The Estimation of Pentoses and Pentosans - Industrial & Engineering

La Verne Cheyney. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition 1943 15 ... Ira Duncan. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition ...
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December, 1923



24-U. S. Patent 1,437,636 (1922). 25-British Patent 188,667 (1922). 26-Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 41 (Il), 119 (1922). 27-La Planter. 46, 61 (1920). 28-J. I n d . Eng. Chem., 13, 1043 (1921). 29-Ibid., 14, 441 (1922). 30--Zbid., 16, 619 (1923). 31-Znt. Sugar J . , 24, 533 (1922). 32-J. Am. Chcm. SOC.,42, 946 (1920). 33-Chem. Met. Enr., 28, 977 (1923).

14-Ind. Eng. Chem., 15, 631 (1923). l:~--Gas Age-Record, 48, 275 (1921). 16-Gas u. Wasserfach., 66, 473 (1922). 17-Chem. Met. Eng., 28, 1114 (1923). 18-U. S.Bur. Mines, Tech. Paper 300. 19-J. Frank. Inrt., 191, 145 (1921). 20-U. S. Patent 1,436,662 (1922). S. Patent 1,325,145 (1919). 21-U. 2%-British Patent 184,184 (1922). 23-J. Am. Chem. Soc., 44, 244 (1922).

The Estimation of Pentoses and Pentosans' 11-The

Determination of Furfural

By Norville C. Pervier and Ross A. Gortner UNIVERSITY OR MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, MI".

Seoeral new volumetric methods for the determination of furfural i n dilute aaueous solution were tested out. Iodine in alkaline solution could not be used because the results could not be accurately duplicated. The trials with acid permanganate were alsb unsuccessful, owing to catalytic reduction of the permanganate by furfural. The use of potassium bromate in acidified furfural solutions containine- .Botassium bromide was eminently successful. Specific directions are given for obtaining theoretical yields of furfuralfrom pentose materials and for the volumetric determination





Pentose Pentosan

which seem to justify the use of the following theoretical factors for the conversion of potassium bromate used to furfural, pentose, penfosati, or tho corresponding methyl derivatives:


1 Part I of this article was published in the previous issue of THIS JOURNAL. 2 For references see bibliography at end of article.


Methylpentosan Rhamnose hydrate

Factor 1.7254 2.6961 2.3726 1.9758 2.9481 2.6244 3.2717

Method of Calculation 3CsHaOz: KBrOa 3CsHioOa: KBrOa 3CsHsO4: KBrOa 3CsHaOz:KBrOa 3CeH1zOs:KBrOn 3CeHioOa:KBrOa 3CsHizOrHzO: KBrOa




Log 0.236890 0.430736 0.375225 0.295743 0.469542 0.419024 0.514782


o.l KBroa 0.004803 3.681513 3.875351 0.006605 3.819873 0.005500 3.740363 0.008207 3.914184 0.007305 3.863620 0.009107 5.959375



Representative results of dctevminations on pure pentoses and pure furfural are recorded

A&moNIA-The earliest method proposed was that of Stone and Tollens (1888),2 which involved the precipitation of the furfural by ammonia and subsequent weighing of the resulting furfuramide. The method was quite unsatisfactory owing t o incomplete precipitation of the furfural [Giinther, de Chalmot and Tollens (1891), Stone (189l)l. PHENYLHYDRAZINE-This was proposed by the work of Fischer (1884). Gunther and Tollens (1890) and Giinther, de Chalmot, and Tollens (1891) titrated furfural with a standardized phenylhydrazine solution using aniline acetate paper as indicator. Stone (1891) used Fehling's solution to determine the end point. Ling and Nanji (1921) precipitated the furfural and determined the excess phenylhydrazine by iodometry. Flint and Tollens (1892) and others have shown that the use of this reagent in volumetric estimations is rather unsatisfactory owing to instability of the solution and the fact that it reacts with levulinic acid arising from hexoses, giving an indefinite end point. Phenylhydrazine was also used as a gravimetric reagent [de Chalmot and Tollens (1891), de Chalmot (1893, 1894)l. Gunther, de Chalmot, and Tollens (1891), Flint and Tollens (1892), and iMann, Kruger, and Tollens (1896) undertook comparative studies of all the phenylhydrazine methods, and concluded that the gravimetric method was best. However, the furfural hydrazone was difficult to dry properly and conversion factors had t o be determined experimentally. This reagent has also been used in the gaseometric determination of furfural [Gregore and Carpiaux (1898), Menaul and Dowel1 (1919)l. PYROGALLOL-Hotter (1893) heated acidified furfural solutioris with pyrogallol in sealed tubes a t 110' C. and weighed the resulting precipitates. SEMIOXAMIZINE-This was used by Kerp and Unger (1897), who obtained low results with its use. Kreeman and Klein


Rhamnose hvdrate

of this substance in the resulting distillates.

ANY reagents have been proposed for the estimation of the furfural obtained from the acid distillation of pentose. The principal ones are reviewed below.



