The Economical Use of Reclaimed Rubber as a Substitute for New

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1926, 18 (4), pp 348–353. DOI: 10.1021/ie50196a006. Publication Date: April 1926. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. 18...
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Vol. 18,KO. 4

The Economical Use of Reclaimed Rubber as a Substitute for New Rubber' By J. M. Bierer and C. C. Davis BOSTON W O V E N HOSE & RUBBERC o . , CAMBRIDGE, MASS.

I n this attempt to maintain uniformity the most is the use Of rubber' If price Of rubber did not there be little need Of frequent changes in rubexcept for in methods Of in g e n e r With a rising rubber market, however, it is only by red u c i n g t h e proportion Of new rubber and by the aid Of rubber that unif Orm can be maintained without ing the cost. I n view of these facts it is imperative that rubber technologists be alert to fluctua-

The replacement of new rubber by reclaimed rubber is considered as a purely technical problem. It is shown when to use new rubber and when to use reclaimed rubber to the best advantage-in short, the value of reclaimed rubber at any market price of new rubber. One manufacturer took advantage of this information to use large quantities of reclaimed rubber and little new rubber when new rubber was high in price and relatively little reclaimed rubber when new rubber was low. The cost of finished reclaimed rubber is given for different prices of scrap tires. The use of antioxidants is shown to improve the aging of a cheap compound so that excellent aging properties can be obtained in a compound otherwise of short life. The use of selenium as a curative increases the resistance to abrasion so greatly that the same quality can be obtained with less

The Research Problem

There are a t least four methods by which technical experts and the technical resources of the world may produce rubber goods more economically : (1) Synthesize new rubber of a quality which, based on its cost, is a satisfactory substitute for natural rubber. Presented before the joint meeting of the Division of Rubber Chemistry and the Akron Section of the American Chemical Society, Akron, Ohio, February 22 and 23, 1926.

commercial process for making t h e inferior product yet been developed to compete with plantation rubber. The plantations have dev o t e d their econolllic resources to developing and standardizing their output and to supplying the world with new rubber. This they, have done in a manner w@h deserves high praise. The time is approaching, however, when their resources must be devoted more to the application of agricultural chemistry and of scient i f i c horticulture, so that the yield and quality of new rubber may be improved.

Until the synthesis or the regeneration of rubber is accomplished and a product closely resembling new rubber or a product equivalent in value is prepared, a temporary means must be found for utilizing in the most economical manner materials already avaiIable. It is solely with this last phase of the problem that the present paper deals. Properties of the Reclaim


The rubber in the experiments was The whole tires prepared from black aut,omobile tires.



with the beads removed were cracked, devulcanized with aqueous sodium hydroxide, washed free of the latter, dried, and refined. The following constants were obtained for the finished reclaim : Black 1.1s 7 . 5 per cent by weight 20 per cent by weight

Color Specific gravity Acetone extract Ash

Cured in a press with the addition of 5 per cent of sulfur only, the following physical tests were obtained: Temgerature C. 142 142

Cure 20 30

Ultimate elongation Per cent 410 450

Tensile strength Lbs./sq. in. 780 850


Likewise, cheaper compounds of the compositions I V and V, with and without reclaimed rubber, were found to give the same stress-strain curves a t the appropriate cures. Kot only were the stress-strain curvm practically the same when the stocks were new, but also after aging for 24 hours in oxygen under 300 pounds per square inch pressure a t 60" C. (Figure 2). To determine the value of the reclaimed rubber in these compounds, it is necessary to calculate its cost when the three compounds not only cost the same but have the same quality. Since most rubber products are sold in individual units, it is best to compare costs on a volume basis. I v Smoked sheets locl 50 Caustic tire reclaim ... 100 \?



Cure 20 30

Temoperature C. 142 142

Ultimate elongation Per cent 400 320

I 100



Sulfur Diphenylguanidine Zinc oxide Hard asphalt (MR)


I1 75 50 55

111 50 100 10


0.5 5


3000 Aged in oxygen 300' Ibs. per sq. in. 24 hours

2000 c

2 1000

60' C.


m L






5 0.5 5 20

Sulfur Diphenylguanidine Zinc oxide Hard asphalt ( M R )

