The Direct and the Invert Polarization of Pure Sucrose - Industrial

The Direct and the Invert Polarization of Pure Sucrose. Herbert S. Walker. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1915, 7 (3), pp 216–217. DOI: 10.1021/ie50075a016. Publ...
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stopped t h e stirrer. I n some of t h e first experiments, t h e treated starch was washed with cold water, a n d t h e behavior of t h e resulting solution noted in t h e table. The opalescence a n d precipitates with alcohol indicate t h a t t h e reaction does not proceed in two definite, separate steps, b u t t h a t dextrin begins t o be formed in small quantities as soon as t h e soluble starch formation begins. Undoubtedly all products designated as “Cold Water Paste’’ contained a good deal of dextrin. It would be comparatively easy t o remove or neutralize t h e small amount of acid required if t h e conversion t o dextrin were made a t 100’ or over, a n d i t would appear t h a t this would be a n easy way of making a good white dextrin. If t h e starch were dried somewhat before use, less acid would probably be required a n d t h e product would not lump, hence would not need grinding. The method does not seem very well adapted to producing soluble starch, and i t is evident t h a t t h e temperatures given for this b y Browning a n d Barlow require t h e use of larger quantities of acid t h a n would be economically practicable, unless t h e time of treatment were much increased. SCEOOLOB CEEYISTRY UNIVERSITY:OF MINNESOTA. MINNEAPOLIS ___--


Considerable doubt has arisen in .recent years as t o t h e correctness of our present polarimetric methods of determining sucrose. At t h e last International Congress of Applied Chemistry a paper was presented by Bates and Jackson, indicating t h a t t h e I O O point of t h e saccharimeter is approximately 0 . I O too high. This subject was deemed of sufficient importance t o warrant appointing a special committee for its investigation, t o report a t t h e next meeting of t h e Congress. At t h e same session, on motion of Prof. Herzfeld, a committee was also appointed t o re-determine t h e correctness of t h e factor 1 4 2 . 6 6 now used in t h e ClergetHerzfeld method for t h e determination of sucrose b y double polarization. Since then, investigations b y Steurwald, in Java, a n d Stanek, in Bohemia, t e n d t o prove t h a t t h e Clerget factor 1 4 2 . 6 6 is from 0 . 2 t o 0 . 3 too low, Stanek claiming, however, t h a t if t h e invert polarization be made within 5 minutes after completing t h e volume of t h e inverted solution, t h e original Herzfeld factor holds good, but owing t o a slight muta-rotation of t h e invert sugar, a constant invert polarization is not reached until 15 t o 20 minutes after completing t o volume. Both these investigators apparently find, or assume, t h e direct polarization of pure sucrose t o be 100.0. Since i t will probably be several years before reports from t h e committee officially appointed t o investigate these two subjects may be expected, t h e following experimental d a t a may be of some interest: A n a t t e m p t was made t o prepare pure sucrose by t h e customary method of precipitation from a hot, f Paper presented a t the Annual Meeting of the Hawaiian Chemists’ Association, October 22, 1914.

1’01. 7, NO. 3

saturated solution by absolute alcohol, starting with t h e best grade of “domino” sugar. The sugar t h u s obtained was re-dissolved, re-precipitated, washed on a suction filter with alcohol, and finally air-dried DETAILS OF EXPERIMESTS

8- H. N O . 8800, double field. W, concentrated filament tungsten. LIGHT FILTER-3 cm. of 3 per cent potassium bichromate soluSACCHARIMETER-3.


tion. 100 POIKT OF INSTRCXENT verified to 0.01 by comparison with a quartz plate standardized by the Bureau of Standards. TUBE LENGTH-~eaSUred by a standardized comparator to 0.03 mm. FLASK used for making up solutions for direct polarization and for inversion made with special narrow neck-calibrated to 0 0 2 cc.




determined by weight as well as by volume, then calculated to grams solids per IOO cc., thus eliminating correction for moisture in the sugar and giving concentration exact to G O I g. per IOO cc., or 0.004’ V. VOLUME O F SOLUTION CSSD FOR IxvERsro;v-checked by weight. After inversion and completion to volume, cooled solution was placed in the same “inversion tube” used for direct polarization and allowed to stand for approximately half an hour in the saccharimeter trough till it had assumed the same temperature as the instrument and the atmosphere, before reading. WEIGHTS UsED-corrected to 0.0001 g. by standard weights. THER~fOMETERS-Corrected by gas thermometer. “PROBABLE: ERROR” OF READING INSTRUMENT (average of I O readings)-For direct polarization 0.01O V. For invert polarization 0.02 O V.

