The dialyzer

How does Millikan dispose of the hopes and fears aroused in various quarters by Sodd}''s "hobgoblin of dangerous quantities of available subatomic ene...
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THE DIALYZER What American physicist established the atomic structure of electricity by measurement of the unit charge? (pp. 9744.1198.) (For questions 2-3 see pp. 981-99.) What is the significance of the series of color changes obtained when tellurium is placed in a solution of sodium in liquid ammonia? Discuss the nature of negative valences of metallic elements. (For puestbns 4-7 see pp. 1000-27.) Differentiate between the two types of cancer: (1) carcinoma and (2) sarcoma. How is the prohlem of the investigation of the cause of cancer being attacked? What progress has been made recently on the diagnosis of cancer? Wbat ate some limitations to the alleged "cancer cures" of today? (For questions 8-10 see pp. 1028-36.) How does a dry-point plate differ from an etched one? .. How are bank-note engraving plates made? How is the color rotoaravure produced? (For questions 11-13 seepp. 1037-50.) How are peanuts shelled commercially? Have roasted salted peanuts in the shell been successfully prepared? To what is sogginess in salted peanuts due? What is the purpose of the new French Institute with which M. Jean Perrin is connected? (pp. 1051-7.) (For questions 15-17 scc pp. 105&80.) How does Millikan dispose of the hopes and fears aroused in various quarters by Soddy's "hobgoblin of dangerous quantities of available subatomic energies"? Haw far is science responsible for the restless modern spirit of "change for the sake of chanee!" How can the scientific spirit contribute t o the spiritual progress of the race? (For 18-hsee up. . oueslions ~.1081-99.) Which one of two German chemists, renowaed for their work on indium, actually discovered this element? Who invented the Geissler cock? What evidence do we have that Winkler and not Knietsch first made the contact process for manufacturing sulfuric anhydride a commercial success? Under what conditions and by whom was the element germanium discovered? Can you demonstrate to your class that while iron, cobalt, and nickel areattracted by a magnet a t ordinary temperatures, only cobalt maintains this property a t high temperatures? Have yon ever tried Bunsen's method for removing sticky precipitates from iilter paper? Have you ever heard how a hungry fly threatened to impair Bunsen's analytical reputation? Wbat can you contribute to the exhibits being planned for the Cincinnati meeting next September? (pp. 11134.) What innovations are being made a t Cornell for the training of chemical engineers? (pp. 112730.) What was known about the preparation and action of antimony by the chemists of the 17th century? (PP. .~ 1141H.) If you assigned the making of "Karo from Corn" as a laboratory project, what 'educational oh.icctives would be attained' (pp. 1117-53.) Haw is Tufts College planning to acquaint friends, graduates, and prospective students with the work of its chemical laboratory? (pp. 1209.) 980 ~