The Distribution of Additives and Impurities in Isotactic Polypropylene

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22 The Distribution of Additives and Impurities in Isotactic Polypropylene T. G . R Y A N , P. D . C A L V E R T , and N . C. B I L L I N G H A M

Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on March 8, 2016 | Publication Date: June 1, 1978 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1978-0169.ch022

School of Molecular Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QJ, England

Additive and impurity rejection at the growing crystal front leads to uneven distribution in a crystalline polymer. This redistribution process has been studied by UV and fluorescence microscopy and by an electron microscope wit energy dispersive x-ray analysis. In polymer samples which are quenched after rapid crystallization, the additive distribution is kinetically determined and may be modeled in a computer as a three-dimensional zone-refining process. In annealed polymer samples, low molecular weight additives are uniformly concentrated in the amorphous phase The additive distribution reflects that of crystalline material within the polymer. Antioxidant and uv stabilzer redistribution probably does not have a major effect on polymer stability, but the redistribution of partially oxidized, impure polymer may be important. /^Vxidative degradation of a crystalline polyolefin is a complex reaction involving a dissolved gas and a two-phase, impure, inhomogeneous solid. Factors affecting the reaction rate are antioxidant concentrations, crystallmity, U V illumination intensity, U V absorber concentration, and the sample's previous oxidation history. Failure of a sample is often mechanical rather than chemical, and cannot be regarded as occurring at a particular degree of oxidation. T o understand oxidative degradation it is necessary to consider the factors that influence the overall process and to study their effects sepa­ rately. This knowledge is then recombined into a comprehensive under­ standing of degradation in real systems. One important group of prob­ lems concerns reactions between the various components in homogeneous systems such as melts and solutions. A second important group of prob­ lems with which this chapter is concerned, is the effects of crystalline 0-8412-0381-4/78/33-169-261$05.00/l © 1978 American Chemical Society Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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morphology on oxidation. This can be observed at three levels. O n the smallest scale, oxygen and antioxidants are excluded from the crystalline regions i n polyethylene and isotactic polypropylene so that oxidation is localized i n the disordered regions ( J ) . This is supported by a decrease i n oxidation rate and an increase i n hmiting oxygen uptake with increas­ ing crystalhnity ( 2 , 3 ) . The reverse relations hold i n poly(4-methyl-lpentene), and it has been shown that oxygen can penetrate the crystalline regions (4). Keith and Padden (5) have shown that high molecular weight impurities are also concentrated i n the intercrystalline regions, and there is good reason to believe that this rejection w i l l be almost complete for most impurities. O n the scale of the whole spherulite it is known that nonuniform distributions of small molecule and polymeric impurities are produced during crystallization. Price (6) showed that a wave of noncrystallizable material is pushed ahead of the growing spherulite, and Keith and Pad­ den (5) demonstrated that such impurities affect spherulite structure and growth rate. Moyer and Ochs (7) found nonuniform distributions of radio-labeled additives i n polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene by autoradiography. In this context, impurity means any species which is less likely to enter the crystal phase than are the bulk of the polymer chains. It includes additives, dissolved gases, solid particles, and short, atactic or partially oxidized polymer molecules. In this chapter, impurity redistribution during spherulite growth and its importance for oxidative degradation are discussed. O n the scale of the whole sample, loss of additives from the sample surface w i l l lead to concentration gradients, while U V intensity within the polymer w i l l decrease with depth, particularly if U V absorbers are present. Oxygen consumption within the polymer leads to a concentration gradient if the oxidation is sufficiently rapid. Surface transcrystallinity may cause concentration gradients of additives and impurities near the surface. Surface oxidation and flow patterns during molding w i l l lead to gradients in the concentration of partially oxidized material. Degrada­ tion measurements such as embrittlement or induction time, can be affected by degradation rate variation within the sample. Redistribution

of Impurities

by Growing


As shown by Price (6), rejected noncrystallizable impurities w i l l be pushed ahead of the growing spherulite as a wave, leaving a lower con­ centration within the spherulite than i n the original melt. Frank and Lehner (8) and Curson (9) have used U V transmission microscopy to observe additive distributions i n crystalline polyolefins. This method can be used to observe the redistribution process i n action by quenching partially crystallized polypropylene to freeze the additive concentrations

