The chemistry of pollution - An experimental course - ACS Publications

the public's rising social, political, and environmental consciousness. ... of a device called a Portable Conference Unit, provided bythe Pacific Tele...
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The Chemistry of Pollution-An

Experimental Course

Recent articles have called attention to the need for development of chemistry courses and content which reflect the public's rising social, political, and environmental consciousness. A course entitled "Chemistry of Pollution," Chem 140T, has been offered in the regular day school as well as in the Extension (night) school. The primary goals of this class were: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

t o review those basic chemical concepts which relate directly to envira?mental topics, tostudy the chemical nature of various pollutants and the methods of control of these pollutants, to provide resources and materials for further individual study, to provide a n overview of the topics considered in interdisciplinary terms, and ultimately, to provide a basis far intelligent decision making.

The major topics studied were air pollution, water pollution, energy resources, pesticides, and food additives. For each issue, the class would typically be given a list of references (see below), and an introductory lecture would he presented outlining the basic chemical aspects of the topic. In subsequent discussians,.many questions would be raised of an interdisciplinary nature, perhaps viewing the issue from a biological, economic, or political aspect. Since the course was so broadly based, no one person could provide the expertise needed to answer all of the questions raised. Therefore, excellent use was made of a device called a Portable Conference Unit, provided by the Pacific Telephone Company. This instrument plugs into any telephone jack, and clearly amplifies telephone reception. Experts in various fields were called after class discussions to be questioned by the class. Among the highlights: A debate concerning the safety of nuclear power plants, with Dr. John Gofman, Professor Medical Physics at Univ. of California a t Berkeley, and Dr. Robert Odette, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering a t Univ. of California a t Santa Barbara. Dr. Donald Dahlsten, Professor of Entomology, Univ. of California a t Berkeley, discussing chemical and biological control of insect pests. Nobel Laureate Joshua Lederherg discussing the safety of food additives. Field Trips were also undertaken; visits were made to the Air Pollution Monitoring Station, the Sewage Treatment Plant, and the chemistry laboratory of the Fresno County Department of Health. ; grade was hased upon a term paper, written in the style of an "investigative reNo examinations were ~ v e n the port," concerning some local environmental issue. The class was in general highly praised by students, who varied ereatlv in age. - . oceu~ation,and educational backgmund. One suggestion given that we plan to adopt was to mclude study of government reports pertinent to the e o ~ m u n i t y I@paet . statements, planning commission reports, current legislation, referendums, etc., all are valuable resources in a coursesuch as this.





Selected References Gsnerol

"Cleaning Our Environment: Thechemical Basis for Aetion."AmerieanChemical Society, Wbshmgton. D. C.. 1969 J. C.. and Monme. M. B., (Editor), "Our Chemical Environmcnf."Canfield Pram. San Raneiseo, 1972. G%dding. Ai Stem, A. C.. "AirPollution,"l2nd Ed.), AeadcmicPms. NcwYork. 1968. Leithe, W.. "Tho Analysis01 Air Pollutant.,"Ann Arbor-Humphrv Science Publkhars, Ann Arbor. Mi& 1970. Espasilo. J. S.. "Vsnkhing Air."Groeaman Publishers. New York. 1970.


"StendardMethadn." 113th Ed.). American Public H e s l t h h . , New York, 1971. Energy Gofman. J. W.. and Tamdin, A.,"PokonedPoruor,"RodaleRs, Emmanaus, Pa.. 1910 Pesticides m d F m d ~ d d i f i i i i Roson,Asmn A., and H. F. Kraybill, (Editor). "Organic Peaticides in the Enuimnment,"American Chemical Society. Washingfon, D. C.. 1966. Zweig, G.. (EditorJ "AnalyticMethodafor P ~ ~ t i e i d aPlant s, Gmwth Regulators and F d Additiven."Acadcmic Press. New York. 1967. Turner, J. S.. "Chemical Feast," Gmesman Publishers, New York, 1970.

David L. F r a n k

California State University at Fresno Fresno, 93110

Volume 5 0 , Number 3. March 1973