0.0027837 0.0027837 0,0027837 0.0027837 0.0027837 0.0027837 0.0027837



Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor


0 007505



(1917) also used it in their study of the kinetics of the reaction whereby pentoses are transformed into furfural. PHLOROGLUCINOL-wheeleT and Tollens (1889) first applied phloroglucinol as a color test, and Councler (1894) adapted the test to the gravimetric estimation of furfural. The method was studied by Welbel and Zeisel (1895), Mann, Kriiger, and Tollens (1896), Tollens (1902), and Grund (1902). The first of these found that methylfurfural was also precipitated so that methylpentoses could be determined by the same method [Votocek (1897), Widtsoe, and Tollens (1900)l. Krober (1900, 1901) amplified and perfected the whole pentose procedure and determined by actual experiment the factors and tables for the conversion of various weights of phloroglucinol precipitate into the corresponding weights of arabinose, xylose, pentose, and pentosan. Krober's results were verified by Krober, Rimbach, and Tollens (1902, 1902a). Mayer and Tollens (1907) then extended the Krober procedure t o include fucose, while Ellett and Tollens (1905) did the same for rhamnose. The latter investigators further found that both methylpentoses and pentoses could be estimated in the same sample by applying Votoceks (1897) observation on the relative solubilities of methylfurfural and furfuralphloroglucide in 95 per cent alcohol a t 60' C. Ishida and Tollens (1911) advised the use of a Soxhlet apparatus in the alcoholic extraction, but Schorger (1917) showed that this is less accurate than simple maceration of the precipitate with alcohol. Schorger further claimed that the procedure of Ellett and Tollens gave results which were too high for both pentose and methylpentose. Pinoff (1905) studied the reaction between furfural and phloroglucinol in alcoholic solution. Boddinger and Tollens (1910) proposed shortening the time required for precipitation by heating the solution, but this modification has been criticized [Iyichter and Tollens (1911), Schorger (1917)l. Welbel and Zeisel (1895) advised weighing the precipitate in a weighing bottle because they believed it to be oxidized during drying and weighing in air. This contention was supported by Goodwin and Tollens (1904) and by Cunningham and Doree (1914), but denied by Mann, Kruger, and Tollens (1896), and Krober (1900). Krober (1901) found that on exposure to the air the precipitate took up moisture which was later removed with difficulty. This conflicting evidence prompts the suspicion that the furfuralphloroglucinol precipitate does not have a fixed chemical




composition. Various molecular proportions between furfural and phloroglucinol are cited by different writers, who further disagree as to the number of water molecules that are eliminated in the reaction. Goodwin and Tollens (1904) claimed that one molecule of water split out at ordinary temperature while a t SOo C. three were lost. Krober, in compiling his tables and formulas, assumed that two molecules were eliminated. Evidently, no two have had the same pure compound for analysis. The latest work is that of Votocek and Potmesil (1916) in which furfural was used to precipitate phloroglucinol from acid solution. These experimenter$ found, from a large number of determinations, that the ratio of condensation product to phloroglucinol was “about 2 : 1.” Goodwin and Tollens and Krober stated, however, that the variable composition of the precipitate could probably be disregarded without introducing any appreciable error. This is due to the purely empirical nature of the method. BARBITURIC ACID DERIVATIVES-The use of barbituric acid was suggested by Conrad and Reinbach (1901), and developed by Jager and Unger (1902, 1903). Fromherz (1907), and Dox and Plaisance (1916) criticized the method, and the latter investigators also found malonylguanidine to be unsatisfactory. They found, however, that thiobarbituric acid precipitated furfural quantitatively from acid solution as a definite, crystalline chemical compound. They also suggested that the proportions of methylfurfural and furfural present could be calculated from the nitrogen and sulfur content of the precipitate. Hydroxymethylfurfural did not interfere. SODIUM BISuLFITE-Jolles (1905) proposed the addition of an excess of standard sodium bisulfite solution to a neutralized aliquot of the distillate and titration of the excess by iodine. He also estimated both pentoses and methylpentoses by precipitating the former as barium pentosate [Bey (19OO)l and performing a double distillation [Jolles (1907)l. The method was studied by Tolman and Trescott (1906) and Kerp and Wohler (1909), who found that conditions had to be closely duplicated to obtain concordant results. FEHLING’S SoLuTIoN-The reduction of Fehling’s solution by furfural was proposed as a possible method by Flohil (1911) and further studied by Eynon and Lane (1912) a?d by Baker and Hulton (1916), who found the presence of sodium chloride to be an influencing factor. SILVEROXIDE-The oxidation of furfural by ammoniacal silver oxide was used in a volumetric procedure by Cormack (1900), who titrated the excess silver by thiocyanate after filtration of the silver precipitate. Cormack’s method has never been applied to the determination of pentoses.