Tensile strength Lbs ./sq. in. 1330

There are many rubber compounds in which the desired .quality can be obtained with the use of new rubber alone, with new rubber and reclaimed rubber, or with reclaimed rubber alone, in each case, of course, with the addition of accessory ingredients. The desired quality may be the resistance to abrasion, the ultimate elongation or strength, the resilient energy, or any other useful index of quality. For example, a new rubber compound with an ultimate celongation of 500 per cent and a tensile strength of 1500 pounds per square inch ca.n be compounded with new rubber alone or with reclaimed rubber and proportionately less new rubber. The compounds which are thus amenable to replacement represent important commercial rubber products. Replacement of new rubber by reclaimed rubber is easily accomplished in a compound containing new rubber and inert fillers of any character. With the substitution of reclaimed rubber for new rubber there must be simultaneous elimination of inert filler. Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Whiting



Cured with the addition of 3 per cent sulfur, 0.5 per cent diphenylguanidine, and 3 per cent zinc oxide the physical tests were as follows:



An illustration of this is compound I. 1.f part or all of the new rubber is replaced by a twofold weight of reclaimed rubber, with no other change, the physical properties are altered. But if at the same time a certain proportion of whiting is eliminated, giving-for example, compounds TI and 111-all three compounds, I, 11, and 111, have practically the same stress-strain curves at certain cures (Figure 1). S o t only is the quality similar when new, but also after aging in oxygen under 300 pounds per square inch pressure for 24 hours at 60" C. The magnitude of this change in the whiting depends upon the quality of the reclaimed rubber.

Aged in oxygen Ibs. per sq. Itu 24 60'hours C.

z c w


The compounds with and without reclaimed rubber which have the same quality are therefore assumed to have the same volume cost. The cost of each individual ingredient in the compound containing reclaimed rubber being known, the value of reclaimed rubber, the only unknown, can be calculated for any cost of rubber. Without entering into the mathematics involved, it may be calculated that when new rubber is A units per pound, the reclaimed rubber used in the foregoing experiments has a value of 0.495 A . This means that it is less economical if it is above 0.495 A per pound, is of the same value a t 0.495 -4 per pound, and is more economical below 0.495 A per pound. As the cost of rubber increases the value of reclaimed rubber also increases, and this relation is a linear one. Kith new rubber at one dollar per pound, the reclaimed rubber would therefore have a maximum value of 49.5 cents. Since a linear relation is involved, it may be shown.very simply in graphical form, as in Figure 3. Compounds of this character are similar in their general form to mechanical goods compounds of medium quality, and so represent the use of reclaimed rubber in mechanical goods. Adaptability of the Methods

This comparison is based on a duplication of stress-strain curves (resilient energy), including ultimate elongation and tensile strength, and does not consider the comparative resistance to abrasion, the hysteresis effect, the electrical properties, or any other of a number of properties other than the aging. The same relative values of new rubber and of reclaimed rubber do not necessarily apply to these other properties, and since any one of them may be as important as the resilient energy, a series of comparative tests must be carried out for each property concerned. Such relations, though seeming a t first somewhat academic, have actually been utilized for a number of years by one manufacturer of mechanical goods to govern the consumption of new rubber and of reclaimed rubber. Figure 4 shows (1) the average price of new rubber for the particular period, and ( 2 ) the amount of new rubber consumed at the same time (expressed as per Cent of the maximum of 1921-22).



From this may be seen the relatively large amount of new rubber consumed when it was cheap and the small amount when the market was high-in other words, what has actually been accomplished in manipulating compounds so that in spite of a fluctuating rubber market the manufacturing cost of the compounds was maintained as nearly uniform as possible, with, of course, no change in the quality. Cost of Scrap and of Finished Shoddy

Vol. 18, KO.4

compounds with satisfactory aging properties which showed the highest proof resilience were chosen. With new rubber at 75 cents per pound and caustic whole tire reclaimed rubber a t 9 cents, the compounds containing reclaimed rubber are in all cases cheaper than the base compound with new rubber alone. Therefore, where the abrasion is as good with reclaimed rubber the latter can be used economically. Table I-Bureau of Standards Formulas VI VI1 VI11 Smoked sheets 61.1 51.3 45.925 Reclaim 10 18 Sulfur 3 3 3 Hexa 0.4 0.45 0.45 Palm oil 2 3 3 Mineral rubber 5 5 5 Zinc oxide 12.5 11.25 8.625 Carbon black 16 16 16

It may also be of interest to show the relation between the cost of rubber scrap and the cost of a typical finished


reclaimed rubber. The caustic whole tire reclaimed rubber used in the foregoing experiments is chosen to illustrate this. Its cost in the finished form may be obtained by a

