The Contributions of David P. Mellor, Frank P ... - ACS Publications

David P. Mellor (1903-1980), Frank P. Dwyer (1910-1962) and Sir Ronald S. Nyholm (1917-1971) were three Australians who were largely responsible for t...
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David P. Mellor (1903-1980).

Frank P. Dwyer (1910-1962).

Sir Ronald S. Nyholm (1917-1971).

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

Chapter 10

The Contributions of David P. Mellor, Frank P. Dwyer, and Ronald S. Nyholm to Coordination Chemistry

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Stanley E. Livingstone School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia

David P. Mellor (1903-1980), Frank P. Dwyer (1910-1962) and Sir Ronald S. Nyholm (1917-1971) were three Australians who were largely responsible for the great interest in coordination chemistry in Australia and for Australia's reputation in this field. All three had close contacts with Sydney University (SU), the University of New South Wales (UNSW), and its precursor Sydney Technical College (STC). Mellor was Reader at SU and Professor of Chemistry at UNSW (1956-1969). Dwyer was a graduate of SU, Head Teacher at STC, Senior Lecturer at SU, and Professor of Biological Inorganic Chemistry at the Australian National University (1961-1962). Nyholm was a graduate of SU, Teacher at STC, Associate Professor at UNSW, and Professor of Chemistry at University College London (19551971). It seems that the earliest research in coordination chemistry performed in Australia was by Masson and Steele at the University of Melbourne in 1898. Sir David Orme Masson was Professor of Chemistry in Melbourne (1886-1924). Bertram Steele later worked with Sir William Ramsay at University College, London and became Foundation Professor of Chemistry at the University of Queensland, Brisbane. Their paper, "The blue salt of Fehling's solution and other cuprotartrates"* >, reported that the deep blue color of Fehling's solution was due to an anionic copper species. This work was not extended further until 1920 when Masson put his research students Packer and Wark to work on cuprotartrates; they confirmed Masson and Steele's results and isolated several cuprotartrates. Ian William (later Sir Ian) Wark extended this work further in his PhD studies at University College, London* '*). John Packer subsequently became Professor of Chemistry at Canterbury University College, Christchurch, New Zealand in 1944. 7


Early Coordination Chemistry in Sydney Coordination chemistry in Sydney had its beginning when Eustace Ebenezer Turner (1893-1966) was appointed Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Sydney in 1919. During the First World War Turner had been research assistant to Professor William

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Jackson Pope at Cambridge, working on the synthesis of arsines as potential war gases. In Sydney Turner began a collaborative research effort with George Burrows (1888- 1950), who had been appointed to the staff at the University of Sydney in 1919. This work was published in six papers in the Journal of the Chemical Society (4) and included one paper on metal-arsine complexes(5). In 1921 Turner returned to England, where he later became Professor of Chemistry at Bedford College, London and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Burrows continued research on coordination chemistry and between 1928 and 1938 published 15 papers, mostly on metal-arsine complexes(4). His Liversidge Lecture to the Royal Society of New South Wales, titled "Organic arsenicals in peace and war"(6 ), was an excellent review of arsines and metal-arsine complexes. Burrows was to have a marked effect on subsequent research on coordination chemistry in Australia. Mellor has stated(7 ) : "Burrows lectured on coordination compounds to advanced classes, instituted laboratory courses on the subject, and before long began to attract staff and students to his chosen field. I think that it is fair to say that to Burrows, more than any other man, we owe the formation, at the University of Sydney, of the first school of coordination chemistry in this country [Australia]." It was in this atmosphere that Mellor, Dwyer, and Nyholm began their research careers and it was one of die points from which metal-arsine chemistry emanated. Mellor David Paver Mellor was born in Launceston, Tasmania and graduated from the University of Tasmania in 1924. He was appointed Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Sydney in 1929 and promoted to Reader in Inorganic Chemistry in 1946. His lifelong interest was in the structure of inorganic compounds and metal complexes. His early interest was in X-ray crystallography and his first three publications — all with his research student Frank Dwyer — were in this area: viz*, "The crystal structure of indium," "The occurrence of β-cristabolite in Australian opals," and "An X-ray study of opals"(8). In the 1930's and 1940's Mellor and his 15 or so research students worked on metal complexes, using a variety of physical techniques, including refractive index, X ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, and thermodynamic stability determinations (for a list of publications, see ref. 4). Indeed, Mellor was one of the earliest coordination chemists to study X-ray crystal structures, magnetic moments, and stability constants of metal complexes. In 1938 Mellor went to work with Linus Pauling at the California Institute of Technology. He returned to Sydney full of enthusiasm for the ideas which had just been published in Pauling's book The Nature of the Chemical Bond, one of the most influential chemical books of this century. He introduced Pauling's concepts into both his teaching and research, and his subsequent publications show Pauling's influence, especially in relation to magnetochemistry. A five-part series "Magnetic studies of coordination compounds" followed(977). In two papers of this series Mellor and Craig reported the magnetic moments of 37 nickel and 21 cobalt complexes with the chromophores: O4, O2N2, N4, N2S2, O2S2, and S4. The authors attempted to explain the preference for high- or low-spin magnetic behavior on the nature of the chromophore, Le., the donor atoms. This was an important concept, since it anticipated Chart's idea of (a) and (b) class metals(72) and Pearson's "hard" and "soft" ligands(73). David Craig did his MSc research under Mellor's supervision - PhD degrees were not awarded by Australian universities until after the Second World War - and later occupied Chairs of Physical Chemistry at the University of Sydney, University College, London, and the Australian National University, Canberra, and he became a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Australian Academy of Sciences. He was later, together with L . E . Sutton, R.S.

