The Division's Golden Anniversary This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, and its history is recounted in a FOCUS article in this issue. Although in the past there have been lean years for the discipline, we can all take great pride in the current vigor of analytical chemistry in the United States and worldwide. There are many factors responsible for the continued growth of the field over the years. Foremost have been the urgent need for new and sophisticated methods of characterization in all fields of science and technology and the positive response of the analytical community to fulfill those needs. To formalize this growth and to advance our knowledge of progress in the field, we owe much to our JOURNAL and to the Division. Their close association has had a strong synergistic effect. The Division, which was started on Sept. 5,1938, as the Microchemical Division of the ACS, expanded in 1940 into the Division of Analytical and Microchemistry under the chairmanship of G.E.F. Lundell of the National Bureau of Standards. In 1949 the name was changed to the Division of Analytical Chemistry. Today the Division has the third largest membership of all ACS divisions. Much of its success can be at-
tributed to a long list of distinguished officers who over the years have provided strong technical programs at national ACS meetings. Another important development in the Division's programs was the initiation in 1948 of the annual summer symposium. Co-sponsored by ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y and the Division of Analytical Chemistry, these symposia continue to be the highlight of the year's activities. The wide breadth of interests of Division members is indicated by the scope of topics covered in the symposia. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the Division of Analytical Chemistry is organizing a one-day symposium at the Los Angeles National ACS Meeting (Sept. 25-30, 1988). The symposium, "Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry," is being arranged by Allen J. Bard of the University of Texas at Austin. A number of former Fisher Award recipients still active in research have been invited to participate. A special banquet for Division members is also being arranged, and we hope that as many of our colleagues as possible will be there to celebrate this golden anniversary.
G. H. Morrison