The Fate of Malvidin-3-glucoside in New Wine - ACS Symposium

Jul 6, 2004 - The Fate of Malvidin-3-glucoside in New Wine. Andrew L. Waterhouse1 and Alejandro Zimman1,2. 1 Department of Viticulture and Enology, ...
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Chapter 13

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The Fate of Malvidin-3-glucoside in New Wine 1


Andrew L. Waterhouse and Alejandro Zimman 1

Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 Current address: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1732


Numerous chemical reactions have been described in the formation of polymeric pigment from malvidin-3-glucoside and condensed tannin. To date it has not been possible to monitor the fate of the majority of the anthocyanin products, but here it was possible to monitor the products in toto, because the anthocyanin was radiolabeled. In a fermentation experiment there was a rapid exchange of the anthocyanin into the solids, followed by a period of no loss of radioactivity with decreasing concentration of anthocyanins. In an aging experiment the water soluble pigmented tannins showed multiple forms with differential reactions to pH changes. Temperature had a dramatic effect on the observed reactions, but most surprisingly, pH had negligible effect. This latter result shows that many of the proposed reaction pathways to polymeric pigment may not be significant routes. The data does show that anthocyanin is efficiently and almost completely converted to polymeric pigment, though there were some losses attributed to precipitation which must be accounted for in the future.

© 2004 American Chemical Society In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.



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Introduction The reactions between anthocyanins and other wine components that lead to stable red color in aged red wine are not fully understood. There are many possible reactions that could lead to covalent bonds between an anthocyanin and condensed tannin, the presumed co-reactant. Many model reactions have been elucidated and the presence of these linkage types has been shown in wine in some cases. This will not be reviewed further as the first chapter of this monograph covers prior art and the other chapters discuss other current results. In large part, the actual linkage or linkages responsible for the majority of pigmented tannin are not known. This is due in large part to the high molecular weight of these products, and the difficulty in purifying individual compounds from a complex mixture of very similar substances. To approach an understanding of these products a recent study analyzed the incorporation of radiolabeled maIvidin-3-glucoside (M-3-G) into wine in both a fermentation and an aging experiments. The methods and results were described in an original report (Zimman and Waterhouse, submitted); the purpose here is to expand on the possible significance of those results.

Discussion Fermentation Experiment In the first experiment, tritium-labeled M-3-G was added to an ongoing fermentation of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes after the third day of the fermentation. This coincided with the maximum level of M-3-G in the must, Figure 1. After 24 hours, a new analysis of both malvidin-3-glucose by chromatography and the concentration of radioactivity by liquid scintillation counting showed decreases. However, the radioactivity had dropped almost by half, while the M-3-G level had decreased only by about 15%. The loss of radioactivity observed here suggests that there is a very rapid reaction of anthocyanin at this point, but the small reduction of total M-3-G disproves this possibility. Another possibility is that the observed M-3-G in solution is equilibrating with a another pool that is not quantified in the analysis. For instance, if a substantial amount of M-3-G is bound to the grape solids, but equilibrating with the solution, then the hot M-3-G will be distributed into these two pools in the same proportion to their chemical concentrations. To test this theory we first have to know the total amount of anthocyanins present in the original fruit. This was determined by extraction and HPLC analysis of a replicate sample of grapes to be 681 mg/kg. At the 100 hour mark, the first time that the must was analyzed after the addition, the concentration of M-3-G was

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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336 mg/L, but the radioactivity level was 48% of the initial addition. So if there was a complete exchange at that point between the two pools of M-3-G, the total amount present in the system would be 697 mg/L, an amount very close to that observed by direct extraction of the berries. Therefore, at that point in time, it appeared that virtually all the anthocyanin from the skin was available, either in solution or in rapid equilibrium with an association to the solids. The fact that grape solids as well as yeast lees adsorb anthocyanins is no secret to winemakers, as these materials are always darkened by pigment when removed from a fermentation. Yeast lees also have been shown to adsorb anthocyanins (1), and grape solids have been shown to re-adsorb pigment (D. Block and D. Bone, personal communication). However, an estimate of the proportion of these losses as well as an estimate of the proportion of anthocyanin extracted has not previously been possible. In the next stage of the fermentation, from about 100 hours to 200, it is not possible to demonstrate whether the slopes of the continued slow decrease of both M-3-G and radioactivity levels are significantly different from each other, but it is also not possible to establish that they are in fact parallel to each other. If, in fact, M-3-G levels are dropping more quickly than the radioactivity, this would show that chemical transformation of anthocyanins is already happening over this short time span. On the other hand, if the two lines follow parallel

