Nov 4, 2010 - W. L. Badger, left, receives the William H. Walker Award from W. N. Jones at American Institute of Chemical Engineers' meeting, Buffalo,...
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THE CHEMICAL NEWS PARADE Above. Monsanto C h e m i cal plant a t Monsanto, T e n n . , where new construction is going u p . R i g h t . Microncex colloidal carbon, X 102,000, Columbian Carbon Co. Page 492,

Right. W. L. Badger, left, receive* the W i l Ham H. Walker Award from W. N. Jones at American Institute of Chemical Engineers' meeting, Buffalo, N. Y.

Right. I n assembling the worlds largest x-ray machine, the metal "cm?" is being hoisted by a I t - t o n crane to the top of two 31-foot generator shafts at National Bureau of Standards. The l*50Mtt-volt machine will he used in standardising new and stronger x-ray dosages for cancer treatment. Harris & Ewing photograph. Below. S. C. Lind, President of the American Chemical Society, presenting 1940 Willard Gihbs Medal to Vladimir N. Ipstieff while Cary R. Wagner, Chairman of Chicago Section, looks on.

Below. Faced w i t h condition* under which ordinary p u t t y hardened, t h e Phelpn Dodge Refining Corp. has successfuMy applied 6000 pounds o f Goodrich Plastikon rubber p u t t y i n t h e electrolytic t a n k house o f the copper refinery a t E l Paso, Texas. Three photographs grouped i n lower left corner are f r o m t h e Jeffrey M f g . Co. T o p . Jeffrey Traylor enclosed indirect t>pe cooler takes k i l n discharge at 1200° F. a n d cools i t t o 150° w i t h o u t degradation. Center. Special stainless steel tubular feeder for delivering a food product t o rotary dryer. Right. Conveyor screen w i t h stationary dust-tight enclosure screening bauxite ore, m a k i n g a 20-mesh separation.


Above. Printing press i n t h e dye* section o f the d u P o o l exhibit at New York W o r l d ' * F a i r , shotting a n Ink-mixing mill at left. Right. D u Pont Pest C o n trol Laboratory at t h e fair tells o f the chemist's war on insects a n d o n fanpus growths.