722 102. 854 307. 559 233. 045 249. 140 344. 865 221. 243 14. 751 350 20. 845 155. 637

2. 087 28. 757

..... ..... .....

6.832. 672 6.383. 440 406. 000


35 988. i i 6 9 305.. 296 15.646. 5 12 1.328. 880 9.425. 024 2.012. 080 ~

2 . o i i 1080 Gallons 478. 500 15. 474 33. 222 394. 175 Pounds 41 316 576 6 :425 552 1 .68U. 896 15.308. 944 4.712. 736 13.050. 800 104.059. 312 6.997. 984 8.966. 384 42.551. 488 12.357. 744 10.279. 808 282. 128 12.275. 200

11.204. 080

1400 ..... ..... .....

14. 4i.i


..... 461. 335



..... ..... 6. 836 1816 9.363. 872

45.698.576 2.214. 576 1.784. 720 2.003. 344 18.780. 832 19.839. 232

1 4 10. 304 3 . 248 8 . 736 971. 040 17.943. 408

88. 368

15. 1.047. 764 :448 648

34. 720 17.306. 912 2.722. 272 2.457. 280 264. 992 Gallons 234 479 11. 220

Gallons 141. 490 719

20.686. 848


..... .....


2 19 1434 Pounds 30.901. 2.654. 512 024 1.861. 888 7. 840 10.485. 664 15.617. 952 63.688. 464 58. 240 7.684. 992 84. 224 24.624. 432 10.140. 704 635. 152 16.296. 112

Includes refined palm kernel oil in 1919. s Included under “Other seed oils’’ in 1913 and 1916 1

6.852. 160 2.410. 240 2.912. 000 57.211. 840 8.926. 400 46.002. 880

1 7 . oii.?60 4.220. 160 2.022.720 6 ; 240; 640



1919 Pounds

2.396. 800 1.464. 960 907. 200 37.152. 640 1.220. 800 34.733. 440

Switzerland United States PAINTS,PIGMENTS,VARNISHES: 122.376. 640 Barytes 24.455. 200 Belgium 90,222.608 4.820. 368 231. 056 Lead Red Germany Netherlands United States Wh‘

1916 Pounds



11. 424


140. 371



IXIPORTS OR CHEMICALS A N D ALLIED PRODUCTS (Continued) PERFUMERY A N D COSMETICS: Perfumed spirits: f n casks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I n bottles.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. ........ Perfumery, and articles used i n t h e manufacture thereof (except perfumed spirits and essential oils) France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . . . Switzerland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. . . . . . . . . . .

1913 Gallons

1916 Gallons

1919 Gallons

3,320 3,071 44,522 11,266 28,939 2,750 Pounds

1,281 1,265 13,037 11,060

1,785 1,486 10,392 9,625

1,468 Pounds

356 Pounds

1,580,259 588,503 136,875 4,082 4,153 777,512

2,563,681 619,598 4,535 27,648 49,037 1,797,071

2,413,650 916,391

2,237,536 41 8,992 366,912 1,330,112 24,937

1,440,320 205,408 l,lij:984 3,220

1,983,744 43,008 336 1,270,640

4,509,792 2,653,504 1,366,512





2,788 23,994 1,160,614

S I _n_arn . .

Toilet.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany, ............. United States Transparent (alcoholic). OTHERPRODWCTS: Blacking and polishes containing spirits or sweetening matter.. . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States . . . . . . . . . . Blacking, solid, containing sugar or other sweetening matter.. ...........

.......... ..

33,264 906,640 338,240 72,800 400,736 11,643,744


Glucose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. . . . . . . . . . . Glue, size, and gelatin not containing added sugar. Austria-Hungary .........

. . .

Germany.. . . . . Italy. . . . . . . . . . Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . . . Isinglass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British India. . . . . . . . . . . . . Straits Settlements. . . . . . . Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States. . . . . . . . . . . . Paper and pulp: Printing or writing: On reels.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . PITorway. Russia. Sweden. ............ Canada. ............ Newfoundland. ...... United States.. h-ot on reels.. . . . . . . . . . Belgium. ............ Germany. Sorway

............ .............


........... .............


Packing or wrapping.. Belgium. ..............

Canada.. . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. Wood pulp : Chemical, ............. Germany Norway, . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia. Sweden, . , , . United States.. ...... Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical. ........... Norway, Sweden. ........ Canada.. . . . . . . . Newfoundland.. .



. .


Rosin ..................... Belgium.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States. . . . . . . . . . . . Soap, not containing sweetening matter: IIousehold and laundrv. in bars or tablets. . .I ; . . France.. .............. Italy.. United States..

................ ........

4,065 i i 2 2 728 880 164: 048 640 161,213,920


28,925,232 2,307,312 7 405 664 7 077 :280 8,402,240


i , 3 9 i :3i6 1 593 312 $112 1635 Pounds 1,134,000 160,160 366,688 216,496 160,944 12,544 294,433,328 19,354,272 98,571,424 8,884,5 12 46,727.744


7,142,016 67,648 3,687,712

15,792 1,557,136 57,680 23,296 961,744 14,724,752 10,358,880

6,944 1,032,976 18,591,216 15,776,320

3.624:656 139,845,440 139,762,672

1,149:008 156,518,656 154,107,072



4,704: i i z 1,456 3,070,8 16 1,903,552 2 768,416 $379,626 Pounds 1,108,800 427,392 193,648 176,176 176,400 25,984

i,i?i:i92 2,129,904 112 698 656 254,464 1 997 408 $107 1842 Pounds 731,584 98,336 241,472 25,760 106,960 49,952




