"The enthusiastic of our employees
response . . ,!? 5
ALDEN G. ROACH President, Columbia-Geneva SteelDivision and Consolidated Western Steel Division, United States Steel Corporation
" It is most gratifying to me that the employees of the Columbia-G-ene-va Steel Oivision and the Consolidated Western Steel Division of United States Steel Corporation have accorded meaning to their belief that the security of our nation rests upon our cooperative effort. The enthusiastic response of our employees made me doubly glad ive conducted a person-to-person canvass for the Payroll Savings Plan for U. S. Defense Sonds" T h e experience of Columbia-Geneva and Consolidated Western Divisions of United States Steel Corporation is not an isolated one.
The monthly take-home savings of the 7,500,000 now in t h e Payroll Savings Plan totals $150,000,000 per month —and growing rapidly.
Since January 1, 1951, hundreds and hundreds of companies have conducted person-to-person canvasses of their plants and offices. In every instance, employee participation in t h e Payroll Savings Plan has increased - s o m e t i m e s from a low figure —to 60, 70, 80%. I n a n u m b e r of plants, participation passed the 90% mark.
As a step toward your personal security, and the security of your associates, hiring "this page to t h e attention of your top executive. Tell tiim that—
Employees tvant to provide for their future security.
• a person-to-person canvass of your plant can be conducted without pressure, prize awards or other stimulation. (In many pl-ants-, employee organizations have undertaken time actual distribution of Payroll Savings Application Hlanks.)
Given an opportunity to enroll in the Payroll Savings Plan they respond immediately — as evidenced by the fact that more than 2,000,000 men and women have joined the Payroll Savings Plan since January 1, 1951.
• T h e Savings Bond Division, IT. S. Treasury Department, Suite 700, Washington Building, Washington, D. C , will gladly help yoxir company with suggestions, posters, envelope stmiffers and other aids.
T h e explanation is simple.
The U.S. Government does not pay for this advertisement. It is donated by this in cooperation with the Advertising Council and the Magazine Publishers of
publication America.
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