the EDITOR'S column - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (1), pp 75A–79A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60194a773. Publication Date: January 1963. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 35, 1, 7...
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: the EDITOR'S • column

Announcing the NEW 1963 Edition WELCH PERIODIC CHART OF THE ATOMS Atomic Weights Based on Carbon 12

* L.T. Hallett, Editor





been directly concerned with higher education since the first Morrill L a n d - G r a n t Act a century ago. However, the role played b y the Government has increased greatly in the years since World W a r I I . Congress authorized the U. S. D e p t . of H e a l t h , Education, and Welfare to study and report on Federal programs in higher educa­ tion, the effects of these programs in 36 institutions of higher learning, and to m a k e observations and recommendations on the Federal program. T h e Government both gives to and receives much from the n a ­ tion's colleges and universities. I n the former, direct assistance is given for construction of research facilities, grants are given to aug­ ment research staffs in special fields, and loans are given for s t u d e n t housing and facilities. I n addition, financial assistance is given to stu­ dents through loans, fellowships, veterans benefits, and special schol­ arships. On the other hand, the Government relies on the resources of these institutions for the opera­ tion of Government-owned research laboratories, performance of basic research, advisory service of faculty experts in Government programs, and provision of special educational services for Federal employees and visitors from other countries. More t h a n 15 different Federal departments and agencies conduct major programs, with no single co­ ordinating agency. These pro­ grams emphasize research and grad­ uate education. Between 1955 and 1960, about 7 5 % of all Federal in­ come reported by colleges and uni­ versities was for research and de­ velopment. Participation classified as re-

Lithographed in 6 Colors on heavy Chart Stock with Protective Coating to prevent glare— With Revised 48-Page Key Booklet. No. 4854. CHART OF THE ATOMS, 1963 Edition, Each $7.50 Available for immediate shipment!

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Circle No. β on Readers' Service Card VOL.

35, NO. 1 , JANUARY 1963


75 A


search or "education and training" is related to the level of the degrees the institutions award. Of the 2or 3-year colleges that offer less than a bachelor's degree, fewer than 1% participated in Federal programs in 1959; 25% of the colleges that award a bachelor's as their highest degree participated; while 47% and 95% of those awarding masters and doctoral degrees, respectively, participated. Seven Federal agencies contributed the following percentages of Federal research funds to higher educational institutions in 1960 (not including funds for operation of Government-owned research centers).

Agency D e p a r t m e n t of Defense Public H e a l t h Service N a t i o n a l Science F o u n d a t i o n Atomic E n e r g y Commission D e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture N a t i o n a l Aeronautics a n d S p a c e Agency Office of E d u c a t i o n


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P e r c e n t of research funds


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Circle No. 37 on Readers' Service Card

Of the 465 institutions participating in Federal research programs, 296 were private (61% of funds) and 169 were public (39%. of funds). Twenty-five universities received 68% of the funds for research in fiscal year 1960, 50 received 82 %, and 100 received 94%. The 25 major participants in Federal research and development programs in 1960 are listed below. This does not include funds to operate Government-owned research centers.

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VOL. 35, NO. 1, JANUARY 1963


77 A

EDITOR'S COLUMN Stanford University University of Texas Washington University (St. Louis) University of Washington (Seattle) University of Wisconsin Yale University

I n Federally sponsored education and training programs, funds are more widespread. Twenty-five institutions received 4 4 % of Federal funds for education a n d training in 1959. Also, approximately twice as m a n y public institutions as p r i v a t e ones are listed in t h e group of 101 maj or participants in education a n d training programs. T h i s is because of the close tie between state and Federal programs which emphasize agriculture. These programs are concentrated in land g r a n t institutions. A b o u t 7 5 % of the nation's accredited colleges a n d universities p a r t i c i p a t e in a t least one of the Federal programs in education. T h e most widely diffused are those for s t u d e n t loans, assistance to veterans, a n d housing loans. T h e report particularly notes the concentration of spending a t certain universities where t a l e n t and resources are especially strong and suggests widening this circle of institutions t o increase t h e supply of highly trained and qualified r e search workers and college teachers. There is a warning too, in t h e subtle influence which m a y cause academic institutions to shift from traditional objectives t o those externally imposed urgencies of n a tional and international affairs. A strong faculty devoted t o t h e p u r poses of education a n d academic freedom should provide a safeguard to institutional independence. While there is strong objection to any centralized administration of Federal programs in higher education, there is a need for a centralized information service concerning these activities which h a v e become so complex. T h e report also suggests t h a t the effects of the Government programs on higher education need further study and evaluation.


Now solvent extractions which formerly took u p to 16 hours can be m a d e in two to three hours. T h e Goldfisch F a t Extractor is designed for samples not exceeding five grams and solvents with boiling range of 35° to 60°. Its efficiency results in safe, accurate determinations normally requiring


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T h i s quality-built Labconco condenser minimizes "frothing" while maintaining a constant volume of solution. Heavy pyrex glass condensers permit full vision, give you a digestion free of metal contact. Flasks lock against the rigid condensers to prevent " b u m p i n g " during boiling. For complete information contact your dealer or Labconco, 8815 S. Prospect Ave., Kans a s City 30, Missouri.





Circle No. 81 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

35, NO. 1, JANUARY 1963


79 A