The college of chemistry in the G. N. Lewis Era: 1912-1946 - Journal of

Abstract. Pictures of chemistry faculty and staff at the University of California, Berkeley, while Gilbert N. Lewis was Dean of the College of Chemist...
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The College of Chemistry in the 6. N. Lewis Era: 1912-1946




Melvin Calvin and Glenn T. Seabora Department of Chemistry and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California. Berkeley, CA 94720 Gilbert N. Lewis of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology accepted the position of Dean of the College of Chemistry and moved to Berkeley in the Fall of 1912. When Lewis arrived the chemistry faculty already had four memhers: Edward Booth who served until he died in 1917,Edmund O'Neill who retired in 1925, Walter C. Blasdale who retired in 1940. and Henrv C. Biddle who left Berkelev in 1916. From MIT Lewis brought with him \\'illiam C. Rrily,'hlerle Kanda11, and Richard C'. 'l'olman. ineerher with srwral eraduate students. Bray and ~ a n d a l l w i to e stay at ~erkele;hut Tolman left in 1916. Georee Ernest Gibson from Eneland and Germany and Joel ~ . ' ~ i l d e h r s nfrom d the Uni&sity of Pcnnsylvania joined the faculty in 191:i. These prowl to he the last non-Rerkeley I'hl)'~appointed to the faculty until Cal\,in'h an~ointmenrin 1937 w e table). Of the nermanent chemistrv f<y from 1912 to the present we have-known all hut ~ n o t h , O'Neill, and Biddle.

Figure 1. Picture taken on May 14. 1917,

The aEc3lSQ7anymg photographs are notable in that they are among the very few substantial ones of the College of Chemistry faculty, including Lewis, that have survived from the G. N. Lewis era. Soon after the Chemistry Annex was comoleted in 1915. a number of ueoole moved there from the lar& old huildini which had her~;completed in IXYO. The first nhotoeranh tI2ie. 1 I wns takm in front ofthe Chemistr\. t Lewis and his graduate st;~nn& on ?4 ~ a ~ ' l & 7 . ' 1shows dents William L. Argo (at this time an instructor); Axel R. Olson; Thomas B. Brighton; Parry Borgstrom; Asa L. Caulkins; Orville E. Cushman; Guy W. Clark; and George S. Parks; Randall and his graduate student, Charles S. Bisson; Bray; Constance Gray, secretary to Lewis; William J. Cummings, glassblower; and Svend Holmstrup, shopman. The second picture (Fig. 2) was taken in front of Gilman Hall in the fall of 1917, a t about the time this building was completed. This photograph includes faculty members

in front of Chemistry Annex

Back row (len lo righf) William C. Bray. William L. Argo. Gilbert N. Lewis. Constance Gray. Parry Borgstrom. George S. Parks, Merle Randall. Charles S. Bisson. Asa L. Caulkins, Svend Hoirnshup (shopman). William J. Cummings (glassblower). Front row (seated len to rlghtl Axel R. Olson, momas 8. Brightan. Orville E. Cushmn, Guy W. Clark.

Volume 61

Number 1

January 1984


Eastman, Blasdale, Bray, Randall, Gibson, Porter, Stewart, O'Neill, Argo, and Lewis (Branch was away in the Canadian Armed Services while Hildebrand was apparently out of town); Lewis' secretary, Constance Gray, and clerk M. J. Fisher; graduate students Esther Kittredge, Esther Branch

(wife of Gerald Branch), Charles S. Bisson, Wendell M. Latimer, Charles C. Scalione, Roy F. Newton, William G. Horsch, William H. Hampton, John M. McGee, George S. Parks, Parry Borgstrom, Albert G. Loomis, Angier H. Foster, and Axel R. Olson; undergraduate students Carl Iddings, William D.

University of California, Berkeley-Chemistry Year Joined


Degree Date Where TakenIWith Whom

Faculty on hand at time Gilbert N. Lewis arrived in Berkeley Booth, Edward 1877 UC Berkeley O'Neiil. Edmond 1879 UC Berkeley Elasdale. Walter C. 1892 UC Berkeley Biddle, Henry C. 1900 University of Chicago 1912 Lewis, Gilbert Newton 1899 Harvard. T. W. Richards Tolman, Richard C. 1910 MiT Bray, William C. 1905 Leipzig. Luther Randall. Merie 1912 MIT, G. N. Lewis 1913

Hildebrand. Joel C.

1906 1911


Gibson. G. Ernen Branch, Gerald E. K. Argo. William C.

Penns~ivania.Edqar Fahs smith Bresiau, Lummer

1915 1915

UC Berkeley, Lewis UC Berkeley, Lewis

Porter. C. Walter Eastman, Ermon D. Latimer. Wendell M. Stewart, T. Dale

1915 1917 1917 1916

UC Berkeley, Biddie UC Berkeley, Lewis UC Berkeley, Gibson UC Berkeley, Toiman


Year Joined

Faculty Name

Degree Date Where TakenIWith Whom


Olson, Axel R. Hogness. Thorlin R.

1918 1921

UC Berkeley. Lewis UC Berkeley. Hiidebrand


Giauque, William F. (Nobel Prize. 1949)


UC Berkeley. Gibson


Rollefsan, Gerhard K.


UC Berkeley, Lewis


Libby, Willard F. (Nobel Prize, 1960)


UC Berkeley. Latimer


Pitrer. Kenneth S. Calvin. Melvin (Nobel Prize, 1961)

1937 1935

UC Berkeley, Latimer Minnesota, Giockler (UC Berkeley. 1923. Gibson)


Ruben. Samuel C.


UC Berkeley, Latimer1 Llbby


Seaborg. Glenn T. INnhal P r i m 19531


UC Berkeley. Gibson

Figure 2. University of California College of Chemistry Staff Members in Front of Newly Constructed Giiman Hail (Fall of 1917). Front row (rimto /em Ermon D. Eastman. W a k C. Blasdale, William C. Bray. Merle Randall. G. Ernest Gibson. C. Walter Patter. T. Dale Stewart. Edmund O'Neiii. William L. Argo, Gilbert N. Lewis, Constance Gray, Esther Kinredge, Esther Branch, and M. J. Fisher. (bookkeeper). Ascending Stairs (fen to right) Charles S. Bisson. Wendell M. Latimer. Wiiiiem J. Cummings (glassblower), Carl iddings. Reginald 8. Rule. J. T. Ranray (woodworker). Charles C. Scaiiane. Hal D. Draper, William G. Horsch. William H, Hamoton, Wiliard G. Babcock, John M. McGee, W g e S. Parks, Parry Bargstrom, Albert G. Loomis. George A. Linhart, William D. Ramage, and Harry N. Cooper. Seafed(1ell to right) Alex R. Olson and Angier H. Foster.


Journal of Chemical Education

Figure 3. University of California College of Chemstry Staff Members in front of the north end of Gilman Hail. November 1920.

From left to right, seated, first row Philip S. Dsnner, H. W. Chapman, JamesT. Rattray, Hal D. Draper, Nelson W.Taylor, meophil F. Buehrer, Allyn M. Shatter, Roscoe H. Gerke, Francis R. Bichowsky. Reynold C. Fuson, T. Fraser Young. Thomas E. Phipps, and Roy M. Bauer. Seated, second row George F. Nelson. Wendell M. Latimer. Gerald E. K. Branch. T. Dale Stewart. William C. Bray, Edmund O'Neill. Gilbert N. Lewis. MerleRandall, Joel H. Hildebrand. Walter C. Elasdale, and Erman D. Eastman. Standing, third row Eustace J. Cuy, Robert M. Evans. William M. Haskins, Roy F. Newton, Albert P. Vanselow, Maybelle J. Fisher. Constance Gray, Edna R. Bishop, Anna L. Elliott. Clarence A. Jenks, and Gustav E. Ostrom Standing, f m t h row William J. Cummings. John A. Almquist. Russell W. Millar, W. Albert Noyes. Jr., Albert M. Williams, Maurice L. Huggins. Evald Anderson. Dwight C. Bardwell. M r y K. Ihrig. Bruner M. Burchtiel, William F. Giauque. Sherwin Maeser, Karl R. Edlund. Thorfin R. Hogness, James 8. Ramsey, and Manuel L. Zavala.

Ramage, Willard G. Babcock, and Reginald B. Rule; assistant George A. Linhart; glassblower William J. Cummings and woodworker James T. Rattray and curator Harry N. Cooper. 3). was taken outside Gilman Hall The third nicture (Fie. . in ~ t ~ ~ ~ e r n1920. h a r :Seated in the secund ruw front are George F. Nelson (chief rnachinistl. and facultv members l.stirner. Branch, &wart, Bray, o ' N ~ Lewis, , anda all, ~ i l d e b r a n d ;


Blasdale, and Eastman (Gibson, Olson, and Porter are missing). Also included are Constance Gray (secretary to Lewis), M. J. Fisher (secretary to O'Neill), Rattray (woodworker), Cummings (glassblower), H. W. Chapman (machinist), ~ostdoctoralfellows Francis R. Bichowskv and W. Albert koyr,Jr., and Roy t'. Newcon rinstructor,.~llthe others are rraduatr studtmti and nrr idmtifirrl in the cantion. -

Volume 61

Number 1 January 1984