The Development and Implementation of a Problem-Based Learning

Nov 2, 2011 - The fourth-year undergraduate synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry laboratory course at the University of Ottawa was transformed fr...
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The Development and Implementation of a Problem-Based Learning Format in a Fourth-Year Undergraduate Synthetic Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory Course Alison B. Flynn* and Robyn Biggs Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada

bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: The fourth-year undergraduate synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry laboratory course at the University of Ottawa was transformed from a traditional laboratory format to a problem-based learning (PBL) format. Authentic problems were developed that closely resembled the types of problems that scientists regularly confront. The development, implementation, and challenges of the fourth-year organic and medicinal chemistry laboratory course taught in PBL format are discussed, as well as results and feedback from the course. KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Curriculum, Laboratory Instruction, Organic Chemistry, Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning, Problem Solving/Decision Making, Medicinal Chemistry, Student-Centered Learning


roblem-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that uses complex, real-world problems to motivate students to identify and research the concepts and principles that they need to know to devise a solution to the problem.1 Students typically work in small groups, and while learning course content, other key abilities are developed including the ability to think critically; find, evaluate, and use appropriate learning resources; communicate effectively; and work independently of the instructor. Because the problems given are complex and realistic, the path to the solution is not always evident, and there is often more than one way to solve a problem. A critical-thinking ability is essential for a graduate in the sciences. One definition is given by Van Gyn and Ford: “The self-regulated deliberations on a challenge or problematic situation that involve consideration of generated or selected alternatives directed towards evaluative judgments. Judgments are based on criteria, which provide justifications for the conclusion.”2 Three integral dimensions are also included in the authors’ model of critical thinking: intellectual habits, intellectual deliberations, and a reflexive disposition.2 It is essential that critical-thinking abilities be developed by the time a student graduates and the teaching of these abilities must therefore be incorporated into science courses. A traditional laboratory course typically gives students a procedure to follow to make a specific target compound. Students follow the instructions, much like following a recipe.3 In this process, Copyright r 2011 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

students learn essential laboratory techniques such as the manipulation of air-sensitive compounds. They also learn the mechanistic details about the reaction in question, usually after the experiment when they are writing a laboratory report. In a traditional laboratory experiment, the students do not develop important critical-thinking skills. Kelly and Finlayson have discussed the traditional laboratory format in depth and have explained why there might be a need to change.3 It was important to us that the students learn how to select an appropriate experimental technique, how to decide whether a given technique is required (e.g., whether the compound is air-sensitive), how to evaluate different experimental strategies, and how to plan a complete experiment or project. Problem-based learning was selected as an appropriate method through which students could learn important critical-thinking skills and experimental abilities. The implementation of PBL has been described in lecture4 and laboratory4e,5 courses and this learning method has often been employed at the first- or second-year undergraduate level. In lecture courses, for example, Dods described specific and engaging problems that were incorporated into a biochemistry course.4a Cannon and Krow incorporated synthesis projects into upper-level organic chemistry lecture courses, in which students, Published: November 02, 2011 52 | J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 52–57

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Table 1. Problems and Associated Learning Objectives Title 1

Separation of a mixture

Learning Objectives By the end of the problem students will: be able to identify and execute an appropriate method for the separation of compounds. be able to analyze the purity of each compound. be able to propose a structure for each compound. report their findings in an acceptable scientific format. Note: this first problem served as a review of NMR, chromatography, and other separation methods and as a first step in working through the PBL process.


Correction of an ineffective procedure

By the end of the problem students will: be able to draw the mechanism for a Sonogashira reaction, identify key characteristics of that reaction (appropriate catalyst and co-catalyst choices, solvent, base, relative reagent quantities), and design an experimental procedure accordingly. be able to recognize a target as a reasonable candidate for a Sonogashira reaction. Demonstrate correct technique for the handling of air-sensitive reagents.


