The First Bisw-oxo)diiron(III) - American Chemical Society

1995,117, 1169-1170. 1169. The First Bisw-oxo)diiron(III) Complex. Structure and Magnetic Properties of. [Fez@ -0)~(6TLA)zl(C104)2. Yan Zang, Yanhong ...
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J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1995,117,1169-1170


The First Bisw-oxo)diiron(III) Complex. Structure and Magnetic Properties of [Fez@-0)~(6TLA)zl(C104)2 Yan Zang, Yanhong Dong, and Lawrence Que, Jr.* Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455


Karl Kauffmann and Eckard Munck* Department of Chemistry, Camegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Received October 17,1994

The bis@-oxo)dimetal core is a common structural motif for higher valent dinuclear manganese complexes's2 and is believed to be present in the active sites of Mn catalase3 and the oxygenFigure 1. ORTEP drawing of the cation of 2 with atom labeling scheme. evolving complex of photosynthesis! Crystallographically Selected bond lengths (A) and bond angles (deg) are as follows: Fel-01, characterized examples of such cores for iron are thus far 1.841(4); Fel-01', 1.917(4);Fel-N1,2.192(5); Fel-Nl1,2.272(5); FelN21, 2.249(4); Fel-N31, 2.252(5); Fel-Fel', 2.714(2); Fel-01-Fel', unknown; however, bis@-oxo)diiron species have recently been 92.5(2); N21-Fel-01, 166.8(2); N21A-FelA-O1A', 105.7(2). suggested as possible intermediates in the oxygen activation mechanism of methane mono~xygenase.~,~ Our interest in this of a second oxo bridge that mitigates the Lewis acidity of the subject has led to the isolation of a high-valent intermediate iron center. In agreement with this notion, the Fe-p-0 and formulated as a bis@-oxo)diiron(III,IV) complex on the basis average Fe-N bonds of its conjugate acid 1 are shorter than of a number of spectroscopic measuremenk6 We have also those of 2 (Table 1).8 Similarly, the average Mn-p-0 bond characterized the complex [F~z(O)(OH)(~TLA)Z](C~O~)~ (1),7 found for [Mnm2@-O)2] complexes (1.84 is noticeably the only diiron complex with a @-oxo)@-hydroxo)diiron(III) longer than that found for [Mnm2@-O)] complexes (av 1.79 A).* core.8 Treatment of 1 with 1 equiv of Et3N affords [Fez(O)zSecondly, the Fe-0-Fe angle of 92.5(2)" is the smallest for (6TLA)2](ClO& (2)? the frst complex with a bis@-0xo)diiron@-oxo)diiron(m)complexes and may reflect increased repulsion (III) core. We describe its structural and magnetic properties between the two oxo bridges. Thirdly, the oxo bridges of 2 here. have a significant asymmetry (AT= 0.076 A); this asymmetry The crystal structure of 2,1°shown in Figure 1, consists of a may be an intrinsic feature of the Fez02 rhomb, as suggested centrosymmetric Fe2@-0)2 rhomb with the 6TLA nitrogens from a comparison with Fez@-OH)2 and Fe2@-OR)2 complexes, completing the coordination sphere of each metal center. which have comparable Ar values.12 In contrast, the [Mnm2Compared