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T h e Chemistry of H y d r a z i n e L. F .


P. II. MOHR, \Y. A. Noyes Laboratory of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.

H y d r a z i n e is a n o t h e r o f t h e c h e m i c a l s p u s h e d i n t o p r o m i ­ n e n c e b y t h e e v e n t s of W o r l d W a r I I . . . A l t h o u g h s t i l l a h i g h c o s t i t e m , i t s p r o p e r t i e s a n d p o t e n t i a l u s e s a r e l>eing i n ­ tensively studied as evidenced by a constantly growing literature .HYDRAZINE has for many years been considered a specialty chemical, available only in aqueous solution and in the form of a few common salts. It was first iso­ lated by Curtius in 18S7 (1). Organic hy­ drazine derivatives had, however, been prepared some years before by Emil Fischer {2) and their utility in a variet\' of organic syntheses demonstrated. Since that time, hydrazine and its compounds have been subjected to a considerable amount of study, with the result that a substantial literature has been developed and that many of the basic facts concerning the parent substance and its compounds are well known. The simple salts of hydra­ zine, as well as the anhydrous base and its water solution, have found little direct application because of the difficulties in synthesizing the parent substance. Or­ ganic derivatives of hydrazine, such as the aryl hydrazines, are somewhat more easily prepared and, therefore, used more widely. This is also true to a lesser extent of some of the hydrazine derivatives of carbonic acid—specifically, semicarbazide and aminoguanidine, both of which can be pre­ pared by methods which do not involve direct use of hydrazine. Despite the fact that hydrazine is not now available in quantity or at a reasonable cost, its po­ tentialities have been recognized, as is evidenced by a rather extensive and con­ stantly growing patent literature. Manufacture of Hydrazine in Germany With the advent of World War II the rather unusual properties of hydrazine as a fuel were recognized, first by the Ger­ mans (3). Its manufacture was undertaken by them on a substantial scale. Regard­ less of its advantages or disadvantages as a fuel component, this particular applica­ tion has served to direct attention to hy­ drazine and has encouraged a considerable amount of academic and industrial re­ search. Much of the fundamental in­ formation concerning hydrazine and its derivatives had been pretty well worked out with the result that recent activity has centered on the evaluation of specific hydrazine compounds for various useful purposes. It is proposed in this paper to discuss hydrazine in its relation to various other nitrogen compounds and to empha­ size specifically the particular chemical and 3746

physical characteristics which distinguish it from these related compounds. Preparation of Hydrazine The literature records numerous meth­ ods for the formation of hydrazine. Such methods may be grouped into three gen­ eral classes involving (a) oxidation of am­ monia, (b) reduction of compounds con­ taining a nitrogen- nitrogen linkage, and (c) miscellaneous procedures involving use of ammonia or some airumonia deriva­ tive. Only the first of these procedures has been developed into a technical method for production of hydrazine. Potentiali­ ties of general methods (b) and (c) are, however, recognized. Thus, it has been recorded in the literature that derivatives of hyponi trous acid, of nifcrosohydroxylarnine, of nitrarnide, of nitrosamine, and of hydrazoic acid may be subjected to chemi­ cal (or electrochemical) reduction to give hydrazine directly or an intermediate which, on hydrolysis, produces hydrazine. In the third group of methods we find that efforts have been made to produce hydra­ zine from ammonia by thermal decompo­ sition, by electron bombardment, by pho­ tochemical action, and by the action of an electric discharge. None of the methods broadly classed under (b) and (c) above has been developed to date into success­ ful commercial procedures. ~ Hydrazine is now produced commer­ cially by the Raschig process involving oxidation of ammonia, or of urea, by hy­ pochlorite. While many modifications have been proposed, it is still necessary (a) to use large excesses of ammonia, and (b) to ensure mixing of trie reactants at low temperatures, followed (c) by rapid heating to effect t h e formation of hydra­ zine from chloramine and ammonia. The important reactions which take place are represented b y the following equations : 1. NaOCl + NH, > NTaOH + NH2C1 2. NaOH + NHtCl -f- NH 3 >. N 2 H 4 -f- N"aCl -f- Η,Ο 3. 2NH2C1 -I- N2H4 > 1ST2 -f- 2NH4Cl Equation 3 represents a side reaction which is assumed to occur and which is believed to decrease markedly yields of hydrazine. This reaction i s catalyzed to a marked extent by traces of metallic ions, especially copper. It is therefore neces­ sary to employ w h a t is conventionally CHEMICAL

