Department of Chemistry, Western Reserve Universilu, Clekland, Ohio. Received November 17, 1968. The effects of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvolta...
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cessed coupon was bounded by a plastic gasket they move some distance away from the surface pressed against its face, so that only a plane surface before combining with oxide or hydroxyl ions, so was exposed, giving a more uniform current distri- that a hydrous oxide precipitate forms, instead of bution. an adherent oxide film. It should be noted that According to Haring, the total charge carried by while the pits are enlarging, the growth of the comthe excess positive ions within the film increases as pact film continues on the rest of the surface, at a the oxide film thickens. This requires a corre- potential of about 10 v. This very high potential sponding increase in the number of oxide ions ad- a t the pits probably cannot be attributed to a posorbed on the outer surface of the oxide film, and tential through a remaining oxide film, but instead causes an increase in the potential across the oxide/ is probaHly caused by large ohmic resistance and solution interface. When this latter potential concentration polarization effects in the electrolyte becomes large enough, oxygen evolution begins within the pits, where the current density is very again. This reaction, unlike the reaction of metal high. There is no experimental evidence that oxygen ions with oxide ions involved in film growth, yields electrons a t the solution side of the film. These evolution begins on titanium at the end of the second electrons, in moving through the film toward the potential rise, Le., a t 10 v. Some bubbles were obmetad, neutralize some of the positive metal ions, served a t the edges of the coupons, but these could thereby decreasing the space charge and permitting be due to the aeration of the solution, or to the earthe movement of more positive ions from the metal lier oxygen evolution, However, the evolution of into the film. These ions tend to follow the path of a visible quantity of oxygen probably would not be best conductance established by the inward-moving required to initiate film breakdown by Haring's electrons. The result is a sporadic pattern of film mechanism. After breakdown has occurred a t a few points, the electrode reaction at these points growth and local breakdown of the film. The local film breakdown would be expected to may change to the direct anodic oxidation of titaoccur a t the areas of highest current density, Le., nium, followed by precipitation of the ions as a a t the edges of the flush coupons. This is where pits hydrous oxide. were found after the potential had been a t +10 v. Acknowledgment.-The authors are pleased to for a while. Film breakdown at points along the acknowledge some financial assistance under Office sharp edge would cause further concentration of the of Naval Research Contract 375(02). This recurrent at these points. In these pits, titanium search is being continued under this same conions are removed from the metal so rapidly that tract.

THE E F F E C T OF ULTRASONIC WAVES ON HYDROGEN OVERVOLTAGE'i2 BY ERNESTYEAGER,T. S. OEYAND FRANK HOVORKA Department of Chemistry, Western Reserve Universilu, Clekland, Ohio Received November 17, 1968

The effects of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvoltage have been investigated a t 300 kc./sec. in terms of a bright platinum surface. Polarization measurements have been made by the indirect method with an electronic commutator and gated potentiometer. The acoustical amplitude has been determined with a calibrated barium titanate hydrophone. In the absence of ultrasonic waves, the overvoltaTe ha8 been found to follow the Tafel equation in both sulfuric and hydrochloric acid solutions a t current dpnsities from 0.2 to 30 ma./cm.2 with a Tafel slope of 0.03 and an intercept constant of 0.12. The decay of the overvoltage with time has been observed to be as low as 1 mv. during a period of 0.001 sec. following the interruption of the polariziiig current. These results support the theor that the atomic combination step is responsible for hydrogen overvoltage on platinum. The Tafel slope has been foun8to depend to a minor extent on the type and the concentration of electrolyte. Ultrasonic waves at cavitation levels produce a decrease in the overvoltage without modifying the Tafel slope. Approximately two-thirds of this depolarization persists after the radiations have ceased. The initial values for the polarization before irradiation are recovered if the polarizing current is turned off for a matter of minutes. The instantaneous component of the depolarization is explained on the basis that the ultrasonic waves greatly reduce the concentration gradient with respect to dissolved inolecular hydrogen a t the electrode surface. The residual depolarization is interpreted in terms of the stripping off of irreversibly adsorbed species on the surface. The latter probably are adsorbed a t the lower potential of the electrode prior to passage of polarizing current and are not readily readsorbed a t the more cathodic potential of the polarized electrode.

