The Curious Value of Research

What good does this curiosity- scratching do? What are the motivations of those who pursue it? Who decides how the results are to be used? And how are...
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The prevailing attitude of researchers in chemistry, indeed almost a basic tenet, is that research-the pursuit of knowledge-is a n intrinsically good profession. Seeking new knowledge and understanding, a clearer vision of fact, and the invention of new modes of thought about chemical phenomena, is viewed as a desirable thing. New knowledge should not be refused or eschewed; ignorance is not bliss; and the innate curiosity of the human species requires scratching. A great segment of modern society tends to take a more practical view of research. What good does this curiosity scratching do? What are the motivations of those who pursue it? Who decides how the results are to be used? And how are they used? Should society consume resources to support research activities? These and other questions have been raised repeatedly over the years. They seem loudest and most persistent in times of greatest worldwide stress. These a r e all reasonable questions that deserve attention and response, not silence or evasion, from the academic, government, a n d industrial research communities-including their analytical chemists. There are many forms of a n swers. Certainly the most important individual and personal motivation for research is intellectual curiosity. What are the chemical phenomena around us that affect our lives? How can we control chemical phenomena in useful ways? These are perhaps the clearest and easiest questions for society to answer because most segments of society have their own very basic brands of intellectual curiosity. How does my lawnmower work? What makes the weather? What are the best spice ingredients for a particular dinner? How do you judge where the fish lie? These questions begin to illustrate the diversity of curiosities. Nurturing our children's curiosity, and conveying to them in home, school, college,

and university a sense of the excitement of scientific thought, experiment, and deduction, are important parts of a n education that prepares them to live and work successfully in our technological age. The research community serves as a resource and role model to society when we convey the reasons, rewards, and pervasiveness of intellectual curiosity that we know so well. There are of course many other motivations for intellectual curiosity, both individual and collective. The corporate curiosity is a collective one, with a motivation of seeking originality and innovation in products and processes with a n end goal of economic success. Individuals participating in the corporate curiosity derive added satisfaction from seeing their research efforts leading to products valued and used by society. In colleges and universities, researchers are teaching young chemists about the use of curiosity a t a very sophisticated level, to seek new chemical knowledge. Professors derive a different satisfaction, that of seeing their products-these young chemists-become useful parts of the world of chemistry. Whether or not the motivations of particular individuals are to serve society, their products-the materials and goods of a technological age and the trained young minds to help advance it-offer clear societal benefits. History also teaches us that a regrettable but major motivation for national collective chemical research is to acquire the offensive and defensive paraphernalia of armed conflict. It is hoped that the changes occurring on the world scene do not waste the intellectual energies that have been consumed in this area but instead redirect those energies to the needs of peaceful societies.


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