known as a negative catalyst in order to inhibit this reaction, if any sort of yield of hydrazine is to be obtained. Glue and gelatin were employed as negative cata­ lysts in the World War II German modi­ fications; temperatures of about 160° C. and pressures of about 25 atmospheres were recommended to effect the second step in this reaction (3). In effect, the technical manufacture involves reaction, removal of excess ammonia, removal of salt, and finally removal of water, from a relatively dilute solution of hydrazine, by fractional distillation in three separate stages to give a product containing about 85% hydrazine hydrate. Obviously, the Raschig synthesis, even with the indicated modifications, is a costly process. Concentration of hydrazine beyond the 85% hydrate stage is not possible by frac­ tional distillation, since hydrazine and wa­ ter form a constant boiling mixture the composition of which approximates that of a monohydrate. The - anhydrous maTable I. T h e Hydronitrogens NnHn+s Series Ammonia ΝΓΐ3α Hydrazine HîN" · ΝΙΪ2 α Triazane H2N · Ν Η · Ν H 2 Tetrazane ΙΙ2ΝΓ · N i l · N i l · N H 2 ΝηΙΙα Series Diimide, H N : N H Triazene H N : N - N H 2 Tetrazene H2N · Ν : Ν - Ν H2 Isotetrazene Η Ν : Ν · Ν Η · Ν 0Η 2 (Ammonium azide NEUNj) (Hydrazine azide NÎHBNS) 4 * N n Hn_ 2 Series Hydrogen azide H N : N : N ° Bisdiazoamine HN:NT · N H - N : N H NnHn- 4 Series Octazotriene Η Ν : Ν · Ν Η · Ν : Ν · Ν Η · Ν : Ν Η ° Known in the free state.

terial has been prepared from the hydrate by use of such dehydrating agents as so­ dium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and barium oxide. I t has also been pre­ pared by the action of liquid ammonia upon certain hydrazine salts such as the sulfate and the oxalate (4, 5). The ammonolytic reaction would appear to have certain advantages over chemical methods of dehydration, since separation of am­ monia and hydrazine can be carried out without appreciable loss of hydrazine due to the marked differences in the boiling pointa of the two materials. Both the hydrate and, especially, the anhydrous material are quite susceptible to oxidation. Oxidation is catalyzed by various metallic ions and even by very small concentrations of some fixed base AND



T a b l e II.

chemically, especially in the form of the peroxide ion, a s though it were capable of existing in the tautomeric II_>0 —*• 0 form. The amine oxides are represented by the tautomeric structural configuration of a trisubstituted h y d r o x y lamine. Little evi­ dence, however, has been presented for a corresponding a m i n e imide form of hydra­ zine. The reducing character increases from hydrogen peroxide t o hydrazine. Conversely, hydrogen peroxide is a more powerful oxidizing agent t h a n either hy­ droxylamine o r hydrazine. Hydrogen peroxide i s more distinctly acidic in na­ ture and dissociates t h e proton readily. Hydrazine, on t h e other hand, is a weak pase. The donor characteristics of hydra­ zine in formation of coordination cornb o u n d s are more definitely expressed t h a n are those of either hydrogen peroxide or hydroxyla-rnine.