Design of a short synthesis of a biaryl compound


Enantioselective synthesis and ee determination

Given a target biaryl compound, students will: be able to design a short, efficient synthesis. make decisions with respect to the cost and availability of reagents, in addition to the length of the synthesis. Given a target molecule, students will: be able to identify appropriate reagents to carry out a Heck reaction. be able to accomplish an enantioselective dihydroxylation. be able to identify and use an appropriate method to determine enantiopurity. be able to describe the difficulties associated with identifying the major enantiomer formed.


Design of a drug synthesis

Given a drug target, students will: be able to design and carry out a synthesis of a common drug or drug analogue. be able to describe how a given route could be more suitable for process chemistry, medicinal chemistry, or academia.

approximately 12 students. A PBL format was first implemented in the fall of 2008. The 12-week course, which involved one 6-h laboratory period per week, began with an introductory session and workshops. Over the course of the remaining 11 weeks, the students solved five problems, of which two required multiple weeks of experimentation, and performed one to two traditional lab experiments.

in groups, presented a literature synthesis and subsequently their own synthetic schemes to their class.4e For laboratory courses, Kelly and Finlayson described the development and implementation of first-year analytical and general chemistry PBL modules.3 Ram described the implementation of PBL with authentic chemistry problems in a second-year analytical chemistry laboratory to motivate students.5a The book entitled Experimental Organic Chemistry has a section on multistep syntheses that explains to students how to design synthetic sequences, gives prelaboratory questions, and has a list of examples of synthetic targets that are appropriate to the introductory level.6 Herein, the transformation of a fourth-year undergraduate synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry laboratory course from a traditional format into a problem-based learning format is described. Important aspects and considerations that are addressed include (i) the development of effective problems suitable for an advanced organic chemistry laboratory course; (ii) workshops that were developed to explicitly teach the problemsolving process as it pertains to advanced organic chemistry and that were important to setting students up for success; (iii) the typical problem solving process and student proposals; (iv) the challenges encountered, particularly those that were specific to an advanced organic chemistry laboratory, as well as the associated recommendations; (v) student opinions; (vi) student results; and (vi) instructor and teaching assistants opinions.

’ DEVELOPING LEARNING OBJECTIVES Overall in the course, it was expected that students learn the course material in greater depth than students in past courses, that students become independent learners, and that students improve their critical-thinking skills in areas that included chemistry research, synthetic design, experimental execution, and the analysis of results. Each problem in this course was designed to satisfy a specific learning objective or objectives, which are outlined in Table 1. ’ CREATING PROBLEMS There were a number of considerations when developing the problems. From a general point of view, problems were developed that (i) provided an opportunity to satisfy the learning objective(s), (ii) were complex and potentially had multiple possible solutions, and (iii) were realistic. It was also necessary to consider (i) how much time the students would need both for research and for experimentation in the laboratory; (ii) whether to share the learning objectives with the students, and if so, when; (iii) whether a story-line should be included as is common to

’ THE COURSE This fourth-year laboratory course entitled “Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory” is offered to students in the biopharmaceuticals science program. Typical enrolment is 53 |J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 52–57