for several days. It was then found t o contain: Moisture, 0 . 0 2 per cent; ash, 0 . 0 0 4 per cent; reducing sugars, less t h a n 0 . 0 1 6 per cent (using Ost’s solution). The direct polarization of this sugar, using 2 6 . 0 0 0 g. dry sugar (weighed in air with brass weights) in I O O true cc. was, a t 22.0’ C., after adding 0 . 0 6 for temperature correction, 99 86. Adding 0 . 0 2 as a correction for reducing sugars and ash would give 99.88 as t h e polarization of 26 g. pure sucrose dissolved in I O O true cc. solution a t zoo C. Fifty cc. of t h e solution used for direct polarization were then inverted by the Herzfeld method and eventually polarized a t 2 2 . 2 ’ C. Using t h e factor 142.66, t h e calculated per cent sucrose of this sugar, corrected for reducing sugars a n d ash, was 100.07. ,4s a check on the above determination, a sample of pure sucrose was obtained from t h e Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. I t s certified analysis was as follows: hloisture, 0 . 0 0 2 per cent.; ash, 0 . 0 0 2 per cent; invert sugar, less t h a n 0 . 0 0 3 per cent. I t s direct polarization. then, should exceed 99.99’ At 23 95’ C. t h e direct polarization actually found was, corrected for temperature, 9 9 . 9 0 . Its sucrose by t h e Clerget-Herzfeld method. using t h e factor 142 66, was T O O . 09, showing a difference between direct polarization a n d “sucrose b y Clerget” of 0 . r g per cent. From t h e last experiment i t appears t h a t t h e CIerget factor, if designed t o give a reading of IOO per cent e



Mar., 1915


for pure sucrose with t h e present sugar scale, should be increased from 1 4 2 . 6 6 t o 1 4 2 . 7 8 , while if it is intended t o give t h e same figure as the direct polarieation of pure sucrose, regardless of the scale used, which is more logical, it should be further increased to 1 4 2 . 9 2 . COLLEGE OF HAWAII HONOLULU _.


The cotton plant breeders of the past have directed their efforts mainly towards increasing the yield and length of lint of cotton as well as its power of resistance, while t h e question of next importance, i. e., the relative percentage of nitrogen and f a t in different types of seed, has received little consideration. The manufacture a n d preparation of cottonseed oil and its products and of cottonseed meal constitute imgort a n t industries within themselves. Modern and intelligent management of these industries is beginning t o demand a more thorough understanding of t h e properties of the different varieties of seed. Already there is a wide-spread and growing endeavor on t h e p a r t of the manufacturer t o purchase seed containing a high percentage of f a t and nitrogen, particularly t h e latter. A study has been made in this laboratory of the commercially important chemical constituents of eighteen varieties of short staple cottonseed. These varieties were selected as typical for the upland sections of Alabama, Georgia and other states similarly situated. They were grown upon the same kind of soil (a red clay) which had been uniformly fertilized. This was deemed necessary because experience had indicated t h a t both the type of soil and nature of fertilizer may affect t h e nitrogen and oil content of the seed. The cotton was ginned in one gin under conditions as nearly uniform as possible and the remaining lint was removed by hand with a scalpel. Even though tedious, this was essential’ because, as will be shown in Table I, t h e lint not removed from t h e seed by the gin may vary from 97 t o 2 1 4 lbs. per 1 0 0 0 lbs. of seed, so t h a t it is inaccurate t o base analytical results upon t h e original weight of seed, as has often been done, without proper consideration for the unremoved lint. The.hulls were removed by hand and the kernels analyzed, using the Gunning-ArnoldDyer modification of the Kjeldahl method for nitrogen; allowing for nitrates, and the vacuum-sulfuric acid procedure for moisture. It was not found feasible to determine i h e moisture in kernels or in cottonseed meal by the usual method of drying in a n oven, because decomposition took place even a t 60”. Similarly it was found necessary t o dry the flasks containing the ether extracts by immersing them deeply into the boiling water of t h e water bath instead of drying on the water bath or in the drying oven. The analytical results are given in Table I in order of nitrogen-ascendency in two groups of nine varieties each.


