The Enamine Alkylation and Acylation of Carbonyl ... - ACS Publications

Removal of ZerZ-Butyl Groups from H -tyr(O-Z-Bu)-. •O-Z-Bu(l) (II).—The ester-ether was treated as previously described with hydrogen bromide in a...
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Jan. N , 1963



Sec. 2 . Removal of Protecting Groups.-The conditions for removal of the tert-butyl ether group were studied using the tertbutyl esters of the tert-butoxyamino acids. Two drops of sample was treated with 3 drops of reagent. After an allotted time the reaction was stopped by the addition of an excess of pyridine. The results determined by chromatography of the reaction mixture either on Whatman h-0, 1 paper using the solvent system 1butanol-acetic acid-water, 4 : 1 : 5 , (BAW), or on silica gel plates (thin layer) using the solvent system sec-butyl alcohol37; ammonia, 3 : 1 (BAM). Ex. A. Removal of teut-Butyl Groups from H.ser(0-t-Bu) .0-t-Bu( D L ) (III).-Using ninhydrin in butanol as the detecting reagent, the Ri values in the B.4W system were: H . s e r . O H ( D L ) , 0.17; H . s e r . 0 - l - B ~ ( ~ 0.70; ~), H.ser(0-t-Bu.OH(~~) 0.72; H.ser(O-t-Bu) .O-~-BU(DL)0.89. Since the second and third compounds could not be satisfactorily separated, the BAM system was used. The results are shown in Table 111.

TABLE I11 PRODUCTS FROM H.ser,(O-t-Bu).O-t-Bu(DL), RI VALUES (BAM) €I.ser(OII.ser(0-tTrcatnient at 23’





Standards HBr/IIOAc ( 5 niin.) H I (57%) ( 5 min. j HCl/CHC13 ( 5 min.) HBr/HOAc (30 min.) HCl/CHCla (30 min.)

0.04 .02 .05 .04

0.17 .I6 .19 .16

0.48 .48 .46 .44

0.60 .60 .62 .59






Thus, the best method of removing both protecting groups appears to be hydrogen bromide in acetic acid for a 30-minute period. Ex. B. Removal of teut-Butyl Groups from H cy( S-t-Bu j . 0~-Bu(L)(XX).-The Rf values in the BAW system for the esterthioether and related compounds were: HecySH. OH(L), 0.06;, 0.89. H . C ~ ( S - ~ - B U ) . O H ( L0.78; ), The ester-thioether was treated, as described in ex. A, with perchloric acid ( i o % ) , hydriodic acid (57%), hydriodic acid in acetic acid, and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). The chromatograms were



treated with ninhydrin, then Feigl reagent,51 the latter reagent showing the presence of a free SI>





Reactions of type B, although of considerable synthetic importance, suffer from a number of serious limitations which we will illustrate using the alkylation of enolates and the related Michael reaction. Two major difficulties are : (1) the necessity, particularly in the case of alkylation, of using a strong base (e.g., amide ion, triphenylmethide ion, t-alkoxides) to transform the carbonyl compound into its anion; (2) the proton transfer reaction between the alkylated ketone formed initially and the unreacted enolate ion. The first problem is illustrated by, e . g . , the self-condensation of cyclopentanone by bases under conditions of the


VOl. s;,


Claisen or Michael conden~ation,~ the transformation of 4-hydroxycyclohexanone benzoate into cyclopropane derivatives with &butoxide6and, of course, the wellknown self-condensation of acetaldehyde and its monosubstituted derivatives even with mild bases. The second problem may be illustrated by a typical example : Attempted monoalkylation of 6-methoxy-Ptetralone with one equivalent of methyl iodide in the presence of strong bases leads to almost no monomethyl compound : a mixture of 6-methoxy-1,l-dimethyl-P-tetralone and recovered starting material is obtained instead.’ While this is perhaps an extreme case, this experience is very general and is a result of the rapid equilibration of enolates uiu proton transfers which take place under the usual alkylation conditions. The same difficulty is of course encountered in Michael addition reactions. Among many examples, one may

the occurrence of this reaction had not been explored until our publication in spite of the fact that the necessary enamines of ketones and aldehydes had been prepared by a simple procedure, almost twenty years previously, by Mannich and Davidsen.lo This may well be due to the fact that apparently exclusive N-alkylation had been recorded with a number of vinylamines. For instance, reaction with methyl iodide converts neostrychnine’l (I) and the simpler dimethyltetrahydropyridine12 I1 into their respective N-methiodides. Similarly, the pyrrolidine enamine of testosterone (111) has been shown to give very largely the “expected” X-methiodide. l 3

fyy \




cite the reaction of acrylonitrile with cyclohexanone in the presence of a variety of bases which leads to a mixture of the mono-, di-, tri- and tetracyanoethylated ketones. It occurred to us that a new method for the alkylation and acylation of ketones and aldehydes might merge froni the very interesting possibility that the enamines derived from a n ordinary ketone or aldehyde might react with an electrophilic reagent (symbolized here by “R+”)to some extent on carbon as well as on nitrogen. The carbon alkylation product would of


N ‘’





As is by now well known,14 we have found that the enamines of ketones (and of aldehydes in some cases) generally lead to predominant carbon alkylation and acylation. Since no base or other catalyst is needed for these reactions, the first of the two difficulties with the direct alkylation of carbonyl compounds is avoided. At the same time monoalkylation or acylation is easily carried out, and the enamine alkylation or acylation is not beset by the second problem (polyalkylation). There is a further difference with basecatalyzed alkylations and Michael additions which we will mention before taking up the various reactions in detail: an unsymmetrically substituted ketone such as 2-methylcyclohexanone reacts with an alkyl halide in the presence of a strong base, or with acrylonitrile and other electrophilic olefins to give, in general, the product in which the newly introduced group appears on the more substituted carbon (cf. IV -+ V, VI).I5 The enamines derived from such ketones, however, normally lead to substitution on the less substituted carbon (cf. IV + VII, VIII). Finally, i t is possible to alkylate, especially with electrophilic olefins, but also with allyl and benzyl halides, mono- and disubstituted acetaldehydes. As we have mentioned above, the for-



















course be hydrolyzed by water to an alkylated ketone or a l d e h ~ d e . ~It is remarkable that the possibility of ( 5 ) Cf. inter olia: (a) V. Prelog aud 0. Metzler, Helv. Chim. Acta, 30, 878 (1947); (b) J. H. Burkhalter and P. K u r a t h , J . Org. Chem., 24, 990 (1959). (c) T h e “condensation product” of cyclopentanone a n d methyl vinyl ketone described by E. D. Bergmann, et al. (Bull. SOC. chim. France, 290 (1957)) as t h e indenone XI1 is obviously (cf. ultraviolet spectrum) 2cyclopentylidenecyclopentanone, t h e self-condensation product of cyclopentanone. (0) P. Yates and C. D. Anderson, J . A m . Chem. SOL.,80, 1264 (1968). (7) J. Rundquist, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, 1951. (8) Cf. H . A. Bruson in “Organic Reactions,” Vul. V, John Wiley and SRItiIler, I. J. Jack, T. T. Gtossnickle and 3f. Chang, i b i d , , Si, 3933 (1959). (-10) G. Stork and J. W Schulenberg, i b d . , 84, 281 (,leW). (41) (a) G. Opitz and H. Jlildenberger, A m e w . Chem., 7 2 , 1GI4 (ISIjO), ( b ) E. Elkik, Buli. six. d z i m . F r a n c e , 972 (1960); (c) compare G . Opitz, Anpew. C h e w , 73, 437 (1901), and G. Opitz and H. Rfildenberger, Aniz., 649, 20 ( I 9 G l ) . 142) K. C. Brannock and R. C. Burpitt, J . OYK.C h e m . , 2 6 , 3576 (1961); G. Opitz, H. Hellmann, H . Rfildenberger and H. Suhr, Ann., 6 4 9 , :3li ( I H l i l ) . G. Oiiitz. ibid., 6 5 0 , 122 (1901). ( 4 : i ) C: Stork a n d G . Birnbaum, Trti,uiiedii;n T . e ! ! ~ i , s No. , 10,31:: ( I O I i l ) . ( 1 I ) See, however, the A--alkglation of cholestenone pyrrolidiiie enamine (refs 1 and 13). This greater difficulty of C-alkylation is presumably duc lo steric interference by the axial C-10 methyl g r o u p . (4.5) 11.Julia, S. Julia and C. leanmart, Cumpi. reitd., 251, 249 (l!)liO)


Jan. 20, 1963

XLIX, while direct base-catalyzed alkylation led to only 24% of the desired substance which was used in an ingenious synthesis of chrysanthemumcarboxylic acid.