R e l a t i o n s h i p of H y d r a z i n e to O t h e r H y d r o n i t r o g e n s

[0] RNH-NHR "R



R N : N R (azo coinpounds) R R \ / —>- N"-N:IsT-N (tetrazenes)

+ 2[0]


_R 'R /

+ [0]



H" \


R N H - N H , + HONO




[RN:N]+X~ +


Ν · JNR · N R · Ν


(tetrazanes) R

-*- R N : N " - N R -•NH 2 (isotetrazenes) R N 3 (azides)

RN(aN'0)CNH 2 )

such as sodium hydroxide. Certain haz­ a r d s are involved i n t h e manufacture of hydrazine hydrate by concentration through fractional distillation, with t h e result t h a t special c a r e m u s t be taken t o prevent access of a i r t o moderate concen­ trations of hydrazine vapor. Hydrazine is also s o m e w h a t toxic, so t h a t precautions must be taken in h a n d l i n g the liquid a n d in avoiding exposure to the vapor.

Hydrazine is also the nitrogen analog of hydrogen peroxide. It is the ammono hydrogen peroxide, from the Franklin point o f view. This analogy serves to ex­ plain some of the properties of hydrazine a n d at the same time relates hydrazine to hydroxy lamine. Thus, hydroxylamine


Table I I I . Hydrazine a s a n A m m o n o A n a l c g of H y d r o g e n P e r o x i d e HNH2, HOH, ammonia water

as a


Hydrazine is one of the group of s u b ­ stances known a s t h e hydronitrogens (#)· (See T a b l e I.) Specifically, it is the e t h a n e analog of nitrogen, b u t t h e resemblance b e ­ tween a m m o n i a a n d hydrazine is not a^. marked as the similarities between m e t h ­ ane and e t h a n e . I t is revealing, however, to consider hydrazine a s a hydronitrogen because of its relationship to other h y d r o ­ gen-nitrogen c o m p o u n d s . This point of view is particularly helpful in elucidating relationships a m o n g t h e organic deriva­ tives. T h e A r -su.hstituted hydrazines constitute the s t a r t i n g materials for t h e p r e p a r a t i o n of organic derivatives of some of the o t h e r hydrouitrogens. Typical r e ­ lationships are presented in T a b l e I I . T h u s , t h e symmetrically disubstituted hydrazines (hydrazo compounds) m a y b e oxidized t o azo compounds which a r e t h e organic derivatives of t h e parent hydroni­ trogen, diirnide. Unsymmetrically disub­ stituted hydrazines can be oxidized t o tetrazenes, derivatives of a hypothetical hydronitrogen, N 4 r l 4 . T h e trisubstituted hydrazines may be oxidized to the t e t r a ­ zanes. derivatives of N 4 H6. T h e action of substituted hydrazines on diazonium salts leads t o t h e isotetrazenes or diazohydrazides which are derivatives of a hydroni­ trogen, w i t h the structural formula: ΗΝ:Ν-ΝΗ·ΝΗ2



2 6, N O .


IL H20^O hydrogen peroxide







hydroxylamine (amine oxides)





Chemically h y d r a z i n e is characterized b y t h e fact, first, t h a t it is a weak base and, secondly, that it is a powerful reducing a g e n t . I t s dissociation constant, Kb, e q u a l s 8.5 X 10 ~7. T h e second ioniza­ tion constant 13 of t h e order of 10~ l e . I t forms two series of salts which m a y be represented by the formulas: N 2 H 4 -HA and N2H4-2H/V. I t also forms with polybasic acid-s the better characterized, par­ tially neutralized compounds such as N2RVH2SO4. These salts might more properly h e called " hydrazo ni u m " salts, b u t usage has given to them t h e name " h y ­ drazine" salts. Some of these salts are listed in Table V. Like ammonia and hydroxylamine, hy­ drazine is also capable of forming a series of double salts, such as t h e alums, the double sulfates, and t h e double chlorides. Examples of some of these are also given in T a b l e V. In addition, hydrazine coordin­ ates with a great many metallic ions. In these it appears to act as though it were a bidentate molecule—that is, as though both nitrogen atoms in hydrazine were capable of acting as electron pair donors to a metallic ion. A few typical coordination compounds are listed in Table V". As a reducing agent, hydrazine has been suggested for u s e in t h e deposition of me­ tallic films of m e t a l s such a s silver, gold, copper, nicM, a n d platinum. I t is also a powerful reducing agent with respect t o a

