The critical component in rust preventive compounds
Characteristics of Emery's Rust Preventive Concentrate X - 3 6 6
ACH component of a com pounded rust preventive oil is manifestly a critical one. This is axiomatic. Yet evidence shows conclusively that efficient rust prevention requires an effective inhibitor in order to protect ade quately under severe conditions. Emery's X-366, for example, meets these critical requirements. Such a base when blended into formulas containing other com ponents necessary to fulfill the "working" conditions imposed upon corrosion resistant prod ucts . . . meets the demands of
Government specifications and the requirements of proprietary compounds. Oils and greases designed to resist corrosion, and other metalworking compounds as well, are prepared by manufacturers of lubricating specialties, using Emery Bases which have been d e v e l o p e d a n d pre-tested in Emery's laboratories. Write for detailed recommen dation of the Emery Base best suited to your particular need.
Moisture 1 % maximum Sap. V a l u e . . . . 9 0 maximum Acid No 6% maximum Viscosity 380-420 S U V @ 130° F. Volatility N o t more than 1.5% b y weight @ 2 1 0 ° F. for 3 hours Compatibility . C o m p a t i b l e with l u b r i c a t i n g oils and most hydrocarbon com pounds a n d com mon organic sol vents. In general, corrosion resistance except where parts are hermeti cally sealed, depends upon the presence of an active inhibitor compounded with vehicles . . . whether oils, waxes, or greases. . . of the types necessary to with stand the physical requirements of exposure and handling of the o b ject protected. Emery Bases for corrosion re sistance and other metal-working compounds are built and tested for specific uses.
TWITCHELL PRODUCTS · PLASTICIZERS 4 3 0 0 CAREW TOWER · CINCINNATI 2, 3 0 0 2 Woolworth Building, New York 7 , N. Y.
1 8 7 Perry Street, Lowell, Moss.
OHIO 4 0 1 N . Broad Street, Philadelphia 8, Pa.