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expectations.9 In the problem-solving workshop, students learned and practiced an explicit problem-solving process. The process that they followed was the six-step McMaster strategy shown in Figure 1.8 The students practiced this process using a general problem that was unrelated to chemistry so that they could focus on developing and practicing the process skills. That workshop concluded with a comparison of the problem-solving strategies used by novice and expert problem solvers in which it was noted that expert problem solvers tended to spend significantly more time in the first three steps of the process, defining the problem, and regularly went to step six, reflection. In contrast, novice problem-solvers spent relatively little time exploring the problem (steps 1 3) and went quickly to steps four and five, spending little, if any, time reflecting. Developing these process skills helped students work more efficiently and were very useful when stumbling blocks were encountered when solving problems. The students enrolled in the first section of the course given in the PBL format demonstrated that they had little experience and ability conducting scientific research. They were inexperienced both in knowing where to find information and how to assess it for relevance, reliability, and so forth. In this first problem-solving workshop, students worked collaboratively to identify relevant databases and search engines. Using this list as a starting point, a discussion was facilitated relating to the reliability and relevance of the information procured from various sources that included peer-reviewed journals, newspaper articles, reviews, books, Wikipedia, and search engines or databases such as SciFinder and Google. In the first iteration of the course, the students did not have opportunity to practice or apply this theory until they were confronted with the first problem. To ease the transition to PBL, a second section of the problem-solving workshop is planned for future years, which will ask students to do basic chemistry research, also in the PBL format, and will prepare them for the actual problems that they will encounter in the rest of the course. Several students at the end of the course commented that they greatly valued this opportunity to learn to do scientific research and apply their findings in the laboratory. Most of them had never done this type of research before. In the workshop on group work, students identified issues that tend to arise when working in groups as well as anxieties that they had about group work. They then developed a set of guidelines, such as a contract, that they agreed to follow during the course. Because of the small class size, there were typically two to three students per group. In the final workshop, which dealt with expectations and assessment, the expectations of the course were described to students and from there the students developed their own evaluation scheme for the course. The expectations included the elements required in the pre-experiment proposal, the lab notebook, and the post-experiment report, plus the requirements for the one to two traditional laboratory reports. As another option, in one course, students decided to include peer evaluations as part of their assessments in order to acknowledge the work contributed (or not) by each group member.

Figure 1. The McMaster six-step problem-solving strategy.8

PBL problems; and (iv) how to present the problem (as a task, series of questions, etc.). The ideal problems resembled those encountered by chemists in a professional environment and for this particular course included (i) the correction or improvement of an existing protocol; (ii) the development of methodologies while taking into account factors such as cost, safety, and efficiency; and (iii) the synthesis of new compounds. The titles of the problems developed are shown in Table 1 and the problems themselves can be found in the Supporting Information. The problems were designed with a gradient of difficulty so that students could familiarize themselves with the PBL process with more straightforward problems initially. A fourth-year undergraduate student researched and tested a variety of possible solutions that students might propose prior to the first PBL course. While not every possibility could be examined, this testing provided the opportunity to evaluate each problem from a student’s point of view. A manual was also created for the course’s teaching assistant (TA) that contained solutions proposed by previous students, guidance for the TA in terms of potential problems that students might encounter, and the common problems or shortcomings seen in past proposals. This manual was a valuable means of communicating information between TAs from course to course and was continually updated.

’ SETTING STUDENTS UP FOR SUCCESS The PBL method was completely new to the students and a number of skills and attitudes were identified as essential for student success using this new method. Skills that were considered included creativity, problem-solving, teamwork, stress management, time management, self-assessment, self-directed learning, understanding expectations, and critical-thinking skills. From this list, the most crucial skills for this course were identified. To be successful in this PBL course, students had to be able to cope with change, already be effective problem-solvers, and understand the course expectations.7 The workshops, which were created accordingly, are described below. For students to cope with this change of learning format that seemed drastic to many of them, a discussion was held during the introductory session of the course that described the process of coping with change and also referred them to the student resource: How to gain the most from PBL.8 Three workshops were also conducted in the introductory session, each about 1.5 h in length that covered problem solving, group work, and course

’ HOW WAS A TYPICAL PROBLEM SOLVED? Students were presented with a problem and developed a proposal that had to be approved before they were allowed to execute their proposal in the laboratory. In solving the problem, 54 |J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 52–57

