The Diffusion and Activity Coefficient of Sodium ... - ACS Publications

Herbert S. Harned, Joseph A. Shropshire. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1958, 80 (11), pp 2618–2619. DOI: 10.1021/ja01544a004. Publication Date: June 1958...
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approach and other iormulations that neglect polarization8,l1seems to bear out Varshni’s’O contention that the added attraction is offset by added


1477 FROM

Vol. 80

repulsion due to the distortion of the electron clouds in the direction of the bond. EVANSTON, ILLINOIS




The Diffusion and Activity Coefficient of Sodium Nitrate in Dilute Aqueous Solutions at 25’ BY HERBERT S. HARNED AND



RECEIVED DECEMBER 23, 1957 The diffusion coefficient of sodium nitrate has been determined by the conductance method in the concentration range between 0.001 and 0.011 molar at 25’. From these data, its activity coefficient in very dilute solutions has been computed.

It has been shown that activity coefficients of univalent electrolytes a t low concentrations can be evaluated with high accuracy in dilute solutions from diffusion coefficients.’ The method is very favorable numerically and affords a means of obtaining activity coefficients a t low concentrations of many electrolytes for which no other methods are available. I n this contribution, this method has been applied to solutions of sodium nitrate a t 23”. The diffusion coefficient in dilute solutions may be computed by the equation2 D = 1000~ RT(%/c)

where is the diffusion Coefficient, v is the number of ions into which the electrolyte dissociates, R is the gas constant in ergs moles deg.-’ and T the absolute temperature. ( E / c ) is the concentration cb In y&c) dependent mobility term and (1 is the thermodynamic term. The equations for computing (%,lc) are given in detail elsewhere3 and will not be reproduced here. Upon rearrangement, equation 1 becomes


this equation, we obtain

An important feature of this method is that the limiting value of D’/cl/z is fixed and is not dependent upon the diffusion coefficient. Thus

where S(f)is the theoretical slope of the logarithm of the activity coefficient. By plotting B‘/c’/~against c’/~t o this limiting value, the activity coefficient may be obtained by equation 3 by graphical integration. Table I contains the observed values of the diffusion coefficient of sodium nitrate a t the concentrations indicated. It also includes all the data necessary for computing the mobility term (%/c) according to the equations referred to in reference 3. TABLE I COMPUTATION OF P’/c1/2 USED FOR DETERMINING THE ACTIVITYCOEFFICIENTOF SODIUM ~VITRATE~ AW/c


which defines the function 53’. I t is observed that c is the molar concentration and y+ is the activity coefficient on the molar concentration scale. From

0.00223 .00479 .00710 ,00872 .01009 C1/2



x 1020


0.0543 .0788 ,0969 .lo74 .1155

1.756 1.438 1.260 1.176 1.119

0.022 ,032 .036 ,042


0.074 .I28 .170 .194 .214











0.0472 ,0686


Fig. 1.-Plot



for the computation of the activity coefficient of sodium nitrate a t 25’.

( I ) H. S. IIarned, Proc. N u t . Acad. Sci., 40, 561 (1951). ( 2 ) I,. Onsager and R. If.Fuoss, J . P h y s . C h e m . , 86, 2689 (1932). (3) H.S . Harned and B. B. Owen, “ T h e Physical Chemistry of Electr:,lytic Solutions,” 3rd E d . , Reinhold Publ. Cor p., New York, N. Y . , 1938, p . 1’2-2, equations (1-4-19), (4-&20) and (4-4-21).

1.534 31.707 0.02439 0.5167 1.516 31.751 .03707 .5408 1.512 31.786 .OS43 ,04073 .4834 ,0934 1.514 31.807 .03997 .4280 31.824 ,05056 ,5033 .lo05 1.498 a Xo+ = 50.11; Xo= 71.44; ho = 121.55; l o 3 v = 8.849; D = 78.54; a = 3.5 Angstroms; A ’ = 1.150; S(f)= 0.5091.

Figure 1 shows a plot of D’/c1I2 versus c’/l from which the activity coefficients of sodium nitrate a t round concentrations recorded in Table I1 were calculated. Certain features of this calculation deserve notice. Numerically, the method is very favorable since the limiting value of D’/C’/~is known and since the deviation of the activity coefficient from

June 5 , 1955




0.0005 0.001 0.9746 0.9696

0.002 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.9508 0.9251 0.8933 0.6793 0.8643

unity is measured by the entire area under the graph. I t is true that the selection of a value of the distance parameter, a , required for calculating the




mobility term is arbitrary, but it should be observed that the variation of this mobility term with concentration is small and is not very sensitive to the value of a. This investigation was supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under Contract A T (30-1)-1375. NEWHAVEN,CONN.