Introduction Ultrasonic waves are capable of producing ax. as well as d.c. changes in the potential of a polarized gas electrode such as the hydrogen electrode. The former effect3 appears to depend primarily on the (1) Presented at the symposium on Electrode Processes at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Atlantic City in September, 1952. (2) Work partially supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N7 onr 47002, Project No. NR 051 162. (3) E.0.. E. Yeager and F. Hovorka, J . Electrochem. Soc., 98, 14

modulation of the I R drop in the immediate vicinity of the electrode as a result of the periodic variations produced in the bubble size by the ultrasonic waves. The d.c. effect is more interesting in terms of fundamental information concerning polarization. Ultrasonic waves would be expected to produce a decrease in the polarization associated with a hydrogen electrode for the following two reasons. (1981); E. Yeager, J. Bugosli, €I. Dietrick and F. Hovorka, J . Acousl. An.,22, 680 (1950).


. v

Mar., 1953


First, the cavitation associated with the ultrasonic waves is capable of stripping off adsorbed. materials on the electrode surface. Such a stripping action is reasonable in view of the ability of high intensity ultrasonic waves to erode a metal surface in a l i p uid. The second basis upon which depolarization is to be expected involves the micro-agitation associated with the impingement of ultrasonic waves on a phase discontinuity. Ultrasonic waves of even moderate intensity are very effective in reducing any concentration gradients a t the electrode interfaces. The effect of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvoltage was noted in 1934 by Moriguchi4 in Japan. In 1937 Schmid and Ehret in Germany6 and Piontelli6 in Italy studied the effects of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvoltage for several metal surfaces. These workers reported that marked decreases in hydrogen overvoltage were produced by moderately intense ultrasonic waves, i.e., above cavitation levels. Quantitative information concerning the acoustical amplitude was not obtained. Furthermore, the circumstances under which these experiments were conducted were far short of the requirements generally acknowledged to be a prerequisite for hydrogen overvoltage measurements. The overvoltage data obtained by these workers without ultrasonic waves are a t some variance with the values now generally accepted. It is interesting to note that Polotskii and FilipP O V ~have been able to produce decreases in hydrogen overvoltage by inducing cavitation in the vicinity of the electrode with superheated steam. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to study the effect of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvoltage under controlled electrochemical and acoustical conditions. Smooth platinum has been chosen as the surface upon which to initiate this study since there is some agreements-10 as to the nature of hydrogen overvoltage on this surface. For platinum in acid medium the discharge of the hydrogen ion to yield adsorbed atomic hydrogen is believed to be essentially reversible at moderate current densities while the combination of atomic hydrogen to form molecular hydrogen is rate determining. Experimental Procedure OF tlic various tcchniqucs for the measurement of polarization, tho commutator or indirect method is particularly

proniising because it affords information concerning thc build-up and decay of overvoltage as well as the steadystate polarization when adequate electronic instrumentation is used. With this technique the polarizing current is periodically interrupted and the potential of the polarized electrode determined relative to a reference electrode as a function of time following either the initiation or interruption of thc current. I n electrochemical studies involving ultrasonic waves the commutator method has additional advantages for it permits the use of small electrodes without (4) N. Morigaohi, J . Chem. SOC.Japan., 66,751 (1034). (5) G . Schmid and L. Ehret, 2. Elektrochem., 43, 597 (1037). (6) R. Piontelli, Alli accad. Lincei, Classe sci. fiz. mal. nat., 27, 357, 581 (1938).

(7) I. Polotskii and T . lUippov, J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.), 17, 193 (1947). (8) L. Hainmett, Trans. Faraday Soc., 29, 770 (1933). (9) P. Dolin, B. Ershler and A. Frumkin, Acto Physicochim. (U.R. S.S.),13,779 (1940). (IO) J. O’M. Bockris and A. Azzam, Trans. Faraday Soc., 48, 145 (1952).


complicated solution bridge arrangements in the immediate vicinity of the electrode. The latter would scatter the sound waves and greatly restrict quantitative acoustical measurements. A special electronic commutator and gated potentiometer unit has been developed for these measurements. This apparatus is similar to that described previouslyll with the exception that a double potentiometer arrangement12 IS used with the gated bridgc detector. With this unit the potential of a polarized electrode can be determined relative to a reference electrode with an accuracy of f l mv. during any 2-microsec. period following either the interruption or initiation of the polarizing current. The polarizing current can be varied from 10-6 through 0.4 amp. with interruption frequencies variable from 2 through 5000 per sec. and interruption periods from 3 microsec. through 0.1 sec. or one-half the repetition period depending on whichever is shorter. The hydrogen overvoltage measurements have been carricd out in an all-glass cell of the type shown in Fig. 1.’ HE