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they had to record their progress through the problem-solving process and include the following items in their proposal: • Background on the reactions to be performed (mechanism and general details) • Reaction schemes and explicit experimental procedures • Justification of choice of method or route • Table of reagents • Safety data for each reagent including how to handle the compound (air sensitive, etc.), how to dispose of the compound, and what to do if a minor spill occurred • A description of how to perform any new technique • Research record: problem-solving process taken, Web sites visited, references to articles Most proposals required some type of feedback or correction. Depending on the situation, the proposal could either be approved immediately and the student could proceed directly to the lab or the student would have to return to do additional research and resubmit the proposal. Once the student’s or a group’s proposal had been approved, he, she, or they could go into the lab and try his, her, or their proposed experiment(s). Everyone was working on each problem in the same order, although students could choose to move ahead and overlap problems (e.g., someone could start a new reaction while another reaction was running or before purifying a previous reaction). If the students ran into roadblocks along the way, they were responsible for finding solutions. This could mean changing solvent systems for a column or changing reaction conditions for the experiment—this sometimes involved additional research to determine what changes were most likely to be effective, a process that is not often encountered in a traditional laboratory course. During this process, consultation and collaboration with their peers, even outside of their own group, was encouraged. A typical lab report was not required for the PBL sections of the course, but a description and analysis of the results and a reflection were required. Following the experiment, students supported their results primarily using the analysis of their NMR data (Bruker AVANCE 300 NMR spectrometer).10 The final report, submitted by each student individually, also included a reflection of the entire process, which is an integral part of the sixstep problem-solving strategy. A future course could also include an abbreviated research paper, including appropriate formatting, to tie together everything that the student has learned.

Figure 2. Student opinions regarding the PBL format (N = 15).

procedures rather than trying to develop the best possible solution. It was difficult for students to understand that there was not a single “correct” answer. Although this ambiguity was frequently unsettling, it encouraged them to understand the given problem more fully and evaluate multiple possible solutions.2 There are different ways to approach this type of issue, such as giving the students a list of the available reagents or telling them in which journal(s) they were likely to find an appropriate experimental procedure. It was important, however, to leave the possible solutions as broad as possible in order to best mimic the work of a professional chemist who would have to consider all of the aforementioned factors. As such, student proposals were evaluated independently of the reagents and equipment that were actually available in the laboratory. The merit of the proposal, which was evaluated by the teaching assistant or the professor, was based on efficiency, cost, and safety in addition to any specific requirements of individual problems. For future iterations of the course, in the event that it is not possible for the student to execute his or her proposal in the laboratory, the student will be given an experimental procedure to use. It must be noted that, despite a sometimes wide variation in student proposals, many could nevertheless be attempted in the lab, all depending on which reagents were available. By approaching the issue of simplistic or incomplete proposals in this way, the problems were kept realistic. Evaluating the proposals according to their merit independently of the reagents and equipment available in the laboratory allowed the students to recognize the value in their proposals. Transference (i.e., copying of answers from one year to the next) was another concern. To deal with this, minor variations were made to each problem between courses and a bank of problems has been developed so that a rotation will continually be possible. Inevitably, in science, experiments fail. Unfortunately, students are conditioned with traditional lab experiments to expect a “good” result every time. Some students became discouraged in and disengaged from the experiment if their proposal or reaction did not work or if it gave unanticipated results. For example, one student attempted a Sonogashira reaction using water as the solvent and could not isolate product from her reaction. She

’ CHALLENGES A number of challenges were faced in the initial implementation of this course that were fairly specific to a laboratory course. These challenges are discussed below and include the planned solutions.11 Initially, student proposals were too simplistic or incomplete. Students did not anticipate many of the things they would have to do in the lab. This might be something as simple as not considering whether a reaction needed to be performed under an inert atmosphere, what type of workup or purification would be appropriate, or designing an experimental procedure that lacked key experimental details. At times, students did not take into account the cost, safety, or stability of the reagents that they had selected, which had a significant impact on the quality of their proposal. The reality of this type of course is that constraints such as budget, safety, reagent availability, and time limit what the students are actually able to do in the lab. Students initially were trying to guess at the reagents that would be available so that they would not later have to make changes to their experimental 55 |J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 52–57

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Table 2. Student Exam and Final Grades Semester - Year


Class Size

Mean Exam

Mean Final

grade (%)

grade (%)

