The Columbus meeting - ACS Publications

Journal. Attendance never fell below 100 and exceeded 600 Wednesday morning when Dr.Langmuir, president of the American Chemical So- ciety, presented ...
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THE COLUMBUS MEETING REPORTOF THE SECRETARY OF THE DNISIONOF CHEMICAL EDUCATION Two half-day sessions were devoted to miscellaneous papers and two to the Symposium on Lecture Experimentation, in accordance with the detailed announcement which appeared on pages 736-7 of the April JOURNAL. Attendance never fell below 100 and exceeded 600 Wednesday morning when Dr. Langmuir, president of the American Chemical Society, presented a talking-movie experimental lecture on "Oil Films on Water." Dr. Langmuir's lecture demonstrated convincingly the immense value of this new type of scientific lecture and his audience was enthusiastic in its approval of his epochal experiment. The film 'was introduced and supplemented at intervals by Dr. Langmuir in person. At noon, May lst, the Division was host a t luncheon to 35 high-school teachers of chemistry. At the close Chairman McPherson introduced President Langmuir, Secretary Parsons, Neil E. Gordon, and William W. BwTum. Dr. Gordon and Mr. Buffurn spoke briefly concerning the editorial policy and the business management, respectively, of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION. In connection with the Divisional program, thirteen high-school and college and nine industrial exhibits were displayed in two of the larger laboratories. They attracted such favorable comment that the experiment will be repeated a t the Minneapolis qeeting, September 9th-13th. A delightful feature of the program was a visit during the afternoon of May 2nd to the Ohio Wesleyan campus. Transportation was furnished by members of the Wesleyan chemistry staff, who also personally conducted the party through their recently remodeled building. After a complimentary dinner the party was driven back to Columbus, unanimous in their appreciation of the hospitality of Professor H. F. Lewis .and his associates. OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION met a t 5 P.M., The Editors of the JOURNAL April 30th, to discuss the problems and policies of the JOURNAL. Dr. Neil E. Gordon, Editor-in-Chief, presided. Present: Roger W. Allen, R. A. Baker, F. E. Brown, William W. Buffum, Business Manager, Friend Clark, F. B. Dains, Wm. Faster, Harry N. Holmes, B. S. Hopkins, Louis C. Jordy, Theodore D. Kelsey, T. R. Leigh (substituting for A. P. Black), R. N. Maxson, R. K. McAlpine. Wm. McPherson, Lyman C. Newell, W. F. Rudd, Wilhelm Segerblom. J. N. Swan, A. P. Sy, G . H. Whiteford.

The Executive Committee of the Division met for several hours during the first two days of the convention and on the morning of May 1st the Senate convened for two hours to consider reports from the various com-

mittees. At the close of the last session Thursday morning, May 2nd, the Division held a short business meeting. Minutes of the Meetings of the Executive Committee Present: Wm. McPherson (chairman), R. A. Baker, Neil E. Gordon, M. V. McGill, R. M. Parr, Wm. Segerblom, and, by invitation, William W. Buffum, J. E. Day, and L. C. Newell.