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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220 declines, it shows that there is no significant chemical change, and the decrease in M-3-G levels at this point is due to increasing loss due to solids binding caused by higher affinity. By the end of this period, the decrease with respect to the total M-3-G in grapes has increased from 48% to -60%. One explanation for this decrease could be precipitation of M-3-G or, more likely, co-precipitation with tannins or other lees. Recent reports have established that compounds like caffeic acid can increase the concentration of anthocyanins in solution (2), thus copigmentation could compete with the adsorption interaction described here and increase the amount of anthocyanins that remain in solution. The last stage of this experiment actually measured the changes in the first stage of aging, from pressing to 10 months later. Over this period of time there was virtually no change in radioactivity levels. This in itself was a bit surprising, as it might be expected that some lees formation during this time would have resulted in an adsorptive loss of M-3-G. As there was virtually no change in radioactivity, all the M-3-G present at press, as well as any transformed products present at that time, remained in solution. The actual chemical levels of M-3-G however, dropped dramatically. This clearly shows that there were significant chemical transformations during this period. However, since it was not possible to monitor the chemical forms of the radiolabeled substances, due to the high dilution of the labeled M-3-G in this experiment, the specific fate of the M-3-G cannot be determined. In summary, an adsorptive equilibrium between solids and liquid appears to be a major factor in limiting the concentration of pigments in young wine, and in the first few months of aging there are few losses of the original anthocyanin fragment, but significant transformation of them to different forms.

Aging Experiment In this experiment, the 3H-M-3-G was added to new Cabernet Sauvignon wine that had just completed malolactic fermentation. The wine was stored in small glass vials of approximately 2 mL volume, using duplicates for the control and each treatment. The vials were opened at each sampling point, but there was one extra set of single vials of each treatment that were opened at the end of the experiment, after 8 months aging. Samples were taken for radioactivity counts, spectral measurements, as well as chromatographic analyses where molecular size fraction were tested for radioactivity. The different treatments included temperature, with the control at 20°C, and treatments at 5°C and 35°C, seed tannin addition, chlorogenic acid addition, and pH adjustment from the control at 3.6 to both 3.1 and 4.1. Total tritium levels were quantified after 8 months of aging. The control wine lost 37% of its counts in solution demonstrating the large losses of the

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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221 original pigment molecules to the wine over this time period. Much more, 34%, was lost in the wine kept warm at 35°C, and much less, 14%, in the wine kept cool at 5°C. It is presumed that these losses were caused by precipitation of polymeric material, but other precipitations may have occurred, such as small amounts of lees settling or perhaps tartrate crystallization where these precipitates may have entrapped some of the original pigment. This result shows that losses over this period are significant, but are slightly different from the fermentation result above which showed no loss over a similar period, from press to 10 months of aging, where the above "fermentation" result was aged at 5°C but never opened during that time. The chlorogenic acid addition, seed addition, and the pH shift to 3.1 had no significant difference from the control experiments, but higher pH had higher losses. The liquid-liquid extraction procedure partitions the starting material (3Hmalvidin-3-glucoside in the iso-amyl alcoholfraction)fromsome of the products (polymeric pigments in the aqueous fraction). The proportions in the aqueous fraction, which is free of anthocyanin, varied from a low of 29% in the 5°C experiment to 64% in the seed experiment, Figure 2. The 35°C experiment, where no monomeric anthocyanin was present, only had 51% in the aqueous fraction. However, since prior work has shown by thiolysis of an iso-amyl




• 8


Τ = 35



cholorgenic Ο seed

• B

pH 3.1






Aqueous Phase Radioactivity (uCi/L) Figure 2. Fractionation ofRadioactivity into two phases after 8 months aging

