producing thin, porous sheets to be used in retainer mats for storage batteries and other applications. Right . Electrically heated Fiberglas-insu...
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Photographs from t h e Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo, Ohio, of Fiberglas products and processes. Above. First step in placing Fiberglas marine insulation bat i n typical panel of crew's refrigerated stores space i n a cargo ship· Left above. Semirigid form of Fiberglas insulation conies off conveyor a t any desired thickness a n d density· Binding agent holds fibers down against natural resiliency, y e t leaves mass flexible enough for fitting to irregular surfaces. This is used t o insulate refrigerators, buildings, and heated surfaces up to 900° F . Left. Fiberglas draperies hang gracefully, are fireand moistureproof, and will n o t fade. Left below. By using suitable binding agents, Fiberglas insulating wool is formed o n mandrels t o give a lightweight pipe insulation for temperatures from below zero to 1100° F. Below. Wings covered with glass cloth were established as practical in the first actual test flight of this Taylorcraft. The Fiberglas cannot be fired by a cigaret lighter flame.


Above. Fiberglas-insulated motor i n a standard 5 horsepower frame size is shown a t left delivering s a m e power as cotton-wound 10 horsepower motor at right· Right above. Fiberglas textile fibers are collected o n a conveyor belt i n jack-straw arrangem e n t and treated with a suitable binder. When dry, t h e material is cut to size, producing t h i n , porous sheets to be used i n retainer m a t s for storage b a t teries and other applications. Right· Electrically heated Fiberglas-insulated diving suit. Right below. I n production of Fiberglas insulating wool, molten glass pours i n fine streams into jets of high-pressure s t e a m , traveling a t t h e speed of a rifle bullet. Steam literally yanks the glass into long fine threads. Conveyor i n foreground is delivering wool for insulating ships, railroad cars, kitchen ranges, and other equipment requiring a flexible material. I n background, wool is conveyed into treating c h a m ber for conversion into a semirigid insulation· Below. Fiberglas tablecloth will n o t shrink or sag.