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second fusion of such oxides gave no further carbon dioxide t o a freshly filled a n d clear barium hydroxide tube. Great care was taken a t all stages of t h e work t o eliminate extraneous carbon dioxide or other substances t h a t would cause a blank, so t h a t , as already stated, t h e blank was always negligible. The frequent blanks which were made during this work myere carried out ( I ) without a n y steel in t h e furnace; ( 2 ) when burning B. of S. Standard Steel No. 2 3 , which, as shown in t h e table of results in this paper, gives identical values when burned in the ordinary way a n d b y our modified method. The fused oxides were readily remo1Ted from the boats, in preparation for t h e next combustion, b y digesting in strong hydrochloric acid for a few hours. The results in t h e table show t h a t some steels give higher results b y the new method t h a n are shown on t h e certificates, others yield only slightly higher figures a n d still others give the same results b y both methods. We find it impossible to relate these three classes with t h e size of drillings used, with t h e carbon content of t h e sample, or especially, with t h e presence or absence of t h e usual alloying elements. In only t w o cases were t h e results by the modified method as much as 0 . 0 2 per cent higher t h a n the certificate value; with most of t h e other samples t h e difference was of t h e order of 0.01per cent. Our work does n o t cover the Bureau's complete series of standard analyzed steels and irons, b u t t h e results are deemed quite representative, a n d we believe t h e y are complete enough t o justify us in t h e conclusion t h a t t h e certificate values for these steels cannot be affected with a n error greater t h a n 0.01j per cent (probably minus), a n d in most cases t h e error is much less. I t is believed t h a t such errors are negligible, considering t h e uses to which these standards are a t present being put. T h e experimental difficulties a n d t h e inconvenience of this method of determining carbon place it beyond t h e reach of most industrial and works laboratories, a n d we do not, therefore, recommend its use t o such, except in t h e case of products for which it may be found better adapted t h a n other methods. BCREAUOF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON


The following method was devised with the object of eliminating the inaccuracies due t o t h e varying shades of t h e blue color of t h e starch iodide formed in t h e titration of hydrogen sulfide with iodine. While it depends primarily on t h e production of starch iodide, as does t h e former method, the actual blue color is disregarded. In t h e experimental evolution of this end-point a standard solution of potassium iodide and iodate was used, together with a n ammoniacal solution of cadmium chloride as a n absorption medium and a solution of wheat starch as indicator. The iodine or iodate solution is made slightly stronger t h a n usual a n d is standardized against a steel of known sulfur content.

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This deviation from the usual method is in use in our laboratory and yields very good results. The starch solution found to give t h e best results is made b y rubbing t o a paste with water, 1 2 g. of wheat starch and pouring the mixture into z liters of boiling water in which is dissolved 3 g. of potassium or sodium hydroxide. Two cc. of this solution are measured from a pipette or burette for each titration. Starch solution thus prepared will keep indefinitely and is not subject t o t h e salting out of t h e colloidal starch which is t h e case when zinc chloride is added as a preservatire. T o obtain uniform results a standard m o d u s o p e r a n d i must be adhered t o . The volume of the HC1 used t o decompose the CdsS, t h e volume of t h e indicator, and t h e volume of the final solution must equal t h e volumes of t h e solutions used in standardizing t h e iodine or iodate solution. A special titrating vessel is required, consisting of a white porcelain beaker, about 7 cm. in diameter and 16 cm. in depth. On the bottom of this beaker (inside) is cemented a thin, black disc of hard rubber or celluloid about 2 cm. in diameter. ( A substitute for this vessel may be made b y painting t h e black spot on the outside of a glass beaker, then covering the whole outside of the beaker with white enamel; t h e black spot should t h e n appear sharply defined against the white of t h e beaker.) The determination is carried out as usual until t h e titration is commenced, t h e n t h e black spot is carefully observed, and as the solution darkens t h e iodine is added carefully with agitation. Finally a point will be reached when one drop of iodine will render t h e 'spot invisible on allowing t h e solution t o come to rest. This is t h e end-point and t h e burette reading may now be taken. Owing to the milkiness of t h e solution when high sulfur iron or steel is being analyzed the black spot may not a t first be apparent b u t will become plainly visible when t h e titration is about four-fifths completed a n d will remain so until t h e last drop of iodine renders it invisible. T h e end-point is sharp and the results in terms of per cent do not vary more t h a n 0,001. An incandescent lamp may be placed a t such a distance from t h e titrating vessel t h a t t h e same results will be obtained with artificial light as with daylight. The light should not be situated directly over t h e beaker b u t t o one side of it. AMERICANLOCOWOTWE COMPANY SCRBNECTADY,N. Y.


