If you come close to our sensitivity, you already have a Micro Tek high temperature EC system. If you equal it, you probably have one or more mounted on the ultimate chromatograph, the MT 220.
The above chromatogram was made with a MICRO T E K MT220 with quadruple inlets and two EC detectors.
Micro Tek first demonstrated the superior performance of a nickel source (patent pending). Now all manufacturers offer it. But only MICRO T E K has the unique high temperature electron capture detector with "concentrai" geometry which provides a N|63 sensitivity superior to tritium . . . the reverse of all others.
MICRO TEK's "concentrai" geometry is the answer. It permits operation at higher DC voltages w i t h reduced drift and improved sensitivity in either DC or Pulse Modes.
MICRO TEK'S SECOND G E N E R A T I O N DESIGN OF Ni63 DETECTOR PROVIDES Y O U : Highest Sensitivity of any EC Detector DC or Pulsed Modes w i t h continuously variable pulse height, width and rate Leak-tight system suitable for series operation w i t h other detectors (FPD, CCD, etc.) Unsurpassed base line stability High temperature operation to 400° C. For further information on how our N i 6 3 or other superior detector technology can solve your problems, for sample examination or instrument demonstrations, contact Analytical Instruments Division 6500 Tracor Lane, Austin, Texas 78721 AC 512
The Detectors Make the DifferenceTRACOR Circle No. 82 on Readers' Service Card
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