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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Isotactic Polypropylene


Figure 1. Polypropylene section contain­ ing 0.5% Uvitex OB partly crystallized at 125°C and quenched. Viewed in UV transmission. Baris20μm. around a growing spherulite. Figure 1 shows a microtomed section of a polypropylene sample containing 0.5% Uvitex O B [2,5-di(5-ter£-butyl2-benzoxazolyl)thiophene], an optical brightener, w h i c h was partially crystallized at 125 °C and quenched. Features noted are a l o w additive concentration within the spherulite with a central dip, a uniform high concentration i n the region that was molten before quenching, and a higher concentration ring around the spherulite boundary. Uvitex O B is a good subject since it has a large U V absorption coefficient and is observable i n fluorescence as shown i n Figure 2. The central dip i n con-

Figure 2. Polypropylene section contain­ ing 0.1% Uvitex OB partly crystallized at 130°C and quenched. Viewed by fluores­ cence. Baris20μm.

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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Figure 3. Nickel EDAX distribution of UV1084 in polypropylene partly crystallized and quenched. (O) 4 wt % UV1084, (X) 1 wt % UV1084, I Spherulite center. centration is more apparent since the fluorescence mode is sensitive at low concentrations while absorption is best at high concentrations. A number of other additives, including a range of phenolic antioxidants, behave similarly using U V absorption. These are harder to see since they have lower U V absorption coefficients. Another technique we used to observe these distributions is scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray analysis ( E D A X ) . Concentrations of Cyasorb U V 1084, [2-2 -thiobis(4-ierf-octylphenolato)n-butylamine nickel], a nickel-containing U V absorber, were point counted to obtain nickel concentrations along a spherulite diameter. Figure 3 shows results for 1 and 4 wt % additive. This shows a uniform melt concentration, a boundary peak, a lower concentration within the spheru­ lite, and a central dip. The resolution and sensitivity with this technique are poorer than with the optical microscopy. W i t h every method, thin film crystallized samples and microtomed sections of bulk samples gave similar results. /

Photomicrographic microdensitometry was used to generate quan­ titative distribution data for the additives. Calibration was conducted using standard quenched samples with a known additive concentration, photographed under the same conditions. Quenched melt regions, dis-

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




Isotactic Polypropylene

tant from growing spherulites, can also be used for internal calibration. W e estimate that relative concentrations within any sample can be found to ± 5 % , but sample-to-sample errors are closer to ± 2 0 % .

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A computer model of the partition and diffusion processes has been constructed for distribution analysis. This w i l l be described i n detail elsewhere (JO). Assuming that w e start with a polymer melt containing a uniform impurity concentration, growing crystallites at the spherulite edge w i l l reject impurities into the surrounding melt and intercrystalline amorphous material. Redistribution at the individual lamellae w i l l be too fine to observe, but it w i l l lead to a local high impurity concentra­ tion at the growing edge of the spherulite. O n this scale w e can replace the spherulite's fine structure with a uniform solid phase. T h e rejection process is characterized by a partition coefficient, the ratio of the concen­ tration of any impurity i n the solid to that i n the liquid at the growing CONCENTRATION PROFILES

Figure 4. Computed distributions for samples partly crystallized at 125°C and quenched. DL — diffusion coefficient of additive in liquid /J.m sec" ; DS = back diffusion coefficient; G = spherulite growth rate μχη sec' . 2



Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on March 8, 2016 | Publication Date: June 1, 1978 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1978-0169.ch022







front. This w i l l be equal to (1 — x), where χ is the spherulite crystallinity at the growth front. Under these circumstances, the model is simi­ lar to that used for normal freezing, a simple case of zone refining ( I I ) . The other necessary parameters are the impurity's diffusion coefficients i n the melt and i n the spherulite, the spherulite growth rate, and the final spherulite radius. O n this basis, impurity distribution curves can be calculated for partially or completely grown spherulites using an iterative procedure. Figure 4 shows a calculated set of curves for spherulites grown i n poly­ propylene at 125°C for a number of melt diffusion rates, and a zero diffusion rate within the spherulite (back diffusion). The crystallinity of 4 5 % was determined by scanning calorimetry to be that holding at the end of primary crystallization at 125 °C i n samples that were remelted without further cooling. This is equal to the crystallinity at the growth front. Figure 5 shows the fit obtained between the observed distribution i n Figure 1 and the calculated one. The value of the diffusion coefficient i n the melt is 7/Am s~ . This is the right order of magnitude since a benzophenone of similar molecular weight has an extrapolated diffusion co­ efficient of 4/AinV i n solid polypropylene at the same temperature (12). Although the boundary peak fit is good, there is no central dip on the calculated curve to correspond to that observed. Diffusion coefficients can be obtained by comparing observed and calculated peak heights and peak widths at half-height. Using this method for samples crystallized at temperatures from 120°-130°C, where the growth rate decreases b y a factor of 7, the calculated diffusion coefficient changes from 6-10/rniV . 2




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Figure 5. Observed and computed distributions for sample containing 0.5% Uvitex OB partly crystallized at 125°C. ( ) DL = 5 / A m sec' , ( )DL = 10 μτη sec- . 2



Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.


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This is support for the model, but it is not a way to determine diffusion coefficients since the errors are ± 5 0 % . This method is usable only if the ratio of diffusion coefficient to growth rate is i n the range lO-lOO^m. W e have added a number of corrections to the simple model. There is no sound basis for estimating back diffusion coefficients because there are no liquid and solid diffusion measurements at the same temperature, but based on measurements through the melting range, a back diffusion coefficient of up to one-third of the melt value seems reasonable (13). Addition of this correction only slightly affects the interfacial peak, but it tends to flatten out the concentration gradients within the spherulite. F o r small spherulites a correction can be added for the apparent peak broadening when a curved interface is viewed through a thin film. A more important correction is necessary when diffusion fields of approach­ ing spherulites overlap. This is difficult to calculate since the system lacks spherical symmetry, but it can be avoided by observing only spherulites that are well separated. Finally, impurities may redistribute by diffusion after quenching to take up a pattern characteristic of a crystallinity distribution within the quenched sample. If this crystallinity distribution reflected some other impurity—e.g., atactic polymer—it would be difficult to distinguish from the additive distribution. W e believe that this is not the case since markedly different distributions and diffusion rates are obtained for different antioxidants. The foregoing analysis of the peak i n impurity concentration at the boundary of a growing spherulite establishes the validity of the normal freezing model. This model can easily be run to complete spherulite growth to produce a predicted final distribution which we w i l l call the dynamic distribution. However, the discrepancy between the predicted and observed curves at the spherulite center has already been noted, and this leads one to consider a second coexisting equilibrium distribution. Crystallinity


The model so far fails to predict a concentration dip at the spherulite center. This can be resolved by observing samples crystallized without additive, where the additive is allowed to diffuse i n later. In this case we would expect the additive to adopt a uniform distribution throughout the amorphous regions. Figure 6 compares the observed distributions i n polypropylene samples crystallized completely at 130 °C with Uvitex O B , crystallized completely with Uvitex O B followed by annealing for 7 days, and crystallized without additive, then immersed in a glycerol solution of the additive at 130 °C. The distributions are essentially identical. Figure 7 shows the distribution i n a fully crystallized sample. If an average crystallinity is determined for each sample, it is possible to