With t h e advent of buying rubber goods on specifications i t became necessary t o develop methods which would accurately determine the various constituents. One of the most important determinations is t h a t of total sulfur. I n a recent publication of this Bureau,2 the sulfur-bearing constituents of vulcanized rubber 1 2

Published by permission of the Director of the Bureau of Standards. Bureau of Standards, Technologic Paper, 46; THIS J O U R N A L , 7

(1915). 6 5 8 .

Apr., 1916


goods were mentioned, a n d a method was given for a quantitative determination of t h e sulfur which t h e y contain. I n this article, it was stated t h a t sulfur may occur in variobs forms, including metallic sulfates, usually lead a n d barium. M a n y specifications now permit t h e use of barium sulfate (barytes) without having t h e sulfur which i t contains count as part of t h e specified total sulfur. It is therefore necessary t o be able t o determine t h e percentage oE this mineral. This was not at all difficult as long as t h e rubber compounds contained barium only in t h e form of t h e sulfate. When, however, manufacturers began using t h e carbonate as well as t h e sulfate, t h e problem became much more complex, since i t became necessary t o determine both salts of barium in t h e presence of each other, as well as in t h e presence of other sulfurbearing minerals. It is with this phase of t h e problem t h a t the present article deals. T h e separation of barium carbonate from barium sulfate in the absence of other minerals is readily accomplished by solution of t h e carbonate in acids such as hydrochloric, acetic, etc. I n rubber compounds, however, this method is not applicable, since lead sulfate may be present, in which case part of t h e lead sulfate will also be dissolved; t h e reaction between t h e lead sulfate in solution a n d t h e barium will cause t h e precipitation of barium sulfate, so t h a t t h e results.obtained will b e low. Lead sulfate may be dissolved in ammonium acetate, a n d i t was thought t h a t this disturbing constituent could be eliminated b y this procedure, which, however, was found t o be too slow a n d unreliable t o be a n acceptable method. However, still another procedure is available, v i z . , transforming t h e lead sulfate t o t h e carbonate b y boiling with alkaline carbonates, a n d filtering off t h e soluble sulfates. Sodium carbonate readily converts lead sulfate a n d barium sulfate' into their carbonates; ammonium carbonate reacts with lead snlfate, b u t tests made here show t h a t i t has only a slight effect on barium sulfate. By t r e a t m e n t with ammonium carbonate, we can therefore change t h e lead sulfate into t h e carbonate, a n d t h e n filter t h e soluble sulfates from t h e lead carbonate, barium carbonate a n d barium sulfate. Calcium a n d zinc carbonates, which may be present, do not interfere with t h e desired separation. SAMPLEs-The four samples used in this investigation were of known composition (Table I ) , having been compounded a n d vulcanized a t this Bureau. The barium carbonate used in Nos. I a n d 1 7 was TABLE I-COMPOSITION OF SAMPLES COMPOUND No. 1 h'o. 13 No. 16 Fine Para Rubber . . . . . 39.6 30.0 20.0 Plantation Rubber. . . . . . . ... ... 2.5 3.0 2.0 Sulfur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 7.0 8.0 Litharge., . . . . . . . . . . . Zinc Oxide. . . . . . . . . . . 8.7 20.0 20.0 ... ... Sublimed White Lead.. 30.6 Barium Carbonate.. . . . 10.0 ... ... 20.0 30.0 Barium Sulfate.. . . . . . . . . . Whiting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.0 20.0 Vaseline.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... Total Per cent.. . . . .

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40.0 4.0 8.0 15.0 .



10.0 20.0



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100.0




Merck's best quality, a n d was finely ground before compounding. T h e barium sulfate was tested a n d found t o contain practically n o soluble barium salts. 1 Noyes and Bray, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 29 (1907), 151. state that 80 per cent of barium sulfate is converted into barium carbonate when boiled with an excess of sodium carbonate.