R02C L 0




' l h '





Again, alkylation of the unsaturated ketone LI by the enamine method was stated14ato be superior to direct alkylation :














Before we leave the subject of the alkylation of enamines with alkyl halides it should be mentioned that the reaction has recently been shown by K ~ e h n to e ~be~ applicable to certain activated aryl halides. These reactions are, however, really reactions with electrophilic olefins since they involve an addition-elimination mechanism. IV. The Enamine Acylation of Carbonyl Compounds l y e reported in our original communication' that enamines could be used for the synthesis of P-diketones by reaction with acid chlorides, followed by aqueous acid hydrolysis. The two examples mentioned were the reaction of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone with benzoyl chloride to give 2-benzoylcyclohexanone (LII) and with ethyl chlorocarbonate to form 2-carbethoxycyclohexanone (LIII). %-e subse-





HOzC (CHz), - ,C 0,Ii LXV

amines give better results than the pyrrolidine enamines in these reactions, and that the extra mole of enamine which we used to take up the hydrogen chloride liberated in the reaction could be avoided, in most cases, by substituting a mole of triethylamine. One specific example for our conditions for the 8diketone and acid synthesis will suffice here (further illustrations are in the Experimental section) : The morpholine enamine of cyclohexanone ( 2 equiv.) on heating in dioxane solution with one equivalent of the half-ester acid chloride from azelaic acid, after filtration of the precipitated cyclohexanone enamine hydrochloride and hydrolysis of the acylated enamine by 0 0 heating for three hours on the steam-bath with 10% hydrochloric acid, gives the P-diketone LVII ( n = 7 ) in 63% yield. Refluxing overnight with 20% methanolic potassium hydroxide then gives i-ketopentaLII LIII decane-l,15-dioic acid, m.p. 106.5-107°. The latter CsHsCOCI on Wolf€-Kishner reduction leads to the known l , l 5 quently extended the reaction to the synthesis of P-dikepentadecanedioic acid (LIX, n = 7 ) in i O % yield based tones from aliphatic acid chlorides (cf. LIV, LVII) and on the P-diketone. also from the half-ester acid chlorides of dibasic acids.4i These @-diketonescan be cleaved by base to k e t o a ~ i d s ~ ~ It is worth noting that the use of the half-ester-acid chloride of azelaic acid can be obviated by using the which in turn may be reduced by the Wolf€-Kishner acid chloride of oleic acid. The P-diketone obtained procedure to saturated mono- or dicarboxylic acids by the above procedure from the morpholine enamine of with a chain six carbon atoms longer than the starting acid chloride (cf. LVI, LIX). Similarly, the @-dike- cyclohexanone was an oil and was cleaved with potassium hydroxide to 7-keto-15-tetracosenoic acid, obtones from the acylation of cyclopentanone lead to tained as a solid with a broad melting range (54-M0), acids with five carbon atoms more in the chain than the possibly because of the inhomogeneity of the starting initial acid chloride (cf. LXII, LXV).49 oleic acid. Oxidation of the unsaturated acid by the Hunig and his co-workerss0have subsequently made method of Lemieuxsl gave, in 6GYo yield, the same i two valuable contributions to this P-diketone synthesis. ketopentadecanedioic acid, m,p. 105-10io, obtained They showed that the less reactive morpholine enabove from azelaic acid. (46) M. E. Kuehne, J . A m . C h e m . Soc., 84, 837 (1962). Related acylation reactions which have been de(47) This extension was first reported a t the S e w York Meeting of the scribed since our initial publication include the synthesis . h e r i c a n Association for t h e Advancement of Science on December 39, 1956; 6. Scienre, 124, 1040 (1956). T h e method is much t o be preferred t o of P-ketonitriles by KuehneZ3from pyvrolidine enamines Jther acylation methods (compare C. R . Hauser, F. W. Swamer and J. T. and cyanogen chloride, the acylation of enamines with Adams in "Organic Reactions," Vol. VIII, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New isocyanates and isothiocyanatess2to form @-ketoamides, York, N. Y.. 193.2. Chauter 111. and the acylation with diketene to form chromane (45) Cf. C R . Hauser, F. W. Sivamer and B. I. Ringler, J . A m . C h e m Soc.,


79. 4023 (1948). (49) T h e cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone rings can obviously be substituted t o produce acids with substituents a t various places along the chain, Unsymmetrically substituted ketones will, however, lead t o mixtures unless they carry a ?-substituent. Substituents can, of course, also be present in the acid chloride chain. ( 5 0 ) Cf. irztev alia, S . Hdnig and E. Lhcke, C h e m . Be?., 92, 652 (1959); S. Hunig a n d W. Lendle, ibid., 9S, 913 (1960); also S. Yurugi, 51. X u m a t s and T. Fushimi, J . Phoum. Soc. J a p a n , 80, 1165 (1960).

derivative^.^^ (.5l) R . U. Lemieux and E. von Rudloff, C a n . J . Chein., 33, 1701 (1955). (32) G . Berchtold, J . Ovg. C h e m . , 26, 3043 (1961); S. Hunig, K. Hubner and k;. Bsnzing, Chein. Be?., 95, 9213 (1962); S. Hiinig and K . Hubner, ibid., 95, 937 (1962); R.Fusco, G. Bianchetti and S. Rossi, Gozz. chim. i l d , 9 1 , 525 (1961). (33) B. B. Millward, J . Cizem. Suc., 2 6 (1960); S. Hunig, E. Benzing and K Hubner, Chem. Ber., 94, 486 (1961).


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the starting materials for eventual C-alkylation. Further study will be required to elucidate this point.

Y In some cases, acylation can be carried out also with anhydrides. For instance, the mixed anhydride of formic and acetic acid converts the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone to 2-hydroxymethylenecyclohexanone in 50% yield. Similarly, acetic anhydride gives a 42% yield of 2-acetylcyclohexanone with the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone.








p-Keto esters can also be made in certain cases by the enamine acylation method (see LIII). In these cases the triethylamine method i s not successful. Acylation is effected by heating ethyl chlorocarbonate with two equivalents of the morpholine enamine in benzene solution and then decomposing the P-keto ester enamine by stirring for 15-30 minutes a t room temperature with 10% hydrochloric acid. Under these conditions, cyclohexanone gives 2-carbethoxycyclohexanone in 62% yield while 4-methylcyclohexanone, cyclopentanone and cycloheptanone give the corresponding P-ketoesters in 65, 76 and 4670 yields, respectively. The case of cyclopentanone is of some interest since the usual decarbonylation of glyoxylates to @-ketoesters is not applicable in this case.64 Acyclic ketones may also be used: dipropyl ketone gave the p-keto ester LXVIII in 54% yield.




Conclusion. Remaining Problems \%'e have shown in the preceding discussion that the enamine alkylation of ketones and aldehydes's2 is a general and very useful method for the alkylation of these carbonyl compounds with electrophilic olefins. It is also of considerable generality with acyl halides and similar substances. On the other hand, the alkylation reaction with alkyl halides is limited in scope to the use of the strongly electrophilic halides and (mostly cyclic) ketones. Aldehydes give poor yields, even with this type of halide and, for practical purposes, only allyl halides give serviceable yields, usually in large part via a Claisen rearrangement involving the formation (except of course with unsubstituted allyl halides) of mixtures of rearranged and unrearranged products. It remains to be determined whether, even with cyclic ketone enamines, the first step is direct carbon alkylation or involves reversible quaternary salt formation. I t is interesting in connection with the latter possibility that those hnlidcs which give satisfactory yield might be those expected to be most easily removed from nitrogen by reaction with halide ion, thus regenerating (54) Cf K Mayrr, Chem. B e ? , 88, 18b1 (1950).


