The fifth census of graduate research students in chemistry, 1928

The fifth census of graduate research students in chemistry, 1928. Clarence J. West, and Callie Hull. J. Chem. Educ. , 1929, 6 (8), p 1338. DOI: 10.10...
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THE FIFTH CENSUS OF GRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENTS IN CHEMISTRY, 1928 CLARENCE J. WEST AND CALLIE HULL,RESEARCR INPORMATION SERVICE, NATIONAL RESEARC~ Cowcn, WASHINGTON, D. C. The Census of Graduate Research Students in Chemistry, 1928, continues the annual compilation which was first issued in 1924.' It is interesting to note the steady growth in the number of students in American universities who are undertaking research in the various fields of chemistry: 1700 in 1924, 1763 in 1925, 1882 in 1926, 1934 in 1927, 2071 in 1928. Apparently no one field of chemistry has made any special stride in the number of men whom i t interests, as all of them fluctuate from year to year. Practically the same number of universities report annually. One hundred and thiiy-seven are represented in the 1928 compilation, though 19 of these have only reported members of the faculty engaged in chemical research. This year the name of the Head of the Department of Chemistry (Table I) is again included; this list should prove a useful guide, and should also serve as an authority for the statistics. TABLEI1 IN RESEARCH IN VARIOUSFIELDS OR NUMBER orr GRADUATE STUDENTS ENGAGED CHEMISTRY Subject

General and Physical




406 183 86 31 27 9 18 6 25 12 13 10 PhotoehemistryandPhotography 22 5 Inorganic 124 55 Analytical 96 50 Metallurgical 22 16 Organic 668 300 Physiological 146 70 Pharmacological 11 2 Pharmaceutical 16 9 Sanitary 30 20 Nutrition 52 24 Food 52 29 Agricultural 111 42 Industrial and Engineering 156 97

Colloid Catalysis Subatomic and Radio Electra-inorganic Electra-organic




223 218 55 31 24 18 12 14 13 17 13 3 17 17 69 62 82 46 6 18 368 222 76 110 9 19 14 7 10 8 28 28 24 23 59 76 59 92 - -- 2071 970 1101 1089


1928 1925 1924 Total Total Total

430 79 28 21 21 11 25 116 75 21 570 134 7 14 25 58 27 89 1

343 58 31 21 32 13 25 109 54 34 475 207 14 21 11 51 37 72 274


332 77 33 27 42 14 19 86 44 28 430 196 20 39 12 76 49 55 184 --1934 1882 1763

240 69 51 20 38 18 24 101 71 38 422 172 30 20 9 48 35 91 203 1700

Zanetti, Ind. Eng. Chem., 16, 402 (1924). Norris, Ifid., 17, 755 (1925). West and Hull, THEJOURNAL, 4, 909 (July, 1927); 5, 882 Uuly, 1928).

VOL.6, NOS.7 AND 8



I t should be mentioned that in Tables I1 and 111, while a column is given to the faculty, the numbers given there are not included in the totals, as those numbers refer only t o the graduate students, and are comparable with the totals for the previous years. An effort has again been made to eliminate the counting of one person more than once. However, it is not always possible t o detect such errors of listing, and the compilation is offered with the hope that, in the future, the heads of the chemical departments will see that this interpretation is strictly followed. TABLE 111 Nonrssn OF GRADUATE STUDENTS DOINGCHEHICAL RESEARCH, BY STATES State


Alabama Arizona Arkansas California* Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon

8 4 6 68 24 48 0 35 8 0 0 0 286 54 177 32 7 25 3 62 108 56 82 3 66 31 1 2 52 0 279 29 1 116 15 6


8 3 6 31 11 9 0 20 8 0 0 0 102 32 75 23

7 25 3 17 44 26 28 3 42 24 1 2 20 0 95 13 1 57 15 6



0 1 0 37 13 39 0 15 0 0 0 0 184 22 102 9 0 0 0 45 64 30 54 0 24 7 0 0 32 0 184 16 0 59 0 0

F 8 9 8 36 10 27 2 18 6 3 3 6 78 21 48 25 5 17

7 22 82 20 69 5 48 14 3 1. 44 4 126 17 2 48 6 4



10 4 2 106 23 32 1

36 10 0 0 2 250 48 174 49 2 30 2 52 101 86

43 2 60 27 2 1 50 0 208 34 3 131 9 6



5 3 2 91 25 57 1 17 7 0 2 0 241 18 140 22 6 20 2 47 197 84 46 2 57 25 2 1 30 0 265 23 1 123 11 5



3 6 0 120 26 60 0 15 5 7 1 0 203 20 125 23 13 20 5 43 180 66 6 0 37 21 3 0 18 1 214 25 8 118 13 9



11 3 2 118 26 55 0 10 4 4 2 2 175 26 104 3 12 18 10 39 189 48 94 1 52 21 3 3 24 0 200 14 3 85 15 8