PRESENT OFFICIALMETHOD The method of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (1920) is essentially the Krober modification of the Tollens method. To the distillate obtained, as previously described, an amount of phloroglucinol double that of the furfural expected is then added and the volume made up to 400 cc. with 12 per cent hydrochloric acid and allowed to stand over night. The amorphous precipitate is filtered off, washed, dried, and weighed in a tared Gooch crucible. After applying a solubility correction, the corresponding weight of pentose 0; pentosan is calculated using Krober’s factors. The principal points of criticism of the present method are: 1-The method is empirical and is not based on the molecular weight of the condensation product; moreover, solubility corrections are necessary [Dox and Plaisance (1916)l. , 2-Theoretical yields of furfural are rarely, if ever, obtained. 3-The actual yields of furfural are conditioned by the rate of distillation and by the concentration of acid [de Chalmot (1893, 1894), Councler (1894), Welbel and Zeisel (1895), Wenzel and Lazar (1913), Falada, Stein and Ravniker (1914), van Haarst and Olivier (1914), Kreeman and Klein (1917)]. The usual yields of furfural obtained are recorded in Table 1.3 4-The various pentoses all yield different amounts of furfural. Krober, therefore, as well as Tollens (1896), bad to use a different factor in his calculations for each specific sugar. Hence an unknown material should be examined qualitatively. All the recorded data on the pentosans in wood are unreliable, since woods usually contain both araban and xylan [Schorger (1917), Schwalbe (1919)l. The presence of certain substances in the sample may prevent the liberation of the furfural [Seilliere (1909)l.

* See Part I in the preceding issue of THISJOURNAL.

Vol. 15, No. 12

5-Phloroglucinol precipitates substances other than furfural which are frequently present. Hydroxymethylfurfural, produced from hexose materials, is the chief one of these. [Dull (1S95), Kiermayer (1S95), Muther and Tollens (1904), van Ekenstein and Blanksma (1910), Jiiger and Unger (1902), Krober, Rimbach and Tollens (1902)]. The interference of this substance has been avoided by fermentation of the hexoses [Spoehr (1919)] and by redistilling the distillates [Fraps (1901), Cunningham and Doree (1914), Oshima and Konds (191S)l. The former method is inaccurate owing to fermentation of pentoses [Gillet (1917), Cross and Tollens (1912), Pellet (1916)], while in the latter method furfural is destroyed [Fraps (1901), van Haarst and Olivier (1914)l. Moreover, the fact that hydroxymethylfurfural phloroglucide is soluble in alcohol casts doubt on the existing methylpentosan data [Cunningham and Doree (1914)l. Schorger (1917) further points out that woods have never been proved to contain methylpentosans. 6-Substances other than pentose may yield furfural in the distillation. Glucuronic acid is the only compound for which this has been proved [Tollens (1909)1, although oxycellulose, fats and oils, and their decomposition products are said to yield furfural [Bray and Staid1 (1922)l.

EXPERIMENTAL PRELIMINARY TESTS In the search for a satisfactory method for the determination of furfural, several procedures were tested out.


css lodine

Ued l$








SODIUM HYPOIODITE-It was a t first thought that iodine would be suitable. This reagent reacted with furfural only in alkaline solution. Moreover, the amount of iodine taken up was almost a direct function of the alkalinity, if the latter was low, as indicated in Fig. 1, while in strongly alkaline solutions concordant results could not be obtained. Although the amount of iodine used up appeared to approach a maximum, the results could not be accurately duplicated. ACID PERNIANGANATE-Acid permanganate was then tried, but soon abandoned because large and indefinite volumes of permanganate were reduced to manganese dioxide by small quantities of furfural. POTASSIUM BROivATE-At this point the use of potassium bromate was suggested by the work of Okuda (1919) on the oxidation of cystine. This reagent reacts as follows in acidified potassium bromide solution [Treadwell and Hall (1919)]: KBrOs

+ 5KBr + 6HC1



+ 6KCl-k 3H20

According to Wedekind (1901) furfural can be readily oxidized and brominated in aqueous solution. It was therefore hoped that the reaction between furfural and bromine4 4 After the work of the writers was completed, attention was called to the work of Van Eck [“Versl. v . d . Verricht. v . h. Centr. lab. v . d . Volksgezondh.,”1918; C. A . , 14, 509 (1920)],who attempted to determine furfural by adding an excess of 0.1 N bromine in potassium bromide and de. termining the excess bromine over that reacting with the furfural. Details of his method are not available. The writers have been unable to secure satisfactory results by any method which involves adding an excess of bromine.


December, 1923

could be made the basis of a satisfactory method for the determination of furfural, provided an accurate means of finding the end point could be devised. Okuda used the yellow color due to free bromine as indicating the end point. I n a preliminary test it was found that this could more accurately be found by the use of a simplified electrometric apparatus. With the use of the latter, a study of the optimum conditions for the titration of furfural by potassium bromate in acidified potassium bromide solution was undertaken.

MATERIALS Two specimens of furfural were used, one of which was obtained from a supply house, while the other had been prepared by graduate students working in the department of chemical engineering. Both samples distilled a t 159’ to 16Oo C., giving pale straw-colored distillates. Under reduced pressure these gave water-white distillates, which were used in making up the furfural solutions. All the solutions titrated had been freshly prepared from colorless furfural only a few hours previously. Old furfural solutions usually gave results which were somewhat in excess of the theory. A weighed quantity of the furfural was dissolved in dithilled water and made up to a definite volume, from which aliquots were withdrawn for analysis. “Chemically pure” potassium bromate was used, which, after drying, gave on analysis 99.99 per cent KBr03. The 0.1 N solution requires 2.7837 grams per liter. The bromate solution was standardized according to the method recommended by Merck (1914), in which 30 to 40 cc. are added to an acidified potassium iodide solution and the mixture is allowed to stand several minutes, after which it is diluted and the iodine titrated with standard thiosulfate in the usual manner. A 20 per cent solution of potassium bromide free from bromate was used. APPARATU 8


Obviously, when depression of the key causes no deflection, the potential of both platinum wires is the same and the concentration of free bromine in the solution being titrated is practically equal to that in contact with the other platinum wire in the pipet. This is the end point.