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Contributions of Mellor, Dwyer, and Nyholm


Nyholm and A . Maccoll, to influence the theoretical understanding of metal-ion complex chemistry, especially the role of ^bonding. In three papers, "The significance of large angle distortions in relation to the stereochemistry and magnetic properties of quadricovalent metals," "The stereochemistry of some metallic complexes with special reference to their magnetic properties and the Cotton effect," and "A study of the magnetic behaviour of complexes containing the platinum metals," Mellor did much to clear up the state of knowledge of the magnetic behaviour of transition metals(74). His review, "The stereochemistry of square complexes"(75), was a standard reference work. For this and his other work on metal complexes Mellor was awarded the DSc degree by the University of Tasmania. Arguably Mellor's most significant contribution to coordination chemistry was the establishment of the stability sequence for bivalent metals in complexes with oxygen and nitrogen donors: viz., Pd > Cu > N i > Co > Zn > Cd > Fe > M n > Mg(76). This work was published before the classic work of Irving and Williams (77) who showed that the sequence for the first transition series is: MÎn < Fe < Co < Ni < Cu > Zn. Mellor published a few more papers on X-ray structure determinations, including one on Zeise's salt, K[PtCl3(C2H4)].H20, showing that the C-C axis of the ethylene ligand is perpendicular to the plane containing the P t 0 3 grouping(7#). In 1955 Mellor was appointed Professor of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales. Unfortunately, he did no more experimental research, but he was the author of four books: The Rôle of Science and Industry in Australia in the War of 1939-1945(19), Chelating Agents and Metal Chelates (20),The Evolution of the Atomic Theory (27), and Chemistry of Chelation and Chelating Agents (22). Dwyer Francis Patrick Dwyer was born in Nelson's Plains, a small town in New South Wales, and he graduated from Sydney University in 1930. For his MSc degree, under Mellor's supervision, he worked on glyoxime complexes of palladium, and he isolated cis and trans isomers of bis(benzylmethylglyoximato)palladium(II)(23); this was an important contribution, since the stereochemistry of four-coordinate Pd(II) and Pt(II) had not been unequivocally established. In 1934 Dwyer was appointed Head Teacher of Inorganic Chemistry at Sydney Technical College, and here he carried out an extensive investigation of the reactions of diazoamino compounds with metal salts to produce highly colored "lakes", which are loosely bound complexes chemisorbed at the surface of metal hydroxides. Using these reactions, Dwyer devised a number of microanalytical tests for various metal ions; this research was reported in 18 papers in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry , the Journal .and Proceedings of the Australian Chemical. Institute, &nd the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (4). For this work he was awarded the DSc degree by the University of Sydney in 1946. Ronald Sydney Nyholm was born in Broken Hill, a large, isolated mining town in New South Wales, 1200 km west of Sydney. He graduated from Sydney University in 1938 and in 1940 was appointed Teacher of Chemistry at Sydney Technical College. Dwyer, with his experimental skills, and Nyholm with his experience with arsines gained from Burrows, developed a good working relationship. In a 10-part series, "The chemistry of bivalent and trivalent rhodium"(24,25), they reported a number of Rh(III) and Rh(II) complexes of arsines, pyridine, dimethylglyoxime, and dimethyl sulfide. The Rh(II) complexes included the halogenbridged dimeric complexes [RhX2(Ph2MeAs)3]2 (X = CI, Br, I); the presence of Rh(II) in these diamagnetic complexes was later questioned, since Rh(II) would be expected to be paramagnetic, and a reinvestigation by Nyholm in 1960(26) showed that at least some of these compounds are hydrido complexes of Rh(III). However, this

