THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND TRADE OF HOLLAND. O. P. Hopkins. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1921, 13 (7), pp 593–599. DOI: 10.1021/ie50139a006. Publication ...
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July, 1921


THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND TRADE O F HOLLAND By 0.P. Hopkms 1824 Belmont Road. Washington, D. C.

Without native supplies of the raw materials essential to manufacturing industries, Holland is primarily an agricultural and commercial nation, making the most of a soil and topography well suited to grazing and cereal and potato production, and of excellent river and harbor facilities for shipping. Such manufacturing industries as exist are based almost entirely upon imported materials, of which a considerable portion comes from the rich Dutch colonies. Part &ofthe importing, however, is carried on for the purpose of seexporting. The prosperity of the country is due quite as much to the industry, thrift, and intelligence of the people as to other factors. Since the war the import trade has been concerned chiefly with foodstuffs, iron and steel and nonferrous metals, coal, tobacco, textiles and yarn, mineral oil, coffee, fertilizers, and .oilseeds. The principal items in the export trade have been tobacco, butter and butter substitutes, textiles, skins, paper, sugar, cheese, mineral oil, coffee, iron and steel, and paints and colors. Depending largely on water-borne commerce, Holland, as a neutral and because of her geographical location, was sorely tried by the war, although for a period after hostilities began she prospered. As time went an and the blockade -of the Central Powers was strengthened, it became more and more difficult to carry on trade with her neighbors, neutral or belligerent, until finally it was something of a problem to get in sufficient quantities for purely domestic needs. Since the war there has been a revival in the trade of the country, for the Dutch traders are in an excellent position to handle a portion of the import and export business of Germany. SUMMARY OF TRADE IN CHEMICALS So far as the chemical trade is concerned, Holland is very closely linked to Germany. A really good market exists for imported chemicals, but the lion’s share not unnaturally goes to the great chemical industries that are so conveniently located next door and that now have an immense advantage i n the exchange rate. The export trade in domestic chemical products, never so important as the import trade, is handicapped a t present by the high price of Dutch money. The following figures give an approximate idea of the foreign business in chemicals for the last four years for a group in the Dutch statistics that includes chemicals, medicines, dyes, colors, perfumery, explosives, matches, glue and gelatin, ink, and celluloid: YEAR 1917 1918 1919 1920

---IMPORTS--Metric tons 59,000 35,000 97,000 177,000


$13,000,000 11,000,000 19,000,000 32,000,000

-EXPORTS---Metric tons 22,000 4,000 33,000 60,000

Valua %9,000,000 3,000,000 12,000,000 21,000,000

It is evident that the trade made a fine recovery from the almost complete stagnation of the war year, although as a matter of fact the world-wide depression that made itself felt about the middle of 1920 affected the Ketherlands as it did other countries. Nevertheless, in spite of the good business of 1920, the Dutch chemical manufacturers are much concerned a t the appearance of low-priced products from the old source of supply, Germany, where the exporters are not only anxious to reestablish themselves in their former markets, but have a decisive advantage in exchange. Dutch manufacturers also claim that the prices of German chemicals have been lower than the prices of German raw materials from which the chemicals are manufactured.

The principal imports in 1920 were: Aniline dyes and indigo ($5,537,000), colors, paints, and varnishes ($4,G?S,OOO), sodas ($3,991,000), and perfumery, etc. ($1,899,000). The leading exports were: Colors, paints, and dyes ($7,503,000), glues and gelatin ($1,688,000), perfumery, etc. ($l,SGS,OOO), and quinine salts ($1,338,000). DOMESTICCHEMICALIXDUSTRIES The chief Dutch industries that may be classed as chemical are those concerned with the manufacture of vegetable oils, paints, varnishes and colors, superphosphates, soap, and quinine salts, all of which work on raw materials imported from foreign countries or from the colonies. There are no figures available to show production since the war, but some census statistics for 1913 and the latest available year are given below to afford an idea of the relative standing of the industries. Fertilizers are not included. In some cases returns were not asked for or not made, and where figures are not given it must not, therefore, be assumed that there was no production. The grouping is that adopted in the original census. 1913



$181,703 36,298


$604,272 51,804 40,309

TOTAL.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 18,OO 1


..... ..... . . .

3,121,327 157,965 6,118 35,713 11,738 5,050 835,161

HYDROCHLORIC A N D SULFURIC ACIDS: Sulluric acid (60a-660BC.).. . . . . Hydrochloric acid, . , , , , . , , , , , . Other products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMICALS: Quinine and allied alkaloids and their salts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other alkaloids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring salts, artificial, . . . . . . . . . . Medicinal wines.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sirups ........................ Disinfectants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other products. ..........,

..... TOTAL. ..................

ASPHALT WORKS A N D COAL-TAR DISTILLERIES: Benzene. ..................... Disinfectants, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carbolineum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oils (anthracene, creosote, and ut her: ...................... Other products of distillation. . . . Cement mastic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mastic, pitch, black varnish. Asphalted paper..



..... ..... ..... 14,929





63,198 50,436

124,401 60,833 143,860 154,860 217,449

182,420 117,659 166,062 229,529 355,103



79,163 86,148 68,156

294,261 235,574 147,892

2,06 1,116 23,290

4,325,908 104,048

TOTAL, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,317,872



............. TOTAL.. .................

PIGMENTSA N D DYES: Blue dyes and pigments. . . . . . . . . Coal-tar dyes, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other dyes andpigments.. . . . . . . White lead, zinc white, and lithopone. ...................... Other products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PREPARED COLORS, LAKES, A N D VARNISHES : Varnishes., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lakes.. ...................... Prepared colors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water colors.. ................. Dry colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oil.. ........................ Other products..


TOTAL. .............. BLUING: Bluing. ..................... Other products. .............

TOTAL. .................. BUREAU ARTICLES: Writing ink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printer’s ink.. ................. Glue, liquid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sealing wax.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Library paste. ................. Other products. ...............




1,035,170 1,298,189 675,770 27,182 15,068 334,107 64,910

1,089,209 1,327,000 1,220,266 55,502 218,930 324,840 210,743



23,535 12.748

45,619 52.381



..... ..... .....

..... ..... .....


74,883 184,206 7,224 39,651 6,923 85,071




594 GLUEA N D SIZE: Glue and sizing.. Other products.

.............. TOTAL................... ...............

1913 46,364 25,675 72,039

OIL MILLS: Linseed oil (including. boiled) Rapeseed and colza 011s. . . . . . . . . Sesame oil.. Peanut oil.. Soy-bean oil.. Coconut oil.. Palm-kernel oil.. Other oils and fats..

..... 5,202,617 1,263,625 ................... ..... ................... ..... ................. 166,950 .................. ..... .............. ..... ............ 2,139,518 TOTAL OILS.. ............ 8,772,710 Oilcakes. ..................... 8,556,541 Other products. ............... 804,639 Work done for others.. ......... 6,720 TOTAL PRODUCTION.. ..... 18,140,610 MACHINE OIL: Machine and other oils.. ........ 13,427 Other Droducts ................ ..... TOTAL.. ................. 13,427 SOAP:

1916 71,823 46,282 118,105 10,208,043 2,044,547 4,880,352 64,112 241,380 12,286,037 3,156,107 1,927,877 34,808,455 18,176,000 2,017,636 1,201,255 56,202,346 109,769 56,788 166,557

1,559,844 3,988 739,313 7,813 794,367 345,353 288,538 196,613 102,877 162,726

1915 3,447,577 34,895 1,671,151 12,506 1,440,411 348,108 573,420 351,096 252,226 340,509



43,697 75,444 45,724 15,386 29,860

1916 106,437 324,243 71,562 31,847 85,078



............. ........ ...............