METHOD I n the preliminary experiments the titrations were carried out as follows: The bromate solution was added to the furfural solution rather slowly until near the end point, when three to five drops were added a t a time until the point was found a t which, a t the end of 2 minutes, a mere trace of free bromine was present as indicated by no deflection of the needle on closing the galvanometer circuit. This was taken as the end point. Since the molecular ratio of furfural to potassium bromate was unknown, equal quantities of furfural were always used so that the buret readings would serve as an index to the accuracy of the work. The factor for converting the standard bromate solution into furfural was computed later (Table XI). It was used in this place to facilitate comparisons.

FACTORS AFFECTING THE TITRATION ACIDITY OF THE SOLUTION-TO 10-cc. volumes of a furfural solution 10 cc. of 20 per cent potassium bromide were added and the resulting solution diluted to about 100 cc. Varying amounts of hydrochloric acid were then added and the furfural was titrated with potassium bromate as already described. After titration of the furfural, 10 cc. of the solution were withdrawn and the acidity was determined by titration with standard alkali. The results are shown in Table VI. It is evident that the degree of oxidation of the furfural is a function of the acidity of the solution, but at low acidities (1.4 to 4.3 per cent hydrochloric acid) the process stops a t the first stage and the further action of bromine takes place I








The apparatus used consists of a galvanometer, a tapping key, and two platinum wires, one of which is sealed into the side of a small pipet and held a t a fixed potential by immersion in an acidified solution of 20 per cent potassium bromide containing a trace of free bromine. The other platinum wire is immersed in the solution to be titrated in a beaker. The potential of this wire depends upon the composition of the solution being titrated. A small electric stirrer insures thorough mixing of the unknown solution. Before beginning the titration, depression of the tapping key will cause the galvanometer to deflect several divisions to the right or left, depending upon the exact manner in which the connections are made, whereas after the titration is completed, the presence of an excess of bromine in the beaker will cause a throw of the needle in the opposite direction. TABLI? VI-EFFECT

OF ACIDITY ON THE TITRATION OF FURFURAL SOLUTIONS (0.1002 gram of furfural used in each case) Furfural Found 0.1 N KBrOa (Factor =0.004803) Recovery HC1 c c. Gram Per cent Per cent

1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5


2.6 2.7 2.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.3 6.8 7.0 7.0 7.2

20.70 20.75 20.85 20.70 20.80 20.88 20.85 20.83 20.55 21.00 20.80 20.95 21.00 22.60 22.25 22.15 24.52 25.00 25.40 24.80

0.0994 0.0997 0.1001 0.0994 0.0999 0.1003 0.1001 0.1000 0,0987 0.1009 0,0999 0.1006 0.1009 0.1085 0.1069 0.1064 0.1178 0.1201 0.1220 0.1191

99.2 99.5 100.0 99.2 99.7 100.1 100.0 99.9 98.5 100.7 99.7 100.4 100.7 108.4 106.7 106.2 117.6 119.8 121.8 118.9




+ HC1)

TARLEVII-EFFECT OF SPECIFIC ACIDUSED (0.1006 gram furfural used in each case) Furfural Found Per cent 0.1 N KBrOs (Factor-0.004803) Recovery b y Weight Cc. Gram Per cent Hvdrochloric A c i d 3.8 4.0 4.1

21.00 20.75 21.00

0.1009 0.0997 0.1009 0,1005

100.3 99.1 100.3 99.9

0.1001 0.1001 0.1004 0.0997 0.1004 0.1009 0,1009 0,0999 0.1003

99.5 99.5 100.2 99.1 100.2 100.3 100.3 99.2 99.8

AVERAGE Sulfuric A c i d 5.0 4.2 4.5 4.0 3.5 6.0 4.1 4.2

20.85 20.85 20.90 20.75 20.90 21.00 21.00 20.80




TABLE VIII-EFFECT O F CONCENTRATION O F POTASSIUMBROMIDE (0.1002 gram furfural used in each case) KBr 0.1 N KBrOs Furfural Found Recovery Per cent 2.0 1.0

0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2


20.80 20.75 20.70 20.90 21.10 21.40 20.90 22.00 21.05 21.35


Gram 0,0990 0.0997 0.0994 0.1004 0.IO13 0.1028 0.1004 0.1057 0.1011


Per cent 99.7 99.5 99.2 100.2 101.2 102.6 100.2

105.5 100.9 102.4

Vol. 15, N0.~12

TABLE IX-EFPECT OF CONCENTRATION OF FURFURAL (0.1002gram furfural used in each case) Furfural Found (Factor 0.004803) Gram 21.10 0.1013 20.60 0.0989 20.90 0.1004 21.10 0.1013 21.05 0.1011 21.10 0.1013 20.95 0.1006 21.15 0.1016 AVERAGE 0.1008

Furfural Per cent

0.1 N KBrOa



0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.005

Recovery Per cent 101.2 98.8 100.2 101.2 100.9 101.2 100.4 101.4 100.7

TABLE X-EFFECT O F RATEO F ADDITION O F BROMATE SOLUTION (0.1002gram furfural used in each case) -0.1 N KBrOaAdded Rapidly at Start cc.