to diiron(II1) complexes with a single oxo bridge,' @ - 0 ) 2 ] complexes do not exhibit such pronounced asymmetry.2 2 exhibits some unique structural features. Firstly, the FeLastly, the Fe-Fe separation decreases from 2.95(1) 8, in 1 to p-0 bonds of 2, namely 1.841(4) 8, for the Fe-p-0 bond trans 2.714(2) 8, in 2, making the latter the smallest separation to the amine nitrogen and 1.917(4) 8, for the Fe-p-0 bond observed for a @-oxo)diiron(III)unit" but comparable to those trans to one of the pyridines, are significantly longer than those observed for [Mn2@-0)#+ (n = 2, 3, 4) complexes.lP2 This of any @-oxo)diiron(III) complex (range 1.73-1.83 A).'' We shortening of the metal-metal distance upon deprotonation has attribute the lengthening of the Fe-p-0 bonds to the presence also been observed for the series [Mn~~-OH)~(salpn)zl~', [Mnz(1) Wieghardt, K. Angew. Chem., In?. Ed. Engl. 1989, 28, 1153- 1172. @-O)@-OH)(salpn)~l+, and [Mn~Cu-O>~(salpn)~l.'~ (2) (a) Goodson, P. A,; Oki, A. R.; Glerup, J.; Hodgson, D.J. J . Am. Polycrystalline 2 exhibits a 4.2 K zero field Mossbauer Chem. SOC.1990,112,6248-6254. (b) Glerup, J.; Goodson, P. A,; Hazell, A,; Hazell, R.; Hodgson, D. J.; McKenzie, C. J.; Michelsen, K.; Rychlewska, spectrum (Figure 2A) consisting of one sharp doublet with AEQ U.; Toftlund, H. Inorg. Chem. 1994,33,4105-4111. = 1.93 d s and 6 = 0.50 d s (relative to Fe metal at 298 (3) Waldo, G. S . ; Yu, S.; Penner-Hahn, J. E. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1992, 114, 5869-5870. K). Its 8.0 T spectrum (Figure 2B) exhibits a pattern typical (4) (a) Klein, M. P.; Sauer, K.; Yachandra, V. K. Photosynth. Res. 1993, 6 , S = 0 at of a diamagnetic complex. These properties (UQ, 38, 265-277. (b) Penner-Hahn, J. E.; Fronko, R. M.; Pecoraro, V. L.; 4.2 K) are very similar to those observed for the antiferromagYocum, C. F.; Betts, S . D.;Bowlby, N. R. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1990, 112, netically coupled diiron(III) sites of iron-oxo proteins and 2549-2557. (5)Feig, A. L.; Lippard, S . J. Chem. Rev. 1994, 94, 759-805. relevant model compounds including l.5-8314 However, 1 and 2 (6) Dong, Y.; Fujii, H.; Hendrich, M. P.; Leising, R. A.; Pan, G.; Randall, differ from other @-oxo)diiron complexes in their magnetic C. R.; Wilkinson, E. C.; Zang, Y.; Que, L., Jr.; Fox, B. G.; Kauffmann, K.; properties. The temperature dependence of the magnetic Miinck, E. J. Am. Chem. Soc., submitted. (7) Abbreviations used: HBpz3, hydrotris(pyrazoly1)borate anion; HPTB, susceptibility of 2, shown in Figure 3, is best fit with J = +54N,"~-tetrakis(2-benzimidazolyl)- 1,3-diamin0-2-hydroxypropane; salpn, (8) cm-' (H = JS&). Independently, we have determined J N,N-(l,3-propane)bis(salicylideneamine); 6TLA, tris(6-methylpyridyl-2with Mossbauer spectro~copy,'~ obtaining J = +68(10) cm-'. methy1)amine. (8) Zang, Y.; Pan, G.; Que, L., Jr.; Fox, B. G.; Miinck, E. J. Am. Chem.

