shows h o w FLAME RETARDANCY TEST 3 lacquers were formulated using same basic formula with exception of plasticizer. In Case A , i t was Celluflex CEF; Case B, tricresyl phos phate; Case C, dibutyl phthalate. Lacquers were sprayed on panels, then ignited for 7 seconds. Upon removal of flame, Panels Β and C continued to burn but Panel A (Celluflex CEF lacquer) extinguished itself within 2 seconds!
GYMNASIUM BLEACHERS finished with Armstrong Fire-Resistant Lacquer to prevent the spread of fire. Wrth this clear-lacquer, all types of pufclic facilities cahlbè^rriadef^ seats^. assem-
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bly hall chairs, school desks, church pews. It can also be used on furniture, kitchen cabinets, plywood and wood paneling and convention hall booths. Photo courtesy o f t h e Universal Bleacher C o . of C h a m p a i g n , I I I .
Ramond J. Often, Lacquer Research Director, Armstrong Paint and Vfarimh Work», Chicago, Illinois "Only CELLUFLEX CEF gives cur lacquer the effective Homes-re· tardancyde*ired.„"-MR,OrTEN " I n developing Armstrong IFire· Resistant Lacquer,we te$*ed many flame retardants. But not «ontil we formulated with Cellacfle>c