202,545 35,393 1,018

267,820 61,139 4,199

TOTAL.. .................



.................... .............. ................... .... ................ . ................. ............. ............... TOTAL ...................

Soft soap.. Soft textile soap.. Hard soap.. Liquid and medicated soap.. Soap powder.. Eau de Cologne and perfumery.. Glycerol, raw and refined.. ...... Linoleic acid.. Other fatty acids.. Other Droducts.

BLACKING AND POLISHES: Polishes. Shoe blacking.. Various waxes. Axle grease, leather polish, etc. Other products..

..................... ................ ................ ..

.............. .................


WAXA N D CANDLES: Beeswax, refined.. Wax and other candles.. Other products.









VEGETABLE OILS Although there is no oil-milling center in the Netherlands to rival Hull, Marseille, and Hamburg, the crushing of oilbearing materials is nevertheless an extensive industry, playing an important part in the economic life of the country. Vegetable oil is an essential in the manufacture of margarine, which is produced in great quantities to supplement the output of dairy butter. Linseed oil is in great demand by the thriving paint and varnish industry, and oilcake finds a ready market in a country noted for its dairy industry. With the exception of some linseed and rapeseed, all the oil-bearing materials are imported. The pre-war purchases of oilseeds totaled about $40,000,000annually, and $14,000,000 worth of oils were also imported. Owing to shipping facilities, considerable quantities of both seeds and oils were imported for distribution to nearby markets, the exports of seeds amounting to $23,000,000 in 1913 and of oils to $8,000,000. The United States has neve? been prominent in the trade except as a source of cottonseed oil, and, since the war, as a secondary source of soy-bean oil. Corn oil is practically unknown. The trade was badly disorganized during the war, and in 1918 was practically a t a standstill. The Allies were alert to prevent supplies of the valuable food oils reaching the enemy through neutrals, and Holland found it expedient to make arrangements through the N. 0. T. (Ketherlands Overseas Trust) that amounted to an oil rationing. In fact, oils became so scarce that the government finally forbade the use of edible oils for technical purposes. There was naturally a change in the character of inaterial handled by the mills, although production figures are available

Vol. 13, No. 7

only for the first years of the war, when the output was temporarily greatly increased. The production of the mills in 1913 was 153,000,000 lbs. of oils, of which 105,000,0001bs. were linseed and 20,000,000 lbs. rapeseed. I n 1916 the output had reached 357,000,000 lbs., of which 121,000,0001bs. were coccnut oil, 54,000,000 lbs. sesame, 42,000,000 lbs. palm-kernel, and only 14,000,000 Ibs. rapeseed. In 1919 the imports of seeds and oils increased enormously over the previous war year, but there was some falling off in 1920. Exports, practically nonexistent in 1918, were strong in 1919, and much stronger in some cases in 1920, especially in coconut oil. Some oil formerly shipped direct to Germany is going through Dutch hands to avoid the difficulties of the exchange situation and dealing in an enemy country (according to a consular report from Rotterdam). It is also said that Dutch oil and fat concerns have acquired interest in German margarine and other fat-working establishments. COLORS Dutch paints and pigments have a reputation that is worldwide, and are produced largely in excess of the domestic demand. The production of white lead, zinc white, and lithopone in 1913 was over 57,000,0001bs., while 11,000,000 lbs. of prepared colors were manufactured, 7,500,000 lbs. of lakes, and 6,000,000 Ibs. of varnishes. The war interfered seriously with the industry, as most of the raw materials had to be imported, and foreign markets for the finished product were not easily accessible. Since the war, however, there has been a rapid recovery and business is apparently to continue good in contrast to the depression so general in other lines. The exports of white lead, zinc white, and lithopone alone amounted to 37,000,000 lbs. in 1920, or twice the total for 1919, and similar increases are recorded for colors and varnish. The Dutch industry is in a strong position to profit by the reconstruction that must go forward in some European districts regardless of cost, and in this way is able to keep going during the du!l period in ordinary building construction. PAINTS, PIGMEXTS, -4ND

FERTILIZERS Essentially an agricultural and dairying country, depending to a considerable extent on land won at great cost from the sea, Holland is committed to the use of fertilizers on a large scale. Three or four times as much fertilizer is used to the acre as in the parts of the United States where fertilizers are used a t all. The consumption of artificial fertilizers before the war may be estimated roughly a t 600,000 metric tons, all the raw material for which was imported, except the gashouse liquor used in the manufacture of sulfate of ammonia. The manufacture of superphosphate is carried on on a large scale, the total output in 1913 being 325,000 tons. This fertilizer is also extensively imported and exported, one of the best markets before the war being Russia. The phosphate is imported from the United States and Africa, and the material for the sulfuric acid from Spain, and, a t least during the war, from Norway. There was a time when American phosphate was shipped to Holland, manufactured into superphosphate, and then shipped back again. Now both phosphate and superphosphate are shipped from this country to Holland, but that is the extent of our participation in the Dutch fertilizer trade. Nitrates are imported from Chile and to some extent from Norway, and Thomas meal, potash, and sulfate of ammonia from Germany. Natural manures are also imported from neighboring countries. The war brought about a shortage of fertilizers, and the soil has never since been brought up to the productivity of pre-war days. The Fertilizer Commission was organized to give guarantees that imports would be used properly, but the trade

July, 1921


gradually came to a standstill. ilt the close of the war only potash fertilizers were being imported freely. Late in the war a trade in “sea manure” sprang up, the “manure” consisting of young mussels and starfish. The price went up from 87 to $90 a ton, and speculation was active. The trade disappeared quickly when peace was declared, partly as the

result of the smell. which aroused public indignation. DYESTUFFS The domestic production of dyestuffs is insignificant and will probably continue so unless circumstances in some way make it advisable for the Germans to have plants in Holland. Even during the war there was not the incentive to build up an industry that existed in countries cut off froin German sources. Practically the entire supply has come from Germany since artificial dyes displaced the natural product. In 1920 the imports amounted to 5,244,000 lbs., while the exports totaled 387,000 lbs. This latter figure includes dyes of domestic manufacture and those of German manufacture that actually passed into Dutch hands before being reexported. It does not include dyes merely shipped from Germany through Dutch ports. There are no returns of the purely transit trade. ?TOTES O N OTHERCHEMICAL IXDUSTRIES The manufacture of sulfuric acid is carried on rather extensively in connection with the superphosphate industry and to some extent independently, although, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the independent plants are not now able to compete with the Belgian product, which is favored by the rate of exchange. The total production in 1913 was 43,000,000 lbs. In general, the industry feels the effects of overproduction in other countries. Imports of sodas have been stimulated by the return of peace. Purchases of soda ash reached 17,000,000lbs. in 1920, as compared with only 375 Ibs. in 1919 and no imports at all in 1918. As great quantities of hides and skins, both domestic and imported, are handled, there is a thriving tanning industry and consequently a large market for tanning materials. The cinchona bark from the colonies, the world’s chief source of supply, is received at Amsterdam, and the manufacture of sulfate of quinine is a noted Dutch industry. Starch is a valuable Dutch product and is one of the few Dutch chemical products based to any considerable extent upon a domestic material-potatoes.

