The Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder''z

Kite and Kennedy, who made the runs in the turbulent and critical flow regions. Acknowledgmentp are also due to the various cooperating companies ment...
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to 1000 m rt. of wk'' air p r m i . The initid air is a t Q pressure of 150 lbs. per 74, in. What size of stamitard steel pilye must be used in order that the drap in p r e w m e shall nup exceed 10 Ibs. per sq. in.?


S ~ u r ~ o w - ~ oFig. m 14,s

0.0188 a t '80' F.



S i n c e h e air refers ta air a t 1 atrn. and 70" F. the actual volume at SOo F. ((540-F. absolute) a..d 9 87 atni. pressure is 'Oo0 j40 = 103.2 cia. ft. per min., 9 . 8 7 X 530 and w =


103*2 144 = ft. per sec. a t 80' 60 X 0.785 D2 D2

F. and

315 D X F X 0.01165

Dvs men -=

a mean pressure




+ 7.5 D.

3 X 3 0 D -200 12 0.323 f I s u2

But 9 = 0.323 f [ Z O O

* a =


+ 7.5 D l 0.01165 X (315)* + 7.5 D] 5 . D 5


374 f(200 DS

of such pmcedure is sliown below.

Nominal Dia. 1.5 2

Dvs x (From Eq. a) 1211 94.3

Actual Dia. (D) 1.61



(Fiom Fig. 12) 0.0041 0.0043


(Table 11) 10.82 37.7


(From Eq. b) 30.1 9.2

The friction factor for this case was taken from Fig. 10,as Fig. 12 does Dvs not show f for values of beyond 100. 1


It should be noted that although the first trial diameter (1.61 in.) called for a pressure drop of 30 lbs. per sq. in., a diameter only slightly larger (2.07 in.) gave practically the desired pressure drop. This is because p varies inversely as the j f f f h power of diameter. Hence a 2-in. standnrd steel pipe must be used to meet the specified conditions.



Taking the equivalent length of each elbow as 30 pipe diameters,

1 = 200

The result





'2, and calculate p . Z


From Pf. 17, .@ = 000118 a t SOo F. and Z atm. Since the aver150 la0 *age pressme is -= 9.87 atm , s 8.87 X 0.00118 0.01165. 2 X 14.7


from Fig 12 *be rorresponding value of


As noted a h w e , cone may assume a value of D actually obtainable, find

ACKNOWLEDGMENT In conclusion the writers desire to express their appreciation of the many helpful suggestions of Dr. W. K. Lewis, a t whose instigation this work was first undertaken; of the accurate work of Mr. V. V. Kendall, who aided in the conduction and direction of much of the experimental work; and of that of Messrs. Kite and Kennedy, who made the runs in the turbulent and critical flow regions. Acknowledgmentp are also due to the various cooperating companies mentioned in the introduction; and to Mr. R. S.Danforth of The Kinney Manufacturing Company, and Dr. W. H. Herschel of the Bureau of Standards, for valuable suggestions.

The Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder''z By C. S.Robinsons and Selma L. Bandemer MICHIGANAGRICULTURAL COLLEGEEXPERIMENT STATION, EASTLANSING,MICHIGAN

The gasometric method for the determination of carbon dioxide in baking powder is as accurate as the absorption methods. It is much more rapid and requires but a single piece of apparatus. It can be used for the determination of both total and residual carbon dioxide.

.............. At the 1920 meeting of the Associat,ion of Official Agricultural Chemists the senior author suggested, as a substitute for the present official methods for determining total carbon dioxide in baking powder, a modification of the gasometric method originally devised by Van Slyke for the determination of carbon dioxide in blood p l a ~ m a . ~ Its use has since been extended to the estimation of residual carbon dioxide. The object of the present paper is to describe this procedure and report the results obtained with it.

PROCEDURE DIOXIDE-The procedure for the determination of total carbon dioxide in baking powder is identical with that for the analysis of marl and limestone as given in the original description of the method, except that 100-mg. samples are used. RESIDUAL CARBON DIOXIDE-A 2-g. sample of the wellmixed material is weighed into a small beaker and 20 cc. of distilled water are added. The mixture is thoroughly stirred, allowed to stand for 20 min. a t room temperature, and set in a bath of boiling water for the same length of time. FiTOTAL CARBON

1 Received November 3, 1921. 2 Published as Journal Article No. 20 from the Chemical Laboratory of the Michigan Agricultural College Experiment Station. Published by permission of the Director of the Experiment Station. 8 Research Associate in Chemistry. 4 J. Bzol. Chem., SO (1917), 347, Sod Sa.,10 (1920), 41.

nally it is boiled for 1 min. The addition of a drop or two of octyl alcohol to reduce foaming is sometimes advisable a t this point. One sample is diluted to 25 cc. in a volumetric flask, and 1-cc. samples are used for the determination. The accompanying table shows the results obtained with this method and with the two official methods. They are typical of the agreement of results which have been obtained in this laboratory with all sorts of carbonates during the past year. COMPARISON OF OFFICIAL.AND GASOMETRIC METHODSFOR CARBON DIOXIDEI N BAKINGPOWDER Total Carbon Dzoxide In IIa IIIa (CaCOs) 4 3 . 3 4 1 3 . 5 4 13.48 Official method 43.81 13.29 13.11 4 3 . 7 0 1 3 . 3 0 1.1.48 Gasometric 43.78 13.55 13.34 43.70 1 3 . 5 2 1 3 . 3 1 43.78 13.52 13.29 Residual Carbon Dioxide Ib IIb IIIb Official method, Heidenhain 0.73 1.15 1.74 Knorr 0.85 1.26 1.51 Gasometric 0.75 1.16 1.63 0.75 1.31 1.59 ~~




16.73 17.03 16.90 17.03 16.89 16.92

14.62 14.35 14.29 14.52 18.52 14.53



5.51 5.26 5.45 5.62

1.27 1.39 1.36 1.27

In order to test the method when a product contained a. water-insoluble carbonate, Sample IVB was made up by mixing Sample Vb and calcium carbonate. "Duplicate results agreed as closely as did those with other products. Only one source of trouble has been encountered. It has been found necessary to lubricate the stopcocks of the apparatus rather frequently with a heavy grease to prevent leakage during the maintenance of the high vacuum used. If the carbon dioxide is absorbed each time and the residual air measured instead of being calculated from the table, this source of error is avoided. With proper attention t o stopcocks, however, this is unnecessary.