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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222 alcohol extract have a degree of polymerization >1 (3), it is certain that some of the tritiated polymeric pigment products are extracted into the iso-amyl alcohol fraction. The fact that the 35°C treatment had such a large amount of counts in the organic fraction confirms that here the organic fraction was contaminated with much polymeric pigment. Alternatively, is also possible that at 3S°C, the polymeric pigment attains a form that is less polar, and thus more organic soluble than in the other treatments. One would expect that, in general, the increase in radioactivity in the polymerfractionswould be reflected with comparable increases in absorbance at 320 nm due to increased incorporation of malvidin-3-glucoside as a linked pigment. That trend is observed in general, but there are significant deviations. For example, the pH experiments retained similar amounts of radioactivity but the absorbance of these products at pH 3.6 was different, Figure 3. Because the response factor (absorbance per mol of malvidin-3-glucoside incorporated) is different, then the chemical composition of the pigmented polymers cannot be identical, either because there are different forms of polymeric pigments, or, more likely, different mixtures of these products. Looking at the 320 nm absorbance of the aqueous fraction under different pH conditions, one would expect that since all the anthocyanin has been

Ο ο pH 3.1








• pH 4.1


• Τ = 35 T








Aqueous Phase Radioactivity

Figure 3. Change in absorbance of aqueous phase fractions from pH 3.6 to 1.5

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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223 removed, there would be little pH response, an expected characteristic of polymeric pigment. However, as shown in Figure 3, there is a large variation in the response of different treatments to pH changes. Therefore these various results show a clear conversion to polymeric pigment, and that there are differences in the chemical structures of the polymeric pigment from the original anthocyanin. In particular, the molar absorptivity of the "anthocyanin" molecule drops dramatically when it is incorporated into a polymeric pigment. In addition, a comparison of different treatments shows that there must be at least two forms of pigment in the condensed anthocyanin, and these also differ in absorptivity. Two different structures have been identified in wine where malvidin-3-glucoside incorporated as a terminal unit and as an electrophile (flavene structure) (3). The absorbance of the first one should be pH dependent whereas the second one is colorless. Therefore, if these were the only possible structures, a young wine would be rich in structures with anthocyanin as terminal unit. As the wine ages, it would require condensation of the pigmented polymers where anthocyanin is a terminal unit into a flavene to produce a loss of absorbance while maintaining the amount of radioactivity. Other scenarios involve initial incorporation as a terminal anthocyanin unit, but followed by conversion to D-ring (vitisin) type linkages where pH sensitivity is lost. Using a normal-phase HPLC, which nominally separates tannins based on molecular size, we can observe very large differences in the proportions of small and large molecules which incorporate radioactivity, Figure 4. At the low temperature treatment, 5°C, there were very large proportions found in the monomer fraction, with decreasing proportions in progressively larger fractions. This was particularly notable at 4 months. After 7 months at 5°C, there was a shift to the next larger fraction, but still very small amounts at the highest molecular weight. In contrast, the warmest treatment, 35°C, even at 4 months, has very small amounts of counts in the monomer fraction, while the bulk of counts were in the highest molecular weight fraction. It was notable that the 7 month, 20°C sample was similar to the 4 month 35°C sample. A few assumptions must be made in order to interpret the differences between levels of radioactivity incorporation and absorbance of samples at 520 nm. First, it is assumed that the radioactivity is the true measure of anthocyanin incorporation. Second, when considering the absorbance, one has to take into account: 1) polymer pigments were already present when 3H-malvidin-3glucoside was added, 2) in the analysis by chromatography, the absorbance values are obtained at a much lower pH than wine pH. We presume this will enhance the absorbance of the monomerfractionso that its apparent contribution to wine color is magnified beyond its real value. These results clearly show that the fate of most anthocyanins during aging is the formation of higher molecular weight structures by two analytical procedures, chromatography and liquid extraction. The maximum amount of material incorporated into different

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure 4. Normal phase fractions of wines aged at different temperatures, comparing radioactivity content and absorbance. (Reproduced with permission from Am. J. Enol. Vitriculture, in press. Copyright 2004 American Society of Enology and Viticulture.)

