The eternal triangle - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - The eternal triangle. Chem. Eng. News , 1963, 41 (36), Outside Back ... DOI: 10.1021/cen-v041n036.obc. Publication Date: September 09, 1...
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The eternal triangle (for urethane foam producers)

T h e urethane foam producer is usually the last to know. N o t until one of his fussier customers returns a rush order for urethane foam—for being inconsistent with the previous shipment—does the producer realize what a fickle group of chemicals he has to live with. T h e fact is t h a t m a n y urethane chemicals are fraught with inconstancy. And there's no telling how the foam is going to turn out unless you wait and see, stopping production each time to vary the formula accordingly. Or unless you use our Poly-G" line of urethane intermediates which take the guesswork out of foam making.

T a k e advantage of the extra time and effort t h a t we p u t into it a t Olin Organics. Through meticulous quality control, and analysis after analysis, we've developed a narrow band operation t h a t enables you to zero-in on the specified foam properties for your formulations. Our diols and triols are consistent performers, shipment after shipment. So your urethane foam will be consistent, shipment after shipment. And your customers' cushions will reflect eternal consistency—whether they're squares or circles, rectangles or triangles. If you want to be u p on all the angles, just write.

