The Excited and Ion States of Allene - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Aug 14, 2002 - 1 The James Franck Institute and the Department of Chemistry, The ... 2Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Bangalore 34, Ind...
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Chapter 7

The Excited and Ion States of Allene 1,2,



Rajat K. Chaudhuri , Karl F. Freed , and Davin M. Potts 1

The James Franck Institute and the Department of Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Bangalore 34, India

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Large scale ab initio calculations for the excited states of C3H4 andC3H4+are reported here for the vertical ionization potentials (VIPs), excitation energies, and oscillator strengths using the IVO-CASCI and third order effective valence shell Hamiltonian (H ) methods. The results are in excellent agreement with experiment and with those predicted by the MRSDCI and ADC(4) methods. The potential energy surfaces (PES) of C3H4+ show the presence of a "conical intersection" between the X2E and A E states near 12.3 eV and a 145° dihedral angle, which strongly suggests that the experimental peak at 12.7 eV is most likely non-vertical in origin and is a "shake-up" type state. A similar conical intersection is also observed in the PES of C H but at a relatively small dihedral angle (105°). We provide computations for quartet ion states, triplet neutral states, and potential curves for the twisting of neutral allene, quantities that have not previously been reported. v




L Introduction The photoelectron and optical spectra of aliène (1,2-propadiene) have been of considerable theoretical and experimental interest because a significant portion of these spectra is not only quite complex but also rather peculiar. The molecular point group of aliène in the ground state is D ^ , with the self-consistent field (SCF) approximation described by the orbital occupation la^lb^a^aiQJ^Aa^bzle^le . Removal of an electron from the highest occupied molecular orbital 2n (or 2e ) of 4


© 2002 American Chemical Society

In Low-Lying Potential Energy Surfaces; Hoffmann, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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aliène yields the positive ion E state, which has been suggested to be JahnTeller unstable. The photoelectron spectrum (PES) of aliène shows two peaks at 10.06 and 10.60 eV in the first ionization band . These peaks are split by « 4500 cm" and have been assigned to be the Jahn-Teller components of the E molecular ion state. The photoelectron study of Baltzer reveals the existence of peaks at 12.7 eV, 18.5 eV, 24.05 eV, and 25.45 eV in addition to the main peaks at 10.06 eV and 10.60 eV. Although the peak at 12.7 eV is clearly visible in the earlier PES study of Kimura et al. and Bieri et al. , no comments have appeared regarding this low intensity peak until the recent reports of Baltzer et al Based on ADC(4) (algebraic diagrammatic construction accurate to 4th order in the electron-electron interaction) theoretical calculations, Baltzer et al. assign this low intensity peak as a correlation (also called satellite or shake-up) state of E symmetry with binding energy 14.05 eV. Since it is quite unusual to have satellite states at fairly low binding energies , this assignment remains controversial. Furthermore, the difference between the observed (12.7 eV) and the theoretically predicted binding energy (14.05 eV) is too large to be attributed solely to computational uncertainties. Recent high level M R S D C I calculations clearly show that the observed peak at a binding energy of 12.7 eV can not be simply attributed to a satellite state of the aliène ion if the ion is assumed to be at thefixedgeometry of neutral aliène. Since the first ionization band in aliène already displays clear Jahn-Teller splitting (0.6 eV), it is quite likely that the peak at 12.7 eV arises due to strong vibronic coupling involving two electronic states, and the transition is most likely non-vertical in origin. Note that traditional calculations for the ionization energy spectra of molecules assume a vertical ionization transition, which is valid provided the adiabatic BornOppenheimer approximation holds reasonably well. 1





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The first optical spectrum of aliène by Sutcliffe and Walsh has been followed by measurements of Rabalais et al. that provide the spectrum from 4.78 to 10.2 eV. A moderately high resolution gas phase study from 6.2 to 10.7 eV is described by Iverson and Russell . Fuke et ai also report the absorption and M C D spectra in both the gas phase and in perflurohexane solution from 6.2 to 8.0 eV. The absorption spectrum of aliène is rather complex. There is weak structureless absorption below 6.45 eV. Four distinct absorption bands are observed between 6.54 and 9 eV of which the first band is weak with a maximum at 6.70 eV, and a strong broad absorption covers the range of 6.95-7.85 eV. Five distinct peaks of roughly the same intensity are present in the 8.02-8.38 eV region, followed by a strong transition around 8.57 eV. The absorption bands beyond 8.57 eV are fairly complicated and remain to be characterized. 10