THEIMPORT TRADE The following table, compiled from official Dutch statistics, show-s details of the import trade in chemicals and the extent to which Germany dominates this excellent market. Unfortunately it is not possible to make a worth-while comparison of the trade as it now exists with the pre-war trade, as a badly needed revision of the method of conipiling the trade statistics took place during the war, the changes being so drastic as to make a comparison with previous figures very unsatisfactory. Quantities represent gross weights. IMPORTS OF CHEMICALS A N D ALLIED PRODUCTS 1918 1919 1920 CHEMICALS : Pounds Pounds Pounds Acetates: 4,415,198 1,722,390 Calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421,945 Belgium.. ............. ..... 354,640 ..... United Kingdom.. 4,098,207 722,184 United States.. 602 7,072 ..... Copper. ................. 363,880 110,163 ..... Lead, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,164 . . ... ..... United States.. . . . . . . . . 121,342 78,491 ..... Acetone. .................. Acids, ~. 4,017,910 790,066 31,735 Acetic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654,722 3,880,384 5,240 Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,925 ..... United Kingdom.. ..... 31,762 ..... United States.. . . . . . . . . .....37 2,855,541 6,328,887 Hydrochloric. ........... 156,442 1,241,967 Belgium.. 2,693,808 5,083,846 37 Germany..

..... ........

..... ............. ............

..... ..... .....




APID ALLIBD PRO DUCTS (Continued) IMPORTS OF CHEMICALS 1919 . 1920 1918 Pounds Pounds CHEMICALS(Continued) : Pounds Acids (Concluded): 316,782 804,550 Nitric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 226,882 56 1,707 Belgium. ........ 87,254 241,309 Germany, , , , , . , . . . . . . Oleic, and other fatty 3,456,863 10,773,575 acids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,162,010 2,082,579 1,111,288 7,910,564 2,161,150 United Kingdom. . . . . . . 2,824,053 2,497,962 United States.. . . . . . . . . 4,180,738 694 Stearic and palmitic.. . . . . . 443,303 333,042 United Kingdom,, . . . . . 84,800,330 3,190,236 2,026,755 ..... United States. . . . . . . . . . 21,069,042 Sulfuric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,783,472 15,684,409 .. Belrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944,427 5,268,333 Germany, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922,104 1,315,593 853,890 904,237 Alum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692,289 846,127 Germany . . 10,337,558 217,228 446,300 50,347 United Kingdbm 572,313 4,804 Ammonia, liquid, . . . . . . . . . . 10,255,336 553,755 4,804 Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506,205 326,965 79,720 Ammonium chloride, . . . . . . . 477,51(2 251,763 Germany, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,720 Calcium : 8 844 689 9,702,554 Carbide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:317:720 1,135,710 Germany, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,814,048 6,131,840 h-orway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,513,643 2,281,486 Sweden .. 2,271,206 8,941,663 7,174,115 1,663,751 Chloride, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,886 133,940 Belgium, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,474,144 736,772 4,388,369 Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,885,900 2,560,733 ..... 576,019 ..... 31,747 Enited States 5,598,187 3,142,577 . . . . . Phosphate.. ... 5,553,444 3,141,587 Belgium. . . . . . . . . . 57,948,000 38,721:229 29,064,410 Chemicals, n . e. s 5,684,512 1,281,440 2,456,080 Belgium. . . . . . 3 6 876 29% 19,641,408 19,879,242 4:3b1:072 166,830 6,346,200 6,000,102 6,700,526 1,052,694 159,548 204 $3 1 1,080,245 980,755 41,400 United States. . . . . . . . . . . . 12,699 48 14,31_8 Chloroform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y(i 2 2,260 1,138,180 524,178 128,514 311,317 ..... 389,918 430,195 ..... 234 383,364 ..... , 12,220 463 126 31,567 22,908 ..... 272,432 211,890 .....











. . I . .


Carbonic acid. . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other (oxygen, hydrogen, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

806,748 806,748

2,241,819 2,238,460

4,764,848 4,736,631

7,121 1,764

243,789 205,147 23 1

617,535 586,480 780


1,116,457 551,239 183.418 11,224,006 498,880 2,843,330 294,460 1,797,032 1,672,043 135,589 913,365 49,093


............ ...........



6?2 R,800 8,210

494,393 88,668 France, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switzerland. . . . . United Kingdom United States.. Potassium : Hydroxide (caustic ash). . . . . . . . . Belgium.. . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

..... .....


293,508 3,016 60,147 17,033 838



714,600 736,026


436,859 284 276 13

..... ..... ... Sodaash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . Switzerland. ......... United KinEdom.. . . . United States.. . . . . . . Hydroxide (caustic soda . Belgium, . . . . . . . . . . Germany.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Spain.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom., . . . . . United States.. . . . . . . . . Nitrate refined.. . . . . . . . . . Sulfate’fGlauber salt). Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany..





142,046 12,285,013




2 30,22 2


4,899,394 315,415

..... .. ..



11,312 473,731 341,582 174,097 110,992


1,327,873 49,117 791,354 24,233 196,963 81,626 69,496

4,039,360 164,868 3,401,312 3,823,018 1,484,732 655,655 340,369 966,337


631526 62,930 6,195,033 1,048,613 4,970,500 3,720,198 1,920,600 1,413,573 187,610

167,787 169,835



196,597 74,274 30,084



12,856,169 284,070 2,044,300 10 413 941 39:.536:707 552,280 22,867,048 146,874 12,301,560 11,794,079 375 3,043,256 4,385,450


3,791,170 11,581 160,847 8 377 986 1:056:307 5,625,458


9,617,995 2,444,702 93,046 6,133,822


17,103,100 11,681,467

4,456,367 4,281,320 17,009,966 19,778,624 4,953,258 680,527 6,107,865 4,109,206 3,850,739 888,368 10,939,012 4,768,473 1,561,741



IMPORTS OF CHEMICALS A N D ALLIEDI 'RODUCTS (Continued) 1918 1919 1920 CHEMICALS (Concluded): Pounds Pounds Pounds Sodium (Concluded): United Kingdom.. ..... 1,696,221 3,730,681 Tetraborate (borax) 81,728 1,947 854 2,276,508 Belgium. . . . . . 101i684 498,251 United Kingdom. 81,631 1,436 186 1,518,753 United States.. 403:349 COAL-TAR PRODUCTS: Anthracene. ..... ..... 5,487 Asphalt.. 659,603 1,052,900 1,166,483 Germany. ............... 395,525 835,576 458,575 United Kingdom. 210,195 535,335 Benzene.. 555,188 289,482 United Kingdom., . . . . . 540,044 252,224 Carbolineum 24,440 374 424 60,625 Coal t a r . . ................. 3,618 1,948:875 1,064,963 Belgium. 2,447 1,298,412 621 880 Creosote oil.. .............. 181,213 10,700,680 25,693:970 Germany. ............... 179,754 8,293,230 1,136,988 United Kingdom.. 2,407,450 24,556,982 Dves : Aniline and other. ........ 1,893,782 3,209,930 4 036 154 Germany. ............. 1,892,371 2,764,387 3:190: 102 Switzerland. ........... ..... 144,917 240,250 United Kingdom. ...... . . . . . 28,239 361,735 United States.. ........ ..... 41,110 ..... Indigo, synthetic.. . . . . . . . 74,913 693 567 1,207,590 Germany. 74,913 692:773 1,137,867 Naphthalene, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,486 216,174 110,008 Phenol (carbolic acid) . . . . . . . ..... 24 7,740 137,158 United Kingdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177,973 85,486 Saccharin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 63,560 154,705 France.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,707 ..... Switzerland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 ..... 23,634 United Kingdom.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,718 5,595 United States, . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 15,415 58,510 Solvent naphtha.. .......... 85,978 42,240 United Kingdom, . , . , , , 42,240 85,978 Toluene and xylene . . . . . . . . . ..... 52,110 11,032 Other products, . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,238 36 221 346 9 642 160 Germany, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35:826:103 47,644 9:385:165 United Kingdom. . . . . . . . . 375,533 210,036 DYEING AND TANNINGMA-

..... ....... .............. ......


