The exteriors may look alike - but what a difference inside! - C&EN

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The exteriors may look alike -but what a difference inside! Inside one home, life goes on smoothly and harmoniously. B u t in the house next door there's constant friction and nerve-wearing turmoil.

Compare the outside appearance of any standard Powell valve with that of any other valve of the same type and size. You will probably notice very little difference. B u t inside—that's another story. There design, materials and manufacturing skills make the difference between a Powell Valve—built to oper­ ate smoothly and efficiently over a long period of time—and a valve that will have only a short life before it requires maintenance or even replacement.

Flanged End O. S. & Y. Globe Valve. 150 pounds W . P. Face-to-face d i m e n ­ sion conforms to M S S SP42. Fig. 2475—Available in 18-8S, 18-8S M o , Durimet " 2 0 " . F i g . 2477—Available in Nickel, Monel M e t a l , Ampco Alloys, E v e r dur, Hastelloy Alloys A - B - C - D . Also made w i t h Screwed Ends.

Powell also makes many exclusive patterns to meet the requirements of special services. In these, too, long trouble-free performance is a primary consideration.

F i g . SO03—Class 600-pound Cast Steel G a t e Valve with f l a n g e d ends, outside screw rising stem, bolted flanged yoke, tapored solid wedge.

F i g . 559 — 125-pound Iron Body Bronze M o u n t e d Swing Check Valve with flanged ends, bolted flanged cap and regrindable, r e n e w a b l e bronze seat and disc.

Powell Flush Bottom T a n k Valve. M a d e in two designs: F i g . 2309, in w h i c h disc rises into tank to open v a l v e ; F i g . 2310, i n w h i c h disc lowers into body of valve.

Flanged End O. S. & Y. Gate Valve. 150 pounds W . P. F a c e - t o - f a c e di­ mension conforms t o MSS SP42. F i g s . 2471 (Solid Wedge) and 2486 ( D o u b l e Wedged available in 18-8S, 18-8S M o , D u r i m e t " 2 0 . " F i g s . 2473 (Solid Wedge) and 2488 ( D o u b l e Wedge) available in Nickel, M o n e l M e t a l , Ampco Alloys, Evordur, Hastelloy Alloys A - B - C - D . Also made w i t h Screwed Ends

The Complete Powell Line includes Globe, Angle, "Y", Gate, Check, Non-return, Relief, and Flush Bottom Tank Valves In Bronze, Iron, Steel and a wide range of Corrosion-resistant metals and alloys. Bell-O-Seal O. S. & Y . G l o b e Valve. Welding ends. For handling hazardous f l u i d s ; for high vacuum service; or for use where a packless valve is needed. Also available w i t h screwed or flanged ends, and i n Angle and " Y " patterns. Can be furnished in various corrosionresisting metals and alloys.

Ask your nearest Distributor—or write direct F i g . 2 6 0 8 — B r o n z e Globe Throttling Valve w i t h full flow through the seat when wide open. Special bronze stem and stainless steel seat and disc hardened to approximately 500 Brinell.

The WML POWELL Co., 2525 Spring firoye Ave. P. Ο. Box 106, Station BY Cincinnati 22, Ohio DISTRIBUTORS AND STOCKS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES


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