N ~ . VARIETY 1 Niel’s big boll. 2 Mexican big boll.. 3 Caldwell’sbigboll 4 Cook’s reimproved.. 5 Sunbeam.. 6 Cleveland big boll.. 7 Kimbrough.. 8 Poulnot.. 9 Willet’s perfection.. AVERAGE


COMPOSITION OF UPLAND SHORT STAPLE COTTON-SEED KERNELs Seed DELINTED SEEDMoisNitrolint Hulls Kernels ture Fat gen 19.13 35.00 65.00 7.06 41.10 5 . 1 6 16.61 33.90 66.10 9.75 36.20 5.21 20.30 36.90 63.10 7 . 8 3 39.80 5.21 16.49 34.80 65.20 7 . 7 4 40.00 5 . 2 2 18.09 34.20 65.80 6.42 40.35 5 . 2 3 18.12 34.40 65.04 6 . 5 6 43.50 5 . 2 6 21.43 36.50 63.50 9 . 2 9 48.04 5 . 3 2 12.96 34.60 65.40 7.80 44.06 5.39 18.34 35.30 64.70 6 . 6 0 41.20 5 . 4 9 17.94 35.07 64.87 7 . 6 7 41.58 5 . 2 7

........... ....... ........ ..... .............. ...... ............ ............... ...... .............. Schley .................. 9 . 7 4 Pevy’s improved.. ....... 10.75 Cook’s improved.. ....... 17.45 Jarman K. sunbeam., .... 19.50

10 11 12 13 14 Willet’s ideal. 15 Cook’s No. 675 Ala. Exp. Station.. 16 Wanamaker’s ext. big boll --storm proof.. 17 King & triumph,hybrid.. 18 Hite’s early prolific.. AVERAGE.

............ 20.35 .............. 20.84

........ ...... .............

14.92 13.46 13.24 15.58

34.3 33.30 35.70 37.40 35,60

65.7 66.70 64.30 62.60 64.40

6.89 8.67 6.53 7.16 6.51

42.70 42.72 37.80 35.20 42.30

5.63 5.65 5.69 5.75 5.82

36.60 63.40

8.85 37.60 6 . 0 0

35.20 36.70 33.33 35.32

7.58 8.04 7.48 7.52

64.80 63.30 66.7 64.52

35.50 43.43 37.26 39.39

6.15 6.20 6.22 5.90

Attention has been called already * t o the difference in lint which the process of ginning may leave on t h e seed. From Table I it will be seen, also, t h a t t h e f a t in t h e kernels may vary from 3 5 . z t o 4 8 . 0 4 per cent and the nitrogen from 5 . 1 6 t o 6 . 2 2 per cent. If t h e average be taken for t h e two arbitrarily chosen groups of nine varieties each as given in t h e table, i t will be seen t h a t t h e fat varies only slightly, especially if consideration is had for the difference in lint on t h e seed, while t h e nitrogen shows a variation of approximately I O per cent. Thus a ton of mixed cottonseed from t h e second group would contain 8 . 3 Ibs. more nitrogen and 1 3 . 6 lbs. less oil t h a n a ton of seed made up similarly from Group I . This amount of nitrogen has a value of approximately $ 2 . 0 0 and t h e oil a value of about 50 cents for the expressible portion with a slight feeding value for the non-expressible portion, leaving a balance of approximately $ I 50 a ton in favor of the high nitrogen seed. This means a great saving on the total of 5,000,ooo tons of cottonseed crushed annually in t h e South. It will be interesting in the future t o ascertain if the variations noted here are constant or if they change with the seasons. ~



The following method of determining unsaponifiable matter in greases has been in use under my direction in the laboratory of the Emery Candle Co. for five or six years. Five grams of the sample (or preferably of the f a t t y acid prepared for “titer test,” as this is cleaner) are saponified with alcoholic potash in a dish and evaporated nearly t o dryness. A little alcohol is added and then water, and t h e solution obtained is washed into a separatory funnel. The ratio of alcohol t o water in this soap solution should be about I : 4, and the total volume of t h e soap solution I 50 t o zoo cc. The soap solution is shaken twice with ether, using about 50 cc. each time. The ether extracts are united, washed once with water, then shaken