............... .................



........ ................. ....... ............... ................ .......








Extracts used for dyeing: Extracts of dvewoods. France. . . .*. . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . United States. . . . . . . . . . Indigo, natural. . . . . . . . . . . Madder and other natural dyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany ... United K' ... Synthetic dyes n. e. s . . . . . . . Extracts used' for tanning: Liquid. Belgium. France. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . United States.. Solid: Gambier and cutch. . . . . United Kingdom. . . . .

.......... .......





942,904 720,305 151,497 37,210 15,196

216,350 113,986

65,418 65,418

235,654 136,560 92,118

209,534 136,967 58,806 16,914

5,787,035 77,091 2,510,818 262,176 439,280 2,116,560

4,405,968 1,329,652 1,223,515 589,090 456,789 349,805

2,788,739 1,626,621 937,317 14,013,067 1,369,273 2,166,304 5,656,084 870,522 3,878,654 Metric tons 443,817 336,573 104,334 746,531 65,367 246,212 434,600

1,369,119 690,485 673,854 4,577,781 767,125 501,770 1,394,525 223,044 1,553,796 rletric tons 686.526 382,705 217,142 692,390 2 11,857

1,378 1,337

10,131 9,495 555 1,374 1,369

Si6 1,636






..... .....

..... 57,904 ..... .....


..... .....

Metric tons 490,222 14,059


171,661 171,680

..... .....

Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bone ash and bone meal.. , , Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . . . Calcium: Cyanamide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nitrate (Norway saltpeter) Germany, . . , . , . , . Norway. . . . . . . . . . Fertilizers, chemical, n. Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guano, artificial . . . . . . . . . . . . Nitrogenous fertilizers, organic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phosphates, crude. . . . . . . . . . Switzerland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algeria, Tunis. . . . . . . . . . . . Chile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States. , . .Potash fertilizers: Kainite and carnallite., , ,

39 39





Germany. .............


, .

..... 17 17


..... . . I . .

10,604 868 9,736 5






63,098 91,614 84,434 53 21


5,052 2,025 2,763

120 120 4,126 35 4,016 4,370 840 3,369 150 292 29,184 3,451


..... .....





178 166 45 25

INPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLIEDPRODUCTS (Conti?rued) FERTILIZSRS (Concluded): Potash Sulfate. Fertilizers (Concluded.\I ..

........... Germany. ....... Slag, basic.. .............. Belgium. ..........

150 114,876




30,884 6,507 77,379

51,957 156 51,083 100,434 100,089 3,011 3,011

101,810 1,613 99,561 192,175 186,070 2,786 2,753

1,918 Metric tons 14,995 14,995 2,338

..... .....

........... .............. ............. ............

France. Germany.. Luxemburg. Sodium nitrate.. ........... Belgium. Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2,328 ..... 1,128 ..... ..... ..... 1,128 .... 50 17


Belgium.. OILS,VEGETABLE: Fixed: Castor, . , United Dutch East Indies. . . . . . Colza (patent oil). ........




..... ..... ..... .....

..... ..... ..... .....



Coconut. Belgium. .............. British India. . . . . . . . . . . Dutch East Indies.. , . . , Japan and Korea. . . . . . . Philippines, . . . . . . . . . . . United States.. . . . . . . . . Linseed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . United States. . . . . . . . . . Olive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France. ............... Spain, Palm. Belgium, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom.. . . . . . Belgian C3ngo.. . . . . . . . British West Africa. , . , Palm-kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium, . . . . . . . . .. . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . Peanut. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . Dutch East Indies, . . . . . Rapeseed, . . . . . . . . . . United Kinadom.. United Stat&, , , , , . Sesame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom.. . . . . . United States. . , . , . , , , Soy-bean. Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom, . . . . . . China.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japan and*Korea. United States.. Volatile. .................. France. Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . . . Dutch East Indies.. . . . . . . 1?AINTS,PIGMENTS,AND VAR-

................ ..................


. ...............







18,982 8,525


..... .....

1,443,192 67,082


1,372,847 19,186,056 19,is6,056 2,040,889 2,039,527 10,060,025 10,047,346 12,359,146 i2,3&', ii 6



1919 Metric tons

1920 Metric tons

2,310 2,135 90,752 55.978 '129 34,425

25,144 23,971 160,167 123,532 8,686 9,591 18,302 155,273 11,804 3,533 2,265 131,666 5,950


151,301 1,139 1 43,362 96,183


9,644 2,891 2,870

525 Pounds

335,960 235,723 60,451 49,804 27,758

139,317 195 972:435 57:057:980 3 063 000 1,126,192 55,829,112 10 916 086 2:632:017 735,521 1,669,186 186,665 833,495 55,367 709,796 9,177,283 149,233 3,125,916 1,040,562 4,275,647 16,511,334 14,054,615 2,220,210 5,422,983 282,483 5,055,292 14,606,620 14,034,688 488,807 986,824 986,824

..... ..... .....

17,337,399 828,488 3,664 6,197 444,769 292,827

..... ..... ..... .....


24,223 379 379 Pounds

508,455 140,262 222,224 18,792 18,336 19,514,490 162,598

43,7j'8'6io 232:879 30,939,180 12,250,306

84,fii,000 5,007,946 17,788,944 34,562,912 10,036,803



53.5 ~..


...... ........ .................


455,777 7 690 538 11:239:787 114,171,145 2,987,616 374,094 78,358,019 564,640 24,639,113 4,781,939 2,137,342 681,195 1,356,643 14,972 36,764 20,468 8 400 15,7323150 4,066,527 2,595,416 1,484,048 5,188,242 25,767,433 1,688,137 22,281,425 2,269,790 370,600 1,236,690 2,324,383 1,642,675 455,497 652,820 221,723 208,504 80,094,430 1,090,168 3,498,519 14,605,808 55,097,295 2,653,293 486,035 21,107 21,667 177,053 137,703


Colors, prepared. . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom.. . . . . . . . United States.. . . . . . . . . . . Lakes. Germany. ...... United Kingdom United States, , , Lithopone, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . Paints and colors, n. e. s , Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . .


307,161 281,987 15,688

..... ..... .





..... .....

3,448,298 3,445,830 4,426,367 16,045 4,279,308


17,968 268,790


7,021 1,218 5,774 233

Vol. 13, No. 7

..... Varnishes and siccatives, , . , , Germany, United Kingdom, . , , , , . , . United States.. . . . . . . . . . . White !cad. . . . . . . . . . . . . Relgium ............. Germany. . . . . . . United Kingdom United States. , , Zinc white.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium. ................ Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P ERFUMERY AND COSMETICS: Perfumery, cosmetics, and toilet preparations.. France.


.... .................

261,263 7,527 10,088 3,230 1,598



..... .....



