The electron in organic chemistry. III. The thermal and hydrolytic

The electron in organic chemistry. III. The thermal and hydrolytic stability and instability of the carbon-to-carbon bond. M. S. Kharasch, Otto Reinmu...
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The Thermal a n d Hydrolytic

Stability and Instability


of the Carbon-to-Carbon Bond?


F. R. MAYO**

The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

The authors discuss briej'ly the functions and criteria fornulation of chemical generalizations i s outlined. A f W a n introductory general discussion of factors inof merit of scientifi models in general. In the light of this prefatory statement the graphic aids to expxition fluencing the thermal and hydrolytic stabilities of employed by the writers are described as constituting a interatomic bonds, the application of the system to the simple and convenient system of notation for indicating specific problem of elucidating the behambr of carbon-toenergy relationships. The mechanism, validity, and limi- carboxyl bonds i s demonstrated. Data relating to the tations of the method adopted for the determination of discussion hawe been tabulated. relatiwe electronegatiwities of organic radicals are discussed. A further application of the system i s illustrated through The breadth of applicability of the authors' system of a summarization of the results of a study on hydrolytic notation i s noted, but certain natural limitations are scission of highly polar carbon-to-carbon bonds in methane pointed out. The method of applying the system to the deriwatives recently completed in this laboratory.


general diagram of a snowflake nevertheless remains the simplest possible- hexagon. The scientific model may achieve generality by the mere avoidance of specialized detail. If the model is fundamentally sound various details or refinements may be added when specialized tasks are to be undertaken. In the meantime, while the simpler applications to strictly chemical phenomena are being made, it is an advantage to dispense with superfluous encumbrances.




T SEEMS to the writers desirable, even a t the expense of some repetition, to preface the third article of this series with a few further remarks on scientific models, their functions and criteria of merit. Briefly, the model is a tool whereby we hope to attain one of the primary ends of science-generalization. By its use we hope to correlate apparently isolated classify and order facts in such a manner that they take on a d&cemiblepattern. Secondary and perhaps more utilitarian potentialities of the model lie in its mnemonic and predictive ~t is easier to remember associated than isolated facts; it is often possible to deduce forgotten gr totally unknown facts from remembered generalizations. The criteria of merit in a model are, therefore, as Langmuir (1) has stated them-generality and convenience, the latter of which implies also simplicity, superficially it might appear that generality and simplicity are fundamentally incompatible-that, as a model is adapted to cover an ever.widening range of subject matter, i t must necessarily become more complicated in the process. In refutation of this idea, however, let us consider the snowflake. Its crystallography is hexagonal. To specify a particular snowflake it is necessary to add numerous details not obviously inferable from our original statement, but the most


* Parts I and 11 of this series (Kh. and R.) appeared in J. CKEM.Eouc., 5, 404-18 (Apr., 1928) and 8, 170348 (Sept., 1931). respectively. t Contribution from the George Herbert Jones Laboratory of Theuniversity of Chicago. ** Present location. E. I. du Pont de Nernours & Co.. Wilmington, Delaware.


In accordance with these ideas the scientific model becomes, not SO much a ort trait or even a blueprint, as a graphic statement of speR R'HgCHCIR

+ C1. +R'HgCHCIR + HCI + HC1 d R'HgCI + ClCH2R

I t is obvious that an analogous disturbance is possible, even with HCI, if the attempt is made to apply the method to unsaturated radicals. I n at leasl some such cases there i s the possibility of instantaneous addition of the acid proton at the extra electron pair, with consequent electronic shifts within the molecule and anomalous cleanage.* *Austin (7) has reported that- when triphenyllead allyl is treated with a halogen acid, the'allyl group is eliminated, yielding the triphenyllead halide almost quantitatively. He attributed the course of the reaction to the great reactivity of the triad system but did not stress this point very strongly. I t should be noted, however, that this interpretation is hardly tenable, since triphenyllead benzyl, which contains the same triad system, does not eliminate the :@enzylgroup under similar conditions but splits off a pbenyl grouq instead. The implication that the allyl radical is more electronegative than the phenyl radical is inconsistent with other chemical datn, e. g., the relative stabilities toward hydrolysis of allyl chloride and chlorobenzene. Therefore a study of the splitting of o m pounds of this type, as exemplified by phenylmercuric allyl. was undertaken in this laboratory by one of us (Kh) and S. Swartz (8)and will be reported in a f u t w e paper. I t was found that when phenylmercuric allyl is split by means of HCI, fifty per cent. of the mercury is recoVerable in the form of phenylmercuric chloride. The addition of potassium iodide to the filtrate to convert any allylmercuric chloride present to the less soluble iodide led only to the recovery of the remaining fifty per cent. of mercury as mercuric iodide. I t was shown that allylmercuric chloride is readily decomposed by HCI into prapylene and mercuric chloride; hence the mercury recovered as iodide may be regarded as derived from allylmercuric chloride. If the splitting of phenylmercuric ally1 takes place exclusively in the normal manner we must reach the astonishing conclusion that we have here two radicals of equal electronegativity-a conclusion which is not only inconsistent with Austin's results. but which accords no better with other chemical data. However, a consideration of the probable mechanism of the reaction points the way to a more plausible interpretation. On the basis of the principles outlined in the second article of this series the extra electron pair of the ally1 group should be associated with the gamma carbon atom. I t is undoubtedly a ready proton acceptor. In the presence of HC1 it seems inevitable that a hydrogen ion should by this means become at-

