NEW PRODUCTS All-Glass W a t e r Still A complete, all-glass water still which wall produce high purity water at the rate of 10 liters an hour is available. Called the AG-10, the still is specifi cally designed to fulfill the needs of laboratories requiring a larger capac ity automatic still. A single pass of tap water through the AG-10 produces pyrogen-free water with the high re sistivity of 1.7 megohms, according to the manufacturer. The unit is easily adapted for double distillation proc esses. Manual switches permit op eration at half capacity. Corning Glass Works, Corning, Ν. Υ. 419
Computer Processing of Amino Acid Analyzer Signals The CRS-10D accepts signals in the 1-mv. or greater range directly from amino acid analyzers. I t scans, encodes, digitizes, and tape punches digital sam ple values into IBM 8-track BCD paper tape code. Electrical signals are digi tized directly, eliminating mechanical or electromechanical transducers. Infotronics Corp., 7800 Westglen Drive, Houston, Tex. 77042. 420
There it is again...
THE UBIQUITOUS FILTER PAPER Wherever you find a filter press these days, you find E-D filter paper. Here at the Reef & Palm Cocoanut O i l Co., Inc., for ex ample, the experienced chemists and process engineers specify E-D on every purchase requisition. One raftload every 9 years. Not a large customer, perhaps . . . but steady. At Eaton-Dikeman, where our principal business is the manu facture of quality filter papers, no order is too small to receive prompt, individual attention; no order is too big to be filled quickly and completely; no special requirement is too much trouble for thorough anal ysis and special production handling.
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for catalog information
o n the
complete E-D line of laboratory and i n dustrial filter papers. If you have a special
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filtering p r o b l e m , let our paper engineers help you w i t h the solution.
THE EATON-DIKEMAN COMPANY Filtertown, Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania Circle No. 46 on Readers' Service Card 112 A
All-solid-state system for the study of x-ray diffraction features important advancements and advantages over systems currently in use. The chief assets of the system are its relatively low initial cost plus a previously un attainable versatility, convenience, and compactness resulting from the modular solid-state circuitry em ployed. Other major advantages of the system stemming from the solidstate circuitry include higher accu racy, higher levels of stability and re liability, and a great reduction in back ground noise. Automatic data log ging is provided by many methods: paper tape punch, electric typewriter, IBM card punch, printers, recorders, etc. Hamner Electronics Co., P. O. Box 531, Princeton, N. J. 421