C02R,C= C,etc,

In any event, it is clear that another method is needed for the monoalkylation of ketones (cyclic and acyclic) and also of aldehydes with ordinary primary and secondary halides. Such a method has now been developed in this Laboratory and will be the subject of future communications, Acknowledgment.-This work was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society. Experimental Preparation of Enamines. A. Cyclic Ketones.-The most generally useful method consists in heating one equivalent of ketone with 1.5-2 equivalents of pyrrolidine or morpholine using about 300 ml. of benzene per mole of ketone. Refluxing under a water separator is continued until no further separation of water is observed. This usually takes from 5 to 8 hours with cyclopentanones and cyclohexanones. Medium size rings (7,8,9) require the use of toluene and longer refluxing periods (ca. 24 hours). In some cases when water separation is especially slow some p-toluenesulfonic acid may be added to the mixture. [n many instances the enamine can be used directly after removal of solvent and excess amine. I t should be remembered that enamines are unstable but may be kept in the refrigerator under nitrogen. Some specific examples of enamine preparations and properties are presented here. Cyclopentanone: pyrrolidine enamine (80-90% yield) b.p. 88-92' (15 mm.) (reported5sa b.p. 97-98' (20 mm.)) (Calcd. for CsHlsN: C, 78.77; 13, 11.02; N, 10.21. Found: C, 78.98; H, 10.89; S , 10.16); morpholiie enamine (8&90y0 yield) b.p. 104-106" (12 mm.), reportedssbb.p. 97' (7.5mm.). Cyclohexanone: pyrrolidine enamine (85-90y0 yield) b.p. 105-107" (13 mm.), reported558 b.p. 115-117" (20 mm.) (Calcd. for CloHI7N.; C, 79.40; H , 11.34; N, 9.26. Found: C, 79.69; H , 11.38; N , 9.00.); morpholine enamine (85y0)b.p. 104-106" (Calcd. for CIO(12 mm.), reportedb6"b.p. 117-120' (20 rn~n.)~~~ H17NO: C, 71.78; H, 10.25; N, 8.37. Found: C, 71.86; H, 10.16; N , 8.62.); hexamethylene imine enamine (85%) after 40 hours refluxing in toluene; b.p. 122-126' (8 mm.) (Calcd. for C12HnN: C, 80.37; H, 11.81; N, 7.81. Found: C, 80.20; H, 11.61; N , 7.85.); heptamethyleneimine enamhe (58%) after 40 hours refluxing in toluene with some p-toluenesulfonic acid; b.p. 142-148' (14 mm.) (Calcd. for CI~HBN:C, 80.76; H , 11.99; N , 7.25. Found: C, 81.12; H, 12.26; N, 6.93); Nmethylaniline enamine (72%) after 100 hours refluxing in tolucnz with 2.0 g. of p-toluenesulfonic acid per mole; b.p. 148-153 (12 mm.) (Calcd. for Cl3HI?N: C, 83.38; H, 9.15; N , 7.48. Found: C, 83.61; H, 9.45; N, 7.45.); camphidine enamine (63Oj,) after 24 hours reflux in toluene with p-toluenesulfonic acid; b.p. 1 O P l l G ' (0.4 mm.) (Calcd. for C10H17N: C, 82.33; H, 11.66; X, 6.00. Found: C, 81.96; H , 11.52; N, 6.35). 2-Methylcyclohexanone: pyrrolidine enamine (77%) after 48 hours refluxing in benzene; b.p. 118-114' (15 mm.) (Calcd. for CIIHleX: C, 79.90; H, 11.58; N, 8.47. Found: C, 79.84; H, 11.56; X, 8.78). 3-Methylcyclohexanone: morpholiie enamine (867') after 35 hours refluxing in toluene; b.p. 124-127' (15 mm.) (Calcd. for CIIHlsNO: C, 72.86; H , 10.56; N, 7.73. Found: C, 72.75; H, 10.60; N, 7.53). This is undoubtedly 3 mixture of double bond isomers. 4-Methylcyclohexanone: morpholine enamine (75'%) after 25 hours in toluene; b.p. 13%14OD (17 nim.) (Calcd. for CIIHloO: C, 72.86; H, 10.56; N, 7.73. Found: C, 72.72; H , 10.32; N, 7.58). 4-Methoxycyclohexanone: morpholine enamine (79%) after 12 hours in toluene; b.p. 159-163' (15 mm.) (Cnlcd. for CIIHIBNO?: C, 66.95; 11, 9.71; N, 7.10. Found: C, 67.2%; H, 9.83; N,7.19). Cycloheptanone : morpholine enamine (82'%) after 44 iiours refluxing i n toluene with p-toluenesulforiic acid; b.p. 133-135' iii)la) I r , 78, 1 I X i ( 1 9 j t i ) ; ( c ) S. Hdnig, It Benzin:: and S. I,ucke, C h e m Ber., SO, 2333 (lLI57).


Jan. 20, 1963

(17 mm.) (Calcd. for C1lH1,XO: C, 72.86; H, 10.56; N, 7.73. Found: C, 73.07; H, 19.59; N , 7.80). 2-Tetralone: Dvrrolidine enamine (93%) after refluxing under nitrogen a solutidn of 5 g. of 2-tetralone'with 4 g. of pyGolidine in 100 ml. of benzene for 3 hours. This enamine was obtained Recrystalcrystalline on removal of the solvent; m.p. 72-74'. lization from petroleum ether gave m.p. 81-82' (Calcd. for CtrH17N: C, 84.40; H , 8.45; N, 7.04. Found: C, 84.37; H, 8.60; N , 7.03). B. Aliphatic Ketones.-As mentioned in the Discussion, simple monosubstituted acctones (and acetone itself) are not usually satisfactorily converted into enamines by the existing methods. Others can be used but often react sluggishly. The use of molecular sieves as drying agent may be generally preferable to other methods with those ketones. Diethyl Ketone.-Pyrrolidine enamine was obtained in only 2294 yield after 175 hours refluxing with benzene and p-toluenesulfonic acid. However, in the presence of 20 g. of Linde No. 4A molecular sieves contained in an extraction thimble through which the condensed vapor passed before returning t o the flask a mixture of 20 g. of diethyl ketone and 40 g. of pyrrolidine gave after 40 hours refluxing 51yo yield of the pyrrolidine enamine, b.p. 62-67' (8 rnrn.) (Calcd. for CQH17N: C, 77.66; H, 12.32; X, 10.07. Found: C, 77.39; H , 12.27; N,9.85.). Morpholine enamine was prepared in the same manner with molecular sieves and a small amount of p-toluenesulfonic acid and obtained in 49'73 yield after 44 hours refluxing; b.p. 77-78' (9 mm ) (Calcd. for CBH17h'O: C, 69.65; H , 11.05; N, 9.03. Found: C, 69.69; H, 11.23; N, 9.29). Dipropyl Ketone.-Morpholine enamine was prepared by the usual benzene azeotrope method in the presence of p-toluenesulfonic acid. After 250 hours reflux (!) the enamine was obtained in 65% yield. Undoubtedly, the use of molecular sieves would be advantageous here also; b.p. 102-106' (12 a m . ) (Calcd. for CIIHZ~NO:C, 72.06; H , 11.55; N, 7.64. Found: C, 72.06; H , 11.64; N,7.84). C. Aldehydes.-Enamines of aldehydes were made by the procedure of Mannich and Davidsen except that with disubstituted acetaldehydes, the water separator method can be used t o advantage (cf. example 11-16 below). For instance, the piperidine enamine of isovaleraldehyde was prepared by adding dropwise over an hour, to an ice-cold stirred mixture of 25 g. of piperidine and 6.0 g. of anhydrous potassium carbonate, 10.75 g. of isovaleraldehyde. After stirring an additional 2 hours, the solution was filtered, the flask was washed with ether which was then added to the original filtrate and distillation gave 14.15 g. (747'), (12 mm.). b.p. 83.5-85" (18 nim.); reported21 b.p. 74-75' The distillation was accompanied by much foaming which could be controlled by adding 1 ml. of silicone oil to the distillation flask. Alkylation of Enamines with Electrophilic Olefins I. a,@-Unsaturated Esters and Nitriles. A. With Cyclohexanone. 1. Ethyl Acrylate.-The pyrrolidine enamine was prepared from 2 moles of cyclohexanone and 10% excess of pyrrolidine in 800 ml. of benzene under the usual conditions. Removal of benzene and excess pyrrolidine left the crude enamine which was dissolved in 755 ml. of dry dioxane. Addition of 332 ml. ( 3 moles) of ethyl acrylate and refluxing for 3 hours was followed by addition of 100 ml. of water and a further hour of refluxing. Removal of solvent and extraction with ether, washing with dilute hydrochloric acid, etc. gave on distillation ethyl 3-(2-oxocyclohexyl)-propionate (XXVIII) in 80% yield, b.p. (1.5mm.). 9S0(0.7mm.); r e ~ 0 r t e d ~ ~ b115-120" .p. 2 . Ethyl Crotonate.-A solution of 15.1 g. of the pyrrolidirie enamine of cyclohexanone in 100 mi. of dry dimethylformamide was refluxed for 36 hours with 18 g. of ethyl crotonate and refluxing was continued for another hour after the addition of 10 ml. of water. The mixture was then poured into 500 ml. of water and extracted several times with ether. The combined extracts wcre washed with 5y0 hydrochloric acid and then 570 sodium bicarbonate. Drying and distillation gave 11 g. (56%) of ethyl 3-~2-oxocyclohexyl)-butyrateas a colorless oil, b.p. 165-170°(18mm.). A~zal. Calcd. for C I ~ H Z ~C, O ~67.89; : H, 9.50. Found: C, 67.93; H , 9.44. 3. Methyl Methacrylate.-A solution of 15.1 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone was treated with 18 g. of methyl methacrylate in dimethylformamide solution, as in the preceding example. The methyl 2-methyl-3-(2-oxocyclohexyl)propionate was obtained as a colorless oil, b.p. 148-150' (18 rnm.). The vield was 16.6 E. (SO%). . ,-, i l n a l . Calcd. for C11Hls03: C, 66.64; I T , 9.15. Found: C, 07.02; H , 9.02. 4. Acrylonitrile.-The reaction of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone (13.5 g.) and acrylonitrile (6 g.), carried out as (5li) D. IC. Banerjee. I ? , 408 (1955).


