The Feasibility of Predicting Properties of N, F Oxidizers by Quantum

The authors should like to thank R. Daudel, Director, Centre de. Mécanique .... -23.87838674. -18.95929813. Eigenvectors. Quant. No. Atom nlm. Ν. 20...
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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 28, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1966 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1966-0054.ch002

The Feasibility of Predicting Properties of N, F Oxidizers by Quantum Chemical Calculations JOYCE J. K A U F M A N , LOUIS A . B U R N E L L E , and J O N R. H A M A N N Research Institute for Advanced Studies, Martin Co., Baltimore, M d .

In this research on N, F compounds we examined such properties as relative stabilities, possible existence of new species, ionization potentials, electron affinities, π-bonding, and charge distributions through extended Hückel LCAO­ -MO calculations and through analysis of the calculated wave functions and energy levels. It has been possible to: (1) predict the order of the N — F bond lengths in NF , NF , trans-N F and cis-N F and of the N—N bond lengths in cis- and trans-N F (before knowing experimental results); (2) predict the greater stability of cis-N F relative to transN F ; (3) reproduce the experimental ionization potential of NF ; (4) predict the order of the symmetric N—F stretch frequencies in NF , NF , trans-N F , N F , and cis-N F ; (5) verify the supposition of π-bonding in NF and NF leading to a greater N — F bond dissociation energy in these species than in NF . 2























' T ' h i s research conducts a quantum chemical investigation of energetic N , F compounds to provide insight into the fundamental bonding and behavior of these species. This insight is necessary for guiding and plan­ ning the overall experimental research project in the oxidizer field. Our original theoretical interest in N , F compounds was stimulated by the observation of an apparently anomalous pattern i n bond dissocia­ tion energies of some of these compounds. I n 1961 at an American Chemical Society Symposium on Chemical Bonding i n Inorganic Systems, C. B . Colburn of Rohm and Haas at Huntsville mentioned that while the Ν—H dissociation energies i n N H were D ( H N — H ) > D ( H N — H ) > D ( N — H ) , i n N F the order was D ( F N — F ) < D ( F N — F ) . A t that time we postulated that the reason must largely be caused b y the fact that 3





Holzmann; Advanced Propellant Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.




Predicting Ν, F Oxidizers

although there is virtually no ^-bonding i n N F , there must be a consider­ able amount of F - » Ν îr-bonding i n N F which is planar (15). (Our subsequent calculations have confirmed this F -> Ν π-bonding i n N F . ) ir-Bonding i n N F would increase the N—F bond strength over that i n N F . The close agreement of ionization potentials of N F and N H were also predicted as being caused by F —> Ν ττ-bonding i n N F and N F . ( Incidentally, it seemed likely that there would also be F - » Ν ττ-bonding in Ν—F, which has also been corroborated subsequently by our calcula­ tions. ) In this class of compounds, there are many interesting properties whose solutions, using approximate wave functions, may yield sufficiently accurate results to permit interpretation of the desired phenomena. F o r this reason we have performed calculations using the semiempirical "ex­ tended H u c k e l method," modified to include a seemingly more justifiable physical interpretation of the matrix elements as well as iterative processes which introduce a measure of self-consistency. W e shall discuss this method i n detail later, present some results of the calculations, and show their good agreement with experimental results. 3







Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 28, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1966 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1966-0054.ch002




Calculational Techniques Good, rigorous S C F calculations on polyatomic molecules are long, difficult, and tedious to program and inevitably expensive i n computer time. What we needed was a simple semiempirical approximate method for three-dimensional molecular orbital calculations. In recent years increasing use has been made of an extended H u c k e l type L C A O - M O method for calculating wave functions and energies of three-dimensional molecules (as opposed to molecules having separable τΓ-systems). This extended Hiickel-type method is based on a technique apparently originally introduced by Wolfsberg and Helmholz (23) and used over the years by Longuet-Higgins (18), extensively by Lipscomb and co-workers, (8, 9, 12, 16, 17) especially by Hoffman (8, 9, 10, 11) as well as by Ballhausen and Gray ( J ) . F r o m a molecular orbital φ* built up as a linear combination of atomic orbitals χ Γ


and by applying the variation principle for the variation of energy, the following set of equations for the expansion coefficients is obtained. («r + ESrr)c + £ T



ES ,)c. = 0 r


s = 1,2 ...

M where M is the number of atomic orbitals

Ε = energy

Holzmann; Advanced Propellant Chemistry Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1966.





Hrr =» a


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on September 28, 2016 | Publication Date: January 1, 1966 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1966-0054.ch002



= 0„ =

= overlap integral


= SxSWxAv = Coulomb integral fxr*3Cxdv


= Resonance integral (r 5* J )


χ is an effective one-electron Hamiltonian representing the kinetic energy, the field of the nuclei, and the smoothed-out distribution of the other electrons. The diagonal elements are set equal to the effective valence state ionization potentials of the orbitals i n question. The off-diagonal ele­ ments, H can be evaluated i n several ways as follows: ( 1 ) I n the early work on the boron hydrides the relationship r89

H. r

= K'S„


with K! = —21 e.v. was used. However, one was forced to use inordi­ nately high values of K! owing to the requirement that K' be smaller than any diagonal matrix element ( L — H + R ) ( I S ) . ( 2 ) A better approximation was to set Hr. = O.SK(Hrr +

and to use Κ = (1.75-2.00) ( W - f f )




(3) A similar expression, H. r



which differs only i n second order and has certain computational ad­ vantages, has also been used ( I ). (4) Cusachs reported (4) that the repulsive terms i n the W-H model which assumes that electron repulsion and nuclear repulsion cancel n u ­ clear-electron attraction, consist of one-electron antibonding terms only. Cusachs noted Ruedenberg's observation that the two-center kinetic energy integral is proportional to the square of the overlap integral rather than the first power. Cusachs used this to develop the approximation: H„






which contains no undetermined parameters and avoids collapse. (5) A t Istanbul F u k u i (5) also reported a new scheme H„


j i (H„

+ H)

+ K^S




for approximating the off-diagonal elements. Since the valence state ionization potentials are known to be func­ tions of the electron population at that atom, we have introduced iterative schemes for calculating H such as Equations 11 and 12: rr





~ (»r. ~ 9r ' W R l


where R is the iteration cycle number, r refers to orbital a on atom r, m is the occupation number for that orbital i n the ground state, q is some function of the population i n that o r b i t a l and W is an empirical constant. a

