the LAMBDA-DIAL" accessory for any. 1 ml Repipet or ... w¡,hLLAMBDA0,DiAL you get more ... 1802A Second Street, Berkeley, California 94710, or contac...
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Why Use Ordinary


USE THE ERROR ELIMINATORS! L / l automatic REPIPETS" and Dilutors eliminate the many sources of error inherent in manual techniques. These unique instruments pipet, dilute and dispense with a guaranteed accuracy of 1 % -V- " and a reproducibility of 0 . 1 % . W i t h the LAMBDA-DIAL" accessory for any 1 ml Repipet or Dilutor, accuracy soars to a p h e n o m e n a l 1 % at 10 lambdas! | As s h o w n , L / l instruments fit directly «.**>: Λ \ on your reagent bottles, 1 /2-ounce and larger. ( L / l will supply bottle if -»i desired.) To operate, simply set vol­ ume w i t h knife-edge pointer, lift p l u n g e r to a s p i r a t e , a n d d e p r e s s plunger to deliver. In effect, you've automated your reagent bottle! You not only save valuable analysis time, L „ith LAiwBDA-DiAL Y°u get more results and more deaccessory pendable results.


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PYREX L / l instruments handle any reagent, including concentrated acids, concentrated alkalies, chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc. Integral air filters keep reagents pure. All-amber instruments are supplied for labile reagents. L / l stocks REPIPETS and Dilutors in V2, 1, 5, 10, 2 0 and 5 0 ml sizes. Each i n s t r u m e n t is a d j u s t a b l e and accurate over its entire scale. Micro and macro Teflon tips i n c l u d e d . Prices: REPIPETS $ 5 2 . 5 0 ; Dilutors $ 9 9 . 5 0 ; L A M B D A - D I A L S $ 4 9 . 5 0 . W r i t e to L / l at 1 8 0 2 A Second Street, Berkeley, California 9 4 7 1 0 , or contact your distributor. L / l Phone: (415) 8 4 3 - 0 2 2 0 . Cable: GATE-MERC, Los Angeles. L/l


Eliminators Circle No. 91 on Readers' Service Card VOL 4 1 ,