The display of electronic configuration by a periodic table. - Journal of

The display of electronic configuration by a periodic table. L. M. Simmons. J. Chem. Educ. , 1948, 25 (12), p 658. DOI: 10.1021/ed025p658. Publication...
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INA PREVIOUS communication (I) a stepwise format of the periodic table was proposed and called a New The Long Chart, and a modified Rydberg series was used as f' f f 3 f f f6 f7 f8 f9 flO f l i f l Z fB a basis for calculating the atomic numbers of chemically related elements. The purpose of the present paper is to show how a slightly more symmetrical version of the New Long Chart is constructed from the modified Rydberg series by an entirely arithmetical process, and that this version, called the Airthmetical Table, clearly displays the probable electronic configurations of the atoms rts well as the chemical relationships previously RARE EARTH ELEMENTS noted. For the sake of clarity, the construction of the table La Ce Pr Nd I1 Sa 'Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 and the manner in which it displays the probahle electronic configurations will first be described without refActinide Series Ae Th Pa U Np Pu Am CA erence to possible anomalies; these latter will be mentioned later in the paper and some apparently hitherto v 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 unnoticed relationships regarding atomic number, principal and serial quantum numbers, and valency, will the left of the p-block is the d-block, whose columns are be suggested. headed dl, d2, d2 . . dl'. The left-hand block is the fThe Successive Sums of the Modified Rydberg Series. block, and its columns are headed f,f2,fS. . .f14. Let Strepresent the sum of the first t terms of the modiIn the margin a t the left of .each block, the rows of C - 2 T,-.JL-----re-. uau n y u u a l g s a u r J . that block a& numbered (in lower case Roman) from S , = 2.1%+ 2.1' + 2.2' + 2.2' + . + top to bottom. The top row of the s-block is numbered 2.('/d I/, - 1/4(-l)')a i; that of the p-block ii; of the d-block iii; and the fThe successive values of the sums of the above series. block iv. These numbers will he referred to nn - - - - ~ .. ~ ~ -row ~fort = 1, 2, 3 . . . 8, are 8, 4, 18, 80, 58, 56, 88, 180, re- numbers. spectively. The Electronic Subgrmp of +Highest Energy. The Construction of the Arithmetical Table. In a vertical number of electrons in the higbes