There are also, of course, radicals which are insusceptible of investigation by this method by reason of the impossibility of linking them with mercury in compounds of the R'HgR type. Although not universal, the applicability of the method is wide. It is to be hoped that, with its aid, supplementary and mutually consistent methods may be developed. Now that the uncertainty inherent in the directed addition of halogen. acids to slightly unsymmetrical ethylene derivatives by reason of the peroxide effect has been cleared up by two of us and McNab (9),it would seem that one reliable supplementary method of determining relative electronegativities of organic radicals has already been established. Pending further extension of our table of relative electronegativities (see second article of this series) it is possible to make cautious use of certain tentative rules and deductions which will be discussed more fully at a later point in this exposition. APPLICABILITY OF THE AUTHORS' NOTATION AND TABLE OF ELECTRONEGATIVITIES

The difficulty in selecting a suitable method of determining relative electrouegativities might seem to suggest that a table of relative electronegativities once obtained could have only a very limited applicability, but this is not necessarily true. A little reflection will show that a standard, once accurately establish.ed, may be profitably applied qualitatively to a wide range of phenomena or reactions which for one reason or another could not lend themselves to an accurate establishment of the standard in the first place. To say this is not to claim universal applicability for

the system. Obviously, it cannot profitably be applied to phenomena in which the electronegativity of a given radical is but one of many complex interdependent phenomena determining the final outcome. An extremely elementary example is not far to seek. We need only consider the dissociation constants of aqueous solutions of carboxylic acids. Some of the interdependent equilibria which have a part in determining the numerical result obtained when conductivity or hydrogen-ion potential measurements are made on such solutions may be crudely indicated as follows : x(HxO), z=? y(HsO),. HsO z=? RCOOH . H1O (2) RCOOH (3) ZRCOOH z=? (RCOOH)9 RCOO(4) 2RCOOH tRCOOHxf ( 5 ) RCOOH H1O tH 8 0 + RCOO(1)


which, with the characteristic instability of organic ions, immediately dissociates into @:Hgf and neutralpmpylene. (Incidentallv it should be noted that the formation. of DrODVlene in this manner implies a shift of the double bond-ad implication which cannot be tested experimentally in the case of the ally1 radical itself. A study of suitable derivatives of the allyl radical is now in progress in this laboratory.) The same mechanism would also account for the rapid decompo5ition of allylmercuric chloride into propylene and HgCL in the presence of HCI. I t is highly probable, therefore, that scission of compounds like allylmercuric chloride involves two competing r e a c t i o n s t h e one iust described, and the normal splittina- previously discussed on the preceding page. Incidentally, a mechanism closely analogaus to the one suggested would account for the impossibility of obtaining significant yields of phenylmercuric ally1 by the condensation of nllylmercuric iodide with a n excess of phenylmagnesium bromide. Any phenylmercuric allyl formed in this way is decomposed by the addition of the CsHjMgt ion a t the extra electron pair with conseauent formation of ~henvlmercuricbromide, which reacts with excess phenylmagn;sium bromide to form mercury diphenyl. On i h e other-hand, when phenylmcrcuric bromide is used with an excess of allylmagnesium bromide, the phenylmercuric bromide reemeraled through the addition of oositive ally1 magnesium ion a t the double bond in phenylmercuric all$l condenses with excess co-reactant present to form more of thc desired product. ~



If for R we substitute R' we alter all of the above equilibria, probably not all in the same sense with respect to the effectupon the ultimate numerical result and certainly not all to an equivalent extent. In addition we affect ionic mobilities and interionic attractions. In the nature of things, cases of this type are not amenable to treatment on the basis of one factor alone. However, there remains a considerable range of phenomena to which the authors' system of notation may be profitably applied. Some types have been discussed and others have been mentioned in the previous articles of this series. It is the purpose of the present paper to indicate further examples.


tached t o the gamma allyl carbon atom, giving rise to the unstable ion or charged complex,



I t may be well to approach our specific discussion by way of a few introductory remarks concerning our method of attack upon such problems. Assuming that, on the basis of general chemical knowledge and a consideration of theoretical probabili,ties, a promising field of inquiry has been selected, the first step is to conduct a comprehensive survey of the field and to set up therein a point or points of reference. For instance, we sometimes find that among a group of homologous compounds certain members undergo a given reaction while others do not. It may then be found that all of the members which do not react contain significant radicals more (or less, as the case may be) electronegative than those contained in the members which do react. Further examination may show that, when the reactive members are arranged in some experimentally logical order (say the order of decreasing severity of the conditions necessary to bring about leaction), the significant radicals have also been arranged in an approximate* order of increasing or decreasing electronegativity.


