The concept of the pound-molecular-volume - Correction - Journal of

The concept of the pound-molecular-volume - Correction. O. F. Stafford. J. Chem. Educ. , 1931, 8 (8), p 1643. DOI: 10.1021/ed008p1643.1. Publication D...
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VOL. 8, NO. 8



L'ESTOILE. PIERRE DE, Jourml de Henri III, Michchaud Collection, Vol. 11, p. 41. BONNAT, RENBE,Reme de I'Agemis, 30, 366 (1903). Archives dc Prefecture de Police, No. 10 (Nov. 13, 1586) and (July 4. 1589). Published by Weiss, Bull. de la Soc. de PHistoire du Prateslantism franpis, Sept.-Oct.. 1912. KERR.A. B.,"Jacques Coeur." PRADINES. LEONCAZENOVE DE, Recueil des travauz de b Sac. d'dgricd. d'Agen.

VII. MOmEY, HENRY, "Bernard Palissy, Potter," London, 1852. BRANTH "Le~ Connetable ~, de Moutmorency," Vol. IV, xxii. D'AWIGNE, THEODORE AGRIPPA. ''L3HistoiTeUniverselle," Partie 111, Livre 111, 1589.

LAMARTINE, "Civilisateur." DUPLESSY, CAMILLE, Reccui des travaur de la Soc. d'Agricu1. d'Agen. VII. des sciences nat.," 11. C u v ~ ~"Histoire n, "Francois Grude. sieur de la Croix du Maine." Bibliotheaue francaise. Paris.


LIESTOKE, PIERRE DE, MS. Bibliotheque nacionnle. Paris

THE CONCEPT OF THE POUND-MOLECULAR-VOLUMECORRECTION DEAREDITOR: In an article dealing with "The Concept of the Pound-MolecularVolume" published in the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, July, 1930, page 1659, the statement is made that the relationship that the ounce molecular volume of a gas is equal to 22.4 cubic feet was discovered by Dr. T. W. Richards. I wish to call attention to the fact that credit for the discovery of this relationship should be given to Dr. Joseph W. Richards, one-time professor of metallurgy a t Lehigh University. In his book entitled "Metallurgical Calculations" (McGraw-Hill Company, 1906) this relationship is set forth on pages 3 and 4. 0. F. STAFFORD UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE. OREGON

The type of buret support shown in Figure 3 of Pagel's article [J. CHEM. EDUC.,8, 161 (Jan., 1931)] can be easily modified to give the advantage of a constant level buret. To do this the filling tube is drawn out to a tapering capillary long enough to extend to the zero point of the buret and with an opening of about 1 mm. in diameter, carefully fire-polished. This filling tube is then adjusted