Electrical Conductivity of AgzHgI, BY THEODORE J. NEUBERT AND GEORGE M. NICHOLS RECEIVED JANUARY 11, 1958 The electrical conductivity of pressed samples of AgtHgIA has been studied as a function of temperature and tiine. A.c. measurements were made a t a frequency of 1000 set.-'. Curves of steady state log u versus T-' data are similar to curves given by previous workers although there are differences which are described and discussed. The activation energy for Transition temperature for temperatures the conduction process ( T < 20") in P-AgPHgIa was found to be 12 kcal. mole-'. Measurements made with T-increasing and T-decreasing show a hysteresis the magnitude of which increasing is ca. 52'. depends upon the rate of temperature change. Sample history and the time-schedule of measurement were found to be very important. Measurements as a function of time upon changing from one temperature to another indicate that in the region of the order-disorder transition (35-52') resistance values relax more slowly than temperature can be changed. Analysis of the rate of this slow approach to a steady state indicates that both in the approach to order (T-decreasing) and in the approach to disorder (T-increasing) two nucleation steps are involved. The necessity for the two steps is also indicated in the steady state log u versus T-' curves by a secondary inflexion occurring a t 48" for T-increasing and showing a constant hysteresis of 8'.

Silver tetraiodomercuroate (AgzHg14)is a thermoExperimental chromic compound which exhibits an order-disorPreparation of Stock Material.-AgsHgIc was precipitated der transition' in the region of 52'. X-Ray difirac- slowly, and with vigorous stirring, from 0.5 m HgId- soluof the stoichiometric amount of 1 m Ag+ tion tion,2-6 specific heat,? electrical c o n d u ~ t i v i t y , ~solution. ~ ~ by addition Reagent grade chemicals (KI, HgIz and AgN03) color transition5 and dilatometric1° studies have were used. The precipitated powder was washed (10-15 been reported. It is the purpose of this paper to times) by decantation, filtered and dried zn vacuo over P(&. report some extensions of the electrical conductiv- The preparation was carried out in diffuse light using brown bottles, but otherwise no extraordinary precautions ity data and to describe attempts to elucidate the were taken to avoid photochemical effects. Analysis approach of conductivity values to a steady state. showed the product to contain 1.009 tinies the theoretical Although there are some variations in interpreta- amount of silver, the apparent loss of mercury iodide being tion of the X-ray diffraction patterns, the order-dis- presumably the result of too many decantations. Preparation of Samples.-Samples for conductivity order transition may be pictured (after Ketelaar) measurement were formed by pressing a t room temperature as follows. In both the low temperature @-modifi- in an evacuable stainless steel die. The piston was one cation (yellow) and the high temperature a-modifi- inch in diameter and ram pressures were 20-40 thousand cation (red) iodine ions are cubic close-packed and pounds. Measured densities nere 5.8-6.0 g. cm.-3, depending upon the prcssing force and upon whether or nut silver and mercury ions occupy some of the tetra- the die was evacuated during pressing. Carefully pressed hedral holes. The @-modification has tetragonal samples were a uniform yellow-orange color and were semisymmetry; mercury ions situated a t corners of a translucent, e.g., ordinary typewriting could be read tliroug;~ (cubic) unit cell and silver ions a t the mid-points of specimens 1 mm. thick. Before making measurements, samples were cycled to above and below the transition the vertical faces. As the temperature is raised i t new temperature two or three times in order to relieve strains and becomes possible for silver and mercury ions to oc- improve their homogeneity. cupy each other's lattice sites and also the two exSome measurements were made on cast samples. The,e tra lattice sites (the top and bottom face centers of were prepared by heating Ag,HgI, powder in glass tubes in an iron bomb to ca. 450'. KO specific data for the "unit cube") which are unoccupied a t lower enclosed cast specimens will be reported because their stoichiometry temperatures. Above 52" mercury ions and silver was somewhat altered from AgZHg14 by the casting operaions are completely disordered. The a-modifica- tion. The results were, in general, very similar to those tion has, therefore, averaged face centered cubic obtained with pressed specimens. Conductivity Measureme1ts.-Sample resistances were symmetry. (1) J . A. A. Ketelaar, Tuans. Faraday Soc., 34, 874 (1938). (2) J. A. A. Ketelaar, Z.Krist., 80, 190 (1931); 87, 436 (1934). (3) L.K. Frevel and P. P. North, J. A p p l i e d P h y s . , 21, 1038 (1950). (4) C . E. Olsen and P. M. Harris, P h y s . Rev., 86, 651 (1952). (5) L. Suchow and P. H. Keck, THISJOURNAL, 75, 518 (1953). (6) S. Hoshino, J . P h y s . Soc., J a p a n , 10, 197 (1955). (7) J . A. A. Ketelaar, Z . physik. Chem., B30,53 (1935). (8) J. A. A. Ketelaar, ibid., B26,327 (1934). (9) L. Suchow and G. R . Pond, THISJOURNAL, 75, 5242 (1953). (IO) D.G.Thomaq, L.A. K. Stavely and A. F. Cullis, J . Chem. Soc., 1727 (1962).

determined using an essentially syrnnietrical conductancecapacitance impedance bridge with a Wagner grounding arm. The bridge was constructed in this Laboratory to measure the equivalent parallel resistance ( R,) and equivalent parallel capacitance (C,) over the wide range of values exhibited by .4g,HgIc in the temperature region -35' to 90". Although the accessible frequency range was 5 to 300,000 sec.-l, only work at 1000 set.-' is discussed in this paper. Bridge balances a t 1000 sec.-l usually could be made to a precision of 0.1 yoin R,. Electrode System.-Samples were introduced into the bridge circuit via a three electrode (guarded) cell intended to