'We say approximate for the reason that electronegativity may be merely the dominant rather than the sole factor involved. Also the available data may not he sufficiently precise quantitatively to permit exact relative placement of radicals which stand close together in the table.

The hypothetical case we have described is of the simplest type possible. Our point of reference is established bv ins~ectionbv the s i m ~ l eex~edientof dividing our homologous se;ies into reacthe and a non-reactive group. Sometimes it is found that a reaction will take one or the other of two possible courses depending upon the relative electronegativity and position of a significant radical (or radicals) in one of the reacting molecules. The directed addition of halogen acids to ethylene derivatives, discussed in the second article of this series, is a reaction of this kind. Often, however, the matter is not quite so simple. An illustration of a more complicated case is found in the first specific application which we desire to discuss. It may contribute both to economy and clarity of exposition to proceed by means of consideration of the actual case rather than by further hypothetical or general argument. If we examine the available data relating to the elimination (Abs@ltung) of the carboxyl group from carboxylic acids we find a collection of facts which a t first glance appears to conform to little rhyme or reason. Benzoic (10) and acetic (11) acids are highly stable as regards resistance to both heat and chemical reagents. Formic acid may be split to yield CO quantitatively (12, 13, 14), Con almost exclusively (15, 16, 17, 18, 19), or mixtures of both in varying proportions (18, 19, 20, 21) under conditions-of widely differing degrees of severity. Triphenylacetic acid when heated alone above its melting point eliminates COz (22), but gentle warming in concentrated H2S04 leads to quantitative evolution of CO (23). 2,4,6Trinitrobenzoic acid eliminates COz a t its melting point (210') or upon heating in water (24). 2,4,6Trihydroxybenzoic acid yields COe quantitatively in boiling aqueous solution. The a-hydroxy acids as a class are unstable toward heat either alone or in the presence of HgS04, as are the a-ketonic acids (see tables). What are we to thifik of so diverse a display of products and stabilities? Evenqthe relative electronegativities of radicals seem to offer no clue here. However, a careful sifting of the available data with particular attention to the relative stabilities of acids enables us to divide them roughly into two groups -a first group which is obviously of low stability and a second comprising varying degrees of stability from moderate to very high. If we ignore, for the moment, the second group and concentrate our attention upon the first, a strikmg fact immediately presents itself. Representing an organic acid by means of the general formula, RCOOH, we find that in the group under consideration R is always, without exception, either very strongly electronegative or very weakly electronegative. We may then make a further subdivision of our first group upon the basis of the relative electronegativities of the identifying radicals. When we have done so we perceive that the acids containing very strongly electronegative radicals (R) invariably yield Copupon decomposition. Of the acids


containing very weakly electronegative radicals (R), some are reported as yielding C01, some as yieldinp CO, and some. which have been examined- unde; varying conditions, are found to yield either one or the other depending upon the conditions of the experiment. FACTORS AFFECTING THE STABILITIES OF INTERATOMIC


In seeking an explanation of the fact that acids of two distinctly different types display comparable stabilities and in some cases yield a common product (COJ, we will do well to turn to a consideration of the general principles of bond stability. We may begin by noting that, as regards the electron-pair bond in general, there are two conceivable modes of rupture, which may be indicated as follows:

While we are accustomed to think of certain types of molecules as reacting in one way and of others as reacting in the other, it is necessary to keep in mind the fact that the mode of decomposition depends upon the circumstances and that the same molecule may dissociate according to scheme (1) under one set of experimental conditions and according to scheme (2) under other conditions. For a striking example we need not search beyond so familiar a compound as hydrogen chloride. In aqueous or other ionizing solutions we have :

whereas thermal decomposifion in the vapor phase takes place as follows: ..