29,469 664


24,443 664 6,481,216 9 6 , 3 3 i ; j j 6 101,548,384 10,268,944 4,683,616 112,245,616 56,284,704 1,557,584 10,854,816 21,616 33,,795,328 19,090,176 39,038,496 15,860,880 10,554,544 5,041,680 14,128,016 458,113,152 345,474,528 8,432,368 31,447,584 99,958,096 281,568 118,608,560 116,218,592 29,433,488 62,384 153,048,784 169,210,048 9,606,688 23,881,536 1,243 1984







252,448,448 3 1 , 2 0 j :9s4 36,468,320 33,096,448 34,135,024 105,723,632 7,684,320 31,717,056 483,952 37,184 16,709,952 4,432,960 3,684,016 195,508,096 2,634,800 189,168 73,167,808 11,002,320 84,454,944 11,682,496 6,026,048 Tons 409,698

411,803 198,765 40,972 61,848 75,797 116,989 41,628 6,763 44 254,097 23,148 278,152 5,299 17,552 1,098 36,297 25,544 24 528,522 459,317 565,954 305,132 339,471 3 12,O.j1 99,923 77,717 128,256 98,576 27,457 69,090 16.890 l'4.672 50.659 Pounds Pounds Pounds 196,903,504 224,203,280 199,407,600 6,190,016 21,665,280 32,6i9:648 47,43j:3?6 10 210 256 15 775 648 13 606 208 148: 066 :912 169 1668;912 124: 898 :032


18,165,056 3,314,976 2,082,640 12,387,264

9,313,472 837,984 129,472 7,468,608


11,820,928 111,664 115,696 6,555,248

Val. 1 3 , NO. 3

IMPORTS OF CHEMICALSAND ALLIED PRODUCTS (Concluded) 1913 1916 1919 OTHERPRODWCTS (Concluded): Pounds Pounds Pounds Soap (Concluded): Polishing and scouring.. 540,400 243,600 904,736 United States.. 297,360 238,000 903,728 Soap powder.. 6,249,488 2,811,200 598,416 Germany. 59,920 ..... United States.. ........ 6,013,280 2,70Q:b92 506,240 Soft s o a p . , 489,104 84,224 92,400 United States.. ........ 286,272 62,160 74,480 All other, including cottonseed-oil s o a p . , 16,234.400 11,588,080 16,397,360 433,664 Italy. ................. 69,440 15,672,496 United States.. . . . . . . . . 11,462,976 16.363 :;20 Sugar: Tons Tons Tons Refined, .......... 922,545 410,390 462,134 Austria-Hungary 198,064 ..... 990 Belgium.. .. 49,764 5,532 Germany, ....... 465,453 65 253 Java.. 178,567 94,615 117,060 Mauritius. 273 27,959 23,452 Canada. 6 14,788 52,651 United States, , ...... 385 1,142,323 222,082 267,048 Unrefined. . . . . . . . . 1,046,7 15 1 122,969 Austria-Hungary 160,858 Germany, ....... 472,026 ..... ..... Java. 99 281,676 172,838 Mauritius. 20,075 80,629 153,682 British West Indies. 59,740 29,364 92 490 Cuba. 224,227 587; 252 554,453 Peru. 27,487 55,613 77,577 T a r (other than coal tar). 14,333 5,782 9,338 12,106 3,001 Russia. 2,397 Sweden. 1,133 2,324 206 United S t a t e s . . 829 3.143 2,504 Pounds Pounds Pounds Turpentine oil., 62,756,960 48,247,360 51,053,968 France.. 3,769,472 585,648 4,109,056 3,656,576 68 656 Russia.. ................ United States.. 53,356,800 41,260:400 42,686,784

.. ........ ........... .............



...... r.. ......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ............ .............. . . ...... . ................. ............ .... ................ ................... ................. ................ .......... ........... ................







The next table affords a comparison of the export trade in chemicals before and after the war. It should be borne in mind t h a t the pronounced boom in the general export trade which was so evident during t h e latter part of 1919 and the first few months of 1920 probably extended t o the chemical trade, and t h a t the depression which set in toward the close of 1920 likewise affected t h a t trade. The figures for 1919 are the latest showing the countries of destination EXPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLIBDPRODUCTS CHEMICALS : Acids: Hydrochloric, ........... Sulfuric.. British India.. . . . . . . . . . British Possessions. n . e . s ............... Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Persia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tartaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany, Japan. ................ Australia British n.e.s Argentina, United States. Aluminium sulfates, including alum.. . . . . . . . . . . . .


1913 Pounds

1916 Pounds

477,792 19,096,336 8,153,824

453,376 1,161,664 14,000

203,168 5,651,408 136,640

3,052,672 1,957,872 4,993,112


1,927,408 1,297,520

784 2,350,992

i , 4 i i 1624 I , 11 1,824

124,768 877,632

43,456 184,016

..... .....

1919 Pounds ,


1,83619i2 210,896 461,440 136,640

............... ............ .........