Final Titer c c.

Furfural Found (Factor =0.004803) Gram


21.20 19.00 21.45 21.75 20.50 AVERAGE Added Slowly from Start cc


20.70 20.75 21.00 AVERAGE


0.1030 0.1046 0.1031 0.0994 0.0997 0.1009 0.1000

Recovery Per cent 101.6 102.8

104.3 102.9 99.2

99.5 100.6 99.8

CONCENTRATION O F FURFURAL-111 Table Ix are brought together the results of trials in which the concentration of furfural was varied while that of both hydrochloric acid and potassium bromide was maintained constant. It was concluded from these results that, within the limits studied, the concentration does not affect the accuracy of the titration. RATEOF ADDITION OF BROMATE-In Table are recorded some results in which the bromate solution was added rapidly until the end point was nearly reached. After all the bromine had disappeared the titrations were finished in the usual way. However, the results ran too high, showing that it was necessary to add the reagent slowly, avoiding the presence of any large excess of free bromine if accurate results were to be expected. In all subsequent work, therefore, the bromate was added slowly enough so that the solutions were never more than faintly yellow colored. 947 THEENDPomr-Having established the proper acidity kJ and concentration of bromide required for the titration, the 1316 /7 18 19 20 2/ 22 e3 t next problem was to improve the technic so that more conccs Fbfusslum Broma fe cordant results might be obtained. F I G . ILLUSTRATION OF TYPICAL EXPERIMENT SROWING H O W THE END Towards the end of the reaction between furfural and POINT OF TEIE TITRATION IS OBTAINED bromine the oxidation is quite slow so that the oxidation poonly slowly. A more accurate study of this last point is tential of the solution is never constant. Therefore, the discussed later. I n the most weakly acid solutions the re- potentiometric method of determining the end point was not action appeared to occur rather slowly, so that the bromate found suitable. It was then decided to determine the end could only be added drop by drop. When the acidity was point by using the time factor itself in connection with the 3 to 4 per cent, however, the bromine was liberated promptly titration apparatus already described. For this purpose solutions of known furfural content were and therefore much less time was required for the titration. Moreover, accurate results were easily obtained provided the titrated to within 2 or 3 cc. of the end point, when the addiacidity did not exceed 4 per cent. This acidity was therefore tion of the bromate solution was continued in 0.25-cc. increments. The time required for each increment to interadopted as standard. SPECIFIC ACID USED-The substitution of 4 per cent sul- act was observed by the use of the galvanometer and a watch. furic acid by weight for hydrochloric acid had no influence As soon as the deflection fell to zero the next increment of bromate was added and the process repeated until the end on the results, as is shown in Table VII. CONCENTRATION OF POTASSIUM BROMIDE-The second point had been crossed. The time required for disappearfactor studied was the influence of the concentration of po- ance of the bromine was then plotted against the total volume tassium bromide on the results. Solutions containing of potassium bromate that had been added. Several char0.1002 gram of furfural, 10 cc. of 20 per cent potassium acteristic curves are shown in Fig. 2. The shape of these bromide, and 3 to 4 per cent hydrochloric acid in total vol- curves indicates that there are two possible reactions between umes varying from 100 to 1000 cc. were titrated with bro- furfural and bromine, but that one of these is far more rapid mate. The results appear in Table VIII. It is apparent than the other in the presence of 4 per cent acid. This causes that the Concentration of potassium bromide does not con- the curves to rise almost perpendicularly after the principal sistently affect the titration. The irregular results are due reaction has been completed. The selection of the end point from such curves is rather to the fact that a t the time these determinations were made the end point had not been carefully studied. A concen- difficult. If, however, the value dt/dv, where dv is the intration of 1 per cent potassium bromide was used in all sub- crement of bromate added and dt is the increase in time required for its disappearance over that required by the prese qu eiit determinations.




December, 1923

ceding increment, is plotted against the total volume of bro-

mate used, a curve is obtained which passes through a maximum at the end point. This is best shown by the specific example given in Fig. 3. The lower set of curves in Fig. 2 shows the advantage of this method of plotting the results. Each upper and lower curve was plotted from the same data. Thus, the end point of the titration is obtained by measuring the lime required for 0.25-cc. increments of bromate to react and plotting dt/civ against the total volume. The abscissa corresponding to the point of maximum inflection of the curve is the true end point. The results of a series of determinations on known solutions of colorless furfural run according to the foregoing procedure are recorded in Table XI. Since this procedure appeared eminently satisfactory, the factor for converting bromatt: to furfural was calculated from the results. TABLE XI-ANALYSES