IX 41.175 25 3 0.45 3 5 6.375 16

- - - -

Cost per cubic foot




40 60 80 100 120 P R I C E OF SMOKED SHEETS Figure 3

few simple calculations based on the market price of scrap tires, the cost of sodium hydroxide, and the other factors involved in the process. Plotting the market price of scrap whole tires against the cost of the finished caustic whole tire reclaim, Figure 5 is obtained. With whole tires a t 1.5 cents per pound, a reclaimed rubber of this type should cost in finished form about 9 cents per pound.

loo $35.10

100 $31.00

100 $28.00

100 $25.90

As the abrasion tests were compared on the basis of the maximum proof resilience of compounds that were of satisfactory aging quality, both of which properties were practically the same when the abrasion was the same, the hardness is not included in the results. Moreover, the differences in the hardness between the base compounds containing new rubber alone and those with reclaimed rubber were no greater than the differences among individual tires of an individual manufacturer. Holt and Wormeley2 have recently attempted to show that “tests on tire treads containing reclaimed rubber indicate that if reclaimed rubber is used the resistance to wear is lowered roughly in proportion to the quantity used.” Furthermore, it is stated that with 25 per cent reclaimed rubber the resistance to abrasion is about 70 per cent as good as the corresponding tread stock containing rubber alone. The compounds used by Holt and Wormeley to make these comparative tests were compounds VI, VII, VIII, and IX (Table I). These compounds, it is stated, decrease progressively in their resistance to abrasion.

Tire Treads

Let us see to what use these concepts may be put in tire treads. I n dealing with tire treads, the first consideration is the resistance to abrasion. For this reason abrasion tests are shown in all cases. They were carried out on machines constructed by the New Jersey Zinc Company both with feldspar and quartz tracks. Some of these tests were in turn compared with tests of the same materials on the latest machine of the U. S. Rubber Company and on that developed by W. W. Evans of the B. F. Goodrich Company. Contrary to the results of Holt and Wormeley, to be described below, in no instance was a discrepancy found between the four methods of wearing the compounds. The graphs are constructed on an empirical basis with the units increasing with increase in resistance to abrasion. The resistance to abrasion was compared only among tire compounds which were found to give satisfactory aging properties. I n other words, if a tire compound containing reclaimed rubber wore as well as the corresponding base rubber compound simply because it was overcured and harder, the results were considered to be faulty. Unless a compound containing reclaimed rubber showed practically as good aging properties as the base rubber compound when tested for 48 hours in oxygen under 300 pounds per square inch at 60’ C., its abrasion was not compared with its corresponding compound containing no reclaimed rubber. I n other words, no results are given for compounds of unsatisfactory aging properties. As a basis for comparing the resistance to abrasion those






1920 1921

1921 1922

1922 1923

1923 1924

1924 1925 1925


FISCAL Y E A R Figure 4

The costs given are the costs per cubic foot with rubber a t 75 cents per pound and alkali reclaimed rubber a t 9 cents per pound, which represent values not decidedly different from the present market price of rubber and the manufacturing cost of caustic whole tire reclaimed rubber. Compound VI with new rubber alone was formulated by two of the largest tire manufacturers, and so it may be regarded as a properly balanced tire tread of good wearing qualities. a Bur. Sfandards, Tech.

Paper 294.


April, 1926

The most obvious defect in Holt and Wormeley’s method is the progressive substitution of new rubber by nearly the same weight of reclaimed rubber. Since a pound of reclaimed rubber is not equivalent in value to a pound of new rubber, the direct and progressive replacement of new rubber by reclaimed rubber-i. e., of a superior ingredient by a smaller volume of an inferior ingredient without further essential change-will obviously give progressively decreasing quality. Of course, the cost also decreases, but the evident object of the work, as stated in the first paragraph of the article, was to determine “whether an economic gain would result from the greater use of reclaimed rubber in tires, to which end tests were conducted for the purpose of determining the influence of reclaimed rubber on the resistance to wear.” The experiments, however, show only that both the quality and the cost decrease, and do not show the relation between the decrease in each. Moreover, the replacement of such large volumes of new rubber by reclaimed rubber gave, as the volume cost of the compounds indicates,



VI Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Sulfur Hexa Palm oil Hard asphalt (MR) Zinc oxide Carbon black






