The encyclopedia of spectroscopy (Clark, George L.)

hook thernselvei. The Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy. Edited by Cr'rorge L. Clark, Cnivrr~itp of Illinois, Uibann. Reinhold Puldish- ing Corp., iiew Yar...
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BOOK REVIEWS I found this book stimulating and enjoyable, and hope that this brief review is sufficimt to stin~ulsteothers to use this hook thernselvei.

The Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy Edited by Cr'rorge L. Clark, C n i v r r ~ i t p of Illinois, Uibann. Reinhold Puldishing Corp., iiew Yarli, 1!lAO. xvi ( h,-i pp. Figs. nnd tables. IS X 26 cm. $25.



This mc?rlopedia is compilation of articles in the field of spcrt,roscopy by many of the outetanding workers in this :wen. The coverage contains d l spectroscopic techniques including t h r newer tools such as st,ondc ahrorption, rlectron paramagnetic and nuclear m a g n d c spectm. I n general, one finrl~a veyy brief theoretied discussion, and l:~rger sections dealing with experiment,nl techniques and applications oi a particular lmneh of spectroscopy. The npplicntions are extremely varied, dealing with such lopies as the absorption amlysis of manganese, nicotine and fats, oils, f:ttty acids and glyceride p~rt,iele size analpis using gamma ray nbsorptiamrtry. The largest sections of this hook iErc concerned ~ ~ - i t h omission spectraaeapy and infrnrod nnalysis. The inclusion oi R chapter on differential thermal :mnlysis in a work such as this does not seem to l w justifiable. Most of the a r t i c l ~ sare wrll w i t t e n and ahould serve as s clear int,roduction for the heginning worl~rr. References are given a t the end of each swtion t o permit a more thorough it~vcstipntion of the material. The intnxluetory materi:d in the w d i a n on eleet,ron parankagnetic resonnnce is virtually the same xa that which appears in the Vminn l'eth,ninicnl Bullelin, Voh~me 2, Number 1, hut this sort 01 duplicntion is not present throughout the cnt,iro reference. This hook will he used mainly b" porsone u'ith no prior Intrliground in the v a r i o u ~awns or sprctrs. This hook should he n worth-u-hile addition t o industrial and college libraries.

T r r ~ o n o nR.~ Wlr,l.lws ?'he College uJ W o u n l ~ r IVooslw. Ohio

Organic Syntheses. Volume41

John D. Roberts, editor-in-chief.

John Wiley & Sona, Inc., New York, 1961. ix 118 pp. Figs, and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. 54. There are 28 syntheses, ranging from the preparation of diazomethane and 2-nitroethanol t o a steroid ether, terpene derivatives, acetylsted gluconic acid, and a sandwich compound, rnthocene. T h r


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Journal of Chemical Education