It is, therefore, ambiguous to speak of the stability of hydrogen chloride unless we specify whether we have in mind the possibility of decomposition according to scheme (1) or scheme (2). By the former criterion hydrogen chloride is extremely unstable; by the latter it is highly stable. I t follows that a similar specification is necessary to any intelligent discussion of the relation of constitution to stability. With regard to ionic dissociation, hydrogen iodide is also highly unstable but probably somewhat more stable than hydrogen chloride; with regard to thermal decomposition it is notably less stable. Incidentally, i t should be noted that the possibility of alternative modes of splitting is not confined to highly polar bonds, nor is the ionic type of decomposition so rare in organic chemistry as is commonly assumed.* A rather impressive illustration of the polar splitting of an essentially non-polar bond is to be found in the


* It is to be understood that when we speak of bond rupture "of the ionic type" we do not imply that stable ions need necessarily be among the products or even the intermediates of the reaction. We indicate only that both electrons of the bonding pair remain with one atom when the bond is broken.

ionization of hexaphenyl ethane in liquid sulfur dioxide solution. In inert solvents, the characteristic freeradical formation is observed,

!? !?


ii ii




but in liquid sulfur dioxide a conducting solution is obtained, indicating that the scission is ionic. I t follows directly from the facts thus briefly outlined that molecular instability may arise from more than one cause. The circumstauce that two homologous molecules may both be said to be "unstable" does not necessarily indicate that their constituent radicals are of the same relative orders of electronegativity. In elaboration of this statement let us consider the individual behaviors of bonds of the three types indicated in Figure 1. As regards neutral splitting of (1) A- :-B t h i molecule to firm atoms or free radicals, bonds of (') A-:-B types (1) and (2) are both (3) A-: B relatively stable; bonds of From 1 type (3) are relatively unstable. As regards ionic splitting, bonds of type (1) are relatively stable; bouds of types (2) and (3) are both relatively unstable. There is in these facts nothing so strange as might appear at first glance. That honds of type (I), joining highly electronegative atoms or radicals, should be relatively stable under all conditions is altogether to be expected. Neutral splitting must result from the removal of one electron from the sphere of influence of one highly electronegative nucleus and of the second electron from the sphere of iduence of another highly electronegative nucleus. Both of these necessary operations would be strongly opposed. Ionic splitting would necessitate the removal of two electrons from the intluence of one highly electronegative nucleus. In bonds of type (3) we encounter the converse set of circumstances. To accomplish neutral splitting it is necessary only to withdraw one electron from each of two weakly electronegative nuclei. Likewise, to effect an ionic splitting it is required only to withdraw a pair of electrons from one or the other of two weakly electronegative nuclei. In honds of type (2), however, we encounter the interesting seeming paradox of relatively low stability toward ionic splitting and relatively high stability toward neutral splitting. Nevertheless the anomaly is only apparent, for ionic splitting is completely analogous to the ionic splitting of bonds of type (3), whereas neutral splitting involves a factor which contributes to the stability of bouds of type (I), namely, the necessity of removing one electron from the sphere of influence of a highly electronegative nucleus. THE RELATION OF STRUCTURE TO STABILITY I N CARBOXYLIC ACIDS

Some of the general principles which we have out-

lined are well illustrated in the behavior of carboxylic acids with respect to the removal of the carboxyl group. Designating the carboxylic acids by the general type formula, RCOOH, it is to be observed that the carboxyl group is easily removable: (1) when R is highly electronegative (somewhat or considerably more electronegative than phenyl) and (2) when R is very weakly electronegative (about equal in electronegativity to the carboxyl radical itself). It is also to be noted that in the former group of acids instability increases with increasing electronegativity of R; in the latter group, instability increases with decreasing electronegativity of R. If we permit ourselves the, following plausible assumptions, not only the relative stabilities but the products of decomposition of the carboxylic acids conform to a logical pattern. (1) Scission of the R-to-carboxyl bond in either of the following ways gives rise to C02elimination: R:COOH+R'+.COOH ( b ) R : COOH +R : COOH (a)


(2) Scission of the R-to-carboxyl bond gives rise to CO elimination when it takes place in the following manner: (6)



The precise mechanisms of the reactions involved need not concern us greatly. I t is sufficient to note in passing that scheme (a) undoubtedly represents the sole mode of scission in homogeneous, unimolecular, vapor-phase pyrolyses; it may, however, operate also in the liquid and solid phases. Decomposition according to schemes (b) and (c) may be encountered in the liquid or solid* phases, a d i n the vapor phase when contact catalysts are present or when the reaction is bi-molecular. It is evident, therefore, that although acids of the type, R : COOH (i. e., where R is strongly electronegative) might he expected to display moderate stability in the vapor phase, the difficulty of vaporizing them without first decomposing them according to scheme (b) has for the most part prevented confirmation of the expectation. It is interesting to note, however, that salicylic acid, for instance, can he sublimed below its melting point without decomposition (25) and that pure specimens may be distilled virtually unchanged, but that strong heating of the acid melt eliminates Con (26). Acids of the type R : COOH (i. e., in which R is weakly electronegative) must display low stability whatever the mode of scission. The product obtained (CO or Cop), and therefore presumably the type of splitting, varies dependmg upon the conditions of the experiment. Upon the basis of the data available it would appear that basic reagents favor COzevolution, while acid or dehydrating reagents favor evolution of

co. -

* It should be noted that decomposition in the solid phase is complicated by crystal-symmetry factors. See p. 1709 of the second article of this series.