It will be noted t h a t No. I contained both barium carbonate a n d lead sulfate, No. 1 7 barium carbonate a n d barium sulfate, while Nos. 13 a n d 16 contained barium sulfate only. M E T H O D EMPLOYED-Schaeffer' has shown t h a t t h e organic matter in rubber can be removed b y ignition in a n atmosphere of carbon dioxide without change of sulfur t o sulfide, or of either t o sulfate. Slight reduction of barium sulfate to 'sulfide may occur during ignition of t h e rubber, b u t experience shows t h a t t h e a m o u n t of sulfide formed is practically negligible. T h e apparatus used for t h e decomposition of t h e rubber was practically t h e same as t h a t used b y Schaeffer, the only change being that t h e sample was placed in a porcelain boat so as t o facilitate t h e removal of t h e residue from t h e glass tube. One gram of t h e rubber was taken for each determination. After ignition a n d cooling in carbon dioxide, t h e boat was removed, t h e residue finely ground in a n agate mortar, transferred t o a 2 5 0 cc. beaker, a n d treated with 5 t o I O g. ammonium carbonate, 15 t o 2 0 cc. of strong ammonia water a n d about 50 cc. of distilled water. TABLE11-RESULTS OF BARIUMCARBONATE DETERMINATION (All results are expressed in percentages of the original sample.) Sample CONSTITUENTS PRESEXT -FOUND9.98 10.02 9.72 9.67 1 Barium Carbonate 10.0 1.62 1.63 1.58 1.57 Sulfur equivalent t o BaCOa 1.63 10.28 9.76 10.73 10.71 17 Barium Carbonate 10.0 1.74 1.74 Sulfur equivalent t o BaCO a 1.63 1.67 1.59 n 17 0.25 13 Barium Carbonate .......... 0 . 0 0.17 0.08 0.03 Sulfur equivalent t o BaCOa 0 . 0 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.0 0.29 0.19 0.31 16 Barium Carbonate 0.02 0.05 0 . 0 3 0.05 Sulfur equivalent t o BaCOs 0 . 0

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T h e mixture was boiled for 1 5 t o 30 min., filtered, a n d t h e precipitate thoroughly washed t o remove all soluble sulfates. T h e residue on t h e filter paper was washed back into the original beaker with distilled water; about I O cc. of glacial acetic acid a n d sufficient water t o make t h e total volume of t h e solution about IOO cc. were added. This was heated to boiling a n d t h e n filtered through t h e same filter paper as before. By this procedure, lead, barium, calcium a n d zinc carbonates pass into solution while barium sulfate a n d lead sulfide are not attacked. Hydrogen sulfide was passed into t h e filtrate, t h e lead sulfide filtered off, t h e filtrate heated on the steam bath, a n d I O cc. of I O per cent sulfuric acid added. The solution was allowed t o s t a n d over night on t h e s t e a m b a t h ; the next d a y t h e precipitate was filtered off, ignited in a porcelain crucible, cooled a n d weighed. DISCUSSION O F R E S U L T S

T h e barium sulfate (Table. 11) was calculated t o barium carbonate, using t h e factor 0.845. T h e sulfur in t h e barium sulfate was also calculated, since i t is desirable t o know just what error will be introduced if t h e barium present in t h e form of t h e carbonate should be considered as being present as t h e sulfate. T h e results on Sample I show t h a t in t h e presence of lead sulfate (in t h e sublimed white lead), barium carbonate can be determined with accuracy, t h e results, expressed in terms of sulfur, being within 0.06 per cent of t h e calculated amount. I n Sample 1 7 , we have present both t h e sulfate a n d carbonate of barium, a n d while t h e results are not as good as those 1

THISJOURNAL, 4 (1912). 837.

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T H E J O C ' R Y A L O F I . V D C S T R I A L AAVD E L T G I S E E R I X C C I i B - U I S T R Y

obtained on Sample I , t h e y are sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. t h e maximum error on sulfur being only 0.11 per cent. Results slightly higher t h a n those calculated must be expected, since SampIes 1 3 a n d 16.which contain barium sulfate and no barium carbonate, yield small amounts of precipitate b y this method, partly i n consequence of slight reduction of barium sulfate t o sulfide during the ignition of t h e rubber. and partly on account of t h e slight action of ammonium carbonate on barium sulfate. These amounts! in themselves. ? r e negligible. It is apparent, therefore, t h a t neither lead sulfate nor barium sulfate interfere appreciably with t h e determination of barium carbonate b y this procedure. XETHOD FIXALLY ADOPTED--The total barium i n t h e rubber compound is determined as barium sulfate b y t h e method for the determination of barytes i n usc a t this Bureau.' This method was first suggested b y C. E . Waters, and afterwards modified b y R.H . Smith and t h e author. Barium carbonate is determined i n a separate sample b y t h e method just described, a n d a n equivalent amount of barium sulfate is deducted from t h e total barium sulfate. T h e sulfur in t h e remaining, portion of barium sulfate is calculated, and t h e total sulfur determination is corrected b y this amount, s r3131.4 K Y -1nen- method is given for the determination of barium carbonate in vulcanized rubber goods. I t is shown t h a t this method is sufficiently accurate in t h e presence of lead and barium sulfates. 'The author wishes t o acknocvledge t h e assistance of l l r . H . -1.E h r m a n of this Bureau. who T-ery kindly compounded and vulcanized t h e samples used in this investigation. I ~ u R I ~ A OF' U S T A S D A K U C - , \TASE!I>TGTON


