The Correlation of Reaction Rates with Acidity Function

Jul 25, 2017 - Kinetics in Acid Media: The Correlation of Reaction Rates with Acidity Function. BY CHARLES. Recently, Lewis and Bigeleisen' presented ...
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Feb., 1945


the values to be 42S.6 and 400.5' from surface tension The molal latent heats a t the b. p. were calculated as well as the Trouton constant by the use of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and by an equation suggested by Kistyakow~ky.~The values are given in Table 11, the values under 1 being those obtained from the former and those under 2 from the latter equation.

It is obvious from Fig. 1 that the latent heat is a h e y function of the temperature only over a small range of temperature. In conclusion, we wish to express our gratitude to the following for their assistance in, this work : T. Pilkington, I. Rush, J. Leslie and H. Nemetz.


1. The vapor pressures of cis- and trans-decahydronaphthalene have been measured over a range of temperature from -30 to 223'. 2. The critical temperatures, latent heats and Trouton constant have been calculated from the data.

Molal latent heats 1 2

trans cis

9960 10310

9614.9 9799.4

Trouton constant 1 2

21.7 21.8

20.9 20.9

(4) C. H. Davenport, M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1939. ( 5 ) Kisty.iko\v?kq.,%. phgrik. C h c m . , 107, 65 (l!J23).



Kinetics in Acid Media: The Correlation of Reaction Rates with Acidity Function BY CHARLES W. DEANE Recently, Lewis and Bigeleisen' presented an extension of available acidity function data into fuming sulfuric acid concentrations by a plot showing the effect of sulfur trioxide up to 100% sulfur trioxide concentration. Since Hammett and Deyrup2were able to correlate rates and acidity function up to 100% sulfuric acid, a test of the new data with related kinetic data is in order, and the quantitative results and interpretation of such a study for five organic acid decompositions are here presented. Through assuming coincidence a t 50 mole % sulfur trioxide with earlier results2 upon sulfuric acid for concentrations up to 1 0 0 ~ sulfuric o acid, the acidity function has been presented by Lewis and Bigeleisen as a direct extension of the data of Hammett and Deyrup because the results of the latter are said' to be "more precise." Simultaneously to the publication of Lewis and Bigeleisen,' new kinetic data obtained in fuming sulfuric acid were presented and d i s c ~ s s e dand , ~ the variant effects of sulfur trioxide on organic acid decompositions in oleum published to date were given. A summary of these effects is here shown : Orgaiiic acid

Influence of SOa on reaction r a t e

Slight (increase to approx. 14% SO,; decrease above) Malic6 Marked inhibition Citric' Pronounced inhibition Formic' Acceleration (degree not measured) o-Benzoylbeneoic3 Moderate acceleration


(1) Lewis and Higcleisen, THISJ O U R N A L 65, 1144 (1943). ( 2 ) Harnrnett a n d I h y r i i p , ibid., 64, 2721 (1932). ( 3 ) Deanie w i t h HuIYui:in, Iiid. Erin. Cheni., 36, 684 (1943). (4) Wiig, l'ms J U I : R X A L , 62, 4737 (1930). f i ) Dittmar, ibid., 52, 2746 (1!130); Whitford, i6id.. 47, 4.53 (I%?;).

(fi) W i g , [bid., 52, 471!1 (1980). (7) Deright, p r i v n t r conirniinication.

It was pointed outa that since organic oxygen compounds are highly ionized basically in strong sulfuric acid, acid-base catalysis is effective; because of the exceptional behavior of oxalic, malic, and citric acids, the reactions for these acids appear anomalous, and to be governed only incidentally by simple ionic factors. To explain fully the reaction mechanism, an allinclusive theory should cover all of these various phenomena. A mechanism should correlate known facts and predict new ones. Aimed to this end, Hammett and Deyrup2 have developed a correlation showing a reasonable constancy in the sum of log k (reaction velocity constant) plus Ho (acidity function) for the decompositions of six organic acids, and for acetophenone oxime, in sulfuric acid concentrations up to 100%. The correlation of the velocity constants in the decomposition of o-benzoylbenzoic acid with the extension of the acidity function by Lewis and Bigeleisen is quite striking. Table I shows the constancy of the sum of HOand log k a t various acid and oleum concentrations up to 28.8y0 sulfur trioxide concentration. Part os this table supersedes part A of Table I V of Harnmett and Deyrup2 which is based oil an erroneous earlier plot of Gleason and Dougherty* wherein the sulfuric acid axis is 10% low throughout. Owing to the widely variant behavior in fuming acid indicated in the introduction, certain questions concerning correlation above 100% sulfuric acid arise : (1) whether o-benzoylbenzoic acid, as previously s ~ g g e s t e dis , ~more ideal when the earlier correlation method2 is applied? ( 2 ) Would data on some other studied organic acid serve better? To test these points, calculations with the new data of Lewis and Bigeleisen have been made, to(8) (:leason and Doughrrty, THISJOURNAL, 61, 310 (1929)