Tables 1, 2, and 3 summarize for convenient reference a sufficient collection of experimental data to furnish a basis for evaluation of the ideas here set forth. No attempt has been made to arrange the radicals in the precise order of their relative electronegativities. The table has been more or less arbitrarily divided into three sections, however. The first section lists acids in which the radical R is strongly electronegative. The third section comprises very weakly electronegative radicals. The intermediate section tabulates acids containing radicals of intermediate electronegativity. I t may be regarded as a "box" which serves as a receptacle for data of no utility in the formulation of the concept here presented but readily interpretable upon the basis of that concept, once it has been formulated. In science, as in engineering, it is sometimes necessary to bridge a gap by extending firmly anchored cantilever spans until they meet. The behavior of amphoteric substances would be rather puzzling except in the light of some knowledge of acids and bases. Just so, no generalization regarding stabilities and modes of decomposition of carhoxylic acids could have proceeded from contemplation of the behavior of acids of comparatively high stability. Once outside the puzzle box depicted in Figure 2, however, and clues await the seeker.

radical the substituted radical as a whole becomes less electronegative than the methyl radical. The more electronegative and (for a given degree of electronegativity) the more numerous the substitutent groups, the less electronegative the substituted methyl radical becomes.* It is recorded in our table of relative electronegativities that the phenyl radical is more electronegative than the methyl radical. It has recently been determined that the isopropyl radical is more electronegative than the benzyl radical which is, in turn, more electronegative than the tertiary butyl radical (8). With the aid of the rule stated above we may, therefore, write the following radicals in the decreasing order of electronegativity indicated: methyl > isopropyl >benzyl > tertiary butyl > diphenylmethyl > triphenylmethyl. (2) A phenyl or naphthyl radical hearing a substituent which may be introduced directly is less electronegative than the phenyl radical itself. For example, the chlorophenyl, bromophenyl, and nitrophenyl radicals are all less electronegative than the phenyl radical itself. On the other hand, the hydroxyphenyl, methoxyphenyl, and tolyl radicals are all more electronegative than the phenyl radical. (3) When two substituents, both of which shift the electronegativity of the phenyl radical in the same Theoretically increasing R' COOH direction, are introduced together it is reasonable to thermal I Deercaing stability ' RL hydr?1ytic predict that the electronegativity of the resulting I sfabil ty marked by hydrolytic I radical should be shifted even farther from that of the instability I R' COOH phenyl radical than it is by a single substituent. Thus the cresyl radicals should be more electroHigh t o High to negative than the tolyl or hydroxyphenyl radicals, moderate moderate thermal both of which are more efe~trone~ative than phenyl hydrolytic stability &ability COON radical. The chloronitrophenyl radicals should be less electronegative than either the chlorophenyl or the COOH nitrophenyl radical, both of which are less electroCOOH negative than the phenyl radical. Decreasing Rules (2) and (3) above are discussed more fully in a hydrolytic stability recent publication by one of us'and Flenner (46). Various radicals which do not appear in our table of determined electronegativities are included in the FIGURE 2.-GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF TEE RELATION O F STRUCTURE mesent tabulation on the basis of the foregoina rules. TO STABILITY I N CARBOXYLIC ACIDS The a-hydroxy and a-carbonyl radicals are classified The diagram is not intended to be in any sense quantitative, hut merely to indicate qualitative trends. The term "hydrolytic" as weakly electronegative on the assumption that is used for convenience to refer to polar scission of the R-to-car- =O and -OH are strongly electronegative substituents. boxyl bond. The term "thermal" is similarly used to refer to .The trichloromethyl radical is also included as a weakly non-polar scission of the bond. electronegative group, although we have pointed out The method of determining the relative electro- * The latter part of this rule, while generally true as stated. nerrativities of radicals has been discussed in this and some modification. For instance, recent work in this previous papers (4) and a table of relative electro. requires laboratory indicates that although the benzyl radical is less negativities of some organic radicals has been presented e~ectroneaative than the ethyl radical, the o-chlorobenzyl in the first two articles of this series. As a p i d e to radical isjess electronegative than the benzyl radical, rather than so as might be expected in view of the fact that the phenyl estimation of the relative of radicals more radical is somewhat more electronegative than the chlorophenyl unlisted in the table the following tentative rules, radical. Undoubtedlv it is better to view the benrrl radical as h;

: : :






published work by one of us and others, are given: ('1 When electronegative than gen are substituted for hydrogen atoms in the methyl

....-, ..-.-.- ....