A t present all published methods (with t h e exception of TT'esson's "combustion method")' for determining t h e percentage of t h e rubber in a compound) are in-

adequate. 'The most used method is t h e indirect one in which t h e sample is analyzed for fillers. t o t a l sulfur, and waxy hydrocarbons, and t h e "rubber" is considered as t h e difference between IOO a n d t h e s u m of t h e three corrected percentages. As this method depends upon t h e accurate determinations of t h e fillers, total sulfur, and waxy hydrocarbons, it is unsatisfactory. for it is doubtful if exact methods exist for t h e determinations of t h e fillers and maxy hydro c ar b o n s . -1number of direct methods have been proposed which depend -upon t h e formation of known compounds, such as nitrosates, nitrosires, or bromides; b u t t h e exact formulas of these compounds are not constant or controllable. Therefore, these methods ; I3ur of Standards. Civc. 38 (1915), 68, 3rd Ii.orld, 51 (1914). 128.' THIS J O C R N A L , 6 (1914), 459.


I n d i a Rubber

IT0l. 8.


are at present valueless for t h e estimation or' the rubber in vulcanized goods. bIr. L. G. Tl'esson in his method forms a nitrosite of t h e rubber, but only in order t b obtain a product soluble in acetone. He then separates t h e fillers, takes a n aliquot portion of t h e solution, evaporates off t h e solvent, and finally burns t h e nitrosite in ;L current of oxygen. From t h e carbon dioxide formed, he calculates t h e percentage of t h e rubber according t o t h e equation CIoH16 --+ I o C O ~ . This method appears t o give good results. but it is rather long and intricate. due t o t h e necessity of forming a nitrosite and of handling t h e viscous riihber solutions. The method presented in this paper is of t h e combustion t y p e and is considered simple, quick. and accurate for high-grade compounds. I n brief, :I charge of t h e finely ground rubber is extracted w i t h acetone, dried, treated with hydrochloric acir! t o decompose all carbonates, again dried, after which a portion is burned t o carbon dioxide, from which t h e percentage of rubber is calculated. PROCEDURE

T h e sample is ground so t h a t it all passes through mesh sieve while b u t 2 0 per cent passes through a 40 mesh sieve. Then! 2 g. are extractctl for j hrs. with acetone in a n apparatus in n-hich the solvent is continually a t t h e boiling point. The residue is now placed i n a weighed t u b e if not alrrady in one. This t u b e containing t h e residue is inscrtctl in a n oven, kept a t 100' C . . and a current of dry carbon dioxide is passed through t h e tube in order t o aid rapid drying and prevent oxidation. 'The dried sample is weighed, and t h e percentage loss in weight calculated. About one-half of this extracted sample is weighed out into a 2 5 0 cc. Erlenmeyer flask. where it is cautiously boiled for 3 0 min. with r j o e?. of HCI ( I : j by v o l . ) . I n this process all carbonates are driven off. S o w , t h e liquid is decanted through a n alundum crucible on a suction: and t h e residue is washed three times b y decantation with mater a t about 6 0 " C. The rubber substance is then transferred t o t h e crucible and washed ten more times with m-aim water, The residue is now placed in a tubel and dried in a stream of d r y carbon dioxide a t 100' C . for two t o four hours, The t u b e is t h e n remol-ed and allowed t o cool in a desiccator. The resulting residue is now transferred t o a v-eighing t u b e , from n-hick 0.3-g. samples are 1%-eighed for t h e final process, t h a t of combustion. The combustion is carried out in approximately t h e same manner as for a n y organic compound, except t h a t no reduced copper spiral is used, as t h e water and nitrogen oxides are absorbed in a concentrated solution of pot dichromate in sulfuric acid. \-esse1 of small volume is necessary for this solution, or otherwise it is almost impossible t o displace all of the carbon dioxide niter a


< in inside diameter 1 The author uses a tube about 2 in. l o n g a n d with the lower third constricted to I in. inside diameter.