3 0.4

3 0.4

1.6 4







9.8 16

49 24 3



8 16


1 6.6 16








I8 3 0.4 0.8 2

1 3

11 16

12.5 16

XI1 52

55 12 3 0.4





Figure 7

Figure 6

Typical Tire Treads with Reclaim

5 m4


% ’ 3

a 4 CT

% Z LL

0 0

u C

5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 C O S T OF FINISHED CAUSTIC TIRE RECLAIM Figure 5

compounds which were so cheap that they could not be espected to have the same quality as the compound with new rubber only. Importance of Method of Compounding

I t is possible to replace a certain amount of new rubber in compound V I of Holt and Wormeley by twice the amount of reclaimed rubber and obtain compounds which are commercially as good as those containing new rubber alone, and which are cheaper as well. Contrary to their results, which indicate that reclaimed rubber cannot be substituted for new rubber, even in small amounts, without loss of resistance to abrasion, it is possible to replace a small amount of rubber by reclaimed rubber and, by other suitable changes, to make compounds which will wear as well and give the same stress-strain curves. Compounds X, XI, XII, and XI11 are unlike those of Holt and Wormeley in that a superior ingredient is not replaced by the same weight (and therefore by a smaller volume) of an inferior ingredient. Instead, these compounds comprise a series in which the weight of new rubber removed is replaced by twice its weight of reclaimed rubber. dssuming an original rubber content of the reelaimed rubber of 50 to 60 per cent, this twofold replacement, represents roughly a substitution for the original rubber of the same amount of reclaimed rubber-equivalent. From Figures 6 and 7 it is evident that part of the new rubber in this tire tread compound may be replaced by reclaimed rubber without materially diminishing the resistance to abrasion or changing greatly the stress-strain curve, provided that new rubber is replaced by a correspondingly greater amount of reclaimed rubber.

Passing to another tire tread compound of a prominent manufacturer of tires, and replacing new rubber by a greater amount of reclaimed rubber, compounds XIV, XV, XVI, and XVII were tested. Once more the weight of new rubber removed was replaced by twice its weight of reclaimed rubber and the accessory ingredients varied. The results given in Figures 8 and 9 show that it is possible in this case also to replace a small proportion of new rubber by a greater proportion of reclaimed rubber and retain the same resistance to abrasion. Still another tire tread of the composition XVIII was tested with increasing replacements of new rubber by correspondingly greater amounts of reclaimed rubber, giving the series of compounds XIX, XX, and XXI. Figures 10 and 11 show that partial replacement of new rubber by a greater amount of reclaimed rubber does not necessarily impair the quality of a compound of this type. Stocks of the Highest Quality

Though the next formula is not strictly a tire tread formula, it is of even better quality and will probably outwear Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Sulfur Ethylidene aniline Mineral oil Hard asphalt (MR) Zinc oxide Carbon black

XIV 51


2 1 1.5

xv 48.4 1)

2 1

1.5 5

XVI 46 10 2 1 A.5

5 20.5


13 5


20 1


- - - - 100




43.4 16

2 1


5 10




4000 L



& 2000 P 1000 w c u







600 -

% R U B B E R REPLACED Figure 9

any commercial tire tread. I n its essential form it was suggested by one of our leading rubber technologists as a compound of extraordinarily high resistance to abrasion. Replacing rubber, as before, progressively by greater amounts of reclaimed rubber, the series represented by compounds XXII, XXIII, XXIV, and X X V were tested. Figures 12 and 13 indicate that again it is possible in the






XIX 55.1 5.8 1.75 0.5 1.25 4 16.9 14.7 100


Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Sulfur Di-o-to1 ylguanidine Mineral od Hard asphalt (MR) Zinc oxide Carbon black

... 1.75 0.6

1.25 4 18.5 18


XXI 49.3 17.4 1.75 0.5 1.25 4 13.8 12 100

52.2 11.6 1.75 0.5 1.25 4 15.4 13.3 100

Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Sulfur Ethylidene aniline Diphenylguanidine Stearic acid Mineral oil Zinc oxide Carbon black