FURFURAL B Y THE PROPOSED METHOD Furfural Foun d Factor Gram (Factor = Recovery 0.1 N KBrOa Pentose per Cc. 0.004803) Per cent cc. 0.1 A‘ KBrOa Grama 100.1 21. OOa 0.00480 0.1009 21,OOa 0.00480 0.1009 100.1 20.90s 0.00482 0.1004 99.7 21. loa 0.00477 0.1013 100.6 21.05 0,00478 100.3 0.1010 20.85 0.00483 99.4 0.1001 20.95 0.00481 99.9 0.1006 42.00 0.00480 100.1 0.2017 42.00 0.00480 0.2017 100.1 41.95 0.00480 0,2014 100.0 42.05 0.00479 100.2 0.2018 100.2 42.05 0.00479 0,2018 21.40 99.7 0.00481 0.1027 21.50 0.00479 100.2 0.1032 21 .60 0.00477 0.1037 100.6 100.2 21.50 0.00479 0.1032 21.50 0.00479 0.1032 100.2 43.25 0.00476 0.2076 100.8 43.00 0.00479 100.2 0.2064 43.25 100.8 0.00476 0.2076 0.00479 43.00 0,2064 100.2 100.2 0.004792 AVERAGE 100.0 0.004803 THEORETICAL a The curves for these results appear in Fig. 2.

purpose of calculation is justified. Theoretical factors were used throughout in the present studies, a procedure which is impossible in the present official method for determining furfural and pentoses.



-4 comparison of the results in Tables V I to X with those in Table XI shows much greater concordance in the latter. This suggests that the cause of error when an arbitrary 2minute end point was used was probably the effect of small variations in acidity of the solution. However, such variations apparently affect both the reactions between furfural and bromine to nearly the same extent, so that when the result$ are plotted the end point is still readily located. To verify this statement a final set of experiments was carried out in which the acidities were varied. The results are rjhown in Table XI1 and plotted in Fig. 4. The intensifying effect of the acid is clearly apparent from the slope of the upper set of curves. Nevertheless, the end points were readily found by replotting the data in the manner advised above.



METHOD Furfural distillates from pentose-containing materials always contain levulinic acid and hydroxymethyl-furfural when hexose materials are present. Therefore, a study of the possible effect of these substances was undertaken. TABLEXIII-EFFECT OF LEVULINIC ACID (0.2016 gram furfural used in each case. Total volume before titration 100 cc.) Levulinic Acid Furfural Found Added 0.1 N KBr03 (Factor =0.004803) Recovery Grams cc Gram Per cent QQ 8 41 90 0 2012 0 3 1.0 42.05 0.2020 100.2 2.0 42.00 0.2017 100.1 0,2008 99.6 3.0 41.80 5.0 42.00 0.2017 100.1 AVERAGE 0.2015 100.0 0.2017 100.1 0 42.00 0.2008 99.6 0 41.80 0 42.15 0.2024 100.4 0.2017 100.1 0 42.00 AVERAGE 0.2016 100.0



Furfural Used Gram 0.1007 0.1007 0.1007 0.1007 0.1007 0.1007 0 1007 0,2014 0,2014 0,2014 0.2014 0.2014 0.1030 0.1030 0.1030 0.1030 0.1030 0.2060 0.2060 0.2060 0.2060


LEVULINIC ACID-FiVe determinations were run on furfural solutions containing varying amounts of Kahlbaum’s levulinic acid. The results are recorded in Table XIII. It is evident that the presence of this substance had no influence on the results in the cases tried. TABLE XIV-EFFECT

-Material Used Glucose Sucrose Lactose Starch

O F HEXOSE CARBOHYDRATES (2.0-gram samples used in each case) Pentose 0.1 N Furfural Found Factor = KBrOa (Factor 0.004803) Furfural 0.007505 cc. Gram Per cent Per cent 1.00 0.24 0.38 0.50 0.12 0.18 1.00 0.38 0.24 0.75 0.18 0.28 1.00 0.38 0.24 1.00 0.38 0.24 0.18 0.75 0.28 0.75 0.28 0.18 AVERAGE 0 . 2 0 0.32


18 $8 &Q

k ~ g ja8



O F FURFURAL B Y THE PROPOSED METHODIN SOLUTIONS OF VARYING ACIDITIES (0.1112 gram furfural used in each case) HC1 by Weight 0.1 N KBrOa Furfural ound Recovery Per cent Per cent cc. Granf 100.0 23.15 0.1112 1.8 100.0 23.15 0.1112 4.0 23.00 0.1105 99.3 5.0 23.25 0.1117 100.4 6.1 AVERAGE 0.1111 99.9

CONVERSION FACTOR FOR FURFURAL The factors in Table XI were obtained by dividing the number of cubic centimeters of 0.1 N potassium bromate used by the corresponding weight of furfural. A close agreement is apparent, the average being 0.004792. Moreover, the theoretical ratio, based on a molecular ratio of potassium bromate to furfural of 1: 3, is 0.004803, from which the experimental factor differs by less than 0.3 per cent. Thi.3 is well within the limits of experimental error of the method so that the use of the theoretical factor for the



