The Discovery of Fullerenes

Page 1. ... SEPTEMBER 1985 A year later, Smalley agreed to give Kroto time ... increasing number of new compounds, already more than one thousand ...
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A National Historic Chemical Landmark

The Discovery of Fullerenes October 11, 2010 American Chemical Society

“Concerning the question of what kind of 60-carbon atom structure might give rise to a superstable species, we suggest a truncated icosahedron, a polygon with 60 vertices and 32 faces, 12 of which are pentagonal and 20 hexagonal.”

— From the abstract of a famous letter to Nature (Vol. 318, 14 November 1985) describing the dramatic discovery of the first known molecular form of carbon.


atmospheres of carbon-rich red giant

O’Brien, and Yuan Liu. The students ran

Truncated icosahedron: technical

stars and wanted to prove this

the machine with Kroto directing the

term for a soccer ball in the United

contention using Smalley’s laser-

experiments. Two significant results

States, a football everywhere else. The

supersonic cluster beam apparatus.

emerged from the feverish ten days

scientists who vaporized graphite to

This experiment also could be a

of experiments: first, the team found,

produce C60 dubbed the new allotrope

preliminary pilot for a rather more

as Smalley put it, “Kroto’s long carbon

buckminsterfullerene (shortened to

complicated experiment that might

snakes”; second, the scientists observed

fullerene or buckyballs) because the

solve a long-standing puzzle in

a previously unknown carbon molecule.

geodesic domes designed by inventor

astronomy – the carriers of the

and architect Buckminster Fuller

mysterious diffuse interstellar bands.

provided a clue to the molecule’s structure.

Clusters of any element could be

Wednesday, September 4, using helium

studied in the AP2 (pronounced

as the carrier gas, the team noticed,

app-two), the colloquial name of

in Kroto’s words, “something remark-

Smalley’s machine. Operators fire an

able taking place,” an odd peak in the

intense laser pulse at a target, which

mass spectra of the molecules that

creates a hot vapor above it. The laser

formed in the vapor. The peak occurred

generates temperatures reaching tens

at sixty carbon atoms (a smaller peak

of thousands of degrees, hotter than

also occurred at seventy atoms). Yuan

the surfaces of most stars. As the vapor

Liu noted in the lab book, “C60 and C70

cools, the evaporated atoms align in

are very strong,” adding an exclamation

clusters. A high pressure burst of gas

mark and underlining the entry.

sweeps the vapor into a mass


The lab book for September 2 first notes the molecule. Then on

From the beginning of the

spectrometer, where the clusters are

experiments, the team met regularly

analyzed. Kroto’s request to use AP2

to analyze the data. Now the scientists

came during a visit to Robert Curl in

focused their discussions on the

Houston in March 1984. Smalley,

mystery of C60. At first, the group

busily studying semiconductor

referred to it as a wadge, a British term

— U.S. Pavilion

clusters with Curl, initially declined to

for “a handful of stuff,” with Smalley

at the 1967 World

free up time on the machine for Kroto

referring to the mother wadge, Kroto

to explore his theory about the

to the godwadge.

Fuller’s Biosphere

Exposition in Montreal

formation of carbon chains in the atmosphere of stars.

DOMES Since Kroto was scheduled to return

Carbon, the basis of life, is one of the most common elements and certainly


to England early the following week,

the most studied. A new study of pure

A year later, Smalley agreed to give

Heath and O’Brien spent the weekend

carbon would not seem all that

Kroto time on the cluster beam

trying to plumb the mystery molecule’s

exciting to most chemists. In 1984

apparatus, and Curl telephoned to ask

properties. One thing became apparent:

Richard Smalley found himself less than

whether Kroto wanted the Rice team

C60 formed very readily and exhibited

thrilled when Harry Kroto, a chemist at

to carry out the experiments and send

extraordinary stability; in one instance,

the University of Sussex, asked to use

him the data or if he wanted to come

AP2 produced forty times more C60 than

equipment in Smalley’s laboratory at

to Houston. Kroto says “one thing was

either C58 or C62 carbon clusters.