,c___JI Fig. I.-Acousto-clcctrochemical


This cell, referrcd to as the acousto-elcctrochemical cell, is positioned within a large glass tank in such a fashion that ultrasonic waves are propagated directly through the extremely thin walls (0.002 in.) of the glass bulb (Fig. 2). The outside wall of the cell is coated with a thin film of silvor conducting paint in order to minimize any electromagnetic pick-up which might interfere with the potential measurements. The tank is 2 ft. in width, 2 ft. in depth and 2.5 ft. in length. The temperature of the water in the tank has been maintained a t 25 0.05’. The source of the ultrasonic waves is a circular, x-cut, quartz transducer with a diameter of 2.5 in. A 800-watt, radio-frequency generator has been used to drive this transducer a t its fundamental frequency of 300 kc./sec. Acoustical intensities of the order of 15 watt,s/cm.2 are available directly in front of the transducer provided the d.c. flow of water associated with (11) D. Staicopoulos, E. Yeager and F. Hovorka, J . Electrochem. Soc., 98, 68 (1951). (12) ONR Technical Report No. 6, “An Improved Electronic Commutator for Polarization Measurements,” Ultrasonic Research Laboratory, Western Reserve University, Contract No. N 7 onr 47002,Project No. NR 051 162, December, 1951.


27 0

the sound field is not impeded and the water is relatively air free.




No.12 wire

Quartz orystal transducer

U Fig. 2.-Arrangenient


Water tank wall



for ultrasonic irradiation.

Acoustical pressure amplitudes have been determined with an accuracy of the order of + l o % by means of a hydrophone's in which the acoustically sensitive element is a polarized barium titanate cylinder with a diameter of '/a in., a length of '/a in., and a wall thickness of 0.01 in. The calibration of this hydrophone has been accomplished at 300 kc./sec. by comparison with a primary laboratory standard which had been previously calibrated by radiation pressure measurements and also checked by the U. S. Navy Underwater Sound Reference Laboratory at Orlando, Florida. The barium titanate hydrophone could not be introduced directly into the acousto-electrochemical cell during the overvoltage measurements without contaminating the solutions. Hence, it was necessary to determine the transmission characteristics of the glass cell and then to estimate the pressure amditude within the cell from amditude measurements in the'water outside of the cell. For most of the research, the platinum cathodewas located approximately 5 in. from the quartz transducer. 90 At this distance diffraction effects associated with the finite dimensions of the transducer were evi80 dent. The diffraction effects as well as the formation of cavitation 70 bubbles in the hydrogen-gas-saturated solution within the cell and the acoustical mismatch between 6o the solution inside the cell and the water in the outer tank limited the 50 accuracy of the estimated value of the acoustical pressure amplitude at the cathode to approximately 5 40 30%. The relative accuracy for a given solution, however, was prob30 ably *lo%. The sound field within the cell in the vicinity of 2o the qathode was essentially progressive. Gas-type cavitation in the gas-saturated solution within 10 the cell made it difficult to obtain acoustical intensities much greater than a few watts per cm.2at the - 4.0 --4.5

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A platinized-platinum wire with hydrogen gas bubbling around it was used as the reference electrode (Fig. 1). A reversible hydrogen electrode was also used as the anode. The latter consisted of a platinized-platinum foil, 10 cm.2 in area, with hydrogen gas bubbling over the surface. At the anode molecular hydrogen was oxidized to hydrogen ions, and hence, free oxygen was not produced. The success of this technique, L e . , a reversible hydrogen anode, is reflected by the fact that the potential of the anode differed by less than 5 mv. from the potential of the reversible hydrogen reference electrode for polarizing currents as high as 20 ma. The surfaces of both the reference electrode and the anode were prepared according to standard platinizing procedures. An auxiliary cathode and a working cathode were incorporated in the cell as shown in Fig. 1. The auxiliary cathode was used for electrolytically purifying the solutions. In each case the platinum wire was sealed into soft glass tubing and electrical connection made through a copper wire which was joined to the platinurn wire with silver solder. The working cathode was 14-gage (B and S) platinum wire with an exposed area of 0.4 I n order to minimize the abnormally high current densities associated with sharp edges, the end of each cathode was fused to form a sphere of curvature comparable to that of the bulk of the wire. The cathode surfaces were pretreated in the following fashion. First, the electrodes were exposed for five minutes to a solution consisting of equal volumes of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid. After a rinse with distilled water, the electrodes were placed in boiling nitric acid for five minutes. The electrodes were then rinsed thoroughly with conductivity water and annealed for 10 minutes in a hydrogen flame. After preparation the cathodes were stored in a hydrogen-gas-saturated solution which was of the same composition as that involved in the subsequent overvoltage measurements. The active area of the platinum surface prepared by this procedure was very small compared