HYDROXYMETHYLFURFVRAL-Since no supply of this substance was available, weighed samples of glucose, sucrose, lactose, and starch were distilled by the method adopted for pentoses and the distillates titrated. The results are shown in Table XIV. As a further check, the determinations shown in Table XV were made, using mixtures of equal quantities of pentose and hexose. It is apparent from the results cited that hydroxymethyl furfural has a slight effect on the titration of furfural, but that this is small enough to be disregarded in many instances since the error thereby introduced is small,



O F HEXOSES O N DETERMINATION O F PENTOSES (0.3 gram each of xylose and sucrose used in each case) Pentose Found 0.1 N KBrOs (Factor=0.007505) Recovery cc. Gram Per cent 39.90 0.2994 99.8 100.3 40.10 0.3010 100.3 40.10 0.3010 100.7 40.25 0.3021 100.9 0.3028 40.35 0.3032 101.1 40.40 101.3 0.3040 40.50 101.3 0.3040 40.50 AVERAGE 100.7

The probable explanation of the noninterference of hexoses seems to be that the hydroxymethyl furfural is converted, under the conditions of distillation, into levulinic acid, which is without effect. 0.1 N KBrOs 18.30 18.55 18.80 19 05 19.30 19.55 19.75 20.00 20.25 20.50 20.75 21.00 21.25 21.50 21.75 22.00 22.25 22.50 22.75 23.00 I

dV Time dT Sec. Sec. cc. 0.25 30 0.25 0 30 0.25 0 30 0.25 0 30 30 0 0.25 36 5 0.25 5 0.25 40 0.25 10 50 0.25 50 0 0.25 50 0 0.25 70 20 0.25 40 110 0.25 70 180 0.25 110 290 0.25 10 300 0.25 10 310 0.25 10 320 0.25 10 330 0.25 15 345 0.25 5 350 0.1 N KBrOa required 21.50 cc. Furfural found 0.1033 gram Recovery 100.3 per cent


d,T dV

...0 0’ 0 0

20 20

4: 40 80 160 280 440 40

40 _.

40 40 60


hlETHuLFuRFuRAL-Inasmuch as methylfurfural might be expected to interfere, distillations of a methylpentose (rhamnose) were carried out. The rhamnose was prepared in this laboratory from quercitrin according to the method of Walton (1921) from the quercitrin in “lemon flavin.” The rhamnose was analyzed and was found to be CsH1205.H,O. The bromate titration values are shown in Table XVI. These indicate a recovery of 107 per cent using the same molecular ratio -i. e., 3CeH1g05.Hz0:KBrOs-as was found for the pentose sugars. No explanation can be offered for this high value. There is no good evidence as to how widely methylpentosans are distributed in nature. These determinations indicate that if they are present they will form methylfurfural, which will be titrated in the proposed method and perhaps cause appreciable error in the pentosan values. Such an error, however, is present in all methods which have so far been proposed for pentosan derivatives, and it is believed that the bromate titration error will be much less than that incurred in the phloroglucinol method, owing to the other sources of error already present in that method. From a study of these results the following method for the determination of furfural in aqueous solutions is suggested:

PROPOSED METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF FURFURAL To the solution containing 0.1 to 0.2 gram furfural, 5 cc. of 20 per cent potassium bromide are added for every 100 cc. of solution, and the acidity (HCI) is adjusted to about 4 per cent by weight by adding either acid or alkali as required. With continual stirring, 0.1 N potassium bromate solution is run in from a buret a t such a rate that the production of a distinct yellow color throughout the solution is avoided. When the end point is approached a pale yellow color will be apparent immediately after the addition of a few drops of bromate solution, but this soon fades. When this point is reached the bromate is added in 0.2 to 0.3-cc. increments and the time is recorded which is required for the disappearance of free bromine, as indicated by the use of a galvanometer set-up as already explained. As the end point is

Vol. 15, No. 12

crossed a rather large increase in the time required will be noted. The observations should be carried slightly beyond this point. Finally, the ratio of increment of time to increment of standard potassium bromate is plotted against the total value of potassium bromate already used, and the end point found from the curve thus obtained. The number of cubic centimeters of 0.1 N potassium bromate required multiplied by 0.004803 gives the grams of furfural in sample.

CONCLUSION The studies concerning the potassium bromate method for the determination of furfural led to the following conclusions : 1-The acidity of the solution to be titrated should not exceed 4 or 5 per cent by weight, because 2-Further oxidation of the primary product of the interaction of bromine and furfural results in the presence of high concentrations of acid. 3-The velocity of this secondary reaction under the conditions proposed appears to be so small as to be without appreciable effect on the titration. 4-Either hydrochloric or sulfuric acids may be used. 5-An approximate concentration of 1 per cent potassium bromide is satisfactory. 6-The potassium bromate solution must be added slowly, a t aU times avoiding the presence of any considerable excess. 7-The amount of furfural present does not influence the accuracy of the method. 8-In titrating dilute solutions with potassium bromate, the end point can be readily located by the use of a simplified electrometric apparatus consisting of two platinum wires, a galvanometer, and key. 9-The time factor of the reaction involved is made the basis of the foregoing method for finding the end point. 10-Hydroxymethylfurfural, a product of the acid distillation of hexose materials, apparently interferes slightly with the use of the proposed method. However, the effect is small enough to be disregarded. 11-Levulinic acid, a further decomposition product of hexoses, is without any effect whatsoever. 12-Methylpentoses or pentosans will interfere in that methylfurfural is formed which will titrate with the bromate solution.

