The end of an era - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

The end of an era. W. T. Lippincott. J. Chem. Educ. , 1967, 44 (12), p 703. DOI: 10.1021/ed044p703. Publication Date: December 1967. Cite this:J. Chem...
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The End of an Era

editorially speaking

This issue marks the end of an era for the

the embodiment of his professional life, and hence he has served it with every erg of energy he could muster, with every grain of intelligence he possesses, and with goes to press, Benjamin F. Gould will telephone Mrs. all the ambivalence of pride and disappointment that Sadie Marion at the Mack Printing Company and, characterizes an over-ambitious parent. As a conseafter having her check to see that a dozen or so changes have been made in the type as it lies in the forms in quence, he counted it a duty to respond fully to any and all issues that confronted the staff. When an editor the composing room, he will repeat the simple ritual he has performed on each of the preceding 407 issuesdrifted toward complacency-and sometimes even beforeBen bad a handful of novel and usually fruitful that of releasing the book for printing. This particular release has a special meaning for everyone associated suggestions for new features and formats. If the Board of Publications appeared about to falter on a with THIS JOURNAL because it signals the end of Ben Gould's illustriously productive career as worker and proposal to publish a new title, Ben was ready with marketing facts, opinion from experts in the field, and, if worrier on this publication. THIS JOURNAL these failed, with a stirring discourse illustrating the was ten years old when Ben Gould ultimate morality of doing it his way. His arguments joined the staff as advertising manager in 1933. While were usually cogent, sometimes brilliant, and always his title has not changed over the years, his duties have exciting. Although he is not a chemist he earned the expanded to include every facet of the business of prorespect of the many chemists with whom he worked ducing the hook except judging manuscripts, setting the during the past 34 years. type, and running the presses. For many years he has For many of these chemists respect became regard, handled all of these jobs simultaneously, always with and for those who worked closest with him it became remarkable effectiveness. As advertising manager he partnership in the finest tradition-a fact that has made succeeded in increasing the number of pages of advertisworking on the JOURNAL an added pleasure for the ening from about 100 in 1935 to just under 900 in 1967; as tire staff. However, in a larger sense Ben Gould's circulation manager he did much to increase the number contributions have made him a partner in the chemical of paid subscriptions from just over 4000 in 1935 to education enterprise a t large. His hard work in promore than 25,000 in 1967. Ben conceived, and for viding reliable advertising and advertising revenue has many years edited, "Out of the Editor's Basket." He made it possible to offer a much better book than could arranged for publication of "Tested Demonstrations," be presented without it. (For example, the income "TOPS," and "Chemical Instrumentation" working in from subscriptions barely covers the cost of making collaboration with Professors Hubert N. Alyea, Frederic engravings for the articles which appear.) His comB. Dutton, and Dale Dreisbach on the first two and plete dedication to THIS JOURNAL has been a spur, a Professors S. Z. 1,ewin and Galen Ewing on the third. source of good ideas, and an inspiration to the editors, The annual book exhibit and the publishing of its conthe Editorial Board, and the Board of Publications. As comitant book list were started in 1942 by Ben. This list, which grew from 250 titles and 19 publishers in the a result the JOURNAL, and hopefully chemical education, first year to 1600 titles and GO publishers in 1967, has has been generously enriched. As he turns over his duties to his especially capable been maintained t,hrough his efforts. He was the force associate of the past nine years, Frank J. Altschul, Jr., behind publication of the 16 books listed by the Division and begins a well-earned retirement, we want Ben of Chemical Education Publications. I n retrospect, Gould to know that we have benefited greatly from our that the Ben has filled the position for THIS JOURNAL associations with him and that the JOURNAL OF CHEMIPublisher would occupy on a popular magazine. And Ben has acted like a publisher in many other CAL EDUCATION always will have some of Ben Gould WTL ways as well. For example, he has made the JOURNAL in it.


Volume 44, Number 12, December 1967