reducing character basicity (electron pair donor) oxidizing power

m a y be considered one of t h e primary re­ duction products of nitric acid. (See Tabic IV.) Hydrazine in like manner m a y be looked u p o n as the analogous re­ duction product of the a m m o n o nitric acid, U N , (7). I t is interesting t o point out t h a t there is a rather distinct gradation in properties in going from hydrogen peroxide through t h e mixed aquo ammono hydrogen perox­ ide, hydroxylamine, t o the ammono deriva­ tive, hydrazine. Table I I I emphasizes in a general w a y these changes in properties. Thus, hydrogen peroxide does behave

T a b l e IV. R e d u c t i o n , of N i t r i c Acid a n d I t s A.min.o HONO \ -H20 (HOIST)


Diazotization of t h e aryl hydrazines, i n turn, constitutes a procedure for prepara­ tion of t h e aryl azides. These relation­ ships m u s t be understood in properly inter­ preting t h e chemistry of hydrazine, espe­ cially i t s oxidation b y various inorganic oxidizing a g e n t s .


as an Ammono


Η23ΝΓιθ2 HN*


- [H.N.]

> H2NNH2




oxidation products

[N 2 H 2 , N"4H4, N4HJ




variety of inorganic oxidants. Potentials have been calculated for some of these reactions.

t h a t such a hypothetical intermediate exists in partially oxidized solutions of hydrazine.

E° = - 1 . 2 4 >- N«H 6 + + 3 H + + 2e~ E ° = 0.17 ^ N 2 + 5 1 1 + 4- 4e" E°B = -0.1 2NH4OII = N 2 II 4 + 4 H 2 0 + 2 e " E ° B = 1.15 N2H4 = N 2 + 4H 2 0 -4- 4 e " Physical Properties of Hydrazine In commenting o n these values Latimer X o discussion of hydrazine would be (S) states, " I t is obvious t h a t hydrazine complete without some reference t o the in acid solution should be a powerful oxiphysical properties of both the anhydrous dizing agent. T h e reaction rate is very base4 a n d t h e so-called hydrate. Some of slow, b u t it may he titrated quantitatively the more important physical properties are by strong reducing agents." I t is signifilisted i n Table VII. Special reference cant, however, t h a t only in a few cases, should b e made t o the fact that hydrazine, and then only u n d e r very specific condilike hydroxy lamine a n d hydrogen peroxtions, is oxidation of hydrazine clean cut. ide, is a therrnodynamically unstable comChemical oxidation of hydrazine has been pound. T h e formation of a constant boilmade the subject of particular study by ing mixture between hydrazine and water Browne a n d his co-workers (9), who have is reflected also in the abnormalities which been able to interpret the products obexist in t h e hydrazine-water system in the tained by oxidation on the basis of the liquid phase when such properties as retype of oxidant employed (Table V I ) . fractive index, viscosity, a n d density are In acid solution, one-electron oxidizing determined a s a function of hydrazine conagents (monodelectronators) yield very tent. T h e melting point diagram for the largely a mixture of nitrogen and ammosystem hvdr.nzine-water indicates that a nia, whereas two-electron oxidizing agents monohydratc* does exist in t h e solid (didclectronators) give varying quantities state ( / / , 12). of hydrogen azide i n addition to nitrogen and ammonia. Where electron transfer on Hydrazine System of Compounds the part of a redox system involves more than two electrons (polydelectronators), H y d r a z i n e , like ammonia, m a y also be reactions become even more complex. considered t h e parent substance of a Suffice it t o say these phenomena have hydrazine system of compounds a n d as a somewhat complicated t h e analytical deparent solvent. Anhydrous hydrazine has termination of hydrazine. I t is only when an unusually high dielectric constant, comconditions of p H , temperature, a n d conpared with ammonia; it undoubtedly is an centration are carefully controlled t h a t associated solvent a n d does exist a s a oxidation t o nitrogen, representing an liquid over a convenient range of temover-all four-electron change, can be carried peratures. I t has been found t o be a good out effectively. Such oxidizing agents as solvent for both inorganic a n d organic iodate in strong hydrochloric acid solution compounds ( / # ) . F r o m t h e Bro'nsted and iodine, over a pll range of 7 to 7.2, are point of view, t h e solvated hydrogen ion— useful for the analytical determination of the hydrazoniurn ion, X 2 rl 5 + —is t h e hydrazine. bearer of acidity in hydrazine. Hydrazine salts therefore a c t as acids when dissolved I t is significant t h a t the oxidation of hyin hydrazine. I n like fashion, metallic drazine in dilute solution b y oxygen leads hydrazides constitute t h e solvo-bases of to t h e formation of hydrogen peroxide such a hydrazine system. Solutions of (10). This reaction is tremendously catatypical inorganic compounds are excellent lyzed by the presence of small traces of conductors (14) - Poly nit ro compounds various metallic ions, especially copper. also behave as electrolytes in anhydrous Substances which complex or precipitate hydrazine (Î4)· cupric ion or which adsorb metallic ions in general have been found t o inhibit the Difficulties in the preparation a n d hanoxidation of hydrazine by oxygen (11). dling of anhydrous hydrazine will probably Hydrogen peroxide is also formed when militate against its use as a solvent or reacorganic derivatives of hydrazine, such as tion m e d i u m . I t may, therefore, n o t be hydrazobenzene, a r e oxidized by air. This possible to demonstrate experimentally the would indicate t h a t diimide (or t h e N 2 H £ fact t h a t hydrazine analogs of t h e carradical) is formed a s a primary product in boxylic acids may act as solvo-acids. This t h e oxidation of hydrazine. Xo evidence does n o t mean, however, that t h e concept has, however, been presented to indicate of a hydrazine system of compounds does 2NH,+ X 2 H5 + 2 0 H - -h 4 0 H - -h