S. Chatterjee

and S. P. Bhattacharya. J . A m . Chem.



in example 1 but with 12 hours refluxing in 50 ml. of dioxane, gave 80% yield of 2-~-cyanoethylcyclohexanone (XXVII), b.p. 141-145" (10 mm.) (reporteds b.p. 138-142" (10 rnrn.)); 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone m.p. 154.5-156' (from methanolchloroform). Anal. Calcd. for C16H17X604: C, 54.37; H , 5.17; N, 21.14. Found: C, 54.48; H , 5.00; N,20.86. 5 . 2,6-Dialkylation with Ethyl Acrylate.-The crude pyrrolidine enamine (1 mole), prepared as in example 1, was refluxed for 4 hours in 350 ml. of absolute ethanol with 300 g. ( 3 moles) of freshly distilled ethyl acrylate. Water (75 ml.) was then added and refluxing was continued for an additional hour. The solvent was then removed under reduced pressure and the residual liquid was taken up in ether (1.5 1.) washed with 4 x 150 ml. of 10% hydrochloric acid, followed by washing with water ( 3 X 50 ml.) and drying over sodium sulfate. Evaporation and distillation gave 208 g. (70%) of diethyl cyclohexanone-2,6dipropionate ( X X X ) , b.p. 160-168" (0.8 rnm.). Hydrolysis with 20% potassium hydroxide solution gave after acidification the known cyclohexanone-2,6-dipropionicacid, m.p. 142-143' (reported6' m.p. 145'). The mixed m.p. with an authentic sample6swas undepressed. 6. 2,6-Dialkylation with Acrylonitrile.-Alkylation of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone with 3 equivalents of acrylonitrile by the procedure described in the example above gave 2,6-dicyanoethylcyclohexanone (XXIX), b.p. 178-180' (0.4 mm.). Anal. Calcd. for C1~H1,j0K2: C, 70.56; H, 7.90. Found: C, 70.76; H, 8.14. Hydrolysis produced the same diacid, m.p. 145-146", described above. B. With Other Ketones. 1. Methyl Acrylate and Cyclopentanone.-The reaction was carried out by refluxing a solution of 9.1 g. of cyclopentanone pyrrolidine enamine and 11 g. of methyl acrylate in 25 ml. of dioxane for 3.5 hours. Addition of 5 ml. of water and refluxing for another 30 minutes, followed by removal of most of the solvent under reduced pressure and work up as usual, gave 6.8 g. (60L-?0)of methyl 3-(2-oxocyclopentyl)-propionate (XVI) b p. 127-130" (11 mm.). The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone crystallized from methanol as orange needles, m.p. 87-88". Anal. Calcd. for CI6HlsN408:e, 51.42; H , 5.18; X, 15.99. Found: C, 51.59; H, 5.00; N, 16.12. 2. Acrylonitrile and Cyc1opentanone.-This reaction was carried out as with the cyclohexyl compound (example 4 above). The 2-(2-cyanoethyl)-cyclopentanone (XVII) thus obtained in 6770 yield had b.p. 144-147' (13 mm.). The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone formed fine orange needles from chloroform-methanol; m.p. 166-167'. Anal. Calcd. for C14H1&601: C, 52.99; H , 4.77; N, 22.07. Found: C, 53.10; H,4.79; K,21.90. 3. 2-Methylcyclohexanone with Acrylonitrile.-A solution of 16.5 g. (0.1 mole) of the pyrrolidine enamine of 2-methylcyclohexanone in 100 ml. of absolute ethanol was refluxed for 4 hours with 6.2 g . (0.17 mole) of acrylonitrile. Hydrolysis and work up as usual gave 55Y0 yield of 2-(2-cyanoethyl)-6-methylcyclohexanone (VIII), b.p. 132-133' (2 mm.). Anal. Calcd. for ClaHlsON: C, 72.69; H, 9.15. Found: C, 72.81; H, 8.94. The compound in CC14 gave the typical doublet for the methyl group a t ca. 7 = 9 in the n.m.r., showing that it has the 2,6rather than the 2,2-disubstituted structure. The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone had m.p. 151-152' (from chloroform-methanol) . Anal. Calcd. for Cl&loN601: C, 55.64; H , 5.55. Found: C, 55.90; H, 5.57. 4. Cycloheptanone with Acrylonitrile.-The pyrrolidine enamine from 2.24 g. of cycloheptanone was prepared in the usual way and the crude product was refluxed in 25 ml. of benzene with 1.72 g. of freshly distilled acrylonitrile for 22 hours. Addition of 25 ml. of water and further refluxing for one hour was followed by ether extraction, washing with dilute sulfuric acid and drying. Distillation then gave 1 g. of recovered cycloheptanone, b.p. 55-60' (10 mm.), and 1.1 g. of 2-(2-cyanoethyl)-cycloheptanone, b.p. 140-145" (10 mm.), 60% yield based on unrecovered cycloheptanone. Subsequent experience with aliphatic ketones makes it likely that the yield would be better in ethanol. Anal. Calcd. for C10H16?;O: C, 72.69; H, 9.15; S, 8.48. Found: C, 73 02; H , 9.26; N, 8.32. The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone from ethanol-chloroform had m.p. 114-116". Anal. Calcd. for ClsHlsN6O4:C, 55.64; 13, 5.55; N, 20.28. Found: C, 55.60; H, 5.61; N, 20.31. (67) H. T.Openshaw and K . Robinson, J . Ckem. Soc., 941 (1937). ( 6 8 ) Kindly supplied by Professor N. J. Leonard.