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



should not be taken as criticism of their early work, since hydrides of transition metals were unknown at that time. It is of interest that hydrido complexes of rhodium have been extensively used as catalysts in the organic chemical industry. In a 4-part series, T h e chemistry of bivalent and trivalent iridium (27,2£J, they reported similar arsine complexes of Ir(II) and Ir(III). Dwyer and Nyholm reported complexes of Ru(III), Ru(II), Os(III), and Os(II) with Ph2MeAs(29,30). The stability constant of [Fe(phen)3]2+ and the redox potentials of the systems [Ru(phen)3]3+/Ru(phen)3]2+, [OsBr6]2-/[OsBr6]3-, and [Osa6]2-/[OsCl6]3- were determined(37-33). This brought to a close the collaboration of Dwyer and Nyholm at Sydney Technical College. It had established a tradition for research in coordination chemistry within the Chemistry Department, which a few years later became the School of Chemistry in the University of New South Wales. Dwyer did further work on redox potentials of the Ru(III)/Ru(II) and Os(III)/Os(II) systems containing the ligand 2,2'-bipyridyl, showing that the potential is influenced by the charge on the ion and the degree of chelation(34) A t Sydney University Dwyer collaborated with Frank Lions, Reader in Organic Chemistry, designing and synthesizing the sexadentate ligand, l,8-bis(salicylideneamino)-3,6dithiaoctane (HONSSNOH) and resolving the Co(III) complex [Co(ONSSNO)]I, which gave a molecular rotation of ± 50,160°; this was the highest molar rotation recorded up to that time(35). Cobalt complexes of other sexadentates were prepared and optically resolved (36). Dwyer developed further his skill in resolving metal complexes into their optical isomers and carried out many such resolutions(7). The major thrust of this work was the elegant design of the sexadentate ligand to give a specific configuration about the metal ion . It was one of the first examples of such design of a ligand. Using chiral molecules, Dwyer discovered a phenomenon to which he gave the name "configurational activity". Briefly, this means that the activity coefficients of optical isomers are different in an asymmetric environment provided by another optically active ion(7,34) He predicted that configurational activity should be of biological importance, since the rates of many enzyme processes should be changed by the addition of inert optically active complex ions(3£). This work provided a better theoretical framework for the Pfeiffer effect and subsequently influenced the theory of chiral interactions. Dwyer became interested in bioinorganic chemistry and reported on the toxicity to mice of some complexes such as the d - and / - isomers of [Co(en)3]3+ and [Os(bipy)3]2+ (39). He and his colleagues showed that these ions are choline esterase inhibitors, and this led to his appointment in 1957 as Reader in Biological Inorganic Chemistry at the Australian National University, Canberra, where he became Professor in 1961. Here he studied the curare-like poison effect of metal complexes such as [Ru(terpy)2](C104)2. Of greater interest and practicality were the studies made by Dwyer and his colleagues on the effects of similar complexes onl microorganisms: e.g., txis(3,4,7,8-tetramemyl-l,10-phenanthroline)nickell(II) acetate proved especially effective in the prevention of infection due to Staphylococcus aureus in newborn babies and in surgical wounds(7,37). In his last paper published before his death Dwyer described a novel method for resolving amino acids by means of a metal complex; this method has the advantage of yielding both isomers in pure form(40). It was also in this period that conformational analysis of coordination complexes began in a serious way. Dwyer and his associates were major contributors to the development of the understanding of steric effects and their influence on the structures of metal complexes. Dwyer died suddenly of a heart attack in 1962, aged 51, at the peak of his resaearch activity. He was the author of 160 publications, a complete list of which is given in Sutherland's biography(47).

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In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Contributions of Mellor, Dwyer, and Nyholm



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In 1947 Nyholm was awarded an ICI Fellowship to work with Professor Ingold at University College, London and was awarded his PhD degree in 1950. He was appointed to the staff at University College and worked with the diarsine ophenylenebisdimethylarsine (I; As-As), which had been reported by Joseph Chatt in 1938 (42). Nyholm was able to show that this diarsine is effective in stabilizing high e.g., Ni(III) and Ni(IV) - and low - e.g., Fe(0), Cr(0), Mo(0), W(0), and Fe(I) oxidation states. Table I lists the diarsine