2 3

9 e

with hydrogen g a s and for excluding oxygen gas which would otherwise act as a depolarizing agent. The hydrogen gas from a cylinder was purified by passing it through a conventional purification train (platinum at 450") to remove primarily oxygen and then through an adsorption trap filled with activated carbon at liquid nitrogen temperature to remove any remaining trace impurities. The fritted-glass plug a t the bottom of the cell permitted hydrogen gas to be bubbled over the surface of the working cathode during the polarization measurements if desired. (13) ONR Technical Report No. 2, "Apparatus for Acoustical Measurements with Pulse-Modulated Ultrasonic Waves," ibid., December, 1949.





to that associated with platinized-platinum electrodes of comparable apparent surface area. Reasonably extensive precautions have been taken to minimize impurities in the solutions used for the overvoltage measurements. Conductivity water was prepared from ordinary distilled water by two redistillations, the first of which was from an alkaline permanganate solution. Sulfuric acid (C.P. du Pont) was used in preparing the decinormal and normal sulfuric acid solutions. The hydrochloric acid solutions were obtained by diluting azeotropic solutions of hydrochloric acid which were in turn prepared by dist(i1lation. In t.he study of the effect of salt concentration on hydrogen overvoltage in sulfuric and hydrochloric acid solutions, reagent grade crystals of potassium sulfate or chloride were used.


Mar., 1953



-3 70 .& 60 c



5 40

k 30 20

10 0


-3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2:o Log i, i = average current in amperes/cm.2

furic acid while the upper curves in Figs. 4 and 5 represent similar data for normal sulfuric and hydrochloric acid solutions, respectively. These potential measurements were made during a period of 3 microsec.







where q is the overvoltage, i is the current density and a and b are con’stants characteristic of the rate-determining processes and the surface. Values for the intercept constant a and the slope constant b are tabulated for various solutions in the columns marked “before irradiation” in Table I. These data have been obtained from graphs similar to those in Figs. 3-5. On the basis of duplicate determinations, the recision for the a constants before urtrasonic irradiation is estimated to be AO.01 and for the b constants f O . O O 1 . The values for the slope constant b are generally 0.03 which is in agreement with the work of Hammett,* Dolin and his co-workers,g and Bockris and Azzam.lo It is noteworthy that there are significant differences in the slope constants for the various electrolytic solutions according to the present measurements. The variations in the a constants, however, are less significant since they may represent changes in the true surface area which may be attributable to imaurities saecific

these determinations. -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 - 1.5 According to Figs. 3-5, the hydroLog i, i = average current in amperes/cm.2 gen overvoltage on smooth or lowFig. 5.-The effect of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvoltage on platinum in surface-area platinum is linearly dependent on the current density hydrochloric acid; temp., 25’ ; electrolyte, 1.00 N HCl; current-on, 1800 microsec. ; after irradiation; for polarizing currents from approxi- current-off, 200 microsec. ; -O-O-, before irradiation; -a-a--, mately 0.2 through 50 ma./cm.2. -0-@--, during irradiation. For this range the hydrogen overvoltage may be represented by the Tafel equation II=a+blogi


(14) Similar results were reported by S. Schuldiner a t the Philadelphia meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May, 1952.







Before irradiation

During irradiation

0.107 N HzSOi 1.07 N HzSOc 0,107 N HzSOi 0,010 N KzSOi 0.107 N HzSOi 1 . 0 N KzSOc

0.100N HCl 1.00 N HCI 5.00 N HCI

+ +




a: ai mv.

ULTRASONIC WAVES After irradiation




0.12 .10

0.028 .021

0.097 .068

0.03 .02

0.10s .078

0.03 .02

- 16










.15 I12 -11 .12

.035 .029 .026 .031

.112 .09,

.035 .03 .03 .03

-3 8 -2a

.126 .lo6

.035 .03 .03 .03





-30 -37


,090 .OS6


Avr = a: a1





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- 1s -20 -2s

for current densities below 10 ma./cm.*. The build-up portion of the polarization curve is also flat within these limits. I n most cases when the polarizing current was increased about 100 ma./cm.2, the results were no longer reproducible