decreases the electronegativity of the benz$l& well as of the phenyl radical. We again emphasize the fact that these tentative ruks are merely expedients and that experimental determination of relative electronrgativities constitutes the final and valid test.

in the second article of this series (p. 1721) and elsewhere ( 4 c ) that chlorine has not all the characteristics of a typical organic suhstituent. The vinyl and ethinyl radicals are regarded as strongly electronegative on the basis of miscellaneous chemical evidence. I n referring to Tables 1, 2, and 3 the reader should remember that the data here collected were produced by a large number of independent investigators, working undw a great variety of conditions and employing reagents of greatly varying degrees of purity. The temperatures tabulated are not in all cases the minimum temperatures at which decomposition becomes appreciable. Any comparisons drawn, therefore, should he purely qualitative and should take due account of these facts. On the whole it is apparent, nevertheless, that the general trend predictable from our previous discussion is exhibited. Tables 1, 2, 3.

TABLE 1 (Codinurd) Acms (RCOOH) C o m ~ r w r N aS m o ~ o ~E u r . e c m o ~ ~ s ~ rR l v~ e o r c (~R~) s Condilionr and ReferR (in RCOOH)





1 1 -c-c-c-


+ "ketone odor"

Heated alone or in HsO (80)

HOOOH CO, (98%)


COI (188%)


b . boiling sol".' (28)

HO ,



Amos (RCOOH)



hr., boiling H10 d n . (28)


R (in RCOOHJ H-C COsNO-C -CMe-C -C("C ICp-Mep-C I C-

?SO0 (nearly quant. in 1 hr.1 (100)

co, +-JOH H


C01+ A c C = C H CO?


















2 hrr. in ~ e a l e dtube at 26&75° (86)




"Heatint' (rn. P., 177') (87)




days) (301


"Heating" (87)


HC C-O \/ 0


5S0 in Me013 or EtOH (decamp. cnmplete in revers1





1 hr., boiling aniline (281

220- (85)

C-CII I I1 11 C-C CH






CO? (94.3%)

Distillation (81)




m. p. (8.9


+ (>-OH

M. P. (192')







Unstable; changes at once into products cited (80) Decamp.


0 CO?

+ M-C-i-Pr I/


CO, + Me-C-Me oI/ COI

+ "ketone odor"

Dry distillation (yield only fair) (102)


s o h . (40). (88)




< looe in conc. H20

(Cod + I-Bu-C-Me

+ HO-

80% decornp. at 300'.


Below 10O1 (00, 91,




Crystals deeomp. slowly st room temp. (93. 9rl. "5. 06, 97) Dry distillation on heating with acid or draa (so)

Heated alone or io Hz0 (80)


CO? (63.4%)

1 hr.. boiling aniline (18)

COz (33%)

1 hr.. boiling aniline (28)

COI (89%)

1 hr., boiling aniline (28)

011 I



TABLE 2 (Continued) Acms (RCOOH) Com*~r*rr*oR r o r c u o (R) os Imsslrsor*ra O m a B s s os ELBCTPONHDA1IIYITY

Condirionr end Refer-

R (in RCOOH)

1 hr.

CO, (49.1%)

boiling sold. (28)

Hz0 Br-



m c ~ s

Stable in boiling soiline (28)



/ HO-/\-OH

CO2 (36%)

Stable in boiling aniline (28)

1 h . boiling H2O soin. (28)

/ Stable in boiling' aniline (28)

HO- (>-H

1 hr. in boiling aniline (28)

TABLE 2 Acros (RCOOH) C o m ~ u n l r oR a o l c r ~ s(R) or ImsalasornrB Deoaaas os ELBCTILONBEATIYITY

COI (24.3%)

Condirionr and Refer-


R (in RCOOH)

1 hr. in boiling H10 (28)



Quantitative a t 200" (1041




Slow distilletim. 3(105)

+ e C CH= CHH

CO,, rtyrol r e i n . co attw

Stable in boiling m i line (28)

B-.& HD-

Pivc r ~ p e a t e d prersure d i ~ t i ~m~ ~ t i ~ ~ ~ V-tube (38)




H Almost

+ Et+&=dMe COX+ CO, etc.





very slow heatmg

(106) 1 hr. at 260-70'

+ @OH

COI (30.8%)

280- (25). (26)

1 hr. in boiling a& line (28)


Very stable t o heat (122) CO, (14.5%)

COI (9.5%)

co, + CO

H @'+*,

H 1hr. a t 260' (79)

H + 0C-COW H



hr. in bailing H.0 (28)




C02 (1.7%)

COI (54%)

1 hr. line i(28) n boiling (Cf. 122) a&

1 hr in boiling HsO (28)

1 hr. in boiling aniline (28)

1 hr. in boiling aniline (28)


COI (84.7%)

1 hr. in boiling 140 (28)

Stable in boiling aniline (28)

Stable in boiling nniline (28)

CO, (4%)

1 hr. in boiling ILO (28)


Condilions and Refn-

R (i" RCOOH)

R (in RCOOH) 500° in current of steam in a1vrninurn apparatus (60) Red heat with lime (61) . .