T a b l e V.


Salts, Double Salts, a n d Coordination C o m p o u n d s of Hydrazine N 2 HVHC1; NsHV2HCl; (N2H4) 2 H 2 S0 4 ; N2RVH2SO4; N2RVHNOJ; N*H4-2HNO»

Salte, Ν2Η4ΉΑ; NjEU-2HA; N2RVH2X

N2FI4· HCl-ZnCI* (NsIIsCl-ZnCls); (N2H4)2-H2SC>4-CuSO« ((N2Hs)2SO4-CuSO0 N2H6A1(S04)2-12H20

Double salts;

NiSO«-3N2H4 ZnCl2-2N2H4 Co(SCN) 2 -3N 2 H« AgCl - N2H4

Coordinat-ion compounds



Table VI I.

Oxidation of Hydrazine in Acid Solution (according to Kirk and Browne (9) )

Monodelectronators: Fe + + + , Mn + + t ,Cu + + , Ce * · * ' Ν 2 Ηδ+-> Ι Ν* Ha] + 2 Η + -f e" 2[Ν 2 Η 3 ] -*· [ΝΜ-Γβ] —*• Ν 2 4- 2 Ν Η* Didelectronators: Η2Ο2, ΙΟ3 ~, BrOj -, SsOT Ν 2 Ηδ*—• {Ντ2ΐΙ2] + 3Μ + + 2 ο [Ν2Η21 —• [NMId S

Ν"2 + Ν:2ΐΓ*

\ ν\ Τ Π 3 + ΗΝ»


Oxidation of Hydrazine in Alkaline Solution (according to Gilbert (10))