(I) complexes reported by Nyholm and his co-workers during the period 1950-1961. The stabilization of unusual oxidation states by the diarsine (I) prompted considerable theoretical discussion (43,44) and a search for other ligands that might behave similarly. Another aspect of Nyholm's extensive study of metal complexes of the diarsine (I) was the occurrence of unusually high coordination numbers, e.g., six for Pd(II) and Pt(II) and eight for Ti(IV) and V(IV). Nyholm's interest in these high coordination numbers extended to the stereochemistry involved, and his research group established the stereochemistry of some of these complexes by X-ray crystallography. The compounds [Ml2(As-As>2 ] (M = Pd, Pt) were shown to be distorted octahedral with the four arsenic atoms in the plane of the square and the two iodine atoms in the apical positions with unusually long bonds(^J), while the complex [TiCl4(As-As)2] was shown to be dodecahedral (46). In 1952 Nyholm returned to the University of New South Wales (formerly Sydney Technical College), where his effect on the Inorganic Chemistry Department was immediate and profound. He brought back fresh ideas of what he called the "Renaissance of inorganic chemistry" and stimulated a greater enthusiasm for research in coordination chemistry. He had become interested in magnetochemistry and extended his work in that area while in Sydney; Craig(47) has stated that "Nyholm advanced the method of measurement of magnetic moments itself." He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1953 and received his DSc degree (London) in 1954. Early in 1955 he left Australia to accept a Chair of Chemistry at University College, London. It has been said: "He had spent only three years in Sydney, yet in that time he had taken coordination chemistry in Australia out of one rut and put it in another"(4> During that period he published four important reviews, viz., "Stereochemistry and valence states of nickel"(48), "Magnetism and inorganic chemistry"(49), "The stereochemistry of complex compounds"(50), and "Magnetism a n d stereochemistry"(57). At University College Nyholm soon built a flourishing research group which attracted PhD and postdoctoral students from Britain, the USA, Australia, India, New Zealand, and elsewhere. The scope of his research widened and included further work on arsine and phosphine metal complexes; magnetic, infrared, and nmr studies of metal complexes; reactivity of coordinated ligands; complexes containing metal-metal bonds; compounds containing a platinum-carbon bond; carbonyl, olefin, cyclopentadienyl, and perfluoro complexes; alkali metal complexes; complexes with unsaturated phosphines and arsines as ligands; the stabilization of Fe(IV); and oxidative addition reactions.

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Table I.

Metal Complexes of o-Phenylenebisdimethylarsine (As-As)

Complex [M°(As-As) ]







[M«(As-As)(CO)3] [M°(As-As)2CO]


[M«X(As-As)(CO)2] [Min(As-As)2 ]3+



[Ml»X (As-As)]

[M°(As-As)(CO) ]

Cr, Mo, W


[M0(As-As) (CO)2]

Cr, Mo, W



[Ml X4(As-As)]-

Cr, Ru


[M"lX (As-As)H20]



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[Mll(As-As)(CO)2] [M«X (As-As)] 2

[M"(As-As) ]



Au Ni


Μη Au




N i , Zn, Cd, Hg [MWlX^As-Ash ]+

Cr, Tc, Re,

N i , Pd, Pt

Fe, Ru, Os, Co,Rh

[Nil X(As-As)2] 1

[Νί a 0 ( A s - A s ) 2 ]



[M"X (As-AsXCO)2] 2

Ni, Au

N i , Pd, Pt





[MlVX^As-Asfe ]

Mo 2 +

Fe, Os, N i , Pd, Pt

[NPI X (As-As) ] 2


Mn, Tc, Re, Fe T i , Zr, H f ,

R u , O s , C o , N i , [MlVCWAs-Ask]


Pd, Pt v

[M Cl4(As-As)2 ]



Particular mention should be made of complexes containing metal-metal bonds, a subject on which Nyholm and his collaborators published many papers. Indeed, Nyholm could be regarded as one of the leading experts in this field, as evidenced by his review "Metal-metal bonds in transition metal complexes"(52> Nyholm also became active in the area of chemical education and took a leading part in launching the journal Education in Chemistry and the large work Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry (53). He was President of The Chemical Society (1968-1970) and during his term as President saw the amalgamation of the society with the Faraday Society, the Royal Institute of Chemistry, and the Society for Chemical Industry. He received many honors: Corday Morgan Medal (1952); H . G . Smith Medal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (1955); Fellowship of the Royal Society (1958); Royal Medal of the Royal Society of New South Wales (1959); Tilden Lecturer of the Chemical Society (1961); first Dwyer Memorial Lecturer (1963); Liversidge Lecturer of the Chemical Society (1967); Gold Medal of the Italian Chemical Society (1968); 'Sigillum Magnum' Medal of the University of Bologna (1969); and Honorary DSc, University of New South Wales (1969). He was knighted in 1967. His publications numbered 278 ; a full list is given in ref. 47. He

In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Contributions of Mellor, Dwyer, and Nyholm


was killed in a car accident near Cambridge, England in 1971, aged 54. Like Dwyer, he was at the height of his career. Conclusion As a tribute to three great Australian chemists, in 1972 three lecture theaters in the School of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales were named, respectively, Dwyer, Nyholm, and Mellor.

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In Coordination Chemistry; Kauffman, G.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.