G.STORK, A. RRIZZOLARA, H. IANDESXAN, J. S z ~ u s ~ o v r a c zm R.TERKELI,

The semicarbazone, from dilute ethanol, had m.p. 163-164". Anal. Calcd. for C11Hl~h~40: C, 59.44; H, 8.16; N, 25.22. Found: C, 59.76; H, 8.46; S , 25.12. 5 . Diethyl Ketone with Ethyl Acrylate.-To a solution of 15.5 g. (0.1 mole) of the inorpholine enamine of diethyl ketone in 100 ml. of absolute ethanol kept under nitrogen was added dropwise 10.0 g. (0.1 mole) of ethyl acrylate. The solution was refluxed for 15 hours and a n additional hour after the addition of 25 ml. of water. Addition of water, extraction, washing with 10yGhydrochloric acid, drying and distillation gave 9.7 g. ( 55yO) of ethyl 3-keto-4-methylenanthate ( X X I I ) , b.p. 108109' (10 mm.). The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone formed yellow crystals, m.p. 73.0-74.4". Anal. Calcd. for C16H2*S106: C, 52.45; H , 6.05. Found: C, 52.73; H , 5.98. 6 . 2-Heptanone and Acrylonitrile.-As we have mentioned in the discussion there is no good method for the formation of enamines of monosubstituted acetones. A possible-but not too satisfactory-method for circumventing this difficulty is illustrated here in the synthesis of the N-methyl-N-cyclohexyl enamine of methyl amyl ketone: A benzene solution of 60 g. of the Schiff base from methyl amyl ketone and cyclohexylamine in 500 nil. of dry benzene was treated dropwise with 50 g. of methyl iodide. After the solution had been allowed t o stand with occasional shaking for 2 hours, 30 g. of dry diethylamine was added dropwise with mechanical stirring. The heavy precipitate of diethylamine hydriodide was filtered off after 2 hours further standing at room temperature. Removal of most of the benzene and fractionation, after filtering off a further precipitate of the salt, gave the N-methyl-S-c) clohexyl enamine, b.p. 105-107" (2.5mm.),in4970yield. -4 solution of 10.4 g. (0.05 mole) of the above enamine in 100 ml. of dioxane was refluxed for 12 hours with 5.3 g. (0.1 mole) of acrylonitrile. Heating with water etc. as usual then gave 4.2 g. (50%) of 3-(2-cyanoethylj-heptanone-2,b.p. 160-170" (20 mm. j, The semicarbazone prepared and recrystallized from alcohol hadm.p. 93-94". Anal. Calcd. for CllHZOON4: C, 59.54; H , 8.92. Found: C, 59.16; H, 9.10. C. With Aldehydes. 1. Butyraldehyde Enamine and Methyl A~rylate.~~-Toa solution of 139 g. (1 mole) of the enamine from butyraldehyde and piperidine, in 750 ml. of acetonitrile cooled to below 5', was added during half of a n hour a solution of 107 g. (Z570 excess) of methyl acrylate in 250 ml. of acetonitrile. The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 5 hours and refluxed for 36 hours. Addition of 60 ml. of acetic acid in 400 rnl. of water and refluxing for 8 hours was followed by extraction after saturation with salt. Further workup as usual gave 106 g. ( 6 7 7 0 )of methyl 4-formylhexanoate ( X X I I I ) , b.p.95-98°(10mm.). Anal. Calcd. for C8H1403: C, 60.74; H, 8.92. Found: C, 60.73; H, 8.15. 2 . Heptaldehyde Enamine and Acrylonitrile.--Reaction of the enamine of heptaldehyde with acrylonitrile was carried out as described for the case of cyclohexanone (example A-4); 2cyanoethylheptaldehyde was obtained in 49y0 yield as a liquid, b.p. 140-148" (12-13 mm.). The 2,4-dinitrophenyIhydrazone crystallized from methanol as fine orange-yellow needles, m.p. 92-94 O f Anal. Calcd. for CMH~~,UOI: C, 55.32; H, 6.09; X, 20.16. Found: C, 55.61; H, 5.99; K,20.22. 11. Alkylation of Enamines with a,p-Unsaturated Ketones. 1. Cyclohexanone Morpholine Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone.-To a solution of 150 g. of the morpholine enamine of cyclohexanone in 140 mi. of benzene was added dropwise with stirring 5 g. of methyl vinyl ketone. After addition was complete, the solution was heated cautiously t o the boiling point and then refluxed 3 hours. The benzene was then distilled off, aqueous methanol (1:l) was added and the mixture was refluxed overnight. The methanol was largely removed by distillation, and after addition of 400 ml. of mater the mixture was extracted with ether (2 X 300 i d . ) . -4fter drying over magof the A1,5-A9*10tiesium sulfate, distillation gave 90 g. (67YO/,) octalorie mixture, b.p. 66" (0.05 mm.) (reportedeob.p. 101-102° ( 2 mrn.)); 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazonem.p. 168-170" from ethyl acetate, undepressed with an authentic m.p. 168". The ultraviolet spectrum shows tlie octalone mixture (XXVI) 239 mp, E 12,300.61 t o be 7270 0 , p - and 287, P,y-isomer; The pure a,p-isomer may be obtained by the following procedure: A4solution of 75 g. of octalone in 200 ml. of hexane was cooled in a Dry Ice-acetone mixture. The pure A1*9-octalone crystallizes and is obtained free of the p,;.-isomer by removing (59) This experiment was performed b y Dr. J. Dolfini. (GO) R. Robinson, E. C . d u Feu and F. J. McOuillin, J . Chen?. Soc., 53 (1937'). (til) Cf. 11. J . Uoihtcd aud J. S . \Vliitcliurst, i b i d . , 4080 (10G1).

VOl. s5

the solvent with suction through a fritted glass filter. The material so obtained is a liquid at room temperature. I t has b.p. 68-69" (0.1 mm.) and is essentially pure A1>g-octaloneas shown by the absence of saturated carbonyl in the infrared and by the 239 mp, E intensity of the maximum in the ultraviolet:" ; : A 17,400. For most purposes the mixture gives the same reactions as the pure isomer. 2 . Cyclohexanone Pyrrolidine Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone.-The main difference between this and the preceding experiment is that under the conditions of the alkylation reaction the more reactive pyrrolidine forms the enamine of the product. Since it is the enamine of an cu,P-unsaturdted ketone it must be decomposed by the use of a sodium acetate-aqueous acetic acid buffer.13 T o a solution of 45.3 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 200 ml. of benzene was added, under nitrogen, 21.0 g. of methyl vinyl ketone. The mixture was then refluxed for 24 hours. A buffer solution made up of 25 ml. of acetic acid, 25 ml. of water and 12.5 g. of sodium acetate was then added and refluxing was continued for 5 hours. Separation of the layers, extraction of the aqueous layer with benzene and washing the combined extracts with 105; hydrochloric acid and then aqueous sodium bicarbonate gave, after renioval of the benzene at atmospheric pressure and distillation, 31.6 g. (71c/c) of octalonc XXVI, b.p. 135-138' (15 m m . ) . The infrared showed the usual 5.86, 6.02, 6.19 p ) which was 75% a $ a,p--p,r-mixture (A?:? 238 m w , E 12,900). from the ultraviolet intensity 3. Direct Formation of A1~9-OctalonePyrrolidine Enamine from Cyclohexanone Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone.Since in some circumstances the enamine of octalotie (or related substances) may be required for further work rathcr than the a,p-unsaturated ketone itself, it is of interest that it may be isolated in good yield by carrying out the addition to tlie pyrrolidine enamine in toluene and omitting the hydrolysis step: Methyl vinyl ketone (18.6 g., 0.27 mole) was added dropwise with stirring to a solution of 40.0 g. (0.2; mole) of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 250 ml. of toluene. After addition was complete the solution was refluxed for 15 hours and the solvent was removed by distillation at water-pump pressure. Fractionaof the pyrrolidine enamine of Aisgtion then gave 35.9 g. (6i'Z) octalone-2 (XXV), b.p. 146-150' (0.3 mm.). The infrared 6.14, 6.25 p ) and boiling point were identical spectrum *::A:( with that of authentic enamine made in 85% yield from the A1,9-Ag~10-octalone-2 mixture and pyrrolidine by the usual azeotrope method, using toluene. 4. Cyclohexanone Enamine and Ethyl Vinyl Ketone.-To a solution of 15.1 g. (0.1 mole) of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 100 ml. of dry dioxane was added 8.4 g. (0.1 mole) of ethyl vinyl ketone. Imniediate heat evolution took place and the mixture was allowed to stand a t room temperature for 3 hours. A mixture of 10 ml. of acetic acid, 20 nil. of water and 5 g. of sodium acetate was then added and the solution was heated on the steam-bath for 45 minutes. Addition of water, extraction with ether, etc., gave 11.8 g. (657c), b.p. 125-128' (1 nun.). This appeared to be the uncyclized I-(2-oxocyclohexyl)-pentanone-3 as it showed a split carbonyl band a t 5.94 p. The substance was cyclized in 827, yield by the method of Shunk and Wilds62 to 1-methyl-Ab$-octalone-2, b.p. 150-155' (18 m m . ) , reported63b.p. 140-145' (17 mm.). The infrared of this compound was identical with that of an authentic sample made from ethyl vinyl ketone and hydroxymethylenecyclohexanone. 5 . Cyclohexanone Enamine and Methyl Isopropenyl Ketone. -A solution of 15.1 g. (0.1 mole) of cyclohexanone pyrrolidine enamine and 8.4 g. (0.1 mole) of methyl isopropenyl ketone in 75 nil. of dioxane was refluxed for 12 hours. Further work-up as described under example 2 above gave 10.8 g. ( 6 6 % ) of 3methyl-A1,9-octalone-2 (XIX), b.p. 100-105" (0.5 nirn.), reported64b.p. 132-134' (13 mm.). The semicarbazone prepared and recrystallized from ethanol had m.p. 201-202' (reported6' m.p. 202'). 6 . 4-Hydroxycyclohexanone Benzoate Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone.-A solution of 109 g. of 4-hydroxycyclohexanone benzoate, m.p. 64-65", and 55 g. of pyrrolidine in 800 inl. of benzene was transfornied as usual into the enamine (about 3 hours). The benzene and excess pyrroliditie wcrc rcrnoved, finally under vacuum. Dry benzene (500 ml.) was thctl added followed by 48 g. of freshly distilled methyl vinyl ketone, added dropwise during 15 minutes. The solution was then refluxed for 3 hours, most of the benzene mas removed in,vacuo and hydrolysis was then effected by refluxing for 5 hours with a solution of anhydrous sodium acetate (75 g , ) , acetic acid (150 ml.) and methanol (150 ml.) in water (150 ml.). Removal of most of the methanol under vacuum, addition of water and extraction with ether, followed by the usual washing and drying gave on distillation from an oil-jacketed flask 87 g. (64%) of 6-hydroxyA1.g-2-octalone benzoate as n thick oil, b.p. 200-220O (0.1 mln.). On standing, the benzoate, which is a mixture of diastereo(GZ) C. H. Shunk and A . L. Wilds. J . Anz Ckem. Soc., 71, 3946 (104U). (G3) 1 ' . Kawasc, Bull. C12c)fz. S u i . J a p a n , 31, 336 (1958). (G4) J . Colonge, AILIL.soc. chiin. I'uaizce, 1106 (1024!.