NMT4 4- 0 2 — • H-Oo 4- [H2N2) ( R X H X I I R 4 fO-d-»- H 2 0 2 4- RNT:NR,

not have its value. This idea has been em­ ployed as t h e basis for elucidating rela­ tionships which exist among the hydrazine derivatives of carbonic acid (7). Since t h e hydrazine a n d ammonia derivatives of car­ bonic acid are so closely related, it h a s seemed worth while to outline these rela­ tionships as depicted in Fig. 1. A special terminology might be em­ ployed to emphasize these similarities. I t is doubtful, however, t h a t such t e r m s a s "hydrazo," "hydrazination," and " h y d r a zinolysis" would help t o clarify m a t t e r s . It is quite true that t h e terms a m m o n o , ammonation, and ammonolysis have been used widely Iry those who have extended

Table VII.

Physical Properties of Hydrazine

Melting Point 2° Boilins point 113.5° at 760 mm. Density of liquid, R./CC. 1.011 a t 15°; 0.9955 a t 35° Dielectric constant 53 at 22° Heat of formation for N2IU (1.) ΔΐΙ298.ι = —12.05 kcal. per mole Heat of vaporization ΔΗν a t 23.1° C. = 10.2 kcal- per mole

experimentally the Franklin concept of a nitrogen system of compounds. On the other hand, it would seem preferable t o use the general terms solvo, solvation, and solvolysis with respect to t h e hydrazine derivatives of carbonic acid. Hydrazinocarbonic acid, carbohydrazide, a n d triaminoguanidine are t h e simple hydrazine analogs of carbonic acid a n d resemble, both in their methods of preparation and in their properties, t h e corresponding a m ­ monia derivatives—carbamic acid, urea, and guanidine. Guanidine, in turn, is re­ lated through an intermediate series of de­ rivatives t o triaminoguanidine. Monoand diaminoguanidine are both obtainable directly from guanidine. All of t h e s e hy­ drazine derivatives can, under appropriate conditions, be hydrolyzed to carbonic acid, hydrazine, a n d / o r ammonia. I t is inter­ esting to point out the position which semicarbazide occupies with respect to all three series of derivatives. Semicarbazide is re-




l&ted to a m m o n i a as an a m m o n o carbonic acid. It is most certainly related to hydra­ zine a s a potential solvo acid of the hydra­ zine system. I t is most definitely also a mixed solvo acid in being related to aquo carbonic acid. I t is a n intermediate hydrol­ ysis p r o d u c t of aminoguanidine. I t can be converted into guanidine. It is obtainable from urea b y the action of hydrazine. Ac­ tion of h y d r a z i n e in more substantial quantities converts semicarbazide into car­ bohydrazide. While it a c t s as a base in aqueous solution, it behaves as an acid in liquid ammonia. T h e compounds listed in Fig. 1 represent only the simplest hydrazine derivatives of carbonic acid. M a n y of these compounds undergo " d e h y d r a z i n a t i o n . " T h u s , semi­ carbazide loses hydrazine on heating to form hydrazidicarbamide, whereas amino­ guanidine undergoes a similar reaction to give hydrazidicarbimide a m i d e

Action of N2H4 Hydrolysis

[-NHC(NH)(NH2)]2 Such products undergo oxidation quite readily to the corresponding azo com­ pounds. Solvo c o m p o u n d s , which are related to sulfuric acid in m u c h the same way t h a t the hydrazine compounds mentioned a b o v e are related to carbonic acid, are not too well known. Suffice it to say t h a t sulfuryl dihydrazide a n d salts of hydrazinosulfuric acid have been isolated and de­ scribed. N o t h i n g is known, however, of simple hydrazine derivatives of phosphoric acid and o t h e r inorganic acids. Obviously, their preparation a n d investigation should be u n d e r t a k e n to extend t h e relationships which have been outlined above.