158,345 1,455 156,890 215,191 51,906

1,668,967 559,017 883,983 169,780 151,600 39,405 71,558 38,426 1,140,233 1,140,233 4,957,384 94,200 3,399,093 765,427 105,230 2,480,520 10,368 1,541,064 929,087 513,964 27,869 376,572 84,633 3,124,030 444,012 2,041,132 279,068 399,663 17,867,460 416,806 17,341,150 746,093 240,678

2,444,695 779,848 1,240,909 197,966 300,007 168,197 79,620 28,325 1,450,505 1,500,113 10,797,830 590 052 6,952:878 1,504,126 326,786 4,467,347 628,247 2,721,498 947,192 721,359 83,372 370,910 142,262 5,141,777 889,554 2,594,852 735,120 899,213 21,852,157 3 382 805 17:788:518 1,596,016 604,610



Pounds PERFUMERY, E r c . (Concluded) Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom.. . . . . . . . United States. . . . . . . . . . . . Synthetic perfumes, solid or liquid. .............. France .................. Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. ........ United States.. . . . . . . . . . . OTHER PRODUCTS: Candles : Composition, spermaceti, and other sorts, D. e. s . IJnited Kingdom.. ..... Stearin. 1Jnitt.d Kingdom.. Wax. United Kingdom.. Gelatin and articles of gelatin France. Germany. ............... United Kingdom.. United States. Glucose: Liquid; Belgium. United States..


..... ................... .....


....... ...........

................. .............. ........ Burnt (caramel). ......... Glues: Bone, hide, and fish.. .....


62,739 4,875 22,137 28,958 5,913

127,619 3,397 92,155 16,001 2,992

..... .....

Paper and pulp: Woodpulp: Chemical. Belgium. ............ Germany. Norway.. .. Sweden. ............ United States. Mechanical, Finland, Norway. Sweden.



... ....... ........... .... ............ ............

Paper: Newsprint. Finland. Germany. h’orway.. Sweden. ............ Printing and writing: Containing wood.. Finland. Germany. Norway. Sweden. . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . , Not containing wood . Belgium. .......... Finland, Germany. Norway. Sweden. . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom, Wrapping, not printed . Belgium.. Finland. Germany. Sweden. Norway.

............ ............ ........... ...........

... .......... ......... .......... ........... ......... ..........

. .. ........... ............ ........... ............ ............

Pitch .,................... Belglum.. ............... Germany. United Kingdom.. Canada. Mexico.

............... .......

................ .................

.................... ................ ................. .................. .......... ..........

Rosin. Belgium. France. Spain. United States.. Soap: Perfumed, transparent, and liquid. Austria.




194,536 166,214 75,991 22,527 60,852 27,026 142,544 3,732 104,2 10 18,100 11,277

69.591 22,700 102.045 65,856 25,873 15,106 158,913 26,409 52,075 24,363 23,905

..... .....

3,435,794 427,470 2,337,577 24,577 1,687

3 731 136 1:541:382 2,159,494 99,208 8,964

533,605 137,083 2,487 367,685 978,137 47,893 476,833 314,015

640,620 178,180 49,640 352,750 1,027,660 46,683 605,770 335,413

805,137 36,392 414,958 252,646 98,822 248,192 7,026 196,864 41,520 2,734

1,251,754 195,634 569,227 312,265 141,036 357,000 68,835 210,410 59,117 15,796

Metric tons

Metric tons

Metric tons


17,936 11 252 3,356 13,321 52 14,930

38,197 1,964 4,369 4,981 25,587 260 12,888 2,750 4,499 4,973



68 68 223

..... 2,725 ..... 1,825 .....



..... 134,577 ..... 131,133 3,435

..... .....

2,351 4,212 23,967




22,972 9,768


4,861 6,379






1,099,769 2,943,233 160,616

4,101,268 2,552,175 1,126,970

16,370,154 5,830,093 9,851,767 600,169 71,811



604,075 7,436,054 549,420 2,584,276 2,707

4,649,183 2,111,036 1,439,142 115,145 4,446,278 213,928

368,117 1,977,220 4,969 5,210 3,385,418 88,095

2,198,740 522,487 242,350 720,526 12,760,442 108,423

314,789 575,700 2,401,654

9,604,437 2,066,476

27,905,120 3,065,470 22,054,810 1,172,438 1,026,432 178,070 28,590,197 1,803,128 2,640,543 19,672,875 525,908 829,793 2,022,550 34,790,642 430,065 991,048 32,433,277 346,326

Metric tons

Metric tons

Metric tons

37,027 2,046 885 33,895

63,155 19 15,995 47,110

70,791 1,959 10,764 42,663 4,350 10,492

..... .....









..... .....





8,303,337 67,940 3,197 194 915:745 4,037,303

9,618,147 824,090 5,354,415 372,674 2,681,340


1,368,718 123,869


40,515 166,985


5,256 .....




Pounds OTHER PRODUCTS (Ccnc1udc.d): Soap (Concluded): Belgium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 France ................ Germany. ............. United Kingdom.. United btates.. . . . . . . . . Hard, n. e. s., and non52,820 perfumed soap powder 4,158 United Kingdom.. . . . . . 45,338 United States., . . . . . . . . 1,616 Soft, n. e. s . . ............. Textile (hard and soft). Metric t.ons Sugar: Beet sugar, raw.. ......... ..... Belgium.. ............. Cane sugar: 3 Raw. BeIgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... United Kingdom. . . . . 3 Dutch East Indies.. .. Dutch Guiana.. . . . . . . Cuba.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominican Republic ..... Peru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... British America. ..... United States.. ...... 8 Refined.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Dutch East Indies.. .. 7 United States. Bastard sugar. ... United Kingdom.. . . . . . Pounds 836,780 Tar, wood.. ............... ..... Denmark. ............... 784,795 Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Russia, European. ........ 51,753 Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154,341 Turpentine, and spiritr of.. .. ..... Belgium. ................ ..... France 164,019 Spain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... United Kingdom.. United States., . . . . . . . . . .



..... .....




Pounds 597,730 209,918 106,862

498,884 12,818 289,249 196,817

................. ...............



209,648 196,436 68,416


Other.. France. Germany. .... United Kingdo United States..


83,057 61,584 3,311





July, 1921















29,593 20,278 6,404 516,910 876,402

151,618 166,634 157,680 587,666 139,810

5,177,125 4,811,015 265,858 67,788 25,838 Metric tons

1,524,033 784,927 455,792 153,790 12,630


Metric tons


40,408 5,064 403 383 2,677 22,961 549 796 6,165 620 146 30 106 662 629

888 890


6,545 15,383 lo1 20,630 2,930 1,852 37


104 6 96


5,345,900 1,790,374 1,257,827 24,846 777,085 1,314,580 6,989,900 1,312 917,495 466,550 254,107 5,143,316


3,888,770 266,693 122,092 776,973


2,189,030 6,821,024 465,768 2,912,983 327,590 660,225 2,3268,90

THEEXPORT TRADE I n compiling the following table of exports it has been impossible to make a satisfactory comparison with the pre-war trade, for the reason already stated in connection with the table of imports. The export figures relate only to goods of domestic manufacture and to imported goods that have actually passed into Dutch hands before being reexported. They do not include returns of goods passing directly through Dutch territory from one foreign country to another. The quantities represent gross weights. EXPORTS O F CHEMICALS



Pounds CHEMICALS: Acetates : Calcium. Copper. Lead.. France.. Acetone.. Acids: Acetic. United Kingdom.. ..... British India. .......... Dutch East Indies. . . . . . Straits Settlements. . . . . Hydrochloric. Nitric. Oleic. and other fatty acids Austria. Belnium.. ........ France. Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. . . . . . . Stearic and palmitic. . . . . . . Belgium. Denmark Finland. France. ..... Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. , . . . . . Sulfuric. ........... . . . . . Rumania. . . . . . . . .. . . . . Dutch East Indies . . . . . . ..... Egypt. Alum. Ammonia, liquid. . . . . . . . . . . Ammonium chloride. . , Calcium : ..... Carbide. Chloride. Phosphate. ......... ..... Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom. , . . . . . Chemicals, n. e. s . . . . . . . . . . . Belgium. ............ . . . . France. ............ . . . . . Germany. ..... Spain.. ............ . . . . .