- - - loo

Vol. 18, No. 4 80

... 2.4

0.45 0.45 0.3


12 24.1

d Y







xm s





F i g u r e 10

' R




highest type of compound to retain the quality upon substitution of new rubber by reclaimed rubber. + T lneet ~ the objection that the containing rubber were as good as the compound containing only new rubber because the carbon black was increased and the zinc oxide diminished, two more similar series were tested. In compounds XXII, XXVI, and XXVII the ratio of zinc oxide and carbon black was kept constant and in compounds XXII, XXVIII, XXIX, and the oxide was actually increased at the expense of the carbon black. Figures 14 and 15 give the tests of the second series and Figures 16 and 17 those of the third series. The results make it evident that in replacing new rubber by reclaimed rubber in tires better results can be obtained by maintaining a high proportion of carbon black and reducing the zinc oxide than by reducing the carbon black for the sake of retaining the original amount of zinc oxide. ComDounds XXII, e I V , a i d XXV, containing reclaimed rubder, are superior to compounds XXVIII, XXIX, and XXX, and in general the greater the proportion of zinc oxide used a t the expense of carbon black the poorer the resistance to abrasion.

n x

Heat Conductivity

I n view of the fact that excellent results were obtained b y increasing the amount of carbon black when new rubber was replaced by reclaimed rubber, with the further advantage that it was cheaper than increasing the zinc oxide, it was important to know whether this increase of carbon black affected the heat conductivity. One of the advantages claimed for zinc oxide in tire treads is that it gives better heat conductivity than carbon black. For this reason it was of interest to determine the heat XXVI 57 6 2.4 0.45 0.45

XXII 60 .. .. ..

2.4 0.45 0.45

0.3 0.3 11 22.1


0.3 12 24.1 100




Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Sulfur Ethylidene aniline Diphenylguanidine Stearic acid Mineral oil Zinc oxide Carbon black

0.3 0.3

61 18 2.4 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3

$ 48 0



8 25.1



4 m


0.3 0.3

54 12 2.4 0.45 0.45

26.1 2i:i - - -



57 6 2.4 0.45 0.45

* 100

XXVII 54 12 2.4 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 10 20.1



Figure 13

B. t . u. per 24 hrs./sq. ft./l-in.

thickness/l F." 31 33 xxv 36 by the department of physics, Massachusetts Institute

Compound XXII XXIV of T:cz;;o;formed

I n spite of compounds XXIv and XXv containing more carbon black and less zinc oxide than compound their heat conductivities were slightly superior. This renders it Possible in replacing new rubber by reclaimed rubber in a tire to increase the carbon black and decrease the zinc oxide within reasonable limits without danger of materially Poorer heat conductivity. Possibility of Using Reclaim

It has been shown that it is possible to replace part of the new rubber, even in a tire tread, by a correspondingly greater amount of suitable reclaimed rubber without impairing the proof resilience or the resistance to abrasion. The method described may be regarded as replacement of part of the new rubber by approximately the same volume of rubber component in the reclaimed rubber, with a change in the pigments, fillers, curatives, and accelerators to balance the loss of quality due to the fact that a given volume of old rubber component in the reclaimed material is not of the same quality as a like volume of new rubber. Inasmuch as the same goods made with compounds containing reclaimed rubber would meet requirements in a Smoked sheets Caustic tire reclaim Sulfur Ethylidene aniline Diphenylguanidine Stearic acid Mineral oil Zinc oxide Carbon black



2.4 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 12 24.1


2.4 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 13 20.1

XXIX 54 12 2.4 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 I4 16.1

~-100 100


xxx 51 18 2.4 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.3 15 12.1



0 VI 80 B 60 U


zz 20



0 %ELONGATION Figure 14







conductivity of compounds XXII, XXIV, and XXV. The last two have less zinc oxide and more carbon black than compound XXII. Nevertheless, the heat conductivities Of the three were found to be




F i g u r e 16

Figure 17


April, 1926

manner just as satisfactory and at a lower cost than goods containing only new rubber, it would be unfortunate if large consumers, and particularly the Cnited States Government, should fail to recognize the proper place of reclaimed rubber in specification rubber goods. There are, however, other aids to the use of reclaimed rubber which cannot fail to become of increasing importance, among which are shown the influence of selenium and of antioxidants. Influence of Antioxidants

One of the chief obstacles to the use of inner tube reclaimed rubber is the fact that most grades are very unreliable in their aging properties. Any means of improving the aging is therefore of great advantage in extending the use of inner tubes, which are potentially of great value. Compound XXXI represents a cheap red compound containing a high proportion of devulcanized red inner tubes. Figures 18 and 19 show the results of aging in oxygen under 300 pounds per square inch pressure a t 60” C. for increasing periods, with and without the use of an antioxidant. AGING IN OXYGEN AT 60°C. z 300 LBS.PER SQ.IN.PRESSURE XXXI Smoked sheets 6 Reclaimed red inner tubes 60 Sulfur 2.5 Diphenylguanidine 0.25 Paraffin wax 1 Red iron oxide 2 Zinc oxide 2 TVhiting 26.25



g 70 0

2 300

E 200

-s 100



0 Figure 18



16 h’o addition

?ne tar Agerite” “V. G. B.”