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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225 oligomer and polymer structures was 85% at 20°C after 4 months although this value does not include material lost to precipitation. In addition, there are monomers still available for incorporation. It is likely that some of the compounds included in the oligomerfractionsare the result of condensation of anthocyanins with small molecules such as pyruvate. However, others have observed that even in fortified wine those amounts found are below 50 mg/L (4). The causes of tannin loss by precipitation has been discussed by Haslam (5) and the presence of polymerized anthocyanin in precipitate has been studied by Waters et al. (6). Therefore it is not surprising to observe a decrease of tritium in solution and particularly in the polymerfractionfor wine aged at 35°C for more than 7 months. To compare the effects of other treatments, the results shown in Figure 4 are derived from NP-HPLC and are taken after 4 months of aging, because at 20°C all treatments still have anthocyanins available for reaction, thus it is possible to compare the rate of reaction for the treatments. The absorbance of some of the fractions dropped even below the values at time 0 (when 3H-malvidin-3-glucoside was added), showing that the substances in these fractions are being either degraded or converted to low absorbing materials. The response factor parameter can also be used to compare monomer, oligomer and polymer fractions by HPLC. [need response factors in graph] Fraction A (containing monomers) had a higher response than the oligomer and polymer fractions even without considering that there was pigmented material already present before the addition of tritiated material. Another example is to compare the 5°C and 35°C samples after 7 months. There are clear differences in the amounts incorporated in the polymerfractionF, but they have similar values of absorbance. The first result to consider is that the transformation from monomeric anthocyanin to polymeric pigment is not affected substantially by pH, Figure 5. This is a striking result because many of the proposed reactions towards polymeric pigment are dependent on acid-catalyzed reactions. For instance, it is important to note that based on the equilibrium distribution of malvidin-3glucoside at 25°C calculated by Brouillard and Delaporte (7) the proportions of flavylium and the pseudobase (or carbinol) species depends on the pH. At pH 3.1, 21.8% of malvidin-3-glucoside is in the flavylium form while 68.5% is in the carbinol form. At pH 3.6, the values for flavylium and pseudobase forms are 8.1% and 80.4%, and at pH 4.1 2.7 % and 85.1% respectively. Changes in the chalcone and quinonoidal species are much smaller. With the lower pH having 8 times as much flavylium form present than the higher pH, it would be reasonable to expect a much faster rate of conversion if flavylium was a reactant, but the difference observed here is negligible, so it appears that the key reactions to form polymeric pigment do not involve the flavylium species (or it is not the limiting step). Another pH sensitive reaction intermediate would be the carbocation at the 4-position of a flavan-3-ol, formed by acid-catalyzed cleavage of a

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure 5. Normal phase fractions of wines aged at pH levels, comparing radioactivity content and absorbance. (Reproduced with permission from Am. J. Enol. Viniculture, in press. Copyright 2004 American Society ofEnology and Viticulture.)

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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227 proanthocyanindin linkage. If this cleavage was a rate-limiting step, its formation should be accelerated by about an order of magnitude between pH 4.1 and 3.1. Again, because the data clearly shows a very small effect of pH, the formation of such a carbocation cannot be a rate-limiting step. An additional intermediate that would be sensitive to pH is acetaldehyde. Its reaction with flavonoid is proposed to involve acid catalysis of a two-stage hydroxyalkylation reaction. Since a higher hydronium ion concentration does not enhance the reaction rate, the data suggest that the acetaldehyde bridged products are not significant components in pigmented tannin. The addition of seed extract containing tannins yielded higher levels of total soluble radioactivity after 8 months of aging. The amount of radioactivity was also higher in the aqueous fraction after the extraction procedure, by about the same amount, 4 μΟί/ί, while there was not increase in the organic fraction, so the increased retention of the original anthocyanin appears to be in the polymeric pigment fraction, Figure 2. This result concurs with previous reports which have shown that higher amount of tannins yielded more polymeric pigments (??Singleton and Trousdale 1992) in experiments with tannin-anthocyanin additions to white wine. It should be remembered that the control wine was able to incorporate 85% of the material after 4 months, probably because it had "adequate' tannin content (measured concentration of tannins at time 0 was 1.6 g/L). On the other hand, the amount measured chromatographically at the earlier time of 4 months in Figure 6 reveals lower levels of polymer, and higher levels of monomer. It would appear that the additional amount of tannin slowed the reaction of the anthocyanin with the tannin. This seems counter-intuitive, but the additional tannin could be acting as a preservative, reducing the concentration of reactive oxygen species that may be the anthocyanin-tannin reaction initiators. Seed extract may be preventing losses by precipitation of polymeric pigment, because it also contains flavan-3-ol monomers that can reduce the mean degree of polymerization of tannins (8). Even with the slower reaction, the ultimate result at 8 months was a higher amount of polymeric pigment. The purpose of the addition of chlorogenic acid was to compare a control wine with wine that had higher levels of copigmentation. In this treatment, there were small increases in incorporation of the label into polymeric pigment from the extraction data, but by chromatography there were no observable differences. Chlorogenic acid is not found in wine (but it is commercially available and is similar to the grape phenolic acid, caftaric acid), and the amount added immediately increased the absorbance at 520 nm by 1.4 units (20% increase versus the control), confirming its effect as a co-pigment. The additions where done post-fermentation, so the initial amount of anthocyanins is already set as opposed to pre-fermentation additions that could have promoted the extraction of more anthocyanins into wine (2). Perhaps as a consequence of that timing, chlorogenic acid did not favor or delay the rate of incorporation into tannins. Like the addition of seed extract, excess of chlorogenic acid may have prevented 9