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




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1 20

1 40

1 60



Figure 6. Observed distributions for samples fully crystallized at 130°C containing Uvitex OB, ( ) crystallized for 2 hr, ( ) crystallized and annealed for 7 days, (- · -) crystallized without additive and annealed in a solution of Uvitex OB in glycerol at 130° C interpret the local additive concentrations as local amorphous contents so that these curves are plotted as crystallinity variations within the fully grown spherulites. This crystallinity variation has the general form of a redistribution curve, suggesting that it is caused b y the rejection of species, presumably atactic or a stereoblock polymer, with a diffusion coefficient of about O . l - l / x m V under these experimental conditions. Crystallinity varies from about 9 0 % at the spherulite center, to 5 0 % through most of the spherulite, to about 3 0 % at the boundary. T h e central dip is more manifest than the boundary peak, but this is partly a product of the spherical geometry. This equilibrium distribution, with 1

Figure 7. Polypropylene section containing 0.1% Uvitex OB crystallized at 115°C, viewed by fluo­ rescence. Shows a and β forms. Bar is 40 μχη.

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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a uniform concentration of additive i n the amorphous regions, would be expected i n slowly crystallized or annealed samples. After rapid crystal­ lization the dynamic distribution w i l l be superimposed on this, giving a greater concentration of additive i n the amorphous regions at the boundaries. Thus far redistribution of wholly soluble impurities has been dis­ cussed. If the impurity or additive is insoluble (e.g., carbon black) or precipitates before the polymer crystallizes, it w i l l be redistributed as solid particles. This effect has been studied for low molecular weight matrices (14) but not for polymers. If the additive precipitates after the polymer crystallizes, the distribution should remain similar to the completely soluble case. Partially oxidized or imperfect polymer chains can partly enter the crystal and have a higher partition coefficient. T h e diffusion coefficients for flexible molecules are generally greater than for rigid molecules of the same molecular weight. Thus, the diffusion co­ efficients of polymeric impurities should overlap those of the antioxidants and decrease with increasing molecular weight. T h e overall distribution pattern of polymeric additives is similar to those described here ( 7 ) . Effects of Impurity


on Oxidation


In previous sections we have shown that the redistribution of addi­ tives at the spherulite boundaries during polymer crystallization leads to the additives uneven distribution, whose form is determined b y the kinetics of the growth rejection process. I n time, this initial dynamic distribution should relax to an equilibrium form i n which the non­ crystalline polymer is uniformly permeated by the additive, whose dis­ tribution reflects that of the noncrystalline polymer. T h e relevance of these observations to oxidative degradation processes i n semi-crystalline polyolefins is discussed i n this section. Oxidative degradation is confined to the amorphous regions of both polyethylene and polypropylene because the crystalline regions of both polymers are impermeable to oxygen ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) . I n addition there is rea­ sonable evidence to suggest that oxidation does not occur uniformly throughout the amorphous regions. Oxidation measurements i n both solution (15,16) and solid phase (17,18) systems have shown that chain scission during autoxidation of polypropylene occurs relatively infre­ quently compared with oxygen absorption, much of the absorbed oxygen appearing as l o w molecular weight volatile products. Adams (19) studied thermal and photochemical oxidation of polypropylene and found that embrittlement occurred when the number average molecular weight fell from 70,000-30,000. This drop is too small to account for embrittle­ ment and implies that there is preferential degradation of vulnerable load-bearing chains during oxidation. Radical (20) and boundary (21)

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




cracking of the spherulites have been observed during autoxidation of polypropylene thin films although boundary cracking appears to pre­ dominate (22). Similar conclusions can be drawn for polyethylene. Winslow et al. (23) found that linear polyethylene embrittles during thermal oxidation at an oxygen uptake of about 6 m l g . This level of oxygen uptake would represent one scission for every 130 repeat units if each oxygen molecule absorbed led to one random chain scission. Other data, however, presented by Winslow and Matryek (24), suggest that the decrease in molecular weight at embrittlement is little more than a factor of two. Furthermore, the relatively low level of chain breaking is confirmed by the fact that the polyethylene sample recovered much of its toughness upon remolding. A similar recovery of toughness was ob­ served by Kafavian (25). F r o m previous work it seems reasonable to suggest that oxidative embrittlement arises from the preferential oxida­ tion of vulnerable molecules within the polymer, these vulnerable mole­ cules being either intercrystalline tie chains within the bulk of the spheru­ lite or load-bearing chains within the boundary regions. Another factor that may be important is the effect of stress since crystallization can lead to boundary stress (26) and the oxidation rate of polypropylene is markedly increased by stress (27). Therefore, the spherulite bounda­ ries are particularly vulnerable regions; their vulnerability can be i n ­ creased by concentration of partially oxidized polymer, an effect w h i c h is discussed later. There is scope for a detailed reinvestigation of the oxidation locus i n crystalline polymers.