When the ultrasonic waves were stopped, only part of the initial decrease in polarization was recovered as is shown by the middle curves in Figs. 4 and 5. If the polarizing current was turned off for a kubstantial time, e.g., two minutes, the polarization increased to the original values as represented by the upper curves in each figure. Similar results have been obtained in other electrolytic solutions and are summarized in Table I. The values listed under the heading A71 represent the initial depolarizing 80 action of the acoustical waves and are associated with changes in the Qi Tafel a constant while the values f: 70 under the leading A72 represent the residual depolarization after the ultra60 sonic radiations have ceased. The variations in the values for A71 can be partially accounted for in terms *' 50 of variations in acoustical intensity Y with various electrolytes. The ratio 40 of A72 to A ~ isI approximately 2/a in everv case. 8 Nb change has been noted in the 30 decay or build-up curve for the polarization in the presence of ultrasonic 20 waves at current densities for which the Tafel equation has been found applicable. 10 I n Fig. 7 is a graph which represents the dependence of overvoltage 01 I I 1 I I on acoustical pressure amplitude -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 (r.m.s.) with 1.07 N sulfuric acid as Log i, i = average current in amperes/cm.* the electrolyte at a time-average curFig. 6.-The effect of agitation on hydrogen overvoltage on platinum: temp., 25'; rent densitv of 12.8 maJcm.2. The electrolyte, 0.107 N HzS04; current-on, 1800 microsec.; current-off, 200 microsec.; effect of the acoustical' waves was -e*, without agitation; --O--O-, with agitation. only minor until a pressure amplitude of approximately 0.35 atm. was and the decay curve for the polarization showed appreciable reached. The latter corresponded to approximately 0.08 slope (> 10 mv. in 0.001 sec.). Furthermore, when the watt/cm.2. At such intensities gas-type cavitation became current density was subsequently lowered, the polarization evident visually. measurements were higher than before and erratic from run 48 1 to run. The decay curves also retained appreciable slope. This phenomenon may be similar to the hysteresis found by 46 4 Bockris and Azzam10 in their hydrogen overvoltage measure5 44 ments on platinum at current densities above 1 amp./cm.l.

2 .r(




Experimental Results with Ultrasonic Waves The graphs in Figs. 4 and 5 represent the effect of ultrasonic waves on hydrogen overvoltage in normal sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid solutions. The upper curve in each figure indicates the dependence of the overvoltage on the current density prior to irradiation while the lowest curve represents the overvoltage during irradiation. Each point on the latter was obtained within 2 min. after the ultrasonic generator was turned on. The intensity of the acoustical waves was of the order of 1 watt/cm.* and the frequency 300 kc./sec. Changes of as much as 30% may have occurred in the acoustical amplitude between measurements in the various electrolytes because of differences in the acoustical impedances of the solutions. From these curves i t is atmarent that ultrasonic waves Droduce a marked decrease in txe overvoltage without substantially modifying the Tafel slope.

142 ,E3 40 38



3 36 34 32 30 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 Pressure amplitude in atm. (r.m.a.). Fig. 7.-The dependence of the depolarizing effect of ultrasonic waves on acoustical pressure amplitude: temp., 25'; electrolyte, 1.066 N HzSOd; current density (av.), 12.8 mF./cm.a; current-on, 1800 microsec.; current-off, 200 microsec.


Mar., 1953

When the cathode was exposed to ultrasonic waves of even moderate intensities (0.1 watt/cm.*), a marked change occurred in the nature of the gas evolution. For a given current density, the bubble size was greatly increased. This phenomenon is not unique for electrolysis. If a liquid filled with suspended gas bubbles is placed in an ultrasonic field, the bubbles also grow larger in size and rise rapidly to the surface.

Interpretation of Results Both the Tafel constant 6 value of 0.03 as well as the relatively flat decay curves support the atomic combination theory of hydrogen overvoltage which may be represented by the following steps


(H.zH*O)+ (e--Pt) 2(H-Pt)

(H-Pt) Ha -I-2Pt


+ zHzO



with step 1 essentially reversible and step 2 irreversible. The small variations of the Tafel slope constant 6 with the type and concentration of electrolyte may be rationalized in terms of the effects of various species present at the solution-electrode interface or the reaction rates. Ordinarily in the derivation of the simple Tafel equation by a kinetic or quasi-kinetic treatment, the various reactions associated with steps 1 and 2 are assumed to be either simply first or second order with respect to the various reactants. In the more general case, however, the forward and reverse reactions associated with step 1may be represented as


[if] = [k:l(N n)%+) exp [-a@ 7 $ ) j / R T ] (2) [GI = [kil(n)s exp ddj/RTI (3)


where [if]and [ii] represent the cathodic and the anodic currents, respectively, associated with step 1, [k:] and [k;] are constants which are dependent on the temperature, n is the surface concentration of adsorbed hydrogen in moles per unit area, N is the total number of active sites available for the adsorption of atomic hydrogen in terms of moles per unit area, (a+) is the reaction or kinetic activity16 of the hydrogen ions in some ill-defined portion of the solution adjacent to the electrode surface (perhaps the double layer), E is the potential of the electrode relative to the bull