Rice University to study a special kind

certain in my mind: I had not waited

of carbon molecule.

this long to have my experiments

clusters? The scientists were stumped

What was the structure of these

Kroto wanted to investigate long

carried out by others...” He borrowed

at first by the stable, sixty-carbon

linear chain molecules of carbon that

money from his wife, packed his bags,

molecule that did not react with other

he, together with Canadian radio

and arrived in Houston a few days later,

molecules, which suggested it had no

astronomers, had discovered in

in late August 1985.

dangling bonds. All known carbon-

interstellar space. Kroto was convinced

Kroto, Smalley, and Curl conducted

containing molecules, even benzene, a

that these unusual, long flexible

the study, with the assistance of

very stable ring of carbon atoms, have

molecules had been created in the

graduate students James Heath, Sean

edges that terminate with other






elements. But C60 was chemically inert;

was the only number of atoms that

it did not need hydrogen, or any other

could form a nearly perfect sphere.

element, to tie up its bonds. The team considered two candidates

When Smalley tossed the paper

allow structural characterization. In 1996 Curl, Kroto, and Smalley won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The

model of twelve pentagons and twenty

presenter of the Nobel noted that the

for C60’s structure: a so-called flatlander

hexagons on a table in his office the

discovery of fullerenes has implications

model where carbon was stacked in

next day, Kroto “was ecstatic and

for all the natural sciences. It was born

hexagonal sheets, similar to the

overtaken with its beauty.” Smalley

of astronomy, by the wish to grasp the

structure of graphite, with the dangling

called Bill Veech, chair of Rice’s

behavior of carbon in red giant stars in

bonds tied up in some fashion; or a

mathematics department to ask if he

interstellar gas clouds and by the work

spherical form where the hexagonal

was familiar with the form. The answer

of Curl and Smalley in cluster chemistry

graphite sheet curled around and

came a few minutes later in a return

at Rice University. It has expanded

closed. A closed structure, a cage,

call: “I could explain this to you in a

knowledge of chemistry and physics.

would have no dangling bonds.

number of ways, but what you’ve got

Fullerenes have been found in geological

there, boys, is a soccer ball.”

formations and in sooty flames.

some point during the previous week


in the synthesis of a steadily increasing

Buckminster Fuller and his geodesic

The Nature letter describing C60 was

number of new compounds, already

domes had been raised. Kroto and

attractive and logical, but seeing a line

more than one thousand. The

Smalley thought hexagons made up the

in a mass spectrum did not convince all

discovery of fullerenes also led to

surface of geodesic domes. Then Kroto

scientists of the discovery of a new

research in carbon nanotubes, the

remembered a stardome he once made

allotrope of carbon. During the period

cylindrical cousins of buckyballs, and

for his children; he told Smalley it had

1985-1990, the Curl/Smalley team at

the development of new fields of

pentagonal facets as well as hexagonal

Rice and Kroto at Sussex managed to

advanced materials. Carbon nanotubes’

ones. Kroto also remembered visiting

amass a wide range of circumstantial

unique structural and bonding

Fuller’s famous geodesic dome at Expo

evidence to support the fullerene

properties, whereby inner tubes in

67 in Montreal.

structure proposal. Full acceptance

a multi-walled nanotube can slide

At one point the team viewed a

came when Wolfgang Krätschmer of

within an outer tube, suggest uses in

photograph of one of the architect’s

the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear

tiny motors and as ball bearings and

domes; its grid appeared to be entirely

Physics in Heidelberg, Germany, and

lubricants. Twenty-five years after their

composed of hexagons. Curl, who

Donald Huffman of the University

discovery, fullerenes provide abundant

brought a healthy dose of skepticism to

of Arizona, with their students

research opportunities in pure

the entire project, questioned whether

Konstantinos Fostiropoulos and

chemistry, materials science,

hexagons alone would do the trick.

Lowell Lamb, succeeded in synthesizing

pharmaceutical chemistry, and

C60 in sufficient quantities to


Monday, September 9 was climactic. Spheroids dominated the discussion. At

With the daytime discussion

Research on fullerenes has resulted

seemingly reaching a dead end, part of the group went to a favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate the discovery of C60. During the meal, Smalley wondered how a sheet of hexagons could close; perhaps, the only way to find out was to build one. Smalley worked into the night at his home computer trying to generate a structure. When that failed, he turned to low-tech tools: paper, tape, and

The Fullerene

scissors. He remembered that Kroto had

Discovery Team

mentioned the presence of pentagons

in front of Space

in his stardome. He began interspersing

Science Building

pentagons among the carbon hexagons

at Rice University.