According to Fuke et al. and Robin , the *Ai, ^ 2 , *Bi and B states of aliène arise from singlet π-»π* ( e-^e* ) transitions. Among these four excited 2

In Low-Lying Potential Energy Surfaces; Hoffmann, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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states, only the B state is optically allowed in the electric dipole approximation, and the remaining three states are observed as the very weak absorption below 6.45 eV. In the weak band around 6.70 eV, Fuke et al observe an M C D (magnetic circular dichroism) signal with only a Β term type behavior. They conclude this is a transition to a non-degenerate Rydberg state and confirm Robin's assignment of the upper state as one component of the 2e—>3s (\Ai—^E) Rydberg state that converges to the ionization threshold at 10.0 eV, arguing moreover that the other component is 4500cm" higher, i.e., around 7.30 eV. The strong (£=0.34) transition in the 6.95-7.8v eV band exhibits diffuse structure. Fuke and Schnepp assign two states to this band: the π-»π* ( A r -> B ) valence transition and the other component of the n->3s ( A\-> E ) Rydberg state converging to the upper ionization threshold at 10.6 eV. Fuke et al. also observe a strong Β term type M C D transition at 7.7 eV in the gas phase. They argue this state is of valence character, but Robin assigns this state to the π—»3p Rydberg series at 7.3 eV that converges to the ionization threshold at 10.0 eV. The absorption spectrum beyond 8.02 eV is rather complex and remains unassigned. 2





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We describe highly correlated ab initio calculations for the vertical ionization and excitation energies of aliène using the effective valence shell Hamiltonian (H ) method through third order and our recently developed, more approximate IVO-CASCI approach that is a non-iterative replacement (with no loss of accuracy) for the popular C A S S C F method. In addition, we present the ground and excited state potential energy curves of aliène and the aliène cation as a function of the torsional angle between the two C H groups in order to identify the origin of the mysterious peak at 12.7 eV which is believed to be nonvertical. Several papers document the / f formalism, the computational algorithms for evaluating atomic and molecular properties, * and the convergence behavior. " Some conceptual advantages of these two methods are the following: v







(i) The / f method manifestly maintains the size-extensivity of the computed state energies, a property that is known to be crucial for highly correlated manyparticle systems, (ii) A common set of orbitals is used to describe all the state of interest. This choice leads to the cancellation of correlation energy contributions that are common to all states considered, thereby yielding a balanced description of both dynamical and non-dynamical correlation, (hi) A single computation of the effective Hamiltonian simultaneously, provides all the ionization potentials, excitation energies, and associated molecular properties such as transition dipole and oscillator strengths, (iv) While the I V O - C A S C I method represents only the first approximation within the H scheme, it provides comparable accuracy to C A S S C F approaches with greatly reduced computational labor because no iterations are required beyond an initial SCF calculation. v

In Low-Lying Potential Energy Surfaces; Hoffmann, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

157 Section II briefly outlines the theory behind the if method, while the I V O generation scheme is described in Section III for systems, such as aliène, where there is a degenerate highest occupied molecular orbital in the SCF ground state wavefunction. The computations are described in Section IV along with comparisons to experiment and other high level calculations. II. T h e o r y Since the basic formalism of the effective valence shell Hamiltonian (H ) method is presented elsewhere, we only provide a brief overview of the approach. As in conventional many-body perturbation theory, the If method begins with the decomposition of the exact Hamiltonian H into the zeroth order Hamiltonian H and the perturbation V,

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H=H +V 0



where H is constructed as a sum of one-electron Fock operators described below. The full many-electron Hubert space is then partitioned into an active (also called valence) space with projector Ρ and its orthogonal complement with projector Q=l-P. The active space spans the space of all distinct configuration state functions involving a filled core and the remaining electrons distributed among the valence orbitals in all possible manners to ensure completeness of the active space. Hence, the orthogonal complement space contains all basis functions with at least one vacancy in a core orbital and/or at least one electron in an excited orbitals. Thus, we designate the orbitals as "core", "valence," and "excited", where the doubly filled orbitals in P-space are denoted as core, the partially filled orbitals of P-space are valence, and the orbitals that are unoccupied in all active space functions are the excited orbitals. 0