256,928 545,328 78,400

431,872 95,312 58,240

498,400 1,904 162,848



10,528 '1,551,536 13,069,392 2,295,552 8,639.456 3.557.120

2,550;9i2 4,202,912 11,044,768 3,570,000 2,261,728 712.768

35,159,264 1,876,896 6,677,664 3,003,840 10,497,872 1,174,656 1,393,168 354.704

8,703,184 2 093 392 1 :998 :976 694,176 484,288 241,248 10,691,632 287,168 649,488 982,912 4,299,232 722 736



3 , s3i :4i6 921,536 757,120 288,960 9,212,672 1,068,144 949,536 1,113,840 1,682,576 1 ,682,464

2,464 759.472 1,213,856 150 192 12.513:760 2,151,520 921,200 1,917,328 1,023,792 2 037 728 2:025: 184 277,648 4,144 549 808 39.0751232 9,797,312 2,279,088 2,122,960 5,488

ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . Argentina. .............. Canada. United States.. Ammonium: Carbonate. Germany. Russia. Rritish Possessions. . . . . Japan. United States.. Chloride. France Italy.. , British India..

................ .......... ......... ............. ............... ................ ........ ............... ................ ........... ....




1,514,912 163,296 947,184

Norway.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1,617,392 229,264

81,35i;680 1,232 2,656,192 1,000,496

1,568 301,952 19,386,304 911,232 2,620,128 1,184,400





T H E J O U R N A L O F I i V D U S T R I A L AiVD E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

Mar., 1921 EXPORTS OF


CHEMICALS (Continued) : Bleaching powder (Conc’d) : Spain. Sweden British I n d i a . . Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada ................. thiited States ... Calcium carbide.. . . . . . . . . . . Chemicals, n . e. s... . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.................. ................. ...........

Coal-tar products: Products other than dyes: Aniline oil and toluidine British Possessions. United States.. Fraiice .............. Switzerland. ......... Anthracene.

.. ......


Benzene and toluene.. .. France. ............. Germany.


Germany.. . . . . . . . . . . Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netherlands. Japan, TJnited S t a t e s . . Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coal t a r , crude., . . . . . . . Russia. British India. Coal tar. refined. and varnish. . . . . . . . . . . British India.. . . . . . . . B r i t i s h Possessions, other. N a htha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPrance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biltish Possessions, ,

........ .............. ...... .............





Naphthalene. Netherlands. Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . British Possessions. United S t a t e s . . France.

........ .. ...... ...........


ALLIED PRODUCTS (Continued) 1913 1916 1919 Pounds Pounds Pounds

io,ii0:464 5,998,048 1,842,624 3,800,608 44,470,720 212 688 $6,492 841 386,921 710,236 110,883 258,474 253,671 185,652 342,908 705,141 470,138 334,440 254,241 187,292 94,580 313,247 478,260 Pounds



564,372 Gallons 7,987,636 7,585,390 132,050 34,056 112.010 Pounds 18,915,008 1,130,752 2,657,536 297,696 6,717,536 284,144 4,894,960

............ ........... ........... ......


Other products. Belgium.. . . . . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany, ........... Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xetherlands Norway. . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British I n d i a . , . , . , , . United S t a t e s , . . . . . . . Zoal-tar dyes. . . . . . . . . . . . France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Italy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British India. .......... Australia, ............. Japan.. ............... Canada, .............. United States.. Svvkerland



........ ............

.Cocaine and cocaine s a l t s . .



Pounds 78,874,880 1,313,760 5 657,344 6 369,552 2,828,336 1,949,472 17,778,544 855,904 17,256,624 3,870,720 5,451,376 88,480 400,288 620,032 1,208,032 63,616 236,880 210,672 1,778,336 50,288 Ounces 3,354 ~


780,242 401,915 1,456,905 Oal!ons 1,173,567 555,759

..... Pounds 14,977,872 355.488

661,696 28,112 26,880 5,996 144 3,853,920 1,347,584 300,160 167,552 Gallons 4,129,128 1,236,584

i,47j:4j2 108,976 3,011,680 7,544,992 160,944 3,401,104 833,280 545.216 Gallons 3,973,033 715,711

1,672,808 644,07 1 615,789 5.627 Pounds 14,103,926


1,801,893 683,235 658,240 4,248 Pounds 7,894 544 12,432 76,608 2,297,456 1,828,064 1,989,680 Tons 65 1 ,282 227,543 232,505

32,929 28,962

66 560 58,402



2 , 4 o j io4 1,388,352 3,333,008 4,292,400 Tons 268,116


Ounces 21,278 Gallons 44,121,113 337,523 346,182 219,631 377,182 310,994 40,605,650

2,183,878 45,472

373.075 Pounds 12,817,168 63 1,680


1,479,618 618,635 557,774 37.115 Pounds 9,637,936 1,621,648 2,601,872 1,283,856 2,004,016


3,162,544 5,140.128 7,798,112 1,257,648 151,088 116,480 991 872 $ 1 2,951 :971 2,108,207 289,858 554,173 733,902 562,217 238,789 485,735 879,016 970,414 463,437 554,05 1 233,933 232,098 400,309 890,764 Pounds


9,850: i s 8 3,118,080 1,116,528 Gallons 3,686,700 1,509,239

............ ........... ..............


2,177,492 37,552 10,860 135,079 1,777,000 2,813,700 Gallons 14,567,574 12,956,042


Pitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium. France.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany, Italy.. Spain. .............. China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United S t a t e s , . ...... British Possessions. . . Saccharin.


520,146 440,890 564,198 2,075,280 353,785 1 , 187,801 1,223,024 607,830 82 1,689 251,106 220,686 327,311 500,063 Pounds

1,350,678 56,589 699,631

Tons 486,568 130,632 206,743 10,642 60,696 27,112 9,003 354

T a r oil, creosote oil.. France. ............. Germany. Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweden.. Canada. ............ IJnited S t a t e s . . Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

129,136 921,424 6,987,008 1,105,328 136,640 1,250,816 731,920 $13,008,529 1,454,694





7,983 Ounces 15,458 Gallons 40,166,356 1,469,850


88,205 16,634 35,622,185 52,833 Pounds 56,614,544

EXPORTS O F CHGMICALS CHEMICALS (Continued): Copper sulfate. . . . . . . . . . . . . France. ................. Greece. ................. Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portugal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algeria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glvcerol : Crude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . British South Africa.. , Canada, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





.... .. ..... ..............