Vol. 67


where XCOOH is the organic acid; in fuming sulfuric acid, II+ can be replaced by the free COMPOSITION OF O-BENZOYLBENZOIC ACID IN SULFURICsulfur trioxide. Whether it is ion TI or ion I11 that reacts is in ACIDAND OLEUMOF VARIOUSCONCENTRATIONS Ar 75 AND this discussion not too important, but i t may be 8.50 __ % Log Log better to consider that 111determines the reaction % Free Heal Logk Log k k + Ho k f HI His04 SO8 25' a t 75' a t 85' a t 76" a t 65' rate. I t follows that TABLE


- 7.34 - 8.01 - 8.20 - 8.67 - 8.95

86 89 91

- 7.74


[LOG k

+ Ha]


-4.06 -3.53 -3.23 -2.89 -2.32 -2.11 -1.93 -1.90 -1.89 -1.87



-11.40 -11.27 -11.24 -11.09 -10.99 -11.06 -12.63 -12.61 -12.62 -12.81 -12.88



log k = -Ho

+ const.

This is found true for the o-benzoylbenzoic; 93 .... when fully studied, i t may also hold for formic 96 .... ..... acid. In certain other organic materials, a more 98 -1.64 -11.59 complicated situation is found when a second type 0 -10.70 100 -1.47 -12.17' 100.4 1.8 -10.71 -12.14 -1.43 of reaction occurs a t some high value of -Ho. 8.0 -10.73 101.8 -1.42 -12.16 For simplicity of example, this is regarded as the 103.2 14.0 -10.94 -1.42 -12.36 removal of another OH- from a di- or polyhy104.5 20.0 -11.04 -1.38 -12.42 -1.81..... 105.4 2 4 . 0 -11.16 -1.36 - 12.52 droxylic substance. This reaction yields a new .... -11.22 - 12.9'1 -12.56 substance which may inhibit the reaction, and in 105.9 2 6 . 2 -l..i4 -1.7i -11.43 -12.77 106.5 28.8 . . . . -1.32 certain of the cases given, evidently does. In support of the acidity function theory, the gether with the reaction rate data measured on o-benzoylbenzoic acid in fuming sulfuric acid. exact mechanism is of interest. The original oThe following summary, comparing the results benzoylbenzoic acid, which must remain in a with those earlier presented, indicates that the plane, has some molecules with a carboxyl group correlation for o-benzoylbenzoic acid is definitely next to the oxygen; and in others, next to the more consistent than other organic acids (except benzene of the ring. These two sets may be picformic, below 100% sulfuric acid concentration) tured in rapid equilibrium with each other, with which appear to be correlated by this method.2 the latter in condition to react directly in accord In Table 11, i t will be noted the organic acids have with Newman's step III.g In the case of obeen arranged in the order of their best agree- benzoylbenzoic acid the reaction appears to be of ment, or constancy, for the total range of sulfuric such directness and simplicity that nearly perfect acid concentration over which data have been yields of anthraquinone occur. obtained. Due to the inhibition in oleum pointed Summary TABLE

The data and discussion above lead to these con-



Organic acid Formic o-Benzoylbenzoic o-Benzoylbenzoic Malic Citric Oxalic Triphenylacrtic *(Acetophenone oxime)

"Range of variation from mid oint oflog k HQ 0.29

Sulfuric acid concn. range, % 85.0to96.9 100 to 106.5 ( = 0 to 28.3% free SO$) 66.0 t o 100% 97.1 t o 98.7 84.8 to 9 9 . 0 9 7 . 0 to 9 9 . 4 9 5 . 9 to 98.3 (93.G to 9 8 . 7 )



range, % ' 0,021



.40 ,I3 , .505











* Although

iiot a n organic acid, this compound is ind u d e d in the table since it correlates log k plus H o even better thaii the organic acids listed ahovc.

out above for malic, oxalic, and citric acids, however, it is evident that this correlation, or the explanation of catalysis by acidity function in fuming sulfuric acid, does not cover these cases and that other factors predominate. A consideration of the following reversible equilibria is presented to bring out the relation between the decomposition of a-benzoylbenzoic acid and the other organic materials studied to date r II Irr XCXWFI


Ti" ; xc'oow:+

xco+ .4



sulfur trioxide are highly consistent with reaction rate findings upon o-benzoylbenzoic acid,3in fuming acid concentration when an earlier correlation? is applied. 2. In fuming sulfuric acid, the o-benzoylbenzoic acid decomposition corroborates the correlation method of Hammett and Deyrupa2 3 . A general quantitative method of correlating the rate of o-benzoylbenzoic acid condensation in oleum to 28.3% free sulfur trioxide concentration is presented. 4. From the demonstrated close correlation of kinetic behavior from 0 to 28y0 free sulfur trioxide concentration, i t is predicted a t higher sulfur trioxide concentrations, that the rate of o-benzoylbenzoic acid condensation-at a given temperature -will increase up to *55% free sulfur trioxide (50 mole 9;); beyond (for concentrations of 55 to 100c,Gsulfur trioxide) only slightly. 5. No such simple means seem to explain the inhibition by sulfur trioxide observed in the decompositions of malic, oxalic and citric acids. Possible mechanisms to explain this are discussed. ti. I t is demonstrated that the acidity function correlation explains the kinetics for the deroryq~o