With the aid of the projectors Ρ and Q, the tt method transforms the full Schrôdinger equation " 24


(2.2) into the P-space "effective valence shell" Schrôdinger equation (2.3) ν

where Ψι = ΡΨ are the projections of the exact eigenfiinctions on the valence space, and the energies Ej are the corresponding exact eigenvalues of the full {

In Low-Lying Potential Energy Surfaces; Hoffmann, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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Schrôdinger equation. Here, the effective operator H through third order is given by H




= PHP + [ Vj



+ h.c ]/2 ,


(2.4) P

in which h.c. designates the Hermitian conjugate and E is the zeroth order energy of the P-space state. The operators Veff and Veff are defined as 0



(2) eff

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= PVQ (E -QH Q) ~ QVP Q







= PVQ (Etf-QHoQ) V (E -QH Qï 0


QVP - PVQ{E - QHoQ)" VPVP (2.6)



Apart from specifying the reference (P) space, the only variability in this and all MR-MBPT methods lies in the choice of orbitals, orbital energies, and the definition of the zeroth order Hamiltonian H since the perturbation approximation is completely determined by these choices. The zeroth order Hamiltonian (i.e., the partitioning of the exact Hamiltonian into H and V), may, in principle, be specified at our disposal, but, in practice, this choice strongly affects the perturbative convergence. " ' " Generally, the zeroth order Hamiltonian is prescribed as a sum of one-electron operators, 0



22 26


H (i) =E |

e π* (e*) excitations are calculated to be in the energetic order of l A < l B < 4 Αχ < 3 B . The excitation energies and oscillator strengths obtained from the IVO-CASCI and tf calculations are compared with experiment and with the M R S D C I results of Diamond et al , in Table V I . The lowest excited singlet state is an optically forbidden A state. The I V O - C A S C I calculation predicts this state to be 6.60 eV above the ground state, which is quite close to the M R S D C I value (6.57 eV). Although the I V O - C A S C I excitation energy is in accord with the M R S D C I estimate, it overestimates the X Ai -> A transition energy by 0.15 eV. The lf calculation predicts this X A i -^A transition energy to be 6.10 eV, in good agreement with experiment ( 3e transition and that the computed V E E s for these symmetries changes insignificantly with increasing size of the basis set indicate that the presence of additional diffuse and polarization functions does not affect the character of the unoccupied (at the SCF level) 3e M O . On the other hand, it is also evident from Table VII that the presence of polarization and diffuse functions considerably affects the computation of the excitation energies of Ε symmetries which arise from 2e—> a!* transitions. h



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V . Concluding Remarks We compare the vertical ionization potentials, excitation energies and oscillator strengths of aliène using the IVO-CASCI and third order If method with experiment and with other high level computations. The optically allowed transitions in aliène arise from valence—^Rydberg and valence π—»π* excitations. Our computed transition energies (ionization potentials and excitation energies) and oscillator strengths are in excellent agreement with experiment and previous high level theoretical calculations. We also report singlet —» triplet transition energies and quartet state ionization potentials which emerge as a byproduct of the method with "no extra" computational cost. The present study also indicates that the computationally inexpensive IVO-CASCI method is capable of providing fairly accurate molecular properties in situations where dynamical correlation is of less importance, i.e., the method is of comparable accuracy to the widely used C A S S C F approach but requires considerably less C P U time. +

The present calculations for the ground and excited states of C04 suggest that the experimental peak near 12.7 eV probably arises due to the presence of strong vibronic coupling between the two doublet Ε states that undergo a surface crossing for a torsional angle near 145° and an energy of 12.3 eV. Alternatively, the weak peak at 12.7 eV may arise from the combined effects of spin-orbit and vibronic couplings between the doublet and quartet Ε state, which also exhibit a "conical intersection" (see Fig. 1) at 14 eV near a dihedral angle of 110°.

Acknowledgment This research is supported, in part, by N S F Grant CHE9727655. Many helpful discussions with Prof. Bruce Hudson are acknowledged. We thank Dr. M . S. Gordon and Dr. M . Schmidt for their support.

In Low-Lying Potential Energy Surfaces; Hoffmann, M., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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