TOP 1994 I16 3653-3654. 3653-3654 SOC. 1994, __ - _,116, ------ .. _ _ _ /

(9) Anal. for 2.2THF.2HzO. 2.2THF-2HzO. Calcd for C S O H ~ S C ~ Z F ~C, Z N50.56; S~~~: H, 5.73; N, 9.43. Found: C, 50.76; H, 5.60; N, 9.47. UV-vls (CH3CN): 320 nm ( E = 4200 M-' cm-'), 375 nm (sh, E 2000 M-' cm-'), 470 nm M-I cm-'1. cm-I). Caution! Metal complexes with organic ( E = 560 M-' - ligands and perchlorate anions are potentially explosive. (10) crystal data for 2.2THF (C&&zClzFe~Ns01~, F W 1151.70) at 173 K: dark red wedges, monoclinic, space group P21/n (No. 14), a = 13.222( 5 ) A, b = 14.062(7) A, c = 14.82(1) A, B = 112.76(6)', V = 2540(5) A3, 2 = 2. For 3081 unique, observed reflections with I > 2~(1)and 334 parameters, the current discrepancy indices are R = 0.065, Rw = 0.066. (11) Kurtz, D. M., Jr. Chem. Rev. 1990, 90, 585-606.


(12) (a) Thich, J. A.; Ou, C. C.; Powers, D.;Vasiliou, B.; Mastropaolo, D.;Potenza, J. A,; Schugar, H. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1976, 98, 14251433. (b) Borer, L.; Thalken, L.; Ceccarelli, C.; Glick, M.; Zhang, J. H.; Reiff, W. M. Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22, 1719-1724. (c) Walker, J. D.;Poli, R. Inorg. Chem. 1990, 29, 756-761. (d) Mbnage, S . ; Que, L., Jr. Inorg. Chem. 1990, 29, 4293-4297. (13) Baldwin, M. J.; Stemmler, T. L.; Riggs-Gelasco, P. J.; Kirk, M. L.; Penner-Hahn, J. E.; Pecoraro, V. L. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1994,116, 1134911356. (14) Que, L., Jr.; True, A. E. In Progress in Inorganic Chemistry; Lippard, S . J., Ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1990; Vol. 38; pp 97-200.

0002-7863/95/1517-1169$09.00/00 1995 American Chemical Society

1170 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 117, No. 3, 1995

Communications to the Editor

Table 1. Comparison of the Properties of 1 and 2 Property r(Fe-p-0). 8, r(Fe-p-OH), 8, av r(Fe-N), 8, r(Fe-Fe) LFe-p-0-Fe (deg) 6 ("/s) AEQ ( w s ) J (cm-', H = JS1*S2)



1.82a 1.99" 2.2@ 2.95( l)b

1.841(4), 1.917(4) 2.24 2.714(2) 92.5(2) 0.50 1.93 61'

106" 0.51 1.66 112

Derived from EXAFS data from ref 8. Derived from crystallographic data from ref 8. Average of values from susceptibility and Mossbauer studies.

















2 VELOCITY (mm/s) -2









Figure 2. 4.2 K Mossbauer spectra of polycrystalline 1 recorded in zero field (A) and in a parallel applied field of 8.0 T (B). The solid line in (A) is a least-squares fit to one quadrupole doublet. The solid and 4 = line in (B) is a spectral simulation for AEQ = f 1 . 9 3 "/s 0.8, assuming an isolated ground state with S = 0.





g ga




0.0060 0.0040


49 cm-I for [F~~(~,~-M~zHPTB)(OH)(NO~)Z](NO~)~) and @hydroxo)diiron(III) (34 cm-' for [ F ~ ~ ( O ~ ~ ) ( O Z C C H ~ ) ~ ( ~ ~ Z ~ Clod) c ~ m p l e x e s . ~ ~ J * @-Oxo)diiron(III)complexes have J values ranging from 180 to 250 cm-l.ll The J value is thought to reflect essentially the exchange pathway through the oxo bridge and should depend on the Fe-0 bond lengths and the Fe-0-Fe angle. It has been noted that J is not very sensitive to the Fe-0-Fe angle. This insensitivity has been rationalized by Girerd et al., who considered the angular dependence of the z2-z2, xz-xz, and z2-xz interactions for angles from 120" to 180".19 Since 2 has two p-oxo exchange pathways, one might have expected a substantially larger J than observed for complexes with only one oxo bridge. However, it has been noted by Gorun and Lippard that J decreases sharply (roughly exponentially) with the length of the shortest Fe-0-Fe pathway?O Thus the longer Fe-0-Fe bonds found for 1 and 2 would be expected to give rise to smaller J values. Interestingly, the J values of 1 and 2 are even smaller than predicted by the correlation of Gorun and Lippard (170 and 80 cm-' based on average Fe-0 distances of 1.82 and 1.88 A, respectively). Since 1 and 2 represent the first @-oxo)diiron(III) complexes with such acute Fe-0-Fe angles, it is likely that these smaller angles play a role in the weakening of the antiferromagnetic interaction. In conclusion, we have synthesized the fvst bis@-oxo)diiron(III)complex and found it to have novel structural and magnetic properties. These provide benchmarks with which to judge the proposition that such cores may participate in the oxygen activation mechanisms of methane monooxygenase and related enzymes. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM 38767 to L.Q.and GM 22701 to E.M.). We are grateful to Professor J. D. Britton for his expertise and assistance in the X-ray diffraction experiments and a reviewer for pointing out the notion that the repulsion between the two oxo bridges may contribute to the acute Fe-0-Fe angle observed. Supplementary Material Available: Tables of the atomic coordinates, thermal parameters, bond lengths, and bond angles for [Fez(0)~(6TLA)~](C104)2 (13 pages). This material is contained in many libraries on microfiche, immediately follows this article in the microfilm version of the journal, and can be ordered from the ACS; see any current masthead page for ordering information. JA943386K