3 1 1.5

* I-

character. -4comparison of the resistance to abrasion of the four compounds at different cures shows that with the aid of selenium compound XVI containing considerable reclaimed rubber becomes of greater resistance to abrasion than the best compound shown previously-vis., compound XXII-though the former is far poorer without selenium. T a b l e 11-Influence Smoked sheets Tire reclaim Sulfur Selenium Ethylidene aniline Mineral oil Hard asphalt ( M R ) Zinc oxide Carbon black

of S e l e n i u m on Abrasion XVI 46 10 2


1.5 5 13.5 21


Cure 20 30 45 60

Temp. O


142 142 142 142

XXXII 46 10




1 . .5

5 13.5 21

XXXIII 46 10 2 0.5 1 1.5 5 13.5 21


100 5


xxxn 46 10 2 1.25 1



13.5 21


101 25

Relative resistance to abrasion 81 90 34 48 89 63 97 57 86 64 i2 90 63 72 72 53

Selenium therefore offers a means of obtaining in a given compound a higher resistance to abrasion than has been attainable heretofore, or of obtaining the same resistance with a large reduction in the percentage of rubber and with a saving in money. Conclusions

2 400





Figure 19

Four separate compounds are shown, three of which contain an antioxidant. It is evident from the changes in the ultimate elongation and in the acetone extract after aging that an antioxidant so greatly improves a compound containing reclaimed inner tubes that reclaimed rubber of this type may become thoroughly reliable. Influence of Selenium

Of the greatest interest in connection with resistance to abrasion is the influence of ~ e l e n i u m . ~If, instead of vulcanizing with sulfur alone, selenium is also used, there occurs an extraordinary increase in the resistance to abrasion. This can be illustrated in compourids XVI, XXXII, XXXIII, and XXXIV (Table 11). When the sulfur in compound XVI is increased the resistance to abrasion is also increased, but if this additional sulfur is replaced by the same weight of selenium the increase in resistance to abrasion is far greater. If the replacement is carried out in the proportion to 2.5 to 1 (the ratio of the atomic weights of selenium and sulfur) the resistance to abrasion becomes of extraordinary 8 For permission to publish data on selenium the authors are indebted t o C. R. Boggs and the Simplex Wire and Cable Co., Cambridge, Mass., where it was first discovered that selenium greatly increases the resistance to abrasion of rubber compounds and where the first patent on selenium as vulcanizing agent is held,

Reclaimed rubber is of great value in maintaining the quality of rubber compounds uniform during market fluctuations in the price of rubber. Since it is inferior in quality to new rubber, however, direct replacement of new rubber by the same weight cannot be expected to give the same quality. On the other hand, partial replacement of new rubber by twice the weight of alkali tire reclaimed rubber, with proper alteration of the other ingredients, does not change many useful properties of the compound. The extent to which new rubber may be thus replaced depends upon the quality of the reclaimed rubber and of the rubber compound, the higher grade the latter the smaller the replacement practicable. I n compounds such as tire treads the resistance to abrasion may not be impaired when as high as 10 per cent of new rubber is replaced by tire reclaimed rubber. A small increase in carbon black and a decrease in zinc oxide simultaneous with this introduction of reclaimed rubber is conducive to better wearing properties and does not influence materially the heat conductivity. By comparing rubber compounds of the same quality with and without .reclaimed rubber, it is possible to derive a relation between the cost of rubber and the value of a reclaimed rubber. Only by utilizing such a relation and altering the relative amounts of new and of reclaimed rubber can the manufacturer maintain the quality of his rubber products uniform in the most economical manner as t h e price of rubber changes. Reclaimed rubber of poor or unreliable aging properties can be so greatly improved by the use of antioxidants that rubber compounds containing large amounts of such reclaimed rubber may have excellent aging properties. The addition of small amounts of selenium to rubber compounds increases the resistance to abrasion so greatly that the rubber content may be materially reduced without diminishing the original resistance. This fact may have great potential value in tire compounding. Acknowledgment

The authors take this occasion to acknowledge the assistance of A. M. Varney and V. G. Davis, both of whom were of great aid in facilitating the work.