Fall - 2007





Winter - 2008





Fall - 2008





Winter - 2009





I got used to PBL and the work load had seemed average at that point.” In fact, the workload was comparable to the traditional laboratory once students became comfortable with research. There was more time required than usual to prepare the proposal (in comparison with a traditional prelab quiz); however, there was much less time required at the end on the experiment(s) (in comparison with a traditional lab report). In addition to workload, an important component of that student’s comment was that students are not used to doing their own research to solve a problem. It is essential that students completing a degree in science be able to conduct research and certainly by the fourth-year level. Many students subsequently commented about how much they had improved their independent research abilities, which was one of the key objectives in the course. Comments relating to student preference for one method over another showed that students were more comfortable in the traditional format and felt that format required less work, even though a detailed formal lab report was required following the experiment. This resistance or aversion to change has been commonly reported.2,8,11 Despite the stated preference for the traditional format, many students made positive comments related to the independent research that was part of the lab, such as the following: “I liked the independent research that was encouraged in the course, and how I dramatically improved my research skills.” The fact that students recognized that their research and independent learning skills have improved highlights the value of the PBL method. Additionally, the students unanimously stated that they learned more using the PBL method (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Student responses to the statement: “I learned more using the PBL method than with a traditional laboratory format.”

became frustrated that her reaction did not work as described in the literature and abandoned the reaction. Future introductory workshops will address this issue and will ask students to develop specific expectations and establish a process to follow should a reaction not work as anticipated. In essence, the intent was for the students to learn to collaborate and optimize reactions in parallel as much as possible and to realize that a “failed” reaction is just as much a part of the learning in science as is a “successful” reaction. Although the students did have the time to repeat and optimize reactions, there was not a large grade incentive for doing so. Only a few points were accorded for obtaining the final product; a majority of marks were given for the proposal and process. This could be changed in the future to increase the value of obtaining the desired product in a high yield.

’ STUDENT OPINIONS Feedback was collected from students in the form of surveys in which Likert-scale and open-ended questions were asked. A cross-section of the results is shown in Figure 2. The feedback from students was interesting. Overwhelmingly, students felt, as compared to a traditional laboratory course, that they had learned more and more deeply, that their critical-thinking skills had improved, that they were more engaged in the course, and that fourth-year students should be required to learn more independently as they were required to do in the PBL section of this course. Conversely, students felt that the workload for the course was too high and most preferred the traditional lab structure to the PBL course format. In the comments made early in the course relating to workload, many students asked that they be given more information or hints in order to find the “correct” procedure; two mentioned that they did not “like” spending hours in the library trying to find an appropriate procedure. Placing more value on the proposal as an entity independent of the laboratory largely alleviated students’ anxieties with respect to finding the “right” procedure. The reality is that both research and learning take time,12 and this time spent is extremely valuable in terms of student growth, even though it might not translate into an actual experiment or specific research being used in the laboratory. One student’s comment highlighted the fact that learning or working in a new way does take more time at first: “I think the only reason why it [the workload] was too heavy at first is because fourth-year students are not used to seeing PBL methods and going out and doing their own research to solve a problem. After the first month or so

’ STUDENT RESULTS The exam and final grades of students who had taken the course in PBL format were comparable to those who had taken the course previously (Table 2), showing that the PBL students learned the course content at least as well as the students who had taken the course in the traditional format. The exams were very similar in each course; only slight modifications were made to reflect the actual experiments performed in each year while keeping the question types the same. ’ PROFESSOR AND TEACHING ASSISTANT OPINIONS Having made the modifications in the course to run in the PBL format, the professor found this format is extremely beneficial to students and that these benefits for students go far beyond learning specific reactions. The biggest challenges were in problem development, seeking characteristics that were previously described. Developing workshops, designing problems, and testing problems were the most time-consuming aspects of the conversion to PBL. Evaluating the proposals (either by the professor or by the teaching assistant) for feasibility was straightforward and was not particularly time-consuming, and certainly not more than evaluating a traditional laboratory report. Marking 56 |J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 52–57

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the proposals and making sure every required component was included took more time; however, these tasks were done by the teaching assistant and were equivalent to marking end-of-lab reports. The first time that the course was run, there were regular discussions when questions came up, such as should a student be allowed to try a route that was likely to fail, how to evaluate a proposal that included more complex reactions than required, and so forth. Certainly, having extremely experienced teaching assistants, as was the case when this PBL format was introduced, is an enormous benefit. Both the teaching assistants and professor had to become accustomed to guiding students when they asked questions as opposed to immediately telling them the answer. It was also important to recognize that students should be free to attempt nonstandard reactions, provided that they would not pose a danger to themselves or to their colleagues. When incorporating PBL into a course, it is also possible to begin by adding only one problem at a time and slowly replacing or modifying existing experiments. This method can enable both the students and the instructor to gradually become accustomed to the PBL format. Indeed, a subsequent professor for this particular course has chosen to use a few PBL problems interspersed with traditional lab experiments to keep the course more straightforward for the students.