(15) Determination of J by Mossbauer spectroscopy is possible because the 57Fenucleus senses an internal magnetic field when paramagnetic excited states of the spin ladder become thermally populated. In the high0 50 100 150 200 250 300 temperature limit and for fast spin relaxation, the internal field, Hint,for the present system is related to the molar susceptibility x by Hint= xHaPplA/ T (K) (2h'g$#, where A is the magnetic hyperfine coupling constant of the hghspin Fe . Using A = -29 MHz, a value typical for octahedral NIO Figure 3. Magnetic susceptibility data for 1and 2. The dots represent coordination,16J was determined by fitting a series of HaP1 = 8.0 T spectra experimental data. Solid lines were calculated with the expressions of 2j3HTp1-Si}, recorded between 4.2 and 150 K to H = JS& + Z{S;D:Si ref 21 for 1using g = 2.0, J = $113 cm-', a monomeric high-spin with i = 1,2; for J = 68 cm-I and DI = D2 = 0, this Hamiltonian gives a Feu impurity @ = 0.002, and diamagnetic correction for sample holder readily observable Hint= -0.6 T at 100 K. For T > 50 K and IDiJ< 5 cm-', the Mossbauer spectra are essentially independent of Di. and sample, 0 cm2/mol. Solid lines were calculated with the expressions (16) Juarez-Garcia, C.; Hendrich, M. P.; Holman, T. R.; Que, L., Jr.; of ref 21 for 2 using g = 2.0, J = $54 cm-', e = 0.014, and Miinck, E. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1991, 113, 518-525. diamagnetic correction for sample holder and sample, -0.0015 cm2/ (17) (a) Chen, Q.; Lynch, J. B.; Gomez-Romero, P.; Ben-Hussein, A.; mol. Jameson, G. B.; O'Connor, C. J.; Que. L., Jr. Znorg. Chem. 1988,27,26732681. (b) Brennan, B. A.; Chen, Q.; Juaxez-Garcia, C.; True, A. E.; O'Connor, C. J.; Que, L., Jr. Inorg. Chem. 1991,30, 1937-1943. For comparison, the susceptibility data for 1 are also shown in (18) Armstrong, W. H.; Lippard, S. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1984, 106, Figure 3; they are best fit with J = +113(10) cm-'. The J 4632-4633. values of 1 and 2 are significantly smaller than those of all other (19) Hotzelmann, R.; Wieghardt, K.; Florke, U.; Haupt, H.-J.; Weatherburn, D. C.; Bonvoisin, J.; Blondin, G.; Girerd, J . 4 . J . Am. Chem. SOC. @-oxo)diiron(III) complexes.'' Indeed, the J value of the bis1992. 114. 3681-1696. .-, . .. , . .- . ... .. @-oxo) complex 2 approaches values observed for @-alkoxo)(20)Gorun, S. M.; Lippard, S.J. Znorg. Chem. 1991, 30, 1625-1630. diiron(1II) (52 cm-' for [F~ZHPTB(OZCC~H~-~-F)~](C~O~)~, and (21) O'Connor, C. J. Prog. Znorg. Chem. 1982, 29, 203-283. 0.0
