The EIMCO® corporation - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Nov 30, 2016 - Wastewater alchemy. Sewage stinks. It causes pollution. Few people care where it goes. Fewer chemists want to work with it.... SCIENCE ...
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Taking the guesswork out of Process

So often, chemical processors want to know IF-—if a process involving liquid-solids separation will work on a practical basis if a product can be obtained that will meet unusual specifications if a way can be found to reduce needless product loss. .






So often, too, Eimeo’s modern Research and Development Center has been able to provide clear answers to such processing problems. With your product samples and our insight into the science of liquid-solids separation, a trial process can be set up in the laboratory and tested in the pilot plant. If necessary, testing can be continued in your plant, with a platform filter station moved in and hooked into your processing circuit.

Eimeo’s research personnel match years of experience with whatever subtleties of liquid-solids reactions that may turn up in your projected process. Scientific testing tells you if your process will work before commercial scale operations are set up and even gives you a knowledge of what your costs will be. .



The Eimco representative in your area can put you in touch with Eimco research facilities. Call him.

of Eimco Research




The EimcoBelt continuous belt filter ed to eliminate troublesome


blinding of the cloth

filter medium in continuous filtration. moves


This filter


the medium for cake discharge and thorough

cleaning to maintain maximum efficiency. Downtime for cloth change is less than a half hour. EimcoBelt



previously considered “impossible” for

continuous in many



Head Office: Salt Lake City 10, Utah, U.S.A. Export Office: 52 South St., N.Y.

B-805 Circle No.

58 A


78 on

Readers’ Service Card

have made it possible to handle

filtration, thus greatly reducing




Quality Since


C. r


Engineering aft m a n s b i p s