France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other salts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japan. ................ Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


a. ............

........... ..................

tates. Italy.. Sodium: Bicarbonate. ............


0,994:384 1,1i5;652 630,560 22,402,800 571,760 11,231,696 2,208,080 6,564,992 161,504

2,168; 268 3 16,064 588.672 43,456 4,158,448 1,527,792 12,200,160 932,960

622,496 1,019,872 295,904 336 520,464 753,648 2,747.584 Ounces 7,647

758,240 3,107,104 375,200 245,952 908,432 658,560 2,327,808 Ounces 4,485

Argentina, . . . . . . . . . . . . Brazil. ................ Canada..







2,152; i i 6 2,922,528

336 364.896



8,057 840 165,984


948,640 6,787,088 1,232 Gallons 141,916 131,084 4,748

Ounces 406,154 24,052

Ounces 225,611 49,199 41,409 116,116 14,659 89 Pounds 528,976



Pounds 6,254,752 427,168 1,184,400 2,593,024 342,048 284,928 193,872


112,298 19,618 9,892,263 1,562,467 Pounds 26,196,352 605,136 8,795,136


Gallons 299,157 243,912 21,410

Potassium : Chromate a n d bichromate Belgium. .............. France, Ger Net British East Indies. Canada, Cyanide, and cyanide of sodium. ............ Japan. ................ Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portuguese East Africa.



16,324,560 222,992 375,424 4,504,416 336 117,712 11,037,152 10,786,272 18,368 246,288 1,281,168 6,142,304 1,950,368 302,s 12

252,110 810

..... .

1913 Pounds 169,417,920 48,758,080 5,884,480 60,766,720 9,965,760 6,668,480 11,121,600 920,640




3,166 Ounces 208,571 Gallons 16,480,463 1,498,706

(Continued) 1916 1919 Pounds Pounds 87,178,560 78 554 560 48,778,240 36 :973:440 17,920 5.11 1,680 6,339,200 8,915,200 3,252,480 2 856 000 15,523,200 9 :985 :920 100,800 103,040 5,953,920 2,051,840



Methanol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France. .................. British Possessions. . . . . . . Switzerland.




Argentina. Chile.



Soda ash.


............. ............ ...........

NornTay Sweden. Australia. British I n d i a . . .......

Japan, .............. Argentina, .......... Brazil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . United S t a t e s , . ......

15,732,864 860,160 1,601,600 1,462,496 3,734,976 7 14,000 3 , 5 0 8 , 5 12 912,464 132,272 367 I 696 3,798,816


223,664 653,296 21,280 1,654,912 468,944


$635 3 i 7 66,672 112,538 71,153 37,292 35,711 116,874 Ounces 1,374,328 19,447 99,062 696,015 90,271 71,564 5,326 4.727 Pounds 55,947,584 3,921,456 8,703,184 1,867,824 8,728,048 1,312,528 9,528,400 4,526,816 1,100,176 5,553,184

..... ...


290,640 6,013,952 2,240 563,584 991,648 1,051,008 112 224 $556,486 Gallons 28,274


7.975 16,420 Ounces 322,970 140,873 4,745




18,501 121,474 1,360,912 Pounds ’


159.264 118,496 56,448 43,568


269,696 32,256 27,337,296 2,013,760 428,960 130,368 2,945.936 953,568 13,209,280 2,103,024 446,096 69,552 2,117,136 265,776 273,168 146,944 241,360 365,792






34,416 82,322 2,983 Ounces ,659,030 208,244 250 480,180 116,659 76,032 26,426 324.157 Pounds ,099,760 ,444,352 ,988,544 ,049,136 ,789,856

,?0:,3?8 ,15U,YIL

,647 744 90 1,600 5,882,464

132,496 116,144

12,240,480 1,167,712 2,501,744 1,121,904 54,992 231,952 2,620,240 908,544 224,000 1,306,368 6,353,984 15,680 2 14,032 41,664 92,624 2,525,600 2 2ai’4?2 $436: 598


3,163 62,646 61,274 18,522 13,573 Ounces 1,722,191 10,167 22,080 332,241 48 824 20,094 97,406 621.718 58,832,816 Pounds I

4,191,376 3 368 736 2 :221: 744 11,332,384 2,799,328 10,281,712 1,190,672


969,808 3,279,584

25,150,272 30,176,720 21,947,632 2,132,032 10,316,768 1,179,920 1,130,304 6,341,552 1,965,712 1,971,760 2,303,056 9,834,384 286,496 808,752 4,461,408 3,447,360 4,011,504 11,984 140,672 675,808 13,078,128 :296 349,977,264 351,472,912 377,9i5 30,908,416 18,745.552 29,416,912 6,757,184 12,307,904 32,983,664 18,506,432 3,771,824 3,377,696 12,662,608 4,717,440 25,225,200 21,083,552 51,294,880 16,612,288 50,922,592 43,509,648 28,893,648 52,867,248 72,321,312 63,296,688 70,691,488 86 553 712 15,850.352 17’634’736 23,812,620 8,872,304 16,153,648 3 802 :400 23,178,736 38,541,888 5,067,888 1,951,712 123,872 3,376,128




EXPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLIEDPRODWCTS (Continued) 1913 1916 1919 Pounds CREMICALS(Coacluded): Pounds Pounds Sodium (Concluded) : Chromate and bichromate 5,435,024 9,584,624 7,777,740 1,415,008 6,726,720 France.. 4,713,184 2.51 1,600 Germany.. Netherlands. 472,080 23,968 Australia.. 885,136 347 200 333,312 Canada 414 512 19:600 67,424 British Possessions, n. e. 5. 1,085:840 524 496 33,264 Italy.. 1 121’120 167,792 :240 65,387,840 117 ’ 132 ’288 Caustic soda.. 20,945,008 Italy.. 11,687,648 12 524 5 12 1,793,792 Netherlands.. 4,760,000 5,238,016 1 417 136 Norway.. 3,522,736 1,074,864 4 009 040 921,200 Portugal.. 2,952,880 4 925 648 Rumania. 800,800 3’496’976 Sweden 145,488 4 749 024 11:078:368 Australia. 8,650,880 7 :064: 176 10,647,728 British India.. 3,927,952 9,756,880 24,455,200 Japan. 2,460,192 21 304 416 13 908 496 3 533 488 Argentina 2 :676:800 15 :759 :856 6:276:592 Brazil, 8,051,792 7,007,504 Canada.. 18.032 8,400 Mexico.. 178,976 45 ;808 548,912 1,192,240 United States.. 90,944 13,552 148,3E8,688 54,146,064 Sulfate (salt cake).. 57 781 360 28,190,176 Belgium., 9’285’ 136 19,589,456 14,5$0;%I2 14:890:512 Norway. 23,140,432 Russia.. 22 176 1,164,800 54,782,896 Sweden 21,6861784 20,704,320 7,645,792 British Possessions., 2 853 200 5 211 696 56,171,584 Other salts,. 62 294 1400 69’ 195 ’ 280 131,936 854 112 France.. 10’230’528 6,373,136 13,383 888 111198:656 Italy.. 2,717,120 Portugal, 2,954,112 2,711,296 4,133,136 Australia. ............. 6,817,216 4,069,968 2,067,520 3,253.7 12 British East Indies.. 2,416,5 12 10,262,560 6,703,760 Argentina. 9,116,912 1,720,432 2,526,720 Brazil 2,343,600 1,828,400 Canada.. 1,175,664 975,296 3 858 064 28,560 Mexico 1,341,984 4:074: 896 United States.. 2,063,712 3,605,952 DRUGSAND MEDICINES: Pounds Pounds Pounds Disinfectants insecticides, weed killkrs, sheep and cattle dressings (except tobacco offal). 43,816,080 49,792,400 52,523,744 3,429,888 Australia. 3,176,208 3,258.192 British East Indies.. 2,647,344 4,440,240 3,626,224 7,762,496 British South Africa.. 8,065,232 8,849,344 3,677,296 5,546,912 New Zealand. 4,688,096 Portuguese East Africa.. 1 230 992 1,303,680 1 480 192 13:941:536 15,196,832 18:637: 136 1,218,672 1,479,296 188,832 1,604,064 1,673 952 1,775,984 894,096 Uruguay.. 705 ,040 895 888 1,219,792 United States., 991,984 823.200 Medjcines and drugs n e. s including dedicinai preparations. $10,085,091 $19,025,348 $1 7,772,249 179,953 92 440,438 Belgium.. 385 656 894,945 1,282,420 France.. 393,169 Germany., ..... Italy. 242,522 692,230 529,855 90,994 247,675 Netherlands. 314,634 14,497 99,875 136,116 Portugal. 72,195 614 210 Russia.. 5,443,239 Spain. 109,598 301 027 187,915 1,791,495 Australia. ,577,933 1,459,770 489,964 388,118 New Zealand, 496,622 2,438,214 ,928,871 2,867,006 British India.. 1,225,983 873,824 1,433,773 British South Africa.. 368,457 202,276 455,650 British West Africa.. 227,037 151,363 309,407 Straits Settlements. 281,668 437,085 666,092 China.. 195,312 117,497 Argentina. 417,594 539,987 288,890 768,839 Brazil. 122,928 Chile. 122,587 204,130 674,988 648,807 706,478 Canada.. 336,236 United States.. 542,478 573,853 Pounds Pounds Pounds DYES A N D DYESTUFFS (not 13,756,280 6,276,256 coal-tar) 1 ,592,352 ,000,944 Belgium. ..... 927,024 France.. ,667,456 826,112 194,656 746,032 Germany.. 495,376 634,704 194,320 1,888,320 261,744 Russia. 1,186,416 103,040 2,449,776 250,432 1,787,408 589,232 435,456 129,696 418,768 54,320 187,264 1,081 024 319,760 1,446,368 Canada. 7501960 44,240 1,196,496 United States.. 4,887,904 424,928 2,353,456 480,144

.............. ............

.... .....


............ ............... ................ ...........

................ ......... ............. ............ ............. ............... ............. ......... ............... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ...... ........... .............. ........ ...... ............. .............. .............. ............... ... ............ .............. ................

..... . . e . .

: :

: :





... ................. ...... ............. ............... ........


.............. .................. .................. .......... ............... ............... ........... ............ ..... .............. ................

............... .......... ................ .......... ...............

Canada.. United States.. Norway. Superphosphates. Denmark.

............ ............



.......... ............... ................ .............. ................... ............ ............... ................ .................. ...............



........... ...........

.... ..... ...... ................. ..............

.................. .................. ............... .......... ................ .................. .................. ................ ...... .................. ............