(many carbon compounds have five-

Shown from left

and six-membered rings), which

to right: Sean

resulted in a geodesic dome with sixty

O’Brien, Richard

vertices. Smalley had stumbled through

Smalley, Robert

trial-and-error on a mathematical truth

Curl, Harry Kroto,

Fuller employed in his domes: a sheet of

and James Heath.

hexagons can be made to curl by using twelve pentagons. Sixty, it turned out,

National Historic Chemical Landmark The American Chemical Society designated the discovery of fullerenes as a National Historic Chemical Landmark in a ceremony at the Richard E. Smalley Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in Houston, Texas, on October 11, 2010. The text of the plaque commemorating the development reads: In this building in early September 1985, a team of scientists discovered a previously unknown pure carbon molecule, C60, which they dubbed buckministerfullerene. The name was chosen because the geodesic domes of Buckminster Fuller provided a clue that the molecule’s atoms might be arranged in the form of a hollow cage. The structure, a truncated icosahedron with 32 faces, 12 pentagonal and 20 hexagonal, has the shape of a soccer ball. Nicknamed buckyballs, this first known stable molecular form of carbon not only opened up a new field of organic chemistry but also, through the development of carbon nanotubes, a new field of materials science. In 1996, Robert Curl, Harold Kroto, and Richard Smalley won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of the fullerenes.

About the National Historic Chemical Landmarks Program The American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society with

American Chemical Society Joseph S. Francisco, President Nancy B. Jackson, President-elect Thomas H. Lane, Immediate Past President Bonnie Charpentier, Chair, Board of Directors Greater Houston Local Section American Chemical Society Kerry Spilker, Chair Gina Butuc, Chair-elect Valerie Moore, Past Chair Rachel Garcia, Secretary Diana Martin, Treasurer American Chemical Society Committee on National Historic Chemical Landmarks Jeffrey Sturchio, Chair, Global Health Council Mary Ellen Bowden, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Retired Maureen Chan, Bell Laboratories, Retired Arthur Greenberg, University of New Hampshire Janan Hayes, Merced College, Retired Seymour Mauskopf, Duke University Heinz Roth, Rutgers University Kathryn Steen, Drexel University Edel Wasserman, DuPont, Retired Frankie Wood-Black, Trihydro Corporation William Oliver, Northern Kentucky University Carmen Giunta, Le Moyne College Cheryl Martin, Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers Leo Slater, Naval Research Laboratory Consultant: Joseph Francisco, Purdue University

more than 161,000 members, has designated landmarks in the history of chemistry since 1993. The process begins at the local level. Members identify milestones in their cities or regions, document their importance, and nominate them for landmark designation. An international committee of chemists, chemical engineers, museum curators, and historians evaluates each nomination. For more information, please call the Office of Public Affairs at 202-872-6214 or 800-227-5558, ext. 6214, e-mail us at [email protected], or visit our web site: A nonprofit organization, the American Chemical Society publishes scientific journals and databases, convenes major research conferences, and provides educational, science policy, and career programs in chemistry. Its main offices are in Washington, DC, and Columbus, Ohio.

Acknowledgments Written by Judah Ginsberg Photo credits: Richard E. Smalley Institute for Nanoscience and Technology at Rice University and Anne-Katrin Purkiss. The author wishes to thank Heinz Roth, Carmen Giunta, and Arthur Greenberg of the National Historic Chemical Landmark Committee and Robert Curl and Cyrus Mody of Rice University and Sir Harold Kroto of the Florida State University for reading drafts of this brochure. All their suggestions improved the text. Needless to say, any remaining errors are the author’s alone. Wade Adams and Valerie Moore, both of the Smalley Institute for Nanoscience and Technology at Rice University, prepared the nomination for this Landmark designation. . Designed by MSK Partners, Hunt Valley, Maryland © 2010 American Chemical Society

® American Chemical Society Office of Public Affairs National Historic Chemical Landmarks Program 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-872-6214 800-227-5558 ext. 6214