Corresponding Author

*E-mail: alison.fl[email protected].

’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank the Teaching and Learning Support Service and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa for the financial support of this project. The efforts and suggestions of Daniel Shore and Pawel Czechura, the teaching assistants for the course, are also gratefully acknowledged. ’ REFERENCES (1) (a) Neufeld, V. R.; Boarrows, H. S. J. Med. Educ. 1974, 49, 1040. (b) The Power of Problem-Based Learning; Stylus Publishing: Sterling, VA, 2001. (2) van Gyn, G.; Ford, C. Teaching for Critical Thinking; Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: London, Canada, 2006; Vol. 6. (3) Kelly, O. C.; Finlayson, O. E. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2007, 8, 347. (4) (a) Dods, R. F. J. Chem. Educ. 1996, 73, 225. (b) Jesus, K. D. J. Chem. Educ. 1995, 72, 224. (c) Clougherty, R.; Wells, M. J. Chem. Educ. 2008, 85, 1446. (d) Cannon, K. C.; Krow, G. R. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 1259. (e) Cannon, K. C.; Krow, G. R. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 1259. (5) (a) Ram, P. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1122. (b) Coppola, B. P.; Gottfried, A. C.; Gdula, R. L.; Kiste, A. L.; Ockwig, N. W. J. Chem. Educ. 2006, 83, 600. (c) Cancilla, D. A. J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1652. (d) Hughes, K. D. Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 883A. (e) Wenzel, T. J. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 470A. (f) Mcdonnell, C.; O’connor, C.; Seery, M. K. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2007, 8, 130. (6) Most, c. F., Jr. Experimental Organic Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons: Danvers, 1988. (7) Woods, D. R. Preparing for PBL, 3 ed.; McMaster University: Hamilton, ON, Canada, 2006. (8) . Woods, D. R. Problem-Based Learning: How To Gain the Most from PBL; Donald R. Woods: Hamilton, ON, Canada, 1994. (9) Problem-based Learning. pbl.htm (accessed Oct 2011). (10) Facey, G. (accessed Oct 2011). (11) The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning, 2 ed.; Boud, D., Feletti, G. I., Eds., Kogan Page: London, 1997. (12) Chickering, A. W.; Gamson, Z. F. Am. Assoc. Higher Educ. Bull. 1987, 39, 3.

’ CONCLUSIONS A problem-based learning format was successfully developed and implemented in a fourth-year undergraduate synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry laboratory course. Students at this level have the background required to research and solve advanced and complex problems. To solve these realistic problems, the students followed the McMaster six-step problemsolving strategy. They first identified and explored the problem, then conducted scientific research to develop a proposal of a solution. Upon approval, the students executed their proposal in the laboratory. Through the analysis of the results, the students determined to what extent their strategy had been successful and had the opportunity to improve on it in the laboratory. The course objectives have been met and the benefits to students outweighed the challenges. The students learned the course material and laboratory techniques at least as well as students who had previously taken the course in the traditional format. This was evidenced both by final exam results and by the unanimous student agreement with the statement “I learned more with the PBL format than I would have in a traditional lab format.” Most notably, the students improved their abilities to learn independently and to think critically, as evidenced by the proposals submitted before each experiment, by their work in the laboratory, and by their ability to analyze their results. Research skills, critical-thinking abilities, and independence in the laboratory, which were required for solving the problems, were newly acquired in this course by the vast majority of students and are essential abilities needed for future independent learning whether in graduate school or in their future careers. ’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT


Supporting Information Student lab manual. This material is available via the Internet at 57 |J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 52–57