Cordite and other smokeless propellants. Belgium.. France., Italy.. Dynamite and other high explosives. France.. Italy. Russia.. Australia. New Zealand,. British India., British South Africa.. British West Africa.. Japan.. Portuguese Africa,.

........... ............... ................ .................. .............. ................ ................... ................ ............... .......... ........... .... ..... ................. ......






2,802 ;464

397,600 2,802,464


18,544,176 33,040


6 39i’i68 1:115:120 1,478,400 540,960 804,720 1,714,608 1,065,456


18,440,800 1,232,448 1,943,088 4,108,048 5,351,360 1,109,248 1,587,376 340,256 876,5 12 216,272


609,952 157,136 100,128 28,336 6,635,664 541,408


11,760 833,840 242,592 489,104


302,288 1,355,648


307,440 1,386,672 1,581,104

....... ................ ................ ............... ................... ............ ............... ............... ................. ..... ......... ....... ................... ......... ................. ................ .......... ............... .............. ................. ................... .................

......... ............... ..... .... ........... .............. ..........

ALLIED PRODUCTS (Continued) 1913 1916 1919 Pounds Pounds Pounds


EXPLOSIVES (Concluded):

Dynamite, etc. (Concluded) : Argentina. Brazil. Chile. United States.. Gunpowder. Australia. New Zealand. British India. British West Africa.. Argentina. Canada. FERTILIZERS : Ammonium sulfate.. Belgium. France.. Germany. Italy. Netherlands, Norway.. Portugal. Spain.. British East Africa.. British Guiana.. Dutch East Indies. Japan Canary Islands.. Cuba.. Hawaii.. United States.. Slag, basic.. Denmark.. France. Italy. Russia.

............ ............... ........

Netherlands. Portugal. Channel Islands.. United States.. OILS VEGETABLE: Fixed: Castor. Belgium, France. ............ Germany. . . . . . . . . . . Netherlands. . . . . . . . Canada.. United States.. ..... Coconut: Unrefined.. Russia. United States.. Refined. Denmark. Italy. Netherlands. Sweden. Australia. Canada.. Cottonseed: Unrefined. Netherlands. British South Africa.. Refined. Belgium.. Frayce; IU ernerianas.. French West Africa.. United States.. Linseed : Pure, Belgium.. France. Germany. Australia. New Zealand. Brazil. .............. United States.. Not pure. Belgium. France.. Egypt. Brazil. Cuba.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. ...... Olive: Unrefined. Refined. Australia. Canada.. United States.



672 7,543,424 3,289,664 493,472 387,296 874,608 816 368 335:216 Tons 323,054 5,169 8,874 9,388 5,822 2,872


3,507 52,357 4,926 7,725 37,119 114,583 8,495 4 249 7:143 38,919 165,100 10,787 26,995 18,234 27,159 13,632 5,764 19,793 4,277 6.774 9,392 63,480 12,040 4,801 6,585 4,105 7,321 12,522 2,373 152,437 11,304 27,399 31,816 1,702 7,706 8,073 32,208 Pounds

.............. ...........

24,232,320 844,480


14,9j6; 640 3,996,160 1,001,280


............. ...... .............. ........... ............... ........ ............ ........... ...........

............ ........ .............. ........... .............. .......


................. ........... ............. ........... ........... ....... ...... ............. ............ ............ ............. .............. ............ .............. ........... ........... .......

Vol. 13, No. 3


6,951,504 5 , 7 6 i ;i9z 6,598,256 540,512 774.928 1,553,104 1,076,208 531,664 684,880 1,169,280 40,320 528,640 56,029,120 7,282,240 7,199,360 16,885,120 3,498,880 4,818,240 59,893,120

..... .....

792,960 13,704,320 4,695,040 8,348,480 309,120 7,107,520

..... .....

920,640 1,274.560 629,440 33,600 Gallons 6,050 91,954 14,216 11,192 14,216

45,024 119,168 1,125,264


75,040 3,104 ‘080 568:512 390,320 216,160 647,920 161,728 1,456

3 , 8 % ,*7% 902,720 216,272 618 800 795 1424 345,072




259,290 287 24 I 896

92,866 3,667 17,593

2,004 8,437 17.762 3,424 61,513

2,767 ..... .....




2,292 ..... 2,279

..... 7,658

82,928 9,155 5.865 2,525

12,854 39 668 3,299 ~

..... .....



6,258 38,628


..... 624


820 30


..... ..... 21,901

1,655 .....


..... 1,040

2,967 2,696 250

7,891 313

4,470 14,368


..... .....




67 ..... 98

1,456 ..... ..... 609

10,737 50,499 11 6,528

40,782 294 13,546

5,028 1,570 6,481 15,592 Pounds

1,108 7,045 8,217 Pounds

..... 3 , I46


6,908,160 1,890;560


6,247,360 770,560 887,040


60,480 1,120,000 916.160

i,30i 633,920

1,515,248 112,000 1 034 768 4 :400 :816 207,312 430,304 44,800 86,352 577,024 909,104

3,634,064 3,634,064

383,040 313,600 4,480 5,391,680

15,910.720 15,888,320

1,6i9:520 880,320 678,720


52,306,240 19,904:640 4 , a i i : i6o 3,781,120 2,157,120 76,160 3,232,320 36;; i i o 555,520 598,080 264,320


Gallons 1,492 63,218 12,099 3 932 3 327


..... ..... 208,320

986,944 768,992

..... ..... .....

