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These nylon picture pages mark the opening of du Pont's first unit at Seaford, Del., tangible result of ten years' research. Above. The new plant, a s...
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These nylon picture pages mark t h e opening of du Pont's first u n i t a t Seaford, Del., tangible result of t e n years' research. Above. The n e w p l a n t , a single building 1052 by 272 feet, began operation December 16 w h e n one spinning m a c h i n e w a s started and product carefully o b served and tested. Capacity in full operation will be 4,000,000 pounds of

yarn. Manufacturing process beg i n s i n t h e six-story tower a t left and progresses t h e plant's l e n g t h . Walls are of red brick with a t e m p o rary one r u n n i n g t h e length of t h e building preparatory to future additions. T h e flat roof, broken b y terracelike set-backs a t various elevations h a s large pent h o u s e s t o accommodate air-conditioning e q u i p m e n t .

Above. Young w o m a n u s i n g o n e of first nail brushes of Exton n y l o n bristles. Left. Nylon brushes are a great aid i n bottle washing. Polymer, f r o m w h i c h d u P o n t m a k e s bristles a t Arlington, N. J., will be produced i n n e w p l a n t .

Right. Model describing a n Eston-bristled Liudte- hacked d u Pont brush. Iaower right. Shoernoss of rapid - drying, elastic nylon hosiery being demonstrated. Ixeft. Angler grins at m o n o filament line a n d leader of n y l o n fiber.

Below. Machines twist bundle of slender filam e n t s lor ease i n handling. Fibers twisted i n t o a single thread m a k e yarn. For t h e elasticity and strength characteristic of nylon, fibers have previously been stretched between two devices rotating a t different epeecls, rearranging t h e molecules i n t o a n orderly lengthwise array.