Jan. 20, 1963


vent left a solid residue weighing 0.52-0.54 g. Some paraffinic isomers, became partially crystalline. From chromatography impurity was removed (0.16-0.18 g.) with hexane by chromatogon neutral alumina it was possible to elute with ether a crystalraphy on alumina and the second fraction-a mixture of anthraline benzoate, m.p. 112-118'; this was recrystallized from a cene and phenanthrene-was analyzed by comparison of its small quantity of carbon tetrachloride and melted unsharply infrared spectrum with that of various reference mixtures of It was obviously still a mixture of benzoate epia t 116-120'. phenanthrene and anthracene, using the peaks in the 11-14 p 5.92, 6.15p, AE2H233 mp (27,000). mers; region (carbon disulfide solution) for analysis. The same perAnal. Calcd. for C17H1803: C, 75.53; H , 6.71. Found: C, centage composition was obtained directly from the crude mixture 75.53; H , 6.91. before Chromatography because the impurity did not absorb in 7. Cyclohexanone Enamine and Ethyl Acetylacrylate.the 11-14 p region. The results are accurate to within 1 5 7 0 . A solution of 15.1 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine in 65 ml. of di12. cis-Z-Decalone Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone.66oxane was allowed to stand a t room temperature for 14 hours The morpholine enamine was prepared in this case from 10 g. after addition of 14 g. of ethyl acetylacrylate. Hydrolysis with of cis-2-decalone, 8.6 g. of morpholine and 100 ml. of toluene. the usual sodium acetateacetic acid-water buffer by boiling for .4fter 16 hours of reflux under a water separator and distillation, 4 hours and usual work up gave 16.6 g. (75%) of ethyl A I M 11.7 g. of enamine (80%) was obtained, b.p. 110-115' (0.35 octalone-4-carboxylate (XVIII), b.p. 142-144" (0.4 mm.). mm.). The enamine thus obtained was dissolved in 100 ml. of This soolidified on standing in the refrigerator and had m.p. dry benzene and methyl vinyl ketone (3.72 9.) was added drop50-52 . Recrystallization from petroleum ether raised the meltwise over half an hour and the solution was then refluxed under 238 mp E 13,900;4::A: 5.82, 6.15 1.1. ing point to 54-55'; A"?: nitrogen for 16 hours. Further treatment as described in the Anal. Calcd. for C l ~ H l ~ OC, ~ :70.25; H, 8.16. Found: C, preceding example gave 9.34 g. of diketone, b.p. 118-135' 70.45; H, 8.37. (0.3 mm.). This was cyclized by refluxing for 4 hours under The 2,4-dinitrophenylh;drazone recrystallized from ethanol nitrogen with a mixture of 17.5 g. of potassium hydroxide, 10 ml. as red plates, map.160-162 of water and 440 ml. of methanol. The mixture was poured into water and extracted with ether. Distillation gave 6.50 g. Anal. Calcd. for C19H220&4: C, 56.71; H, 5.51; N, 13.92. of tricyclic ketone mixture, b.p. 131-134' (0.4 mm.). Found: C, 56.93; H, 5.60; N, 13.81. This was analyzed as in the preceding example by degradation 8. 2-Methylcyclohexanone Enamine and Methyl Vinyl to a mixture of phenanthrene and anthracene. This showed Ketone.-The reaction was carried out as described under exthe original tricyclic ketone mixture to have been 3 parts of ample 2, from 8 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of 2-rnethylcycloXXXV and 2 parts of XXXIV. hexanone and 4 g. of methyl vinyl ketone. The 8-methyl-A1m9-213. Diethyl Ketone Enamine and Methyl Vinyl yield had b.p. 102-104" ( 2 mm.), octalonegO(XX) obtained in To 8 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of diethyl ketone, stirred reported b.p. 102' ( 2 mm.). The 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone under nitrogen a t room temperature, was added dropwise 4.1 g. recrystallized from ethyl acetate had m.p. 169-170" (reported6" of methyl vinyl ketone (1 equiv.). After 2 days a t room temm.p. 172') and depressed strongly the m.p. of the isomeric diperature the enamine absorption in the infrared had disappeared. .65 nitrophenylhydrazorie, m .p. 169O , of 10-methyl-A1~g-octalone Addition of 100 ml. of ice-cold 15y0 hydrochloric acid and keeping 9. Ethyl 2-Oxocyclohexanepropionate Enamine and Methyl a t room temperature for 48 hours, followed by extraction with Vinyl Ketone .-The enamine of 2-carbethoxyethplcycloliexanone ether, washing with dilute hydrochloric, then with mater, drying and pyrrolidine can be made conveniently by omitting the and distilling, gave 4.0 g. (50%) of 2,3,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohydrolysis step in the addition, described earlier (I-A-l), of hexenone (XXI), b.p. 101-103" (34 mm.) (reported6$b.p. 88ethyl acrylate to the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone. 90' (12 mm.)), 243 mp; 2,4-dinitrophetiylhydrazone, m.p. It had b.p. 127-137' (0.4 mm.); 5.85, 6.17 p. A solution 187-1 88" (from chloroform-ethanol). of 18.0 g. of the above enamine in 60 ml. of dry dioxane was treated dropwise with 5.5 g. (10% excess) of methyl vinyl ketone Anal. Calcd. for C16Hl8X404: C, 56.59; H, 5.70; N, 17.60. Following the addition, the solution was refluxed for 15 hours. Found: C,56.63; H,5.67; N , 17.41. Hydrolysis by refluxing 4 hours with a solution of 5 g. of sodium acetate in 10 ml. of water and 10 ml. of acetic acid and work-up 14. Isovaleraldehyde Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone .67-as usual gave 10.94 g. (61 %) of &(2-~arbethoxyethyl)-A~~~-2-To 10 g. of ice-cold piperidine enamine of isovaleraidehyde under octalone, b.p. 146-157" (0.35 mm.); 5.82, 6.01 p . The nitrogen was added with stirring, over 45 minutes, 4.6 g. of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone, dark red crystals from ethanolmethyl vinyl ketone. .kfter 24 hours a t room temperature, the chloroform. had m.D. 129.5-130.5'. mixture was treated with 125 mi. of 1.5% hydrochloric acid and Anal. Calcd. fo; C21H26N406: C, 58.59; H, 6.09. Found: C, stirred under nitrogen for 30 hours a t room temperature, followed by heating half an hour on the steam-bath. The oil which 58.82; H, 6.31. separated was extracted with ether, and after washing with di10. Cyclopentanone Enamine and Methyl Vinyl Ketone.-lute hydrochloric acid, then water and drying, distillation gave In the same manner described under example 11-2, a solution of 6.3 g. (74%) of 4-isopropylcyclohexenone (XXIV), b.p. 10313.7 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclopentanone in 65 ml. of 104' (15 mm.), reported69 b.p. 53-56' (0.4 mm.)). The 2,4dry dioxane was allowed t o react with 7 g. of methyl vinyl kedinitrophenylhydrazone had m.p. 137.5-139' (reported6gm.p. tone. On distillation after hydrolysis, 5.7 g. (427,) of 5,6,7,8135-136'). tetrahydroindanone-5 (XII), b.p. 80-81' (0.4 mrn.), was obtained (reported26 b.p. 107-112" (12 mm.)), 233 inp 15. Propionaldehyde Enamine and Ethyl Vinyl Ketone .07(12,700). The semicarbazone, recrystallized from 1-butanol In the same manner as described above, reaction of 11.4 g. of the piperidine enamine of propionaldehyde was treated xvith melted a t 214-219" (reportedz6m.p. 220"). 11. trans-2-Decalone Enamine and Methyl Vinyl [email protected] g. of ethyl vinyl ketone. Further hydrolysis and work-up The pyrrolidine enamine of trans-2-decalone was prepared by as before gave 7.90 g. of 2,4-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone(XXXVI), b.p. 70-72" (20 mm.) (reporteda2 b.p. 95" ( 3 5 mm.)). The inrefluxing a mixture of 5.0 g. of trans-2-decalone, 3.50 g. of pyrrolidine and 50 ml. of benzene for 20 hours under a water sepafrared spectrum was identical with that of an authentic sample.32 rator. Removal of the benzene and distillation gave 5.50 g. The red 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone had m.p. 185-187" (reof enamine, b.p. 102-105" (0.2 mm.). To a stirred solution of ported70m.p. 183-184'). 5.5 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine in 125 ml. of dry benzene was 16. Enamine of Methyl 4-Formylhexanoate and Methyl Vinyl added 1.90 g. of methyl vinyl ketone (1 equiv.). After refluxing Ket0ne.5~-A solution of 7.1 g. (0.1 mole) of pyrrolidine and 15 g. under nitrogen for 12 hours, hydrolysis was effected by refluxing of methyl 4-formylhexanoate in 400 ml. of benzene was refluxed for 4 hours with 10 g. of sodium acetate in 20 ml. of acetic acid for 1 hour under a water separator. After concentration the and 20 nil. of water. Separation of layers, washing, etc., gave reaction to 150 ml., a solution of 8.8 g. (0.13 mole) of methyl of the mixture of tricyclic ketones, b.p. 113-120" 3.26 g. vinyl ketone in 10 ml. of benzene was added dropwise, with (0.25 mm.). This was shown to consist of 1 part of XXXII stirring under a nitrogen atmosphere a t room temperature, over and 9 parts of X X X I by the following degradation: The unca. 20 minutes. The mixture was kept a t room temperature for saturated ketone mixture 11.0 g.) was hydrogenated in the 1 hour and refluxed for 17 hours. Acetic acid (6.0 9.) was added presence of 200 mg. of platinum oxide in 40 ml. of acetic acid. and refluxing was continued for 4 hours. The solution was then After the theoretical 2 moles of hydrogen had been absorbed, cooled, washed with water, 5% hydrochloric acid, dried and the catalyst was removed and the acetic acid was distilled off distilled to give 10.0 g. (487,) of 4-ethyl-4-(2-carbomethoxyunder vacuum. Addition of 10 ml. of acetic anhydride and 2.0 ethyl)-2-~yclohexenone(XXXVITI), b .p . 118-122 O (0.25 mm .) ; g. of sodium acetate to the residual oil was followed by heating X ~ ~ 5.78 ~ ' s6.00 p ; 226 m p E , 12,300. Redistillation gave on the steam-bath for 12 hours. Addition of aqueous bicarbonate an analytical sample, b.p. 105' (0.05 mm.). to destroy the excess acetic anhydride and extraction with ether Anal. Calcd. for C12H1803: C, 68.54; €1, 8.63. Found: gave the oily acetate which was dehydrogenated by heating with C, 68.73; H , 8.41. 200 mg. of 30% palladium-on-charcoal for 1 hour a t 250-260" and 6 hours a t 330-340'. Hot chloroform was added to the mixture and the catalyst was filtered off. Removal of the sol(67) This experiment was carried out by J. Pugach.