Fig. 1. Simple hydrazine and ammonia derivatives of carbonic ) hydrazinocarbonic acid, (c) carbohydrazide, (d) triaminoguanidinc, (e) ctzrbamic acid, ( / ) urea, (1?) guanidine, (fi) ctrnino«uanidine, (1) diaminoguaniiline, arid (J) scmicarbazid&

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Literature Cited (1) Curtius, T., Ber., 20, 1632 (18S7). (2) Fischer, EM ibid., 8, 5S9 (1875). (3) Reports SO and 196, U . S. Department


ed Commerce, Office of the Publica­ tion Board. Browne, A. W"., and Houlehan, A. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 33, 1734 (1911). Browne, A. W~.t and Welsh, T. W. B., ibid., 33, 1728 (1911). Audrieth, L. F . , «/. Chem. Education, 7, 2055 (1930). Audrieth, L. F . , Z. physik. Chem. (A), 165, 323 (1933). Latimer, W. M . , " T h e Oxidation States of the Elements and Their Potentials in Aqueous Solutions,*' p . 91, New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1938). Kirk, R. E. f and Browne, A. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 50, 337 (1928).

(10) Gilbert, E. C„ ibid., 5 1 , 2744 (1929). (11) Audrieth, L. F., and Mohr, P. H., un­ published observations. (12) Semishin, V. I., J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.), 8, 654 (1938). (13) Wolsh, T. W. B . , a n d Broderson, J., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 37, 497, 816, 825 (1915). (14) Walden, P., and Hilgert, H., Z. physik. Chem., 165A, 241 (1933); 168, 419 (1934). ADAPTED from a paper presented a t the Sympo­ sium on the Properties, Structure, and T h e r m o ­ dynamics of Inorganic Compounds, sponsored by the Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at Syraouse, Ν. Υ., June 29, 1948.

Solberg Urges Cooperation in Research A STAFF REPORT Ά. SPEECH, " N a t i o n a l Cooperation in Research a n d D e v e l o p m e n t , " b y R e a r Admiral T h o r v a l d A. Solberg, USN, chief of t h e Office of N a v a l Research, high­ lighted the Men of Science a n d I n d u s t r y dinner sponsored b y t h e American Council of Commercial Laboratories a t Washing­ ton, D . C , on D e c . 3 . M a n y prominent representatives of government, science, and industry were among t h e several hundred in a t t e n d a n c e . Admiral Solberg stated t h a t problems in industry a r e similar t o those in the N a v y in t h a t b o t h are interested in production items for specific utilitarian use, both h a v e a practical point of view, a n d b o t h appreci­ ate t h e importance of intelligent and imagi­ native progress in research and develop­


2 6,


ment, m a n a g e m e n t , a n d cooperative effort. Since t h e possibilities of a new war have faced us since the end of W o r l d W a r I I , we h a v e h a d to be alert a n d consider t h e essential c o m p l e m e n t a r y p r o b l e m s of eco­ nomic and industrial s t r e n g t h a n d national security. This h a s resulted in closer gov­ e r n m e n t a n d industrial cooperation, espe­ cially in research a n d d e v e l o p m e n t . I n t h e past t h e failure to integrate scien­ tific research with industrial development h a s cost years of progress. One good ex­ ample was the 40-year period from the time of t h e basic discovery of electronic emission from h o t bodies to its first practical appli­ cation and an a d d i t i o n a l 20-year period to establish an industry. T h e N a v y ' s policy h a s always been t o

51 » > D E C E M B E R

2 0,


h a v e its research a n d development come back to t h e man o n the etreet wherever possible, a n d , therefore, t h e N a v y has fos­ tered integration a n d cooperation of sci­ ence and technical development on a nation-wide basis. I n the p a s t this nation h a s suffered need­ less loss of life and n a t u r a l resources a n d injured t h e economy due t o backwardness a n d unpreparedncss in military research a n d development. I t h a s also suffered a lack of integration of g o v e r n m e n t a n d industrial research, as well as h a v i n g failed to a p p l y availableforeignscientificinf ormation. I n the pas t we depended largely on industry to develop basic foreign sci­ entific information which was o b t a i n e d d i ­ rectly prior to the w a r . D u r i n g t h e w a r