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_ 1

W e have demonstrated that slow polymer crystallization followed by annealing w i l l lead to an equilibrium additive distribution i n which an antioxidant w i l l be dispersed uniformly i n the amorphous phase of the polymer. If we accept that the spherulte boundaries are most vulnerable to oxidation, we should clearly concentrate the antioxidant i n these regions as far as possible. The redistribution model suggests that the maximum boundary concentration effect w i l l occur if the additive is rapidly diffusing and the polymer is quench-cooled after crystallization. However, it is unlikely that the boundary additive concentration could be increased by more than a factor of 2-4 over the equilibrium value. Although a rapidly migrating additive is likely to concentrate i n the boundary regions, such additives also w i l l diffuse rapidly back into the spherulite as the dynamic distribution relaxes to equilibrium; extrapola­ tion of diffusion coefficients to room temperature is hazardous, but our present feeling is that the relaxation of the dynamic distribution can be expected to take place i n a time scale for mobile additives, which is relatively short compared with the polymer s oxidative lifetime. Where an additive is being used as a U V stabilizer, the situation is more complex since many of the additives commonly used operate by

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.




Isotactic Ρ olypropylene

both chemical reaction and simple U V screening (28). The considerations outlined above w i l l apply where chemical reaction is important. Given a typical absorber with a molar extinction coefficient of 10 1 c m m o l " at a uniform concentration of 0.1 wt % , the intensity of light absorbed at the absorption maximum is reduced to 10% of its surface value at a sample depth of 0.5 mm; this distance w i l l be considerably larger at solar U V wavelengths where the extinction coefficients of most additives are well below their values at the absorption maximum. Distances of this order are at least 10 times greater than a typical spherulite radius. Therefore, redistribution w i l l not significantly affect the action of a simple U V screening additive.

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W i t h i n the limitations of simple, soluble, mobile additives, our results suggest that there is no way to improve significantly the spherulite boundary stabilization. However, the growth rejection process is expected to apply to any species which cannot enter the crystal phase, and it is relevant to consider the effects of redistribution of other impurities pres­ ent i n the polymer. Both thermal and photochemical oxidation of polyolefins are initiated by reactive functional groups (usually hydroperoxide or carbonyl groups) introduced into the polymer b y partial oxidation during processing (29). Polymeric impurities, including partially oxi­ dized polymer, are expected to be rejected b y the growing polymer crystals and may be responsible for the observed intraspherulitic crystal­ linity variation. Rejection of polymeric impurities may have two effects. It may weaken the boundary regions or it may greatly increase their sensi­ tivity to oxidation by concentrating initiation sites within the boundaries. In a polymer where there is no crystallinity variation with radius, partially oxidized polymer w i l l be rejected to the boundaries, the effect decreasing with increasing crystallization rate. I n polypropylene, it remains unclear whether partially oxidized polymer is boundary rejected or simply con­ tributes to the observed crystallinity variation within the spherulites. However, any tendency to be boundary rejected must lead to a significant effect on stability, and although more detailed studies are required, we believe that redistribution of partially degraded polymer may exert a major influence upon oxidative embrittlement. Acknowledgments The authors thank I. C . I. Plastics Division for supporting this work via a C A S E grant. They also thank A . Curson and D . G . M . W o o d for helpful discussions and access to equipment and D . Back of Kings C o l ­ lege, London, for use of the uv microscope. T . G . Ryan thanks the Science Research Council for the maintenance grant award.

Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



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Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on March 8, 2016 | Publication Date: June 1, 1978 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1978-0169.ch022

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Allara and Hawkins; Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.