The Chemstrand Corporation - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Chemstrand sales offices are active in nearly every part of the world. Short History Of Chemstrand. Science and industry . . . one of civilization's m...
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The Chemstrand Corporation Decatur, Ala.

This Is Chemstrand Chemstrand is an associated company jointly owned by the American Viscose Corporation and Monsanto Chemical Company. I t was chartered on May 16, 1949, to carry on research, develop­ ment, manufacture, and sale of syn­ thetic fibers. The Chemstrand Corporation world headquarters is located at Decatur, Ala., also the site of Chemstrand's modern research facilities. The com­ pany operates its Acriian* manufactur­ ing plant at Decatur and the Chem­ strand Nylon Plant at Pensacola, Fla. The latter is the first wholly-integrated nylon-manufacturing facility in the United States and the largest of its type in the world. Currently in the process of completion is a complete Acriian plant in North Ireland, at Coleraine, to supply the British market. Chem* Chemstrartd's Acrylic Fiber

strand sales offices are active in nearly every part of the world.

Short History Of Chemstrand Science and industry . . . one of civilization's most potent partnerships . . . have developed many new prod­ ucts for the world of today and tomor­ row. One of these is Acriian, an acrylic fiber, introduced to the textile market experimentally in 1951 and commer­ cially in 1954. Acriian was a completely new fiber. Xot a substitute for any existing fiber, it had properties no other fiber, natural or man-made, had previously possessed. Because of its beauty and utility, Acriian has met with wide acceptance in the restless textile industry, in such ap­ plications as men's and women's cloth­ ing, sweaters, blankets, carpeting, and rugs. First shipments from the Chem­


strand Nylon Plant at Pensacola, Fla., were made in D e c , 1953. Originally built t o a capacity of 50 million pounds per year, the plant will increase its pro­ duction to 114 million pounds yearly. Located in a 2000-acre tract, the proj­ ect comprises two basic areas, the chemical area where the intermediates are produced and the textile area where the fiber is spun. Sixty-two separate structures of the most modern design, together with necessary storage tanks, roads, and barge-unloading docks, com­ prise the combined facilities. Utmost care in quality control and fine teamwork in the manufacture of Chemstrand nylon established a new standard of quality for the industry.

Your Opportunities in Chemstrand Chemstrand research and develop­ ment scientists pla\^ an important part

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Recent view of The Chemstrand Corporation, Decatur, A l a . , shows corporate administrative building ( c e n t e r ) , multi-unit research laboratories ( l e f t ) , a n d Acriian acrylic fiber manufacturing plant. A t right and background are chemical-in+ermediates area, polymer building, power house, and other facilities 24






Aerial view of Chemstrand Corporation's" 5 *^Ion-filament yarn plant, situated on a 2,000-acre tract 12 miles north of Pensacola, Fla., shows plant office building and textilespinning area (center foreground) and chemical-intermediates area (upper right)

in the textile-fiber world. Ultra-modern facilities are at the disposal of chemists and physicists, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and textile engineers and other skilled and technical personnel. Many Chemstrand scientists have achieved wide recognition for their accomplishments in various fields. The Research and Development Division recently perfected the no-kink-nylon artery, which has saved many lives in heart surgery. A free-research team developed the Chem-nyle process,* which will revolutionize the dyeing of nylon. Similar skills are required for the production facilities at both plants. A fast-growing giant in a vastly expanding industry, The Chemstrand Corporation, now in its fifth expansion in four years, can offer unlimited potential growth and challenge in the fields of free and applied research, in production, market research and development, sales, and administration. * Patent rights applied for on this new strand nylon dyeing process


Chemstrand's Training Program Chemstrand's (ADVERTISEMENT)




success is simply to replace opinion, however experienced, by measurement, knowledge, and control. Chemstrand's training program is a continuing one. Courses, matched to the need of the operation, are conducted for all new employees and for those transferred or promoted from one operation to another. These training courses have the highly desirable feature of schoolwork and theoretical studies during the morning sessions combined with practical work in the plant during the latter part of the day. Chemstrand created what might be described as an industrial college in miniature, with its own teachers, its own courses, and even its own specially written textbooks. Nearby colleges offer additional opportunities for study.

Living Is Pleasant Decatur, Ala., is a progressive, growing community in the new, expanding, sunny south. Located on the vast lake network of the Tennessee Valley development, the city offers swimming, fishing, boating and all other water activities at your front door. Excellent schools, churches of all denominations, and other cultural activities make

it a fine place in which to live and a healthy spot for your family and children. Balmy Pensacola, home of Chemstrand's Nylon Plant, is located on the Gulf of Mexico. A modern, progressive city, Pensacola offers an exceptionally high standard of living. Fine schools, churches, and other cultural activities in attractive communities make it an exceptionally attractive place to live. Sunny, white beaches and all water sports offer year-round pleasures.

. . . And Finally The south is growing and expanding. The man-made fiber industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Chemstrand is a major leader in this fast-growing field. Here is the opportunity to grow with us—in pleasant, modern surroundings and in association with people you'll be proud to know. For further details and information, send a brief outline of your background and interests to: A. D . Preston, Technical Personnel Manager, The Chemstrand Corporation, Decatur, Ala. APRIL


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