(1) Neil E. Gordon, Editor-in-Chief, reported upon the status of and plans for the JOURNAL OP CHEMICAL EDUCATION. I t was voted to authorize the editor to publish at such time during 1929 as he may deem feasible, two successive issues of the JOURNAL under one cover, with the double caption of both month names in order to enable the JOURNAL to appear thenceforth on or before the first of the month designated on the cover. (2) A preliminary report of the Committee on Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws was presented by L. C. Newell, chairman, and was discussed a t length. The committee was requested to prepare the revision for presentation at the forthcoming business meeting of the Division. (3) Voted that a committee be appointed to consider the advisability of constituting a committee of the Division on Library Equipment. Referred by Chairman McPherson to the Committee on Outstanding Problems (W.Segerblom, chairman). (4) Voted that Dr. James Kendall's request with reference to the distribution of Alembic Club Reprints in .this country be referred to the History of Chemistry Division for recommend$t.ion. (5) The personnel and work of the committees of the Division were reviewed at length. (6) Voted that the Secretary be authorized to employ such secretarial assistance as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of the Senate and Division. (7) Voted that the Committee on Revision of the Constitution andBy-Laws be asked to consider and report upon the duties and organization of the Senate and upon its relation to the Division of Chemical Education. (8) Voted to refer to the Committee on Outstanding Problems (W. Segerblom, chairman) the question of the appointment of a committee on "Labels." Minutes of the Senate Meeting, Pomerene HaU, 8 A.M., May 1st Present: Wm. McPherson ( c h i m a n ) ; Ark., Harrison Hale; Colo., G. H. Whiteford; Conn., E. M. Shelton; Ill., H. W. Gamett, Rosalie M. Pam; I%d., M. G. Mellon; Ky., R . M. Maxson, V. J. Payne (proxy for Marie Berries); Md., Neil E. Gordon, E. Emmet Reid; Miss.,J. N . Swan; Ma., Geo. F. Weida (proxy for W. E. Howe); Mont., 0. E. Sheppard; N. H., Wilhelm Segerblom; N. Y., R. A. Baker; Ohio, W. C. Gangloff, M. V. McGill, Wm. McPherson; Okla., Otto M. Smith; Ore., John Fulton; Pa., F. R. Alexander, W. E. Coon; S. Dak., J. H. Jensen; W. Va.. F. E. Clark.





(1) Harrison Hale, chairman, reported that the Cornmattee on Women's Club Study Course in Chemistry has been unable to gain the cooperation of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. His committee was requested to prepare for publication the outline upon which it has been working. (2) J. H. Jensen, chairman, reported for the Committee on Minimum Equipwzerit for Teaching High-School Chemistry. He was authorized to compile, mimeograph, and distribute to the senate a preliminary report. (3) H. A. Carpenter, chairman of the Committee on Aids to Visual Chemistry Instruction, asked by letter to be relieved of duty on this committee in order to devote full time as chairman of the Committee on Major Topics. His request was granted and M. V. McGill was appointed chairman in his place with instructions to make recommendations concerning the personnel of the committee and the scope of its work. (4) In the absence of the chairman, R. M. Parr reported for the Committee on Order of Presentation of Laboratory and Recitation Work. The committee was continued and was authorized to prepare and distribute such mimeographed material as will be necessary in collecting data for a report. (5) H. A. Carpenter, chairman, reported by letter for the Committee on Organization of Elementary Chewistry around a Few Major Units. A local committee has completed a preliminary study in the city of Rochester and is prepared to make specific recommendations to the national committee. The report was accepted andfhe committee continued. (6) In the absence of the chairman, John Fulton reported for the Com-

mittee on Professional Spirit among ~ i ~ h - S h 0 Chemistry 0l Teachers as a Group. The report was accepted and appears on page 1157. The committee was continued. (7) A. J. Currier, chairman, reported by letter for the Conzmittee on Preparation of High-School Teachers. The report was accepted and appears on page 1156. The committee was continued. (8) Allen Rogers, chairman, presented by letter outlines of several problems to engage the recently appointed Conzmittee on Chemical Education of the Non-Collegiate Type. The report was accepted and the committee continued. (9) Mr. BuiTum, business manager, was present by invitation to discuss ways and means of reaching more effectively the teachers of chemistry. It was voted that a survey he made by the local organizations in their respective areas to determine which high schools are offering chemistry instruction. The question of appointing a special committee was referred to the Committee on Outstanding Problems (W.Segerblom, chairman).

Minutes of the Business Meeting of the Division of Chemical Education Chemistry Building, 11:30 A.M.,' May 2 WM. MCPHERSON, Presiding (1) The secretary reported the deliberations of the Executive Committee and the Senate. (2) Voted to appoint a committee to draft resolutions expressing our appreciation to the Ohio Section for their entertainment. (Rosalie M. Parr designated by Chairman McPherson.) (3) Voted that the Division accept the report of the Conznzittee on Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws, consisting of L.C. Newell, Wm. Segerblom, and R. A. Baker. R. A. BAKER, Secretary