6,065 :9iO 1,238,720 2,542,400 990.080 4,480


157,996,160 25,986,240. 29,021,440 52,254,720 725,760 506,240 2,524,480 9,853,760 10,008,320 4.338.880 1,937,600 134,400 421,120 183,680 573,440 Gallons 605 20,266 5 747 3 1025


M a r . , 1921


EXPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS (Continued) OILS,VEGETABLE (Concluded) : Fixed (Concluded): Palm: Unrefined. Italy.. Netherlands. British Possessions. United States.. Refined.. France.

............ ..............

........ .. ...... ............. .............

...... ............ ........ .............. ........ ............... .............. .............

United States.. Palm kernel: Unrefined. Netherlands, Refined, Netherlands. Rapeseed. Belgium. Germany.

........ ................ ............... ............. ................. ........

United States.. Soy-bean France. Germany. Italy. United S t a t e s . ,

.......... .......... Sweden. .............. . United States.. ........ Volatile. .................. Belgium. ................ France. ................. Germany. ...............

.......... .................. ................. ................ ................. .......... ............

1913 Pounds

1916 Pounds

1919 Pounds


6,809,488 356,272 627.984 3,488.240 2,049,600 3,385,984 44,800 315,952 5,600 500,528 1,534.736

931 280 15:680 431.984 2,240 124,096 1,174 208 252:448 51,520 511,280 22,400


55;0:+64 1,446,368 1,698,816

..... .....

619,472 75.152

.............. United States.. .......... White lead.. .............. Belgium. ................ France. ................. Russia. , . ....... British I n ........ Australia.


................ ................. ................... ........... .................. ................. .. ...... .... ................ .... ............ . . . ........ .... ..... ............... .............. .................. ................ ..........



3,6?8;080 244,160 2,959,040 35,840



1,2i4;0i0 8,507,520 21,033,600 185,920 3,113,600 10,176,320 1,167,040 5,122,880 1,001,280 35,840 2,983,680 228,480 363,787 16,936 73,582 47,382 9,063 65,928 31,614 50,615





United S t a t e s . . PIGMENTS,VARNISHES: 12,849,872 Barytes. 57,904 France. 6,912,976 Germany 2,014,208 Russia. 2,073,456 United States.. 5,286,624 92,512


678,720 604,800 2,549,120 10,200,960 627,200

11,306,848 11,094,160 297,696 241,472 32 755 520 6 :796: 160 6,124,160 14,775,040 508,480 143,360 2,327,360 952,000


348,096 468,048 219,184 910,336


487,760 346,752 41,199,872


8,624 2,252,880 3,515,120 15,457,904 5,099,584 3,965,808 325,920 5,577,712 182,560

8 , Si5;600

..... .....

1,3jO; 560 246,400 94,080 536,482


599 036 24: 073 95,581

6S;iiS 133,928 40,279 23,898

;3:491 51,746 30,159 66,236

9,466,464 4,964,624

2,719,360 2,338,000

855,904 2,292,752 7,575,568 179,424 16,800 11,872 639,072 737,520 1,339,072 490,000 548,464 231,168 29,372,000

4,480 112,224 8,946,336 443,072 437,136 286,384 441,728 472,528 1,254,512 706,608 495,936 382,928 16,229,920 2,400,048 4,462 864 285 376 5,073,040 570,304 746,480 751,184 39,872 2,930,032 916,384 278,768 199,248 395,584 94,976 10,416



1,5i0:400 3,555,104 3,604,048 9,721,152 3,428,432 1,121,792 98,784 6,101,760 1,041,936 40,880 679 392 1,459,584 285,936 133,280


Zinc oxide. France. ..... Italy. . British I n d i a . . 587,328 Brazil. 269,472 758,576 Chile.. Canada. 909,328 Painters’ colors and mate216,420,400 169,726,256 127,844,416 rials, n. e. s . . 8,121,344 9,161,600 Belgium. 6,100,752 10,130,736 5,150:096 France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170,688 14,396,592 Germany. 3,185,728 Netherlands. 3,0~0:208 . . . . 6,977,600 British India, ........ 26,800,928 18,997,328 26,282,928 British South Africa. 12,032,272 7,205,520 13,681,248 6,092,912 14,374,752 Australia. 17 793 214 Argentina, 6 1730; 080 4,829,888 6 016 976 Brazil, 3,641,680 5 1785 :920 7,534,016 Canada, 1,000,048 11,025,616 2,907,072 3,777,760 14,028,784 8,494,640 United States.. PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS: Perfumery (except spirits perfumed in bond, and essential oils) : Perfumery containing $819,549 $918,844 $1,449,793 soirits 42,674 67,017 130 982 Japan. 294: 860 British India.. ......... 135,834 132,354 British South Africa.. 140,320 48,670 71,732 British West Africa.. 85,066 30,644 143,902 93 641 86 682 Australia. 95 709 Other sorts, $993:472 $1,840:300 $2,613 :383 23,096 1,942 Belgium. 125.473 France, 31,107 29,072 154,609 43,380 Russia. ............... 116,459 9,976 415 336 British India.. 152,594 248,094 British South Africa;. 96,542 157,786 242:065 British West Africa 204,832 176,201 37,579 Australia, 232,385 249,058 162,337 32.270 United States.. , , 57,176 37,297 Pounds Pounds Pounds 13,550,768 14,626,976 Toilet soap.. 9,591,344 Belgium. 113,568 8,624 2,796,304 France, 348,432 922,096 1,250,704 1 Not shown separately; included with palm oil.

............... ................ .. ... ............. ............. .............. ............... .........



.............. ................ .................