( 6 5 ) 11. Yanagita and K . Yamakawa, J . Org. Cirem., 22, 2'31 (1957) (66) This experiment was performed by J. J. Pappas.

(68) R. N. Lacey, J . Chem. SOL.,1639 (1960). (G9) M D. Soffer and M. h Jevnik, J . A m . C k e m S O L ,77, 1003 (1955) (70) A . J Birch, J. Chem. SOL., 1042 (1947).





Alkyiation with Alkyl Halides Many alkylations are recorded in detail in the literature. A few examples from our own work are listed here. Pyrrolidine Enamines of Cyclohexanones. 1. Allyl Bromide.7LTo a solution of 125 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in one liter of acetonitrile was added dropwise 120 g. of allyl bromide. After completion of the addition, the solution was refluxed for 13 hours under nitrogen. After removal of most of the acetonitrile the residue was diluted with 600 ml. of water and heated on the steam-bath for 20 minutes. The resulting solution was cooled and extracted with ether. The ether extract was dried, concentrated and distilled under reduced pressure to give 2-allylcyclohexanone (XLIII) in 66% yield, b.p. 100-105° (18-20 mm.); reported72 b.p. 94' (16 mm.). 2. Benzyl Chloride.-To a solution of 5 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 25 ml. of dioxane was added 6 g. of benzyl chloride and the mixture was refluxed for 12 hours. A t the end of that time, 5 ml. of water was added and refluxing was continued for another 8 hours. Removal of solvent under reduced pressure, extraction with ether and washing with 5% hydrochloric acid, 5$70 sodium carbonate, water and finally drying and distillation gave 3.3 g. (55%) of 2-benzylcyclohexanone (XL), b.p. 185-167" (18 nim.), reported73 b.p. 165-166' a t 18 mni. This was further characterized by its oxime, m.p. 125.5-126.5' from methanol ( r e p ~ r t e d ?m.p. ~ 126-127"), and by its sernicarbazone,_n.p. 165.2-165.4' from methanol (reported73 m.p. 166-16r ). The residue from the distillation crystallized on trituration with petroleum ether to give, after recrystalljzation from methanol, 0.5 g. (5.4%) of colorless, shiny plates, m.p. 122-123 ', of 2,6-dibenzyicyclohexanone (reported7' m.p. 122") semicarbazone, from methanol, m.p. 192.5-193.5' ( r e p ~ r t e d m.p. '~ 190'). When the reaction was carried out in benzene, the yield of 2-benzylcyclohexanone was only 30%; in methanol it was 400jc. The piperidine enamine in dioxane gave 269'0 yield. 3 . Methyl a-Bromopropionate.-To a solution of 5 g. of cyclohexanone pyrrolidine enamine in 50 ml. of dry methanol was added 6.7 g. (1 equiv.) of ethyl a-bromopropionate. The solution was refluxed for 10 hours and, after addition of 10 ml. of water, refluxing was continued for another hour. Addition of water (100 ml.) and extraction with ether then gave, after drying and distillation, a 44% yield of methyl 2-(2-oxocyclohexyl)-propionate (XLII), b.p. 130-131" (10 mm.). The semicarbazone was prepared and recrystallized from ethanol; m.p. 204-205". Anal. Calcd. for C I I H ~ ~ O ~C,N 54.75; ~: H, 7.94; N, 17.42. Found: C,55.16; H,7.92; N, 17.40. 4. Propargyl Bromide on the Enamine of the Ethylene Glycol Monoketal of 1,4-Cyclohexanedione.~~-The enamine was prepared by refluxing a solution of 5 g. of pyrrolidine and in 100 ml. of dry ben10 g. of 1,4-dioxaspiro[4.~]decan-8-one7~ zene under a water separator, under nitrogen, for 7 hours. Most of the benzene was removed and the residue was distilled t o give 10 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine as a colorless liquid, b.p. 110120' (0.1-0.15 mm.). This was used directly for alkylation with propargyl bromide: To a solution of 10 g. of the above enamine in 100 ml. of dry acetonitrile was added dropwise 8 g. of propargyl bromide. The solution was refluxed for 16 hours under nitrogen. After removal of most of the acetonitrile the residue was stirred with 100 ml. of 10% potassium hydroxide solution a t room temperature for 24 hours. Extraction with ether, drying and distillation gave 50% yield of the desired propargyl ketone XLV, b.p. 110-125" (0.1-0.15 mm.). This crystallized on standing, but because of its instability it was analyzed and characterized as its semicarbazone, m.p. 198-200", which was prepared and recrystallized from a mixture of ethanol and water. Anal. Calcd. for C I Z H I ~ O ~C, N ~57.35; : H, 6.82; N, 16.i2. Found: C , 57.20; H,6.89; N, 16.74. 5 . l-Bromo-Z-butanone.-To a solution of 10 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 30 ml. of dry benzene was added 11 g. of 1-bromo.2-butanone in 30 ml. of benzene. The solution was refluxed for 3 hours and, after the addition of 20 ml. of water, refluxing was continued for a further 2 hours. Extraction with ether, drying and distillation gave 6.2 g . of 2-(2-ketobutyl)-cyclohexanone (XLI), b.p. 128-131" (9 mm.). The infrared showed a t ca. 1700 ern.-'. The r-diketone was cyclized by refluxing with 50 ml. of methanol containing 300 mg. of sodium methoxide for 1 hour. Acidification with 2 N hydrochloric acid and extraction with ether gave a crude product cn. lGS5 and 1630 cm.-' typical of a cyclopenwhich had, , ,A tenone, while gar chromatography showed the product to be essentially one coinponent. Distillation gave 3.6 g. of l-methyl(71) (72) (73) (74) (75)