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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Figure 6. Change in absorbance of aqueous phase fractions from pH 3.6 to 1.5. (Reproduced with permission from Am. J. Enol. Viniculture, in press. Copyright 2004 American Society ofEnology and Viticulture.)

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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229 oxidation because of the vicinal diphenols which could have slowed down the precipitation of pigmented polymers that were oxidized. When the samples were prepared, there was adequate material for a single additional set of treatments that were left unopened throughout the 7 months of observation. In the iso-amyl alcohol extraction, all of the treatments had higher concentration of radioactivity in solution than their air-exposed counterparts except for the experiment kept at 5°C that had only 1.4 pCi/L more in solution (4%). The increases of radioactivity in solution for the unexposed experiments compared to the exposed ranged from 16% (seed addition) to 54% (35°C). The increase in the aqueous fraction ranged from 16% (seed addition) to 89% (35°C). Thus, air exposure affects the amount of radioactivity found in solution. Of course, the amount of oxygen exposure that each of these wines experienced is not known, but this result suggests that reactions with oxygen can strongly affect the process. The fact that unexposed wine had more radioactivity in solution indicates that the precipitation of polymeric pigment occurred through an oxidation mechanism. This issue must be directly addressed in future studies. The amount of anthocyanins polymerized into high molecular weight structures is far larger than the amounts found by Remy et al. where only a small amount of anthocyanins are bound through C-4-C-8 or C-4-C-6 inter-flavonoid bond (3). The authors were able to account for less than 13 mg/L of malvidin-3glucoside when malvidin-3-glucoside is in the terminal position and only mass spectrometry identification was given for the flavene product. Rather than contradictory, the result here can be considered complementary. As the wine ages, the pigmented polymer appears first to possess flavylium structure which would produce an increase in response at low pH, but on aging, this characteristic is lost. Therefore, in a wine aged for two years (like the wine used by Remy et al.) the low amount of malvidin-3-glucoside recovered by thiolysis would be solely responsible for change in absorbance due to acidification. It also reflects a change in the composition of pigmented tannin. The rest of the malvidin-3-glucoside in Remy et al. could not be recovered by thiolysis, probably because it is in a flavene-type structure or there are additional linkages to the pigment such as vinyl condensation (9); (10). It has been reported that enzymatic oxidation of caffeic yields an o-quinone that will condense with malvidin-3-glucoside (11) and overall 520 nm absorbance decreases. Similarly,flavan-3-olscould also react with anthocyanins through an oxidized catechol ring (non-enzymatic formation). Such products would have bonds between the tannin and anthocyanins that cannot be cleaved by mild acid. It has been reported how wines produced from different vineyards produce consistent amounts of polymeric pigment, despite changes in the wine making practices (12). These results corroborate those, as in that experiment there was no treatment at particularly high or low temperatures. Keep in mind that these wines were exposed to higher oxygen concentrations than typical commercial practice, where the loss of polymer would proceed slower. Finally, it is

In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.

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230 important to remember that color is not the only sensory attribute associated with polymer pigment formation. Throughout aging, the astringency of wine decreases and formation of pigmented polymers and precipitation could be essential in that process. In conclusion, the aging experiments have revealed several important points. Anthocyanins react almost totally in a short period of time to create polymeric pigments and little is lost to simple degradation to other small molecules. A large fraction of these products are lost to precipitation in the early life of a wine, either due to direct precipitation or indirect co-precipitation. Many of the proposed reaction pathways may not be major contributors to the anthocyanintannin reaction because the reaction kinetics of polymeric pigment formation appear to be insensitive to pH. Finally, though observed without proper controls, oxygen has a strong effect on the observed reactions, perhaps more so than in winemaking practice. Future studies should address oxygen exposure directly as well as an analysis of precipitate where it appears a substantial amount of product resides.

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In Red Wine Color; Waterhouse, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004.