GRAM-PAC First major improvement reagent packaging in years
This completely sealed, tough, laminated package eliminates the traditional (and expensive) quarter-pound bottle. I t eliminates overlapping sizes, cuts ordering costs, reduces shipping costs and there is no breakage t o contend with. GRAM-PAC permits t h e packaging of "individual" amounts of reagents for easier distribution and greater laboratory convenience. They are packed 10 PACS t o a box and 12 boxes t o a case. Eventually, all Fisher Certified Reagents will be available in t h e inexpensive, contaminant-free GRAM-PAC, including t h e nearly 200 chemicals specified by the American Chemical Society. Another "first" from the Fisher Chemical Manufacturing Division . . . to make life easier . . . for you. WHAT
1. P O L Y E T H Y L E N E , next tO reagent, for chemical inertness 2 . A L U M I N U M F O I L , for strength and insulation 3 . A C E T A T E , for waterproofing
F R E E S A M P L E a GRAM-PAC of Fisher Certified Reagent Sodium Hydroxide, ACS, is waiting for you. Write today to Fisher Scientific, 717 Forbes St., Pittsburgh 19, Pa., ask for "Sample GP 13
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