EXPORTSOR CHEMICALS AND ALLXED PRODUCTS (Concluded) 1913 1916 1919 Pounds Pounds Pou nds

PERFUMERY, ETC.(Concluded) : Toilet soap (Concluded): Germany.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Java. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . British I n d i a . . ........... British South Africa.. . . . . United States.. .......... OTHER PRODUCTS: Blacking and polishes, containing no sweetening matter.. .............. Belgium France, Germanv ................ Setherlands, . . . . . . . . . . . . British India.. . . . . . . . . . . . British South Africa. . . . . Argentina, United States.. .......... Blacking, containing sugar or other sweeteniha matter: Liquid. Solid, ...................

225,680 268,912 3 ,112,256 607,936 521,808

1,2i9;232 3,980,032 740,880 345,520

1,397,312 349,888 2,344 496 235 ‘424 110:208

................. .................

38,476,592 1 275 232 5:452:608 2,199,792 2,573.648

29,159,312 5,376 2,143,792

25,121,712 2 015 328 1:848:784

1 , 2 2 i :SO8 3,915,520 2,779,616 1,757,616 2,414,608

3:078:656 1 lj9’i64


2,860,144 2,100,560 3,153,136 3,753 ,904

21,392 233,296 29,220,464 602,896

12,320 188,944 34,053,824 162,176

7,168 488,656 26,362,000 51 :919: 662 792 384

42,560 1,781,136 1,230,208 8,375,920 3,032,512 1,360,576 547,344 866,992

5,4ji:432 1,030.512 1,020,320

792.288 198,464 8 343 57,456 776

................. ................






..... 29,385;iSZ 827,008 1 , 5 i i :Go 562,800 2,501,968 757,008 394,128 3,363,808 3,617,040 4,885,664 3,324,160 1,534.736

9,433,200 3,243,968 2,152,752 813,680 7,409,472 5,602,464 1,304,688 32,928 12,521,712


456,400 325,248


2 497 152 1:199:632 1,433,040

1 248 1464 760,256 373,296 1,448,832 385,392 450,800 llIl83:ii4 1,161,888 604,464 610,512 665.616 610 848

i , 5 9 i i84 821,184 689: 808 ........... 2,085,664 1,858,304 Japan. 1,367,856 717,360 Canada. 240.576 United States.. 733,712 141,792 379;456 Norway. 161,504 1,565,424 166,208 Sweden 1,327,536 Netherlands.. ; Paper and paper-making materials: Paper: 30,363,568 15 412 432 24,469,312 Writing. 585,648 1,058,624 4:063: 136 France.. ............ 1,013,600 764,624 999,376 Japan, 6,422,080 3,287,648 3,111,136 British India.. 9,646,000 1,420,608 Australia. 8,675,184 394,240 3,879,904 2,576,224 New Zealand. 170,800 60,816 243,152 United States. ....... 40,943.168 Printing, .............. 210,304,752 175,999,600 6,798,848 4,762,912 Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,721,456 14 7 j 4 ’ i 4 4 9 553 264 France .............. 1 983:408 14:308: 672 Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,937,200 4,966,640 20,756,960 British India.. . . . . . . . 30,786,672 65 894 528 63,405,216 1,875,664 Australia. ........... 13: 784: 064 12,654,992 899,472 New Zealand. 2,007,712 71,680 13,624,688 Canada. 3,506,384 2,613,856 571,872 United States.. ...... 26,918,640 25,329,360 Packing and wrapping.. 101,410,624 11,193,168 1,909,040 303,408 Java. 61,369,168 10,724,672 17,794,896 British East Indies., 2,037,616 1,026,144 992,992 136,752 Canada, . . . . . . . . . . . . 820,960 1,042.720 United States.. Tons Tons Tons Paper-making materials.. 201,754 54,411 47,460 Belgium. 26,035 ..... 3,892 France, 53,763 11,054 6.578 Canada. 9,596 1,603 3,512 United States.. 88,970 40,110 32,103 Pounds Pounds Soap: Pounds Household and laundry, in bars or tablets.. 177,404,192 218,624,672 241,486,336 52,236,352 52,752 Belgium. 16,590,896 11,574,416 3,14i:488 France. 16,500.960 Germany. 10,348,688 407,232 24,693.984 5,353;8i4 Italy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,021,360 Netherlands. . . . . . . . . . . 6,376,832 4,702,768 1,077,328 Russia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,119,616 599,648 2,68i :056 Turkey 21 111 552 36,262,128 British India.. ......... 34,458,144 13,149,472 7 1043:456 China. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,658,880 9,472,176 6,503,392 15,876,448 6,940,192 Dutch East Indies.. .... 6,078,800 6,726,496 1 847,664 Egypt 4,894,512 2,799,104 Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 419 088 9,843,008 14,576,800 British West Africa.. . . . 8,198,288 11 125 856 10,042,368 British West Indies.. ... 983,360 1,042,272 753,424 Polishing and scouring.. 2,962,624 2,897,216 2,815,120 Soap powder.. . . . . . . . . . . . 142,016 6,749,232 1,150,016 1,164,576 New Zealand. . . . . . . . . . 10,637.648 4,372,816 Soft soap.. .............. 4,777,920 81 ,200 ..... Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,726,592 4,023,376 France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,464 1,432,256 Norway. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons Tons Tons 23,271 4,475 1,259 Sugar, refined, and candy. 744 1,156 Channel Islands.. ...... 4,407 ..... Denmark. 3,389 ..... 2 Netherlands, . . . . . . . . . . 2,450 ..... Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,720 ..... ..... Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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