HOW IT WORKS: By means of a special circuit in the Wheatstone bridge, the reading of the balancing variable resistor ismade to follow a second degree ...
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fantastic! -100°C to 900°C with .01°C sensitivity

xxbsolutely incredible... but absolutely true ! For the first time ever, here is the only ther­ mometer which covers a range from—100°C to 900°C, with .01°C sensitivity and digital reading of temperature directly.

read temperature directly · no calculations necessary • • •


High Accuracy .10°C u p to 400°C .20°C u p to 900°C E a c h r e s i s t a n c e bulb a n d b r i d g e individually cali­ brated. V a c u u m sealed p l a t i n u m elements a n d leads in r e s i s t ­ ance bulb : • H e r m e t i c a l l y sealed h e a d • Choice of stainless steel o r q u a r t z j a c k e t P l u g - i n controller accessory w i t h .05 ° C reproducibility.

Resistance Thermometer HOW IT WORKS: By means of a special circuit in the Wheatstone bridge, the reading of the balancing variable resistor is made to follow a second degree relationship corresponding with the change in resistance of platinum with temperature. This gives a direct reading instrument which eliminates the time consuming calculations normally required with high precision resistance thermometry. A high sensitivity elec­ tronic detector permits rapid and precise balancing of the bridge.



23525D 23525E 2352SF

Electronic Resistance Thermometer without bulb. Either 23525D or 23525E or both must be ordered at the same time as the ther­ mometer and these will be individually cali­ brated Stainless Steel Bulb, only Quartz Bulb, only Temperature controller, only

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