The Effects of Moisture on Chemical and Physical Changes (Smith, JW)

The Effects of Moisture on Chemical and Physical Changes (Smith, J. W.). Malcolm M. Haring. J. Chem. Educ. , 1930, 7 (11), p 2755. DOI: 10.1021/ed007p...
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VOL. 7, No. 11


authors have ful6lled their mission to a very marked degree. The sixty-seven experiments cover the field of general chemistry very thoroughly. The work on chemical arithmetic, covering 28 pages and placed a t the end of the experiments for the first semester, is very commendable. So frequently students in first-year chemistry have very hazy ideas of applying their knowledge of mathematics. The examples given should help t o clarify the minds of the students with regard t o the application of arithmetic to chemistry. In addition t o the comments made in the May, 1929, issue of THISJOURNAL, the reviewer thinks a perusal of this manual will he profitable even though the teacher is satisfied with the results he is obtaining with a different manual. The first 176 pages are intended t o b e covered in the first semester and the second portion, consisting of 160 pages, is intended t o be covered in the second semester. It would ~ e r h a o cause s less canfusion if the pages were numbered from 1 to 3:iR indead of in the manner indicated above. Clarity would also be improved if the parts were given from I t o V, instead of beginning the second semester's work with part I again. V. T. JACKSON UNIVBRSIN OF FLORIDA


The Effects Of MOishm On and Physical Changes. J. W. SMITH,B.Sc.. Pn.D., University College. London. With an introduction by DR. .' G. Longmans, Green and CO.* London* New City* Toronto, 1929. xii 235 PP. 44 illustrations. 50 tables. 14 X 21.5 cm. Net price, $3.75.


This book should prove t o be of the greatest value t o those interested in catalytic reactions and the physical properties of substances. Dr. Smith has attempted t o collect and carrelate dl the available data and theories relating t o intensely dried systems. The chapters, 24 in numher, take up in gasem order a general historical s-y,


reactions, such as the classic C&OrCOz, HrCIrHCI. HTCkHzO, N G O ~ N O Iand , HCI-NHrNHCI systems, solid-gas reactions, reactions between solids, reactions in non-aqueous solutions, decomposition of solids, physical properties and intensive drying, influence of traces of other catalysts, influence of an electrical field, etc. Not only are the various theories well discussed and all available data given, but much of the experimental technic necessary t o success in such work is described in considerable detail. Dr. Smith is t o he commended for his able and much-needed -contribution in a little-understood field. MALCOLM M. HARINO

Die quantitative organkche Mikroanalyse. FRITZ PREGL,Dr.Med. und Dr. Phil. H.C., 0.0. Professor der Medicinischen Chemie und Vorstand des MedizinischChrmischen lnstituts an der Cmvcrsitiit Graz. Korroqmndierendes hIitplied ~ i s s e n x h a f t & in der ~ k a d e m i e Wien. Third edition, Julius Springer, 256 pp. Berlin. &rmany, 1930. xii 51 figs. 15.5 X 23 em. R M 19.80.



A detailed review of the third edition of a book so well known as this one is unnecessary. The second edition was translated into both F m c h and English a copy f, this mostimportant work i, to he found in practically all of the libraries of chemistry. The rapid growth of the use of the methods of quantitative organic microanalysis and developments in the methods themselves made the third edition desirable,

The third edition follows closely the plan of the second. Professor Pregl confines himself chiefly t o those methods of microanalysis which have been developed in his laboratory. The methods are dexribed in minute detail, so that the beginner can make progress without other assistance and the work is admirably written for use as a textbook. The historical discussion is more com-