T h i s experiment was performed by S. Malhotra. R. Cornubert, Comfit. r r n d . , 168, 1901 (1914). 17. l'iffmeaii and 31. Porcher, Bull, SOC. chim. Z:rnnre, 31, 331 (1031). R . Cnrnuhert, ibid., 2, 198 (1935). D. Prins, Helu. Chirn. Acln, 1021 (1337).



L-01. 55

A1*8-tetrahydro-2-indanone, b.p. (mainly) 119-121' ( 9 mm.). This gave a red 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone, m.p. 197-199' ( r e ~ o r t e d ?b.p. ~ 74-81' (1 mm.); 2,4-dinitrophenylhycirazo1le, m .p. 195.2-196'). With the isomeric (secondary) bromide 3-bromo-%butanone no clean product could be obtained. 6. %-ButylIodide.-A solution of 7.55 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone was refluxed for 19 hours in 50 ml. of toluene with 19.4 g. of n-butyl iodide. Addition of 10 ml. of water and further refluxing for half an hour was followed by addition of 10 ml. of 10% sulfuric acid and ether extraction of the aqueous solution, following separation of the toluene layer. The combined extracts were washed with 5% aqueous sodium thiosulfate, dried over magnesium sulfate and distilled to give recovered cyclohexanone and 2-butylcyclohexanone, b.p. 90-95" (13 mm.); 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone (from 95% ethanol) m.p. 112.5113.5' (reported?? b.p. 93-94' (11 mm.); 2,1dinitrophenylhydrazone m.p. 110-111'). The actual conversion to 2-butylcyclohexanone was determined by vapor phase chromatography of the total mixture obtained from the alkylation reaction on 20'7, silicone on fire-brick a t 190" under 8 Ib. helium. The conversion was 44Ljb and the yield based on unrecovered cyclohexanone was 5770. Butyl bromide gave lower yields. 7. Methyl Iodide.-Under the same conditions as described above for butyl iodide, but with benzene as solvent, methyl iodide gave 4470 conversion t o 2-methylcyclohexanone ( 83y0 yield based on unrecovered cyclohexanone). In methanol the yield was around 357,. Piperidine, morpholine, hexaniethylene imine and heptamethylene imine enamines gave lower yields in either benzene or methanol, the yields being lowest with piperidine and heptamethylene imine. In the methylation reactions a small amount ( k l O 7 , ) of 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanoiiecould be demonstrated by vapor phase chromatography. It is interesting that the N-methylaniline enamine of cyclohexanone with methyliodide under the same conditions as above (toluene solvent) gave 42.4% conversion or 69% j:ield based on unrecovered cyclohexanone. There was no 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanone in this case. The long time required (see above) for the preparation of the enamine of cyclohexanone with the weakly basic N-methylaniline is a drawback, however. 8 . Chloromethyl Ether.-A solution of 19.3 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 100 ml. of anhydrous ether was treated with 12 g. of chloromethyl ether. Heat evolution was moderated by intermittent cooling with ice. After standing a t room temperature for 12 hours, addition of water and extraction, followed by drying and distillation, gave 6.0 g. (33%) of 2methoxymethylcyclohexanone (XLIV), b.p. 92-94' (12 mm.). The semicarbazo;e, prepared and recrystallized from ethanol, hadm.p. 160-161 . Anal. Calcd. for ClaHZoONz: C, 52.17; H , 5.63. Found: C, 51.81; H, 5.79. Alkylation of 8-Tetra1ones.-We have previously the alkylation of 6-isopropyl-2-tetralone pyrrolidine enamine wit11 methyl iodide. We will describe here the alkylation of the parent substance. Methyl Iodide on the Pyrrolidine Enamine of 2-Tetralone.The crude pyrrolidine enamine from 10 g. of B-tetralone and 7 g . of pyrrolidine was refluxed for 10 hours with 20 nil. of methyl iodide in 50 ml. of dioxane. Addition of 25 nil. of water and 1 ml. of acetic acid and further heating for 4 hours, followed by removal of most of the solvent under reduced pressure and workup as usual, gave 9 g. (817,) of l-methyl-2-tetrd~one, b.p. 13&-142O (20 mm.), reported78 b.p. 137-138" (18 xnm.). The infrared spectrum of the distillate was identical with that of an authentic sample.78 111. Acylation of Enamines to 8-Diketones and @-KetoEsters 1. Cyclohexanone Enamine and Acetic Anhydride.-A solution of 10 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 25 ml. of dioxane was allowed to stand a t room temperature for 1% hours after addition of 8 g. of acetic anhydride. Addition of 6 ml. of water was followed by refluxing for half an hour. liemoval of solvent under reduced pressure, extraction with ether, washing with 57, hydrochloric acid and finally with water, drying and distillation gave 3.9 g. (42%) of 2-acetylcyclohesa? ~ 100none (LXVI), b.p. 97-104' (12-14 mm.) ( r e p ~ r t e d b.p. 108' (14 mm.)). 2. Cyclohexanone and Mixed Anhydride of Formic and Acetic Acid.-To a solution of 20 g. of the pyrrolidine enamine of cyclohexanone in 50 ml. of dry dioxane, cooled in an ice-saltbath, was added dropwise with rapid stirring 19.4 g. of the mixed anhydride of formic and acetic acid.80 After 1 hour, 10 ml. of water was added and the solution was stirred for another how. ___--

(76) Cf J . A. Hartruan, J . Org. Chem.. 22, 46fi (11137). This expcriiueiit Dr. Michael Rosenberger. (77) B.B. Elsner and H. E. Strauss, J , Chem Soc., 888 (1937). (78) J. Cornforth. R . Cornforth and R. Robinson, i b i d . , 688 (1942). (793 G. Vavon a n d J . hl. Conia, Comfit. r e n d . , 239, 870 (1951). (80) C. D. Hurd and A. S. Roe, J . A m . Chein. Sac.. 61, 335s (IC?J