3S0 in cone. HPO, (441


HsSOl at 150' (SO, evolved) (811



Fusion with NaOH 162) Vapor over glowing pumice (63)

Produnr H


H H-C-


vapor over glowing iron (64)

35' in cone. HISO. (44)

Stable in boiling glycerine (65)

Gentle heat in eone. HISO, (73) H

Suifonates when heated in eone. HI. so.: otherwise rtable (76)


+ aldehyde



Stable in vapor phase below dull red heat


Vapor pasred thmugh iron tube a t red glow (67) Stable a t 460' (107) Stable in sealed tuba at 370' (38) Stable a t 460°. (107)

CO (0.55%)

250' in eonc. H&Od (42) 140-55' in mnc. HISO. (SO, evolved)

CO (1.6%)

160° in mnc. H a 0 1 (SO, evolved) (42)

CO (19%)

155' in conc. H~SOI (SO. evolved) (42)

"Slight dccomp."

Sealed tube a t 270' (38)

CO (3.4%)

160' in conc. HIS04 (SO, evolved) (42)

CO (31%)

170-90- in moe. H r SO& (SO, evolved) (42) 160' in cone. H?SO< (SO, and charnos) (42)



CO (65%)

160' in con^ HISO, (SO, evolved) (42)

CO, (WQ5%), CO ( 6 1 0 % )

Sli ht

Con, CO, @CHI. dibcnryl ketone CO COI, CO. HI, H?O


+ Hz0

at bo~indecomp. sealed tube

(38) Sealed tube. 340-75'. (38)

At m. p. (210'1 (24) Heated in Ha0 (24)




CO (73%)

14040' in cone. H r SO. (conaid-bie SO, evolved) (42)

CO (95%)

8612OS in eonc. &SO' (some SO, evolved) ( 5 1 )

CO (99%)

80-1W" in conc. H r SO, (51). Cf. (23)


5S0 in mne. HISO, (441

Heated in conc. H1SO, (44) Vapor phase pyrolysis in pyrex, porcelain, silica. and copper tube. (16): Cf. (15). (18), (20) Conc. HISO< (12) In &PO, (13) I n acetic anhydride (14)

Distillation at 280300" (108)



CO (27%)


270' in air (75)

TABLE 3 Acme (RCOOH) CONTAINING WEA~LY E r a c r a o ~ ~ c * nR&DICALS v~ (R) Condition, end ReferR (in RCOOH) Prod~is ences

Stable a t 460' (107) CO (82%)


CO Ha0 CO, cyclobvtan~


CH4 + Ha0 + +(CHIhCO


H20 aldehyde HCOOH laetide

CO Stabie in sealed tube nt 390" (38)


250-30O0 (74) R' = n~CaH,, nC ~ H Un-Clo&l, , nCuHm. n-CaHao

R ' - b


35' in cone. Has01 (27). (441. (82)

+ CO,

220-245- (82)






Room temp. in HrSO. (64)






Mc-C) +oPH= -I

Me Me

CO (100%)

0 . . --d-~1

R o o m temp. to 5U0 in "0°C. HISO, (2.7)



zoo0 (46)





CO corresponding carbinol

3 to 4 brs, in conc. HzSOi at room temp. ( 2 3 )

COa +correrponding methane

Heated above m. p. (246-7') ( 5 0 )

Almost qvanf. at 260'


30-40" in conc HzSO4 Isfable at 276' when heated alone (m. p . , 176")l ( 4 7 )



TABLE 3 (Cadinurd)

TABLE 3 (Coruinucd) Acres (RCOOH) Corrr*n~maW s u r ~ uE c ~ c r s o ~ s a ~ r rRv~ao r c n w(R)

Avos (RCOOHI Comarmlro W s * w ~ uELsnaorr~oArrveR ~ o r c (R) ~ ~ s



Conditions and Rcfn-



+ 0 imide of aide-

Condirioxs o l d Ref". cnus warming with excess dine

+ acid (chieuy)

Dry heat or warming





In conc. &SO,

Ar = #-anisyl (32), (33). 9-hydroxv phenyl (311, 2.4dimethylphenyl (331. (341, 2.5-dirnethylphenyl (351, 2.4 dimethoxy phenyl (36). 3.4dirnefhoxyphenyl (331 sym trmethylphenyl (33). 2.4,s trimethylpbenyl (33). (34)


0 H,c=c-I 0 M-C-b CI Cl-d







Bdow 140' in eone H&O. (231


50" in mne. HzSO, (231






COI. H,O,, pyruvic, perotartnne, and acct.c acids

160' in cone. HBOI (42) 4 hrs. in pealedtubeat 300' (561 Dry dintillation 1101





+ 0C=O + @rC=C=O+



+ ILO + D,C-0 + 08CHCOOH + tar




tar oxalic and glyeallle adds

McC1 I



b. p. (>25?). Benzihde lnltial product 011)

180-200' (decornp. complete) (291 Heated above m. P. (aeid contained one mole H.0 of eryr tallization) (1121


60-80° in cane. HISO, (44)

COI, acetic aeid. ete.