................. .................. ..............



........... ..................




........ ........ ........ ..........

.......... ................ . . . .

..... ........... ...............



..... ..... ..... ..... 48,976

..... . . I . .


..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

52,477 46,791 703

1,242,200 49,355 253.928 657;511 171,799 108,328 14,555,732 33,094 131,920 1,177,100


4,829,980 8,218,820 2,638,726 245.700 156,319


48,303 952,979 9,751 285,690 9,784


22,635 4,385 1,979,707 1,979,019

..... 26 .....


2,157,236 14,129 145,723 77,096


265 187 686,4132 326.403 4;4s2


..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....





623,120 383,910 339,311 1,127,003


10,73?’,+46 2,927,525 1,449,451 1,512,243 222,314

6,419,830 1 180,141 1,617,722 2,120,714 6Y4,491 310,260 96,505 48,916,370 6,240,556 4,388,113 736,236 27,003,3390 8,161,490 5,508,860 143,236 40D,639 510,403 123,069 207,446 1,700,696 12,767,968 1,388,449 2,722,682 4,308,789 130,480 354,918 154,857 ~

455,894 34,840 1,509,645 594,983 775,295 15,283,908 1,180,273 1,542,215 929,400 1,407,208



EXPORTS O F CHEMICALS .4ND ALLIEDPRODUCTS (Continued) CHEMICALS (Concluded): Chemicals 11. e. s. (Concluded): Switzirland United Kingdom.. Dutch East Indies.. United States.. Chloroform. Cocaine. Copper sulfate.. Ether, sulfuric. Ethers, fruit Norwav.. Sweden Dutch East Indies.. Japan and Korea.. Foods, chemical. Gases, compressed: Carbonic acid.. Belgium. Dutch East Indies.. Other (oxygen, hydrogen, etc.) Belgium. United States.. Glycerol : Crude. United States.. Refined.. a Belgium Germany.. Sweden United Kingdom.. United States.. Iron sulfate., Magnesia. France.. Germany. United Kingdom.. United States.. Medicines and drugs, n. e. s . . Belgium.. France. Dutch East Indies., United Kingdom.. United States.. Methanol. Potassium: Hydroxide (caustic potash) Salts, n. e. S . Belgium, Quinine and its salts.. Germany. Greece. Italy United Kingdom.. China.. United States.. Sodium: Acetate. Carbonate: Crystals.. Sodaash Hydroxide (caustic soda). Germany.. Nitrate refined.. Franie.. Spain. United Kingdom.. Sulfate (Glauber salt). Belgium. Tetraborate (borax) Germany. COAL-TAR PRODUCTS: Asphalt.. Benzene. Germany Carbolineum Dutch East Indies.. Coal tar.. Dutch East Indies.. Belgium. DyesAniline and other.. .. ~. France.. Germany. United Kingdom.. Dutch East Indies.. United States.. Indigo,synthetic.. Naphthalene. United States.. Phenol (carbolic acid). Saccharin. Austria. Czechoslovakia. Hungary.. Sweden Switzerland. Solvent naphtha.. Toluene and xylene Other products. Germany. Dutch East Indies.. United States.. DYEING AND TANNING MATERIALS: Extracts used for dyeing: Extractsof dyewoods., , Indigo, natural.. Madder, and other.. United Kingdom.. Synthetic dyes, n. e. s..

.............. ....... ...... .......... ............... .................. ............ ............ ............... ............... ................. ...... ....... ........... .......... .............. ....

............... .............. ........ .................. ........ ............... ............... ............ ............... ..... ........ .............. ................. ................ ............... ....... .......... ............... ................. ...... ....... .......... ................

............. .............. ....... ............... ................. .................... ....... ................. .......... ................ ............. .............. . ............ ......... .............. ................ ..... .... .............. ....... .............

................. .................. ................ ............... ...... ................. ...... ................


.....,.. .............. ............. ..... .... ........ ....... ..............

.......... ...... ................ ................ .......... .............. ................. .............

.......... ......... .............

............... ...... ..........

.. ......... ...... ..... .....

1918 Pounds

1919 Pounds

1920 Pounds

14,786 1,013,613 29.917 2981543

20,492 1,790,914 362,667 1,493,107 3,080 2,436 13,508 29,174 395,514 23,104 32,130 110,110 12,114 66,392

886,106 5,733,883 999,708 1,653,665 1,823 895 374,706 26,553 473,440 21,812 39,734 96,110 29,123 35,968

182,979 48,363 120,117

1,231,890 545,966 449,247

181,588 121,995

260,930 41,877 110,540

142,965 133,536 1,464,557 283,386 39,368 295,950 43,190

1,621,015 1,302,996 3,286,895 471,249 639,578 424,507 285,556 220,617 30,686 9,949,928 1,773,753 606,388 3,533,375 1,780,338 1,223,290 404,300 50,497 418,929 75,718 66,920 225


174 851

..... ..... ..... .....

..... .....



1,113 ‘ 7 . .

787 3,086

..... ..... .....


..... .....

..... 1,743,843

..... .....79 ..... ..... ..... ..... 293,975 1,000


161,129 15,831 53,255

..... ..... .....

170,468 1,120 1,845 6,109 125,412

..... 15,979

..... ..... 3,389 485 ..... 6,146 .....

..... ..... ..... 791 .....

..... ..... .....

13,316 12,787 12,809,120 12,isi:eo2 3,212 ..... 3,146 ..... ..... ..... ..,. 6,790 .... 168 4,777

.... ..... ..... 2,780 ..... ..... ..... 445

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....


9,976 1,822,770 311,709 27,183 829,050


1,192,917 298,014 17,544 533,757 96,108 90,063 1,184 26,213 348,657 300 109 225:698 22 43,870 16,835 20,298

..... 96,483

245,628 1,263,654 951,433 268,567 10,071 43,138 13,878 17,123 38,768 69,860



49,403 50,480 66,952 1,135 320,470

2,264,588 6,226 1,193

535,439 8,148 5,803 261,523 193,504 226,018 114,110



725,446 8,062

351 252 401179 24,220 108,483 53,731 21,923 35 556 382:423 285,578 102,300 153,680 15,620 15,975 19,112 16,865 40,047 20,565 16,345 315,228 77,162 165,823

..... 21,226

668 580 20:876 7,414 98,551


89,990 7,886

..... ..... ..... 1,691 324 ..... 710

18,280,126 1,091 137,877 18,054,840

51,066 342 96,047 16,407


EXPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLISDPRODUCTS (Continued) DYEING AND TANNING MA1918 1919 1920 TBRIALS (Concluded): Pounds Pounds Poundb Extracts used for tanning: Liquid. 72,567 617,169 Belgium.. 26,081 344.190 Germany. 39,904 258,047 Solid: Gambier and cutch. 28;027 87,614 Other.. 1,292,848 1 4 2 4 362 Germany. 1,267,182 1:218:780

................. ............. ............. .... ............... ...........


............... ...... ......

Gunpowder. Dutch East Indies.. Other (dynamite etc.) Dutch East Inhies..



....... ................ ................ .................. ...... ........ ... ................ .......

Ammonium sulfate.. Belgium. France.. Spain. Dutch East Indies.. French America.. Bone ash and bone meal.. Finland. United Kingdom.. Calcium nitrate (Norwav saltpeter). Belgium. Fertilizers, chemical, n. e. 5.. France. Dutch East Indies.. United States.. Guano, artificial. United States.. Nitrogenous fertilizers, organic. United States.. Phosphates, crude. Potash fertilizers: Kainite and carnallite. United States.. . . . . . ........ . . . . . Manure salts.. United States.. , Muriate. United States.. Sulfate.. S ain.. rench America.. United States,. Slag, basic.. Sodium nitrate., Superphosphate. Belgium.. Denmark. Germany. Spain. Dutch East Indies.. Egypt.. Union of So. Africa.. Tankage Belgium.


.....:. ....... ................ ................. ...... .......... ........... .......... ................ .......... ......... .... ........... ...... . ................ ........ .... ...............

...... ........ ............... ........... ........... ...............

............... ............... .................. ...... ................

...... .................. ................

OILS VEGETABLE: Fiied: Castor.. Germany, Coconut. L Austria Belgium.. Czechoslovakia. Denmark. Germany. Switzerland. United Kingdom.. Colza (patent oil).

..... 56,967 ..... 4,337,290


26,431 1,660 39,685 38,590 24,290

Vol. 13, No. 7

................ ............. ................ ............... ............. ........ ............. ............. ........... ..... ........ Corn .................... Belgium. .............. Cottonseed, ............. ............. ............. .....

Belgium., Germany. United Kingdom.. Linseed.. Austria. Belgium. Czechoslovakia. Germany.. Sweden Switzerland. Dutch East Indies.. United States.. Olive. United Kingdom.. Palm. Palm-kernel Belgium. Germnny.. United Kingdom.. Peanut.. Belgium. Denmark.. France. Germany. Norway.. Sweden.. Switzerland. United Kingdom.. Dutch East Indies.. Rapeseed. Belgium.. Germany. United Kingdom..

............... .............. .............. ........ ............

............... ........... .... ........ .................. ..... .................. .............. .............. ............ ..... ................. .............. ............ ............... ............. ............. .............. ........... ..... ....

............... ............. ............. .....


..... .....

..... ..... .....

175,117 175,117 70

..... ..... .....

Metric tons

..... ..... ..... ..... 76 .....76 ..... ..... 595 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....


247,160 246,631 31,844 14,065 Metric tons

321,500 320,775 8,353 8,153 Metric tons

S40 ..... 400 ..... 440

1,398 ..... 6,117



1,993 703 2,900 900 703

..... 646

2,982 2,756 8,040 1,505 1,447 2,846 161 161

..... ..... .....

25 320 ..... 586 ..... 460 251

..... ..... ..... .....

..... 1635

1’189 1:311 186


1,100 63 7 400

..... ..... ..... ..... 400 .....

..... ..... .....

1,092 47s 20 1,636 1,610 1,682 1,600 1,684 818 1,161 246 460 314 181 560 63,350 2,500 5.000 15,543 21,019 2,037 5,884

6,883 1,lUY 1,109





18,748 1,812 59,525,347

236,695 155,200 128,557,212 11,625,933 26,790,226 2,994,225 3,020,178

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....


..... ..... ..... .....


..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....


.....46 ..... .....



48,396 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 48,396

434 ..... 434


19,4‘99;3i31 4ij’368 11 724’733 1:342:443 26,499 928 76’630 1,’477 926 12,816,111 1 0 2 4 113 1’576’069 10:206:782 38 170 606 1:168:326 2,995,041 22, iii.i.12 829 250 1380’763 2:2463156 2,769,861 396,407 320,780 235 143 10,875,428 1,833,578 271 243 2,7S,’s03 5,641,787 1,670 436 291’292 160’640 905’055 379:449 570,212 874 014 5481590 197,168 9,599,890 2,956,482 1 2 5 3 195 5:298:517

75,507,185 1,334,030 4,910,146 42,097 516,260 420,490 5,482,950 673,840 3,922,270 223,108 59,239,275 2,049,157 4,133,926 2,149,976 30,848,480 364,589 2,759,590 8 673 952 3:893:962 36,162 21,056 168,184 8,893,340 1,984,953 6,489,732 8,702,770 121,303 987,759 1,046,730 819,604 961,057 2,611,470 637,698 764,298 282,652 248,410 7,821,248 3,004,527 4,298,310 107,378

July, 1921


EXPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS (Continued); 1919 1920 1918 Pounds Pounds Pounds OILS, VEGETABLE (Concluded): Fixed (Concluded) : 5,622,825 22 6,019,757 Sesame.. 1,877,580 538,644 Belgium. 479,567 132.290 Denmark. 2,298.074 4,706,865 Germany. 565,353 490,427 Sweden 26,766,456 14,813,565 Soy-bean. 2,829,420 ..... Austria. 10,476,215 7,252,120 Belgium, 1 8,811,310 3,418,353 Germany.. 3,384,042 3,627,800 United Kingdom.. 354,464 392,864 Volatile. 13,032 35,744 France. 50,860 122,584 Germany., 19,491 34,194 Sweden 64,300 61,100 United Kingdom.. 17.857 42,126 United States.. PAINTS, PIGMENTS,A N D VAR-


.............. ............. ............. ............... ............... .............. ............ . ............ ..... .................. ................. .............. ................. ....... ..........


..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....



........... ............... .............. ............... ................ ................. ...... .............. .......... ................. .................... ............... ................. . Argentina ............... United States.. .......... Lithopone. ................ Belgium.. ............... France .................. United Kingdom.. ....... United States.. .......... Paints and colors, n. e . s . . ... Belgium.. ............... Greece. ................. United Kingdom.. ....... Dutch East Indies.. ...... United States.. .......... British America. ......... Redlead .................. France. ................. Dutch East Indies,. ...... Varnishes and siccatives.. ... Denmark.. .............. Germany. ............... Sweden ................. Dutch East Indies.. ...... White lead.. ............... Dutch East Indies.. ...... Colors, prepared. Belgium.. Denmark., Germany. Norway. Spain.. United Kingdom.. ....... Dutch East Indies.. Argentina. United States.. Sweden Lakes. Belgium.. Sweden

............... ................ .................

Zinc white.. Belgium.. France. United Kingdom.. Dutch East Indies.. PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS: Perfumery, cosmetics, and toilet preparations.. Dutch East Indies.. Synthetic perfumes, solid or liquid.. Germany. United Kingdom.. China. Japan and Korea.. Dutch East Indies.. United States.. OTHERPRODUCTS: Candles : Composition, spermaceti, and other sorts, n. e. s. Greece.. Spain.. Turkey, European, Egypt Morocco Stearin.. Germany. Greece.. Norway.. Sweden Egypt. Wax Gelatin and articles of gelatin Belgium. United Kingdom.. United States.. Glucose: Liquid.. Italy.. Norway. United Kingdom.. Solid.. Germany. Italy. Burnt (caramel). Glues: Bone, hide, and fish.. Bekium Germany. United Kingdom..

....... ......

.... ......

............... ...............

....... .................. ....... ......


.............. ............... ..... ................ ..............

................ ............. .............. ............. ............... ............... .................... ................ ....... .......... ................ ................ .............. ..... .................. ............. ................. ......... . ........... ............. .....

6,681,080 384,574 107,215 310,843 99,558 134,312 427,770 4,156,917 130,123 81,355 134,411 4,617,075 413,673 190,634 1,208,378 634,704 602,554 635,580 27,157,673 19,187,260 3,897,490 3,859,888

72,752 79,432

4,341,572 21 1,642 184,902 195,625 195,572 138,607 285,739 2,316,771 198,958 141,398 88,328 2,640,415 287,174 146,217 6 16,472 83,050 116,175 240,220 12,493,806 839,630 2,879,810 7,666,072 951,526 5,924,883 859,809 225,282 336,850 3,146,358 172,230 77,898 850,620 882 552,412 791,003 108,893 200,623 74,518 154,680 174,734 37,679 8,238,726 899,300 3,201,112 3,341,156 618,344

192, 13 20, 49

1,008,729 895,809

804,694 588,215

107,427 6,051 9,857 8,697 4,925 4,561 20.909

369,561 10,908 70,687 32,024 30,005 16,350 51.952


..... 39,320 ..... 22,979 .....

83,105 217,268 12,412 12,740

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

2 ,GiO, 646

..... .....




..... .....

191,240 162,020


261,413 36,705


32,148 33,182 16,376

..... ..... ..... 4,226 ..... 158,990 ..... .....

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

.... .... .... ..... ..... .....

1,403,912 419,273


1,146 160,320

126,484 125,483 29,207 1,374,190 672,864 35,505 210,910 121,380 44,159 1,270 1,025,637 29,315 195,930 585,153




..... .....

..... ..... .....

132 176,387


..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....


..... .....



9,273,830 2,187,303 404,323 763,320 3,793,603 160,124


1,627,964 426,830 713,652 883,163 78,454 56,840 107,500 218,158 538 547 3071124 8,876;964 4,271,945 2,747,775 100,707 1,443,050

2,455 850 413:380 260,862 267,582 317,395 453.094 1,457;937 31,032 87,098 252,264 325,808 134 769 2:467 1,565,615 54,254 57,093 1,368,030


1 9 9 2 743 136143445 6,956 220,927 440,225 4,616 378,739 101,889

2,622,580 282,483 1,358,043 151,347

2,765,463 655,400 394 120 5281942

..... 44,136 .....

26,632 22,223



EXPORTS OF CHEMICALS AND ALLIEDPRODUCTS (Concluded) OTHERPRODUCTS (Concluded): Glues (Concluded): China. Japan and Korea.. Dutch East Indies.. Norway. Other.. Belgium, Germany. Dutch East Indies.. Inks: Printing, dry or prepared.. United Kingdom.. United States.. Dutch East Indies.. Germany. Other. Dutch East Indies.. Argentina. Paper and pulp: Wood pulp: Chemical. United States., Mechanical. United States.. Paper: Newsprint. Belgium. France Greece, . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom.. Dutch East Indies.. Union of So. Africa.. Australia, Chile, Printing and writing: Containing wood.. Belgium. United Kingdorp. Dutch East Indies.. Not containing wood.. Belgium France.. Greece. Portugal. Spain, Sweden. United Kingdom.. British India.. Dutch East Indies Argentina. ........ Brazil. Wrapping, not printed. Belgium. Greece. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkey. European.. 1-nrred Kingdom.. British India .,, . . . . . Dutch East Indies.. Egypt. British America.

................ ..... .... .............. ................. .............. ............. ....


........ .... ............. .................. ....


............. ...... ........... ...... ............ ............

.............. ... .. .. ........... .............. ... .......... .. I

........... .......... ........... ......... ............ ..........


............ . ............



.. .............

..... ..................... Rosin., ................... Soap: Perfumed, transparent, and liquid. .............. Belgium.. ............. Pitch


Germany. Dutch East Indies. Hard, n. e . s., and nonperfumed soap powder Belgium. Czechoslovakia. Denmark. Germany, hTorway. Poland.. Sweden. Dutch East Indies.. Soft, n. e. s.. Dutch East Indies.. Textile (hard and soft). Sugar: Beet sugar, raw.. Belgium. France.. German> Spain. Switzerland. United States.. United Kingdom.. Cane sugar: Raw.. Belgium.. France.. Germany. Refined Belgium, Germany. Spain. Switzerland. United Kingdom. Turkey, European.. British West Africa. United States.. Bastard sugar.. ..........


.............. ........ ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .... ............. .... ...

1918 Pounds

1919 Pounds

..... 7,458

11,000 229,390 220,970 137,635 197,878 36,614 63,270 38,105

227,749 493,660 207,098 66,326 472,717 60,667 121,387 75,985

173,746 45,772 64,068 12,901 3,563 590,215 386,574 45.851 Metric tons

333,008 112,822


..... ..... ..

26,266 ..... ..... ..... .....

52,684 10,468 2.205 Metric tons

..... .....



Pounds 557,765 557,765



55,676 85,321 1,082,930 827,767 60.521 Metric tons 86 ..... 211

200 Pounds 22,044,680 7,480,092 2,376,675 543,631 4,705,623 513,170 705,005 3,679,967 728,537 6,826,764 1,158,697 1,545,045 2,547,653 14,230,425 469,282 243,168 872,204 266,003 459,390 317,666 1,800,000 323,603 6,872,470 332,120 802,791 22,954,355 1,468,051 1,763,976 1,678,220 7,683,078

955.402 Metric tons

1,059,230 782,875 1,373.094 . . Metric tons 74

1,615,120 1,292,409 1,911.807 Metric tons 618

Pounds 22

Pounds 259,303

Pounds 63,594


477,130 37,278 322,117 88,008

951,543 109,360 74,518 569,100

5,566,166 368,734 60 4,982,532 64

7,762,672 174,714 589,457 428,766 2,238,460 1,533,956 1,111,659

106,217 287,520 239,526

480,978 554,015 505,462 422,849


..... ..... 2,425 68,330

..... .....

392,407 28,477 5,773,487


274,394 581,684


1,984,440 245,723

..... ..... .....






..... ..... ..... ..... 41,237

36,800 .....

................ ........... ............ ........... ............... ............ ........... ..............




4,645,247 2,191,575 1,301,779 602,850 9,572,382 1,765,832 315,543 476,756 107,034 147,626 86,243 428,665 19,861 5,074,037 256,748 453,495 11,026,430 1,891,925 813,726 993,303 2,339,854

115,912 12,075 17,835 81,443 900,284

......... .............. ............... .............. ................ ........... ........ .....

Turpentine, and spirits of..


Pounds 18,859,689 14,590,486 14,275 79,472 3,235,398 344,353

..... ..... .....

..... .....

Metric tons 13,018

......... .... .. .. ...... Tar. wood.. ...............

81 50


1920 Pounds








..... .....

10,127 72 19

..... .....


Metric tons 4,615 1,941 202 2,250



..... .....

2,865 958 1,136 768 31,638 351 5,673

..... 2,575


..... ..... ..... .....

..... 609 .....


Pounds 320 194

4,725 18,095

Pounds 156,753 357,334



Metric tons 16,665

..... ....

9,400 1,323 3,954 1,977

..... 51 ..... .....

51 59,372 4,241 17,394 2,758 21,616 1,063 3,676 1,170 2,554 39 Pounds 133,680 89,929