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December, 1923


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T h e Influence of Neutral Salts upon t h e Fixation of Tannin by Hide Substance1’* By Arthur W. Thomas and Margaret W. Kelly COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY,NEWYORK,N. Y.


NY agent which will decrease the swelling of collagen, or decrease its potential difference against the so’ lution in contact with it, should inhibit the rate of fixation of tannin. Neutral salts should accomplish both effects, as predicted by the Donnan equilibrium,s shown by Procter and WilsonJ4and recently definitely settled by Loeb.6 On the acid side of the isoelectric point of the protein the anion only of the salt is concerned in this depressing effect, divalent anions being more effective than monovalent anions a t identical hydrogen-ion concentrations. On the alkaline side of the isoelectric point cations only are of significance, again those of higher valency showing the greater depressing effect a t the same concentrations of hydrogen ion. This “salt effect” on the protein is complicated, in the case of vegetable tanning, by additional action of the salt upon the tannin solution. It has been shown by Wilson and Gallune and by Thomas and Foster? that neutral salts decrease or retard the fixation of chrome by hide substance, while Herzog and Adler8 claim that neutral salts either slightly promote the adsorption of phenol by hide substance or have no effect a t all. I n view of reported differences in behavior in the adsorption of these various tanning agents by collagen in the presence of neutral salts, it was decided to extend the study of tannin fixation by collagen to include the effect of added neutral salts in the tanning liquors. EXPERIMENTAL Sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, furnishing examples of monovalent and divalent anions, were selected for these experiments, and their effects a t p H values of 2.0, 5.0, and 8.0 were studied in both hemlock bark and in gambier solutions. The tannin solutions were prepared and clarified as described in a previous paper.e It was also desired to include a study 1 Presented before t h e Division of Leather Chemistry a t the 64th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 4 t o

8, 1922. 2 Contribution No. 419 from the Chemical Laboratories, Columbia University. Taken from a part of t h e dissertation submitted b y Miss Kelly in partial fulfilment of t h e requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University, 1923. SZ. Elektrochern., 17, 572 (1911). 4 J . Chem. SOG.(London), 109, 307, 1327 (1916). 6 “Proteins and the Theory of Colloidal Behavior,” McGraw-Hill Co , New York, 1922. J . Gen. Physiol., 1918-22 (about 50 papers published). 8 J . A m . Leather Chem. Assoc., 16, 273 (1920). THIS JOURNAL,14, 132 (1922). 8 K o l l o i d - Z . , 2, Suppl. Heft 2, I11 (1919). 9 Thomas and Kelly, THISJOURNAL, 16, 1148 (1923).

of tannin fixation in the presence of barium and magnesium chlorides in order to compare the effects of these divalent cations with that produced by the monovalent sodium cation. However, difficulties arose on the alkaline side of p H = 5 owing to the formation of the insoluble alkaline earth tannates, and consequently the study of the comparative effect of cations of differentvalence on the alkaline side of the isoelectric point of collagen was abandoned. The results obtained with these salts on the acid side of the isoelectric point were very similar to those obtained with sodium chloride, as was to be expected. In the case of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate 100-cc. portions of the tanning solution (concentration of 40 grams total solids per liter, and previously adjusted to the desired p H by addition of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid or 0.5 M sodium hydroxide) were added to bottles containing 2.000-gram portions (absolutely dry basis) of hide powder, previously defatted by chloroform, and the required weight of dry salt. The bottles were rotated a t room temperature for 24 hours; the samples were then filtered in Wilson and Kern extractors, washed with water until a negative test was shown by the washings for the salt used as well as for tannins and non-tans, dried, and the increase in weight was computed as tannin fixed. Since a t certain concentration of hydrogen ion the salts precipitate “insolubles” which would count as tannin fixed, blanks were always run in the absence of hide powder to determine the extent of the formation of such “insolubles” and, where found, the amount of tannin fixed was corrected accordingly. RESULTS The results are shown in the tabulation and figure. INFLUENCE OF SODIUM CHLORIDEAND SODIUM SULFATE UPON TANNIN FIXATION^ p H of Molar ConcenOriginal tration of Added Y G a m b i e r b - Liquor Salt Present NaCl NaaSOi 21 0 0.5 47 loss 56 loss 2.0 1.0 62 loss 82 loss 2.0 1.5 90 loss 2.0 2.0 94 loss

. ...

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

8.0 8.0

. . ..


... .

68 loss

4 gain 5 gain

17 loss 50 loss 75 loss

27 gain

32 loss 63 loss

58 loss 79 loss 92 loss

9 loss 25 loss

.. . . 4 loss .. ..

.... . . ..

8.0 86 loss Compared with fixation in absence of salt. Figures are in per cent.


-Hemlock NaCl 58 loss 66 loss

Barkbi‘?a&o4 70 loss 86 loss

.... .. . ,

8 loss .. .. .. .. 23 loss 54 loss No change . . . .

.... 66 loss

14 loss 44 loss 70 loss

... .