Pm nged heating a t 1%' ~115,116,1171

COI, aldehyde. resin

10% HBO, in sealed tube. 5 hrs. st 150' I771 &y heat (aeid and aldehyde in nearly equal quantities1





,,-., *,

distillation CO 0COOH (chietly), Ra id COz WHO &00-250~) (quant. decom~.) . . (78) . .



+ CO,

Slow heating 22-245'




75 min. a t 200'

CO (+ a little




Slow heating in large excess wnc. HS~OI (391 Slight warmin in con.. &SO, 8 4 )

Cot + 0 imide of aldeh~de

++acid, ;.ldehydr

CO C01

+ + + a+d drcymyl

Dry dirtillntion (35)

(Mixture of isomers)

0 imide of aldehyde



l0So in glyeuin (57l. (581


Heat, 130-170. (59)

R m m temp. in cone. HISO, (271



CO CO, aldehyde ketone

(Conridernble SO*

evolved) (27). (44)



Distillation (120)

180- in cone. ILSO'


in boiling acetic acid




Scission in nzol % 5


HCo+ 2

But a complication is now 'introduced, for a second reaction proceeds concurrently w&b (1) :

The pyran does not hydrolyze, for the formation of the oxygen bridge apparently reduces materially the electronegativities of the w carbon atoms and consequently greatly diminishes the polarities of the carbon-to-


* Two per cent. HC1 was chosen as the hydrolytic agent hecause of its strongly acid and extremely feeble reducing properties. Acetic acid was selected as the solvent for convenience in manipulation and in isolation of products and unchanged molecules.

Although a reaction-rate study of this kind cannot be relied upon to rank radicals in the precise order of their relative electronegativities, the general trend of increasing susceptibility to hydrolysis with increasing electronegativity of R (and consequent increasing polarity of the C-C bond undergoing scission) is unmistakable.

The possibility of a further interesting correlation of reaction rates with relative bond polarities is found in the reaction of dimaphthol methane derivatives, at room temperature, with the antidiazotate of 2,5dichloroaniline (a relatively stable diazo compound), in accordance with the following reaction:


(1) (2 (3{ (4)

LANGMWIR, J . Am. C h m . Soc., 51,284748 (1929 Anms. J. CHEM.Enuc., 9, 1865-73 (Nov.. 19321: KHARASCH AND PINES, unpublished work. a. KHARASCH AND GRAPPLIN, I.Am. Ckem. Soc., 47, 1948AND MARKER, iqid., 48, 313054 (1925); b, KHARASCR 43 (1926); c, KHARASCH AND FLENNER. ibrd., 54, 674-92

(taw) (51 KI&I;~; J . Ckem. SOC.,1928, 2366. AND SEER. un~ublishedwork (6 KHARASCH (7j AUSTIN,J A A ~c. h : SO:.. 53,3514 (1931). AND SWSTZ, unpublished work; S. SWARTZ, (8) KRARASCH Master's Diss.. University of Chicago, 1932. (9) KHARASCR AND MAYO. J.Am. Chem. Soc., 55,246-6 (1933); KFIAEASCR.MCNAB.AND MAYO, ibid., 55,252130,2531-3

Experimental data obtained are summarized in Table 5. TABLE 5

Here again the correlation between bond polarity and hydrolytic susceptibility is readily recognizable as a general trend. The foregoing exposition is offered, not primarily as a justification of the system outlined and demonstrated, but as an extension of the presentation and illustration of a concept which the authors have found extremely useful. We believe that other teachers and students of organic chemistry who care to master and apply the principles employed by us will find them equally useful. No culmination of the quest for ultimate truth is proclaimed.

(1926). (60) SCHRADER AND WOLTER, Ges. Abhundl. K m l . Kohle, 6, 79 (1921); Chem. Abstr.. 19,48 (1924). 3rd ed., n,p. 1136. 61) BBILSTRIN, Bm., 12, 1256 (1879). 62) BARTRAND SCRREDER, (63) BARREsnrn AND BOUDAULT. J . pharm. ckim.. [31. 5, 266; BEILSTEIN, 4th ed., F,p. 97. (64) D'ARCRT,Ann. ckim. phys., 121, 66, 99; BEnsTEIN, 4th ed.. IX,p. 97.

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