The essential role of chemistry in occupational health education

accidents) has resulted in the Occupational. Safety and Health Act (1970) impactsonall workers and emplayers, and more recently the Toxic Substances C...
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edited by MALCOLM M. RENFREW University of Idaho MOSCOW, Idaho 83843

The Essential Role of Chemistry in Occupational Health Education

P a u l Tomboulian a n d Larry Brantley Oakland University, Rochester, MI Increased contemporary awareness of oecupatiunal hazards has manifested itself in a philosophy of disease prewnticm and maintenance d g r , ~ r health. l Hy omtrnst, historical a t t i t d e s assume that the workplace neeer9arily involves certain risksand that the role of health agencies is disease treatment. T h e